994 resultados para Redstone Arsenal (Ala.)


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Se describe a Cheiropteronema striatum sp. nov. parásita del murciélago Artibeus planirostris (Spix, 1823). Se caracteriza por presentar vesícula cefálica estriada, superficie de los huevos con puntuaciones, espículas iguales, nacimiento simétrico del ala espicular, particular disposición y número de crestas del synlophe y por carecer de diente esofágico. Es la segunda especie del género y la primera que se registra en quirópteros frugívoros de la Argentina.


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Se encontraron tres especies nuevas de Drosophila entre los individuos colectados en diferentes localidades del Ecuador. Una de las especies nuevas pertenecen al grupo Drosophila willistoni y otra al grupo Drosophila asiri, la tercera especie se encuentra sin agrupar. En todos los muestreos realizados se usaron trampas fabricadas con botellas de plástico agujereadas con cebo de banano y levadura. Las tres especies son: D. (Sophophora) neocapnoptera sp. nov., esta especie es similar a D. capnoptera Patterson & Mainland, 1944, sin embargo presentan algunas diferencias en el ala que permiten distinguirlas. Drosophila (Drosophila) neoasiri sp. nov., una especie similar a D. asiri Vela & Rafael, 2005, la diferencia más relevante entre las dos especies se observa a nivel del edeago y Drosophila (Drosophila) papallacta sp. nov. que por el momento no se encuentra relacionada a ningún grupo de especies del género Drosophila.


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I - No Bradypus tridactylus os X, direito e esquerdo, reunem-se em alça pré-esophageana. II - O nivel de formação desta alça variou nos dois casos estudados pelo autor, assim como a disposição dos ramos que della partiam. III - Ambos devem, pois, concorrer á constituição das rêdes anastomoticas terminaes vago-orthosympathicas. IV - Foi impossivel ao autor, mesmo com o auxilio de lentes, individualizar fibras vagaes na continuidade da intricada malha nervosa aortico-visceral, dependente do plexo solar.


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We have suggested previously that both the negatively and positively charged residues of the highly conserved Glu/Asp-Arg-Tyr (E/DRY) motif play an important role in the activation process of the alpha(1b)-adreneric receptor (AR). In this study, R143 of the E/DRY sequence in the alpha(1b)-AR was mutated into several amino acids (Lys, His, Glu, Asp, Ala, Asn, and Ile). The charge-conserving mutation of R143 into lysine not only preserved the maximal agonist-induced response of the alpha(1b)-AR, but it also conferred high degree of constitutive activity to the receptor. Both basal and agonist-induced phosphorylation levels were significantly increased for the R143K mutant compared with those of the wild-type receptor. Other substitutions of R143 resulted in receptor mutants with either a small increase in constitutive activity (R143H and R143D), impairment (R143H, R143D), or complete loss of receptor-mediated response (R143E, R143A, R143N, R143I). The R413E mutant displayed a small, but significant increase in basal phosphorylation despite being severely impaired in receptor-mediated response. Interestingly, all the arginine mutants displayed increased affinity for agonist binding compared with the wild-type alpha(1b)-AR. A correlation was found between the extent of the affinity shift and the intrinsic activity of the agonists. The analysis of the receptor mutants using the allosteric ternary complex model in conjunction with the results of molecular dynamics simulations on the receptor models support the hypothesis that mutations of R143 can drive the isomerization of the alpha(1b)-AR into different states, highlighting the crucial role of this residue in the activation process of the receptor.


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Il a été estimé qu'approximativement 14-20% des patients atteints d'ischémie sévère des membres inférieurs ne sont pas candidats à un traitement chirurgical convention-nel (reconstruction artérielle distale) ou endovasculaire, en raison de l'occlusion des artères distales. Dans cette situation, très peu d'alternatives existent et une amputation est habituellement nécessaire.1 Nous reportons ici une série de 18 jambes revascularisées par artérialisation veineuse du pied, comme ultime geste de sauvetage du membre. Tous les pontages ont pu être effectués avec des résultats immédiats satisfaisants, sans complication intra-opératoire. A 30 jours, la perméabilité primaire était de 100% et le taux de préservation de membre de 94%. Lors du suivi moyen de 24 mois (3-49) le taux de préservation de membre était de 88% et les perméabilités primaire et secondaire de 78% et 94% respectivement. Globalement la survie globale était de 94% et le taux de survie sans amputation de 83%. La place de cette technique reste peu claire. Des travaux expérimentaux analysant les mécanismes impliqués dans l'artérialisation d'une veine ainsi que des études prospectives de qualité sont nécessaires pour évaluer la place réelle de cette technique dans l'arsenal thérapeutique.


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Depuis plus de 10 ans les modèles numériques d'altitude (MNA) produits par technologie de « light detection and ranging » (« LIDAR ») ont fourni de nouveaux outils très utiles pour des études géomorphologiques, particulièrement dans le cas des glissements de terrain. Le balayage laser terrestre (« TLS ») permet une utilisation très souple. Le TLS peut être employé pour la surveillance ou dans des situations d'urgence qui nécessitent une acquisition rapide d'un MNA afin d'évaluer l'aléa. Au travers de trois exemples, nous démontrons l'utilité du TLS pour la quantification de volumes de glissements de terrain, la création de profils et l'analyse de séries temporelles. Ces études de cas sont des glissements de terrain situés dans les argiles sensibles de l'est du Canada (Québec, Canada) ou de petits glissements rotationnels dans les berges d'une rivière (Suisse).


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(Résumé seulement en français) Dans l'arsenal de l'exégèse biblique, l'A. a choisi la méthodologie narrative pour s'essayer à une relecture du NT. Dans un premier temps, il en expose les principes. Puis il passe à leur application dans une comparaison entre les Evangiles de Matthieu et de Marc. Ensuite, il mesure la valeur et les limites d'une telle méthodologie. Enfin, il établit une synthèse


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The Na,K-ATPase is a major ion-motive ATPase of the P-type family responsible for many aspects of cellular homeostasis. To determine the structure of the pathway for cations across the transmembrane portion of the Na,K-ATPase, we mutated 24 residues of the fourth transmembrane segment into cysteine and studied their function and accessibility by exposure to the sulfhydryl reagent 2-aminoethyl-methanethiosulfonate. Accessibility was also examined after treatment with palytoxin, which transforms the Na,K-pump into a cation channel. Of the 24 tested cysteine mutants, seven had no or a much reduced transport function. In particular cysteine mutants of the highly conserved "PEG" motif had a strongly reduced activity. However, most of the non-functional mutants could still be transformed by palytoxin as well as all of the functional mutants. Accessibility, determined as a 2-aminoethyl-methanethiosulfonate-induced reduction of the transport activity or as inhibition of the membrane conductance after palytoxin treatment, was observed for the following positions: Phe(323), Ile(322), Gly(326), Ala(330), Pro(333), Glu(334), and Gly(335). In accordance with a structural model of the Na,K-ATPase obtained by homology modeling with the two published structures of sarcoplasmic and endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (Protein Data Bank codes 1EUL and 1IWO), the results suggest the presence of a cation pathway along the side of the fourth transmembrane segment that faces the space between transmembrane segments 5 and 6. The phenylalanine residue in position 323 has a critical position at the outer mouth of the cation pathway. The residues thought to form the cation binding site II ((333)PEGL) are also part of the accessible wall of the cation pathway opened by palytoxin through the Na,K-pump.


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An ELISA test for the serological diagnosisof amoebic liver abscess (ALA) was standardized and evaluated in sera from three groups of patients: (1) three patients with diagnosis confirmed by isolation of the parasite,(2) thirty seven patients with diagnosis established by clinical findings and ultrasound studies and (3) seven patients whose diagnosis were established by clinical findings and a positive double immunodifusion test. Ninety one serum samples from healthy subjects and 22 from patients with other liver or parasitic diseases were also included in the study. the optimum concentration of Entamoeba histolytica antigen was 1.25 µg/ml and optimum dilutions of serum and anti-human IgG-alkaline phosphatase conjugate were 1:400 and 1:4000 respectively. The cut-off point of the ELISA test in this study was an absorbance value of 0.34. The test parameters were: sensitivity = 95.7 per cent, specificty = 100 per cent, positive predictive value = 100 per cent and negative predictive value = 98.2 per cent.The ELISA test was found to be of great use as a diagnostic tool for the establishment of amoebic etiology in patients with clinical supposition of ALA. The test could also be used for seroepidemiological surveys of the prevalence of invasive amoebiasis in a given population, since it allows the processing of a greater number of samples at a lower cost tahn other serological tests.


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The immunogenicity of a novel synthetic peptide consisting of an average of 40 (Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro) repeats of the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium falciparum, (NANP)40, was studied in mice without using any carrier proteins. First, high titers of anti-(NANP)40 antibodies could be obtained after immunization of C57BL/6 mice. These antibodies also reacted with an extract of mosquitoes infected with P. falciparum sporozoites. C57BL/6 nu/nu mice did not produce antibodies against (NANP)40. Secondly, when 14 strains of mice with nine different H-2 haplotypes were immunized with (NANP)40 without carrier, only H-2b mice were found to produce anti-(NANP)40 antibodies, whereas all non-H-2b mice were consistently unresponsive. This response was demonstrated to be I-A-linked by using recombinant and mutant mice. I-Ab [B10.A(5R)] mice produced anti-(NANP)40 antibodies as well as H-2b inbred mice. B6CH-2bm12 I-Ab-mutant mice showed only a very low response. Third, the antibody response against (NANP)40 could be induced in nonresponder mice by immunization with the peptide coupled to a carrier protein. In view of the existence of such an exceptional H-2b restriction in the response to sporozoite synthetic peptides in mice, the triggering of peptide-specific T cell responses in humans receiving sporozoite malaria vaccines might be difficult to achieve.


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The subject of this conference reflects the scientific community's interest in seeking to understand the complex causal web whose various social, economic, and biological components interact in the production and reproduction of schistosomiasis and its control in relation to community participation. From the onset, the author stresses the impossibility of dealing separately with community participation, as if social components were just one more "weapon" in the arsenal for schistosomiasis control. This study begins with a brief historical review of the 71 years of control activities with this endemic disease, stressing the enormous efforts and huge expenditures in this field vis-à-vis the limited results, despite the extraordinary technological development of specific, classical control inputs such as new treatment drugs and molluscicides. The article then discusses the various strategies used in control programs, emphasizing ideological consistencies and contradictions. Interactions at the macro and micro levels are discussed, as are the determinants and risk factors involved in producing the disease's endemicity. Unequal occupation of space leaves the segregated portion of the population exposed to extremely favorable conditions for transmission of the disease. This raises the issue of how to control an endemic disease which is so closely linked to the way of life imposed on the population. The study challenges the classical control model and suggests an alternative model now undergoing medium-term investigation in the States of Espirito Santo, and Pernambuco, Brazil. The author concludes that we do not need new strategies, but a new control model, contrary to the prevailing classical model in both concept and practice. From the conceptual point of view, the new model mentioned above is different from others in that schistosomiasis control is seen from a social perspective stressing the population's accumulated knowledge in addition to the building of shared knowledge. The model's praxis has the following characteristics: (1) it is integrated with and financed by research agencies and health services; (2) it operates at the local health services level; (3) use of molluscicides has been eliminated; (4) emphasis is given to individual medical treatment and improvement of sanitary conditions.


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Shigella flexneri, by invading intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) and inducing inflammatory responses of the colonic mucosa, causes bacillary dysentery. Although M cells overlying Peyer's patches are commonly considered the primary site of entry of S. flexneri, indirect evidence suggests that bacteria can also use IECs as a portal of entry to the lamina propria. Passive delivery of secretory IgA (SIgA), the major immunoglobulin secreted at mucosal surfaces, has been shown to protect rabbits from experimental shigellosis, but no information exists as to its molecular role in maintaining luminal epithelial integrity. We have established that the interaction of virulent S. flexneri with the apical pole of a model intestinal epithelium consisting of polarized Caco-2 cell monolayers resulted in the progressive disruption of the tight junction network and actin depolymerization, eventually resulting in cell death. The lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-specific agglutinating SIgAC5 monoclonal antibody (MAb), but not monomeric IgAC5 or IgGC20 MAbs of the same specificity, achieved protective functions through combined mechanisms, including limitation of the interaction between S. flexneri and epithelial cells, maintenance of the tight junction seal, preservation of the cell morphology, reduction of NF-κB nuclear translocation, and inhibition of proinflammatory mediator secretion. Our results add to the understanding of the function of SIgA-mediated immune exclusion by identifying a mode of action whereby the formation of immune complexes translates into maintenance of the integrity of epithelial cells lining the mucosa. This novel mechanism of protection mediated by SIgA is important to extend the arsenal of effective strategies to fight against S. flexneri mucosal invasion.


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Les membres de l'ordre des Chlamydiales peuvent infecter un choix étendu d'animaux, insectes, et protistes. Comme toutes bactéries intracellulaires obligatoires, les Chlamydiales ont besoin d'une cellule hôte pour se répliquer. Chaque fois qu'une cellule est infectée une lutte commence entre les mécanismes de défense de la cellule et l'arsenal de facteurs de virulence de la bactérie. Dans cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés à déterminer le rôle de deux mécanismes de l'immunité innée de l'hôte. En premier, nous avons étudié les NADPH oxidases, une source de molécules superoxydantes (MSO). Leur rôle dans la restriction de la réplication de Waddlia chondrophila et Estrella iausannensis a été étudié dans l'organisme modèle Dictyostelium discoideum et les macrophages humains. Différentes protéines Nox étaient nécessaires pour contrôler la réplication de W. chondrophila ou E. Iausannensis. De plus, nous avons déterminé que parmi les Chlamydiales, cinq espèces possédaient une catalase. Cette enzyme peut dégrader l'eau oxygénée, une MSO. L'activité de la catalase a été démontrée in vitro et dans les corps élémentaires. Avant de pouvoir étudier le rôle de NOX2 dans des macrophages infectés avec E. Iausannensis, nous avons dû établir la capacité de la bactérie à se répliquer clans les macrophages avec son trafic intracellulaire. Le deuxième mécanisme d'immunité innée que nous avons étudié est l'autophagie. Dans les cellules infectées l'autophagie permet de digérer les bactéries envahissantes. Deux protéines de la voie autophagique (Atg1 et Atg8) jouent un rôle dans la restriction de la croissance de W. chondrophila dans D. discoideum. D'avantage d'études sur l'immunité innée et les bactéries apparentés aux Chlamydia sont indispensables, car les réponses paraissent être spécifiques pour chaque espèce. - Members of the Chlamydiales order are able to infect a large variety of animals, insects, and protists. These obligate intracellular bacteria require a host cell for replication. Each time a cell is infected a struggle begins between the virulence arsenal of the bacteria and the defense mechanisms activated by the host. Each bacterial species will exhibit a selection of virulence factors that will allow it to overcome the defense of the host in some species, but not others. In this thesis we were interested in dissecting the role of two host innate immunity mechanisms. First we determined the role of NADPH oxidases, a source of reactive oxygen species (ROS), in restricting replication of Waddlia chondrophila and EstreHa lausannensis in the model organism Dictyostelium discoideum and human macrophages. Different Nox proteins were required to restrict growth of W. chondrophila and E. lausannensis. Additionally, we determined that five Chlamydia- related bacterial species encode for catalase, an enzyme that is able to degrade hydrogen peroxide, a ROS. The activity of the catalase was demonstrated in vitro and in elementary bodies. To study the role of NOX2 in macrophages for E. lausannensis we first had to determine the ability of E. lausannensis to grow in macrophages. Besides demonstrating its replication we also determined the intracellular trafficking of E. lausannensis. The second innate immunity mechanism studied was autophagy. Through autophagy bacteria can be targeted to degradation. Atg1 and Atg8, two autophagic proteins appeared restrict W. chondrophila replication in D. discoideum. More studies on innate immunity and Chlamydia-related bacteria are required. It appears that the responses to innate immunity are species specific and it will be difficult to generalize data obtained for W. chondrophila to the Chlamydiales order.


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RÉSUMÉ : Chez l'homme, le manque de sélectivité des agents thérapeutiques représente souvent une limitation pour le traitement des maladies. Le ciblage de ces agents pour un tissu défini pourrait augmenter leur sélectivité et ainsi diminuer les effets secondaires en comparaison d'agents qui s'accumuleraient dans tout le corps. Cela pourrait aussi améliorer l'efficacité des traitements en permettant d'avoir une concentration localisée plus importante. Le ciblage d'agents thérapeutiques est un champ de recherche très actif. Les stratégies sont généralement basées sur les différences entre cellules normales et malades. Ces différences peuvent porter soit sur l'expression des molécules à leurs surfaces comme des récepteurs ou des transporteurs, soit sur les activités enzymatiques exprimées. Le traitement thérapeutique choisi ici est la thérapie photodynamique et est déjà utilisé pour le traitement de certains cancers. Cette thérapie repose sur l'utilisation de molécules qui réagissent à la lumière, les photosensibilisants. Elles absorbent l'énergie lumineuse et réagissent avec l'oxygène pour former des radicaux toxiques pour les cellules. Les photosensibilisants utilisés ici sont de deux natures : (i) soit ils sont tétrapyroliques (comme les porphyrines et chlorines), c'est à dire qu'ils sont directement activables par la lumière ; (ii) soit ce sont des prodrogues de photosensibilisants comme l'acide 5aminolévulinique (ALA) qui est transformé dans la cellule en protoporphyrine IX photosensibilisante. Dans le but d'augmenter la sélectivité des photosensibilisants, nous avons utilisé deux stratégies différentes : (i) le photosensibilisant est modifié par le greffage d'un agent de ciblage ; (ii) le photosensibilisant est incorporé dans des structures moléculaires de quelques centaines de nanomètres. Les sucres et l'acide folique sont des agents de ciblage largement établis et ont été utilisés ici car leurs récepteurs sont surexprimés à la surface de nombreuses cellules malades. Ainsi, des dérivés sucres ou acide folique de l'ALA ont été synthétisés et évalués in vitro sur de nombreuses lignées cellulaires cancéreuses. La stratégie utilisant l'acide folique est apparue incompatible avec l'utilisation de l'ALA puisque aucune photosensibilité n'a été induite par le composé. La stratégie utilisant les sucres a, par ailleurs, provoquée de bonnes photosensibilités mais pas d'augmentation de sélectivité. En parallèle, la combinaison entre les propriétés anticancéreuses des complexes métalliques au ruthénium avec les propriétés photosensibilisantes des porphyrines, a été évaluée. En effet, les thérapies combinées ont émergé il y a une dizaine d'années et représentent aujourd'hui de bonnes alternatives aux monothérapies classiques. Des ruthenium(I1)-arènes complexés avec la tetrapyridylporphyrine ont ainsi présenté de bonnes cytotoxicités et de bonnes phototoxicités pour des cellules de mélanomes. Des porphyrines ont aussi été compléxées avec des noyaux de diruthénium et ce type de dérivé a présenté de bonnes phototoxicités et une bonne sélectivité pour les cellules cancéreuses de l'appareil reproducteur féminin. L'incorporation de photosensibilisants tétrapyroliques a finalement été effectuée en utilisant des nanoparticules (NP) biocompatibles composées de chitosan et de hyaluronate. L'effet de ces NP a été évalué pour le traitement de la polyarthrite rhumatoïde (PR). Les NP ont d'abord été testées in vitro avec des macrophages de souris et les résultats ont mis en évidence de bonnes sélectivités et photosensibilités pour ces cellules. In vivo chez un modèle marin de la PR, l'utilisation de ces NP a révélé un plus grand temps de résidence des NP dans le genou de la souris en comparaison du temps obtenu avec le photosensibilisant seul. Le traitement par PDT a aussi démontré une bonne efficacité par ailleurs égale à celle obtenue avec les corticoïdes utilisés en clinique. Pour finir, les NP ont aussi démontré une bonne efficacité sur les myelomonocytes phagocytaires humains et sur les cellules contenues dans le liquide synovial de patients présentant une PR. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que les deux stratégies de ciblage peuvent être efficaces pour les agents thérapeutiques. Afm d'obtenir de bons résultats, il est toutefois nécessaire de réaliser une analyse minutieuse de la cible et du mode d'action de l'agent thérapeutique. Concernant les perspectives, la combinaison des deux stratégies c'est à dire incorporer des agents thérapeutiques dans des nanostructures porteuses d'agents de ciblage, représente probablement une solution très prometteuse. SUMMARY : In humans, the lack of selectivity of drugs and their high effective concentrations often represent limitations for the treatment of diseases. Targeting the therapeutical agents to a defined tissue could enhance their selectivity and then diminish their side effects when compared to drugs that accumulate in the entire body and could also improve treatment efûciency by allowing a localized high concentration of the agents. Targeting therapeutics to defined cells in human pathologies is a main challenge and a very active field of research. Strategies are generally based on the different behaviors and patterns of expression of diseased cells compared to normal cells such as receptors, proteases or trans-membrane carriers. The therapeutic treatment chosen here is the photodynamic therapy and is already used in the treatment of many cancers. This therapy relies on the administration of a photosensitizer (PS) which will under light, react with oxygen and induce formation of reactive oxygen species which are toxic for cells. The PSs used here are either tetrapyrolic (i. e. porphyries and chlorins) or prodrugs of PS (5-aminolevulinic acid precursor of the endogenous protoporphyrin Imo. In order to improve PS internalization and selectivity, we have used two different strategies: the modification of the PSs with diseased cell-targeting agents as well as their encapsulation into nanostructures. Sugars and folic acid are well established as targeting entities for diseased cells and were used here since their transporters are overexpressed on the surface of many cancer cells. Therefore sugar- and folic acid-derivatives of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) were synthesized and evaluated in vitro in several cancer cell lines. The folic acid strategy appeared to be incompatible with ALA since no photosensitivity was induced while the strategy with sugars induced good photosensitivites but no increase of selectivity. Alternatively, the feasibility of combining the antineoplastic properties of ruthenium complexes with the porphyrin's photosensitizing properties, was evaluated since combined therapies have emerged as good alternatives to classical treatments. Tetrapyridylporphyrins complexed to ruthenium (I17 arenes presented good cytotoxicities and good phototoxicities toward melanoma cells. Porphyries were also complexed to diruthenium cores and this type of compound presented good phototoxicities and good selectivity for female reproductive cancer cells. The encapsulation of tetrapyrolic PSs was finally investigated using biocompatible nanogels composed of chitosan and hyaluronate. The behavior of these nanoparticles was evaluated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They were first tested in vitro in mouse macrophages and results revealed good selectivities and phototoxicities toward these cells. In vivo in mice model of RA, the use of such nanoparticles instead of free PS showed longer time of residence in mice knees. Photodynamic protocols also demonstrated good efficiency of the treatment comparable to the corticoid injection used in the clinic. Finally our system was also efficient in human cells using phagocytic myelomonocytes or using cells of synovial fluids taken from patients with RA. Altogether, these results revealed that both strategies of modification or encapsulation of drugs can be successful in the targeting of diseased cells. However, a careful analysis of the target and of the mode of action of the drug, are needed in order to obtain good results. Looking ahead to the future, the combination of the two strategies (i.e. drugs loaded into nanostructures bearing the targeting agents) would represent probably the best solution.


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Apoptosis is a highly controlled process, whose triggering is associated with the activation of caspases. Apoptosis can be induced via a subgroup of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily, which recruit and activate pro-caspase-8 and -10. Regulation of apoptosis is achieved by several inhibitors, including c-FLICE-inhibitory protein, which prevents apoptosis by inhibiting the pro-apoptotic activation of upstream caspases. Here we show that the human intracellular serine protease inhibitor (serpin), protease inhibitor 9 (PI9), inhibits TNF-, TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand- and Fas ligand-mediated apoptosis in certain TNF-sensitive cell lines. The reactive center P1 residue of PI9 was required for this inhibition since PI9 harboring a Glu --> Ala mutation in its reactive center failed to impair death receptor-induced cell death. This suggests a classical serpin-protease interaction. Indeed, PI9 inhibited apoptotic death by directly interacting with the intermediate active forms of caspase-8 and -10. This indicates that PI9 can regulate pro-apoptotic apical caspases.