842 resultados para Psychology, General|Psychology, Clinical


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This article aims to show that the challenges of psychology in working with mental health in the field of drugs is traversed by both the conceptions molded by biopolitical forces (FOUCAULT) as the decadence of modern democracy (AGAMBEN), and visible features in the current treatment given in Brazil to issue of smoking (SILVA), as well as urbanistic projects such as the case of Luz district in São Paulo (LEITE & CASTRO). In this sense, it leads us to question about what is prohibited, about who actually suffers the punishment, in short, about what do we really take care when we take into account the Unheimlich (FREUD) and other social interdicts (BATAILLE).


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Addressing integrative possibilities between psychology and anthropology, this paper aims to design conceptual linkages between semiotic-cultural constructivist psychology and the anthropological theory of Amerindian perspectivism. From the psychological view, it is the interdependence between the structural and processual dimensions of the personal culture that makes parallels with Amerindian perspectivism fruitful. This anthropological frame proposes an experiment with native conceptions, which I argue similar to what Baldwin (1906) called sembling. Hence, it can be considered an active imitation of otherness` viewpoint in order to approach indigenous worlds. It is supposed that this procedure leads to the emergence of new symbolic elements configuring the cultural action field of each agency in interaction. It is proposed that ""making-believe`` the Amerindian is convergent with the dialogic-hermeneutic approach of semiotic-cultural constructivism. As a result of the present integrative effort, is designed a meta-model that multiplies the genetic process of concrete symbolic objects.


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BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of depression and anxiety disorders in hospitalized patients at the dermatology ward at a university hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of mood and anxiety disorders in hospitalized patients at the dermatology ward at a university hospital in Sao Paulo. METHOD: A total of 75 patients, men and women, aged between 18 and 76 years, took part in the research. The study employed a descriptive, cross sectional and correlational method. The data was collected by means of a social demographic questionnaire and the PRIME-MD. RESULTS: It was found that 45.3 percent of the subjects presented with depressive symptoms, and 52 percent presented with symptoms of anxiety and that this survey showed moderate and high significant correlations (p<0,01; r= 0,616) for depression and anxiety. CONCLUSION: These facts could evidence the relationship between physical and psyche, just as the literature presents.


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(The Clinical Case as a Basis for Research in Fundamental Psychopathology) This article discusses aspects that hinder the process of drawing up clinical cases and stresses their importance for research in fundamental psychopathology. The author bases her thinking on several texts by Freud and his followers about the technique and the interpretation of dreams. In these texts, clinical cases are used to express a problem that must be investigated. The grounds for research follow the same logic as that used for interpreting dreams.


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This study evaluated indexes of converging and criterion-related validity for the Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents (IHSA-Del-Prette) and the Youth Self-Report (YSR) in two samples: one referring to clinical service (CLIN), with 28 adolescents (64.3% boys), 11 through 17 years old (M = 13.75; SD = 1.74), and the other referring to a psycho-educational program (PME = 46.2%), mainly composed of boys (91.7%) aged 13 through 17 (M = 15.33; SD = 1.47). Both samples completed the two inventories. Results showed a high incidence of psychological disorders in both samples (between 4% and 79% in the borderline or clinical range on YSR scales) and accentuated deficits in the general and subscale scores of IHSA-Del-Prette, especially on the frequency scale (25% to 58%). The correlations between the instruments in the two groups supported criterion-related and converging validity. Some issues concerning the differences between the samples and about the construct of social competence, underlying these inventories, are discussed. Key words authors:


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Among the ongoing attempts to enhance cognitive performance, an emergent and yet underrepresented venue is brought by hemoencefalographic neurofeedback (HEG). This paper presents three related advances in HEG neurofeedback for cognitive enhancement: a) a new HEG protocol for cognitive enhancement, as well as b) the results of independent measures of biological efficacy (EEG brain maps) extracted in three phases, during a one year follow up case study; c) the results of the first controlled clinical trial of HEG, designed to assess the efficacy of the technique for cognitive enhancement of an adult and neurologically intact population. The new protocol was developed in the environment of a software that organizes digital signal algorithms in a flowchart format. Brain maps were produced through 10 brain recordings. The clinical trial used a working memory test as its independent measure of achievement. The main conclusion of this study is that the technique appears to be clinically promising. Approaches to cognitive performance from a metabolic viewpoint should be explored further. However, it is particularly important to note that, to our knowledge, this is the world's first controlled clinical study on the matter and it is still early for an ultimate evaluation of the technique.


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La ricerca è strutturata in due sezioni: nella prima, dopo una premessa storica sul suicidio ed una lettura dei relativi dati statistici italiani integrata dall’analisi delle principali teorie sociologiche e dei principali aspetti psicopatologici e di psicologia clinica, vengono esaminati i risultati forniti da numerosi studi scientifici sul tema complementare delle morti equivoche, con particolare riferimento alle categorie a rischio rappresentate da anziani, carcerati, piloti di aerei, soggetti dediti a pratiche di asfissia autoerotica o roulette russa, istigatori delle forze di polizia e suicida stradali. Successivamente sono esaminati gli aspetti investigativi e medico-legali in tema di suicidi e morti equivoche con particolare riferimento alla tecnica dell’autopsia psicologica analizzandone le origini ed evoluzioni, il suo ambito di utilizzo ed i relativi aspetti metodologici. Nella seconda sezione del lavoro il tema dei suicidi e delle morti equivoche viene approfondito grazie all’apporto di professionisti di discipline diverse esperti in materia di autopsia psicologica ed indagini giudiziarie. A questi è stata presentata, con l’utilizzo della tecnica qualitativa “Dephi, una iniziale ipotesi di protocollo di autopsia psicologica, con le relative modalità applicative, al fine di procedere ad una sua revisione ed adattamento alle esigenze operative italiane grazie alle specifiche esperienze professionali e multidisciplinari maturate dagli esperti. I dati raccolti hanno permesso di giungere alla formulazione di un protocollo di autopsia psicologica, basato sulla elaborazione di domande generali, specifiche e conclusive, a risposta aperta, che possono esser formulate, secondo le modalità previste, alle persone affettivamente significative per la vittima nei confronti della quale si intende procedere con tale strumento investigativo.


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Das Störungsbild der Hypochondrie stellt für die Betroffenen eine erhebliche Belastung und Beeinträchtigung dar und ist zudem von hoher gesundheitspolitischer Relevanz. Hieraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit für die Entwicklung und Evaluation wirkungsvoller Behandlungsansätze. Mit der vorliegenden Untersuchung wird die bisher umfangreichste Studie zur Wirksamkeit von gruppentherapeutischen Interventionen bei Patienten mit Hypochondrie beschrieben. Insgesamt nahmen 35 Patienten, die die DSM-IV-Kriterien der Hypochondrie erfüllten, an der Studie teil. Die durchgeführte Behandlung bestand aus insgesamt acht Gruppen- und sechs Einzelsitzungen. Zur Beurteilung des Therapieerfolgs wurden standardisierte Fragebogen und Einschätzungen der behandelnden Therapeuten eingeholt. Zudem wurde vor und nach der Behandlung die implizite Ängstlichkeit der Patienten mit Hilfe des Ängstlichkeits-IATs (Egloff & Schmukle, 2002) erfasst. Die Datenerhebung der Fragebögen erfolgte zu vier Messzeitpunkten. Eine Teilgruppe der Patienten (n = 10) konnte zudem über eine zweimonatige Wartezeit befragt werden. Ingesamt wurde die Therapie von den Patienten gut akzeptiert. Im Laufe der Behandlung zeigten sich auf den Selbstbeurteilungsverfahren umfangreiche Veränderungen im Erleben und Verhalten der Patienten. Es zeigte sich eine Reduktion von krankheitsbezogenen Kognitionen und Ängsten, eine Abnahme des Krankheitsverhaltens und eine Zunahme von Störungs- und Bewältigungswissen. Die Reduktion der hypochondrischen Symptomatik stellte sich als klinisch relevant heraus. Zudem zeigte sich eine Reduktion der allgemeinen Belastung und Ängstlichkeit sowie depressiver und körperlicher Symptome. Die Einschätzungen der behandelnden Therapeuten bestätigten die mittels Fragebogen ermittelten Befunde. Mit Hilfe des Ängstlichkeits-IATs konnte eine Veränderung des angstbezogenen Selbstkonzepts nachgewiesen werden. In einer Wartekontrollzeit zeigten sich nur geringfügige Reduktionen der hypochondrischen Symptomatik und keine bedeutsamen Reduktionen der allgemeinen Psychopathologie. Die Ergebnisse der durchgeführten Kombinationstherapie sind mit den Befunden bisheriger Evaluationen zur Effektivität von Einzeltherapien bei Hypochondrie vergleichbar. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Gleichwertigkeit von ökonomischeren gruppentherapeutischen Interventionen bei der Behandlung der Hypochondrie.