990 resultados para Red edge emission


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Statistical properties of binary complex networks are well understood and recently many attempts have been made to extend this knowledge to weighted ones. There are, however, subtle yet important considerations to be made regarding the nature of the weights used in this generalization. Weights can be either continuous or discrete magnitudes, and in the latter case, they can additionally have undistinguishable or distinguishable nature. This fact has not been addressed in the literature insofar and has deep implications on the network statistics. In this work we face this problem introducing multiedge networks as graphs where multiple (distinguishable) connections between nodes are considered. We develop a statistical mechanics framework where it is possible to get information about the most relevant observables given a large spectrum of linear and nonlinear constraints including those depending both on the number of multiedges per link and their binary projection. The latter case is particularly interesting as we show that binary projections can be understood from multiedge processes. The implications of these results are important as many real-agent-based problems mapped onto graphs require this treatment for a proper characterization of their collective behavior.


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The classical theory of collision induced emission (CIE) from pairs of dissimilar rare gas atoms was developed in Paper I [D. Reguera and G. Birnbaum, J. Chem. Phys. 125, 184304 (2006)] from a knowledge of the straight line collision trajectory and the assumption that the magnitude of the dipole could be represented by an exponential function of the inter-nuclear distance. This theory is extended here to deal with other functional forms of the induced dipole as revealed by ab initio calculations. Accurate analytical expression for the CIE can be obtained by least square fitting of the ab initio values of the dipole as a function of inter-atomic separation using a sum of exponentials and then proceeding as in Paper I. However, we also show how the multi-exponential fit can be replaced by a simpler fit using only two analytic functions. Our analysis is applied to the polar molecules HF and HBr. Unlike the rare gas atoms considered previously, these atomic pairs form stable bound diatomic molecules. We show that, interestingly, the spectra of these reactive molecules are characterized by the presence of multiple peaks. We also discuss the CIE arising from half collisions in excited electronic states, which in principle could be probed in photo-dissociation experiments.


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Fluorescent proteins that can switch between distinct colors have contributed significantly to modern biomedical imaging technologies and molecular cell biology. Here we report the identification and biochemical analysis of a green-shifted red fluorescent protein variant GmKate, produced by the introduction of two mutations into mKate. Although the mutations decrease the overall brightness of the protein, GmKate is subject to pH-dependent, reversible green-to-red color conversion. At physiological pH, GmKate absorbs blue light (445 nm) and emits green fluorescence (525 nm). At pH above 9.0, GmKate absorbs 598 nm light and emits 646 nm, far-red fluorescence, similar to its sequence homolog mNeptune. Based on optical spectra and crystal structures of GmKate in its green and red states, the reversible color transition is attributed to the different protonation states of the cis-chromophore, an interpretation that was confirmed by quantum chemical calculations. Crystal structures reveal potential hydrogen bond networks around the chromophore that may facilitate the protonation switch, and indicate a molecular basis for the unusual bathochromic shift observed at high pH. This study provides mechanistic insights into the color tuning of mKate variants, which may aid the development of green-to-red color-convertible fluorescent sensors, and suggests GmKate as a prototype of genetically encoded pH sensors for biological studies.


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By exciting at 940 nm, we have characterized the 1.84 m near infrared emission of trivalent thulium ions in Yb3+, Tm3+:KGd WO4 2 single crystals as a function of the dopant concentration and temperature, from 10 K to room temperature. An overall 3H6 Stark splitting of 470 cm−1 for the Tm3+ ions in the Yb3+, Tm3+:KGd WO4 2 was obtained. We also studied the blue emission at 476 nm Tm3+ and the near infrared emissions at 1.48 m Tm3+ and 1 m Yb3+ as a function of the dopant concentration. Experimental decay times of the 1G4, 3H4, and 3F4 Tm3+ and 2F5/2 Yb3+ excited states have been measured as a function of Yb3+ and Tm3+ ion concentrations. For the 3F4 →3H6 transition of Tm3+ ions, we used the reciprocity method to calculate the maximum emission cross section of 3.07 10−20 cm2 at 1.84 m for the polarization parallel to the Nm principal optical direction.


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Se expone una breve evolución histórica del surgimiento de las nuevas herramientas de comunicación social en la red de la República Popular China, incidiendo en los incesantes avances de la evolución tecnológica y las tendencias de desarrollo que han experimentado los servicios de redes sociales. Se hace un análisis de las consecuencias que conlleva el uso de las redes sociales en las relaciones personales de los universitarios chinos. Se investiga los motivos y la frecuencia de uso de las redes sociales, así como las implicaciones de las interacciones virtuales en la forma de relacionarse con el entorno social. Así mismo, se profundiza en las influencias positivas y negativas que provoca la expansión de las redes sociales en la vida universitaria china.


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Background: Few clinical studies have focused on the alcoholindependent cardiovascular effects of the phenolic compounds of red wine (RW). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW on the expression of inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis in subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Sixty-seven high-risk, male volunteers were included in a randomized, crossover consumption trial. After a washout period, all subjects received RW (30 g alcohol/d), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine (DRW), or gin (30 g alcohol/d) for 4 wk. Before and after each intervention period, 7 cellular and 18 serum inflammatory biomarkers were evaluated. Results: Alcohol increased IL-10 and decreased macrophage-derived chemokine concentrations, whereas the phenolic compounds of RW decreased serum concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule- 1, E-selectin, and IL-6 and inhibited the expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 in T lymphocytes and macrophage-1 receptor, Sialil-Lewis X, and C-C chemokine receptor type 2 expression in monocytes. Both ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW downregulated serum concentrations of CD40 antigen, CD40 ligand, IL-16, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the phenolic content of RW may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules, whereas both ethanol and polyphenols of RW may modulate soluble inflammatory mediators in high-risk patients. The trial was registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register at http://www. isrctn.org/ as ISRCTN88720134


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Background: Few clinical studies have focused on the alcoholindependent cardiovascular effects of the phenolic compounds of red wine (RW). Objective: We aimed to evaluate the effects of ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW on the expression of inflammatory biomarkers related to atherosclerosis in subjects at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Design: Sixty-seven high-risk, male volunteers were included in a randomized, crossover consumption trial. After a washout period, all subjects received RW (30 g alcohol/d), the equivalent amount of dealcoholized red wine (DRW), or gin (30 g alcohol/d) for 4 wk. Before and after each intervention period, 7 cellular and 18 serum inflammatory biomarkers were evaluated. Results: Alcohol increased IL-10 and decreased macrophage-derived chemokine concentrations, whereas the phenolic compounds of RW decreased serum concentrations of intercellular adhesion molecule- 1, E-selectin, and IL-6 and inhibited the expression of lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1 in T lymphocytes and macrophage-1 receptor, Sialil-Lewis X, and C-C chemokine receptor type 2 expression in monocytes. Both ethanol and phenolic compounds of RW downregulated serum concentrations of CD40 antigen, CD40 ligand, IL-16, monocyte chemotactic protein-1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1. Conclusion: The results suggest that the phenolic content of RW may modulate leukocyte adhesion molecules, whereas both ethanol and polyphenols of RW may modulate soluble inflammatory mediators in high-risk patients. The trial was registered in the International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number Register at http://www. isrctn.org/ as ISRCTN88720134


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Background: Microparticles are small phospholipid vesicles of <1 lm shed in blood flow by various cell types including red blood cells. Erythrocyte-derived microparticles (EMPs) accumulate in erythrocyte concentrates (ECs) during their storage time. EMPs are considered as part of storage lesion and as their exact role is not elucidated, they could be involved in these clinical outcomes. Aims: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact and implication of EMPs isolate from ECs on coagulation. Methods: EMPs were first isolated from erythrocyte concentrates by centrifugation and counted by flow cytometry. Using a calibrated automated thrombogram, EMPs were then added to different type of plasmas in order to evaluate the potential of thrombin generation. Results: We demonstrate that EMPs isolated from ECs are capable to accelerate and amplify thrombin generation in presence of a low exogenous tissue factor concentration, thanks to their negatively charged membrane necessary for the assembly of coagulation complexes. Interestingly, in the absence of exogenous tissue factor, EMPs are also able to trigger thrombin generation. In addition, thrombin generation induced by EMPs is not affected by the presence of anti-TF antibodies. Finally, thrombin generation induced by EMPs is not affected by using plasma samples deficient in factor VII, XI or XII. However, thrombin generation is reduced in plasma deficient in factor VIII or IX and is completely abolished in plasma deficient in factor X, V or II. No thrombin generation was observed in plasma samples without EMPs. Summary/conclusion: Several studies have shown a link between storage time of blood products and post transfusion complications. We provide evidence that EMPs accumulated during storage of erythrocyte concentrates were not only able to accelerate and support thrombin generation in plasma in presence of a low exogenous tissue-factor concentration, but also to trigger thrombin generation in absence of exogenous TF. The impact of those transfused EMs is unknown on recipients, nevertheless it could be hypothesized that under certain circumstances, transfused EMPs could be involved in thrombin generation and could be linked to adverse clinical outcome. Further work is needed to determine whether procoagulant EMPs transfused with erythrocyte concentrate may account for some of the complications occurring after red blood cell transfusion, and more particularly after transfusion of ''older''stored blood, rich in EMPs.


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La empresa red constituye un modelo de empresa formado a partir de una constelación de pequeñas empreses jurídicamente independientes pero coordinadas por un mismo ciclo de producción. Estan articuladas por pautas, normas y leyes consuetudinarias, así como vinculadas a la comunidad local y a las redes de parentesco, amistad y vecindad. En este estudio se exponen los efectos de dicho modelo de empresa sobre la dualización del mercado de trabajo y de las relaciones laborales. Asimismo, ilustra sobre uno de los procedimientos de reorganización social de la producción.


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Objective: To evaluate the level of ambient radiation in a PET/CT center. Materials and Methods: Previously selected and calibrated TLD-100H thermoluminescent dosimeters were utilized to measure room radiation levels. During 32 days, the detectors were placed in several strategically selected points inside the PET/CT center and in adjacent buildings. After the exposure period the dosimeters were collected and processed to determine the radiation level. Results: In none of the points selected for measurements the values exceeded the radiation dose threshold for controlled area (5 mSv/year) or free area (0.5 mSv/year) as recommended by the Brazilian regulations. Conclusion: In the present study the authors demonstrated that the whole shielding system is appropriate and, consequently, the workers are exposed to doses below the threshold established by Brazilian standards, provided the radiation protection standards are followed.


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En les últimes dues dècades el món publicitari ha experimentat una gran evolució a causa de l’aparició dels nous models digitals i l’entorn 2.0. En aquest projecte es recull un anàlisi sobre els orígens de la transmedialitat, les seves característiques i múltiples funcions. A més a més, aprofundirem en el rellevant paper del consumidor en aquests nous formats, en ser un element fonamental que ajuda a tancar el cercle comunicatiu. En concret, s’estudiarà el repte Can You Make It? de la marca Red Bull en ser un cas amb una gran varietat d’elements publicitaris a analitzar.


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Nanoantennae show potential for photosynthesis research for two reasons; first by spatially confining light for experiments which require high spatial resolution, and second by enhancing the photon emission of single light-harvesting complexes. For effective use of nanoantennae a detailed understanding of the interaction between the nanoantenna and the light-harvesting complex is required. Here we report how the excitation and emission of multiple purple bacterial LH2s (light-harvesting complex 2) are controlled by single gold nanorod antennae. LH2 complexes were chemically attached to such antennae, and the antenna length was systematically varied to tune the resonance with respect to the LH2 absorption and emission. There are three main findings. (i) The polarization of the LH2 emission is fully controlled by the resonant nanoantenna. (ii) The largest fluorescence enhancement, of 23 times, is reached for excitation with light at λ = 850 nm, polarized along the long antenna-axis of the resonant antenna. The excitation enhancement is found to be 6 times, while the emission efficiency is increased 3.6 times. (iii) The fluorescence lifetime of LH2 depends strongly on the antenna length, with shortest lifetimes of [similar]40 ps for the resonant antenna. The lifetime shortening arises from an 11 times resonant enhancement of the radiative rate, together with a 2–3 times increase of the non-radiative rate, compared to the off-resonant antenna. The observed length dependence of radiative and non-radiative rate enhancement is in good agreement with simulations. Overall this work gives a complete picture of how the excitation and emission of multi-pigment light-harvesting complexes are influenced by a dipole nanoantenna.


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Optical spectroscopy in the 400-1700nm wavelength range was performed on rare earth doped heavy metal fluoride (HMF) glasses. In the present work In-based fluoride glasses with a fixed 2 mol % YbF3 concentration and an ErF3 content ranging from 0 to 8 mol % were investigated. According to the experimental spectroscopic data a dependence in the absorption coefficient, the photoluminescence intensity and in the radiative lifetime could be verified as a function of the ErF3 content. In addition, at liquid nitrogen temperature, light emission corresponding to indirect transitions in the infrared energy range could be easily observed as a consequence of the low phonon frequency characteristic of this class of fluoride glasses. For all the studied compositions, strong upconversion to the green and red light was observed by pumping these Er3+- and Yb3+-doped HMF glasses with 790 and 980nm photon sources.