977 resultados para Pseudo-contractions
A neurofibromatose tipo 1 é uma das enfermidades genéticas mais comuns da espécie humana com padrão de herança autossômica dominante. As alterações radiológicas encontradas com maior freqüência são: escoliose, cifose, cifoescoliose, áreas de erosão óssea, crescimento anormal do osso, pseudo-artrose, meningocele, deformidade da parede posterior dos corpos vertebrais ("scalloping"), peito escavado, lesões osteolíticas nos ossos longos e alterações do sistema nervoso central. Os autores apresentam dados estatísticos dos achados radiográficos prevalentes em 82 pacientes com neurofibromatose tipo 1 acompanhados pelo Centro de Pesquisa e Atendimento em Neurofibromatose, de São José do Rio Preto, SP, um centro multidisciplinar de estudo e tratamento dos portadores da doença.
Lesões malignas do esôfago, excluindo-se carcinomas escamocelulares e adenocarcinomas, são bastante incomuns. Os autores relatam um caso de carcinoma de células fusiformes de esôfago. É um tumor maligno raro caracterizado por volumosa massa lobulada no terço médio do esôfago, que causa relativamente pequena obstrução apesar do seu volume. Em seguida é apresentada revisão da literatura sobre o assunto.
A finales del siglo V, la población hispanorromana contempló con disgusto el incremento de la presencia visigoda en tierras de la Tarraconense. Entre finales del siglo V e inicios del VI, dos individuos ―Burdunelo y Pedro― se alzaron con el poder de manera ilegal y acaudillaron revueltas contra el dominio visigodo. La fuente que nos informa de estos hechos, la Pseudo Chronica Caesaraugustana, es un texto altamente problemático: interpretado durante mucho tiempo como los restos de la historiola escrita por el obispo Máximo de Zaragoza (c. 599-614/620), en realidad se trata solo de unas anotaciones realizadas al margen de crónicas anteriores. Las vicisitudes de la transmisión manuscrita han provocado, además, el desplazamiento de algunas de estas anotaciones de su posición original, con lo que nos proporcionan dataciones erróneas. En este trabajo estudiamos las noticias relativas a las rebeliones de Burdunelo y de Pedro, realizamos una nueva propuesta de cronología, analizamos sus orígenes sociales y examinamos el alcance que pudieron tener estas sublevaciones en el contexto de un inminente enfrentamiento entre visigodos y francos.
Les ß2-agonistes sont des bronchodilatateurs qui sont prescrits pour traiter l'asthme et l'asthme induite par l'exercice (AIE). Il est relevant de comprendre s'il y a une utilisation adéquate de ces médicaments pour traiter l'AIE chez les athlètes de haut niveau, ou s'ils sont utilisés pour leur potentiel effet ergogénique sur la performance physique. Ce travail examine les actions centrales et périphériques sur la fonction contractile du muscle squelettique humain in vivo induits par l'ingestion d'une dose thérapeutique de ß2- agonistes. Le premier but était d'évaluer si les ß2-agonistes exerçaient une potentialisation de la contractilité du muscle humain et/ou un effet "anti¬fatigue" comme observé dans le modèle animal. Les résultats n'ont fournit aucune évidence d'une potentialisation sur le muscle squelettique humain in vivo non-fatigué et fatigué induit par l'administration orale de ß2-agonistes. Tout effet excitateur exercé par ce traitement sur le système nerveux central a été aussi exclu. Le deuxième but était de déterminer si les ß2-agonistes affaiblissaient la contractilité du muscle squelettique humain à contraction lente, et d'évaluer si ce changement pouvait interférer avec le contrôle moteur au muscle. Les résultats ont montré que les ß2-agonistes affaiblissent la contractilité des fibres lentes, comme conséquence de l'effet lusitrope positif se produisant dans ces fibres. La capacité de développer une force maximale n'est pas réduite par le traitement, même si une augmentation de la commande centrale au muscle est requise pour produire la même force lors de contractions sous-maximales. Le but final était d'examiner si une adaptation du contrôle moteur était re¬quis pour compenser l'affaiblissement des fibres lentes exercée par les ß2- agonistes pendant un exercice volontaire, et de déterminer si cette adaptation centrale pouvait accroître la fatigue musculaire. Malgré le fait que les résultats confirment l'effet affaiblissant induit par les ß2-agonistes, ce changement contractile n'influence pas le contrôle moteur au muscle pendant les contractions sous-maximales de l'exercice fatiguant, et n'accroît pas le degré de fatigue. Ce travail éclaircit les actions spécifiques des ß2-agonistes sur la fonction contractile du muscle squelettique humain in vivo et leurs influence sur le contrôle moteur. Les mécanismes sous-jacents de l'action ergogénique sur la performance physique produit par les ß2-agonistes sont aussi élucidés. -- ß2-Agonists are bronchodilators that are widely prescribed for the treatment of asthma and exercise-induced asthma (EIA). The extensive use of ß2-agonists by competitive athletes has raised the question as to whether there is a valid need for this class of drugs because of EIA or a misuse because of their potential ergogenic effect on exercise performance. This work investigated the central and peripheral actions that were elicited by the ingestion of a therapeutic dose of ß2-agonists on the contractility of human skeletal muscle in vivo. The first objective was to investigate whether ß2-agonists would potentiate muscle contractility and/or exert the "anti-fatigue" effect observed in animal models. The findings did not provide any evidence for the ß2-agonist-induced potentiation of in vivo human non-fatigued and fatigued skeletal muscle. Moreover, the findings exclude any excitatory action of this treatment on the central nervous system. The second objective was to explore whether the weakening action on the contractile function would occur after ß2-agonist intake in human slow-twitch skeletal muscle and to ascertain whether this contractile change may interfere with muscle motor control. The results showed that ß2-agonists weaken the contractility of slow-twitch muscle fibres as a result of the lusitropic effect occurring in these fibres. The maximal force-generating capacity of the skeletal muscle is not reduced by ß2-agonists, even though an augmented neural drive to muscle is required to develop the same force during submaximal contractions. The final objective was to examine whether a motor control adjustment is needed to compensate for the ß2-agonist-induced weakening effect on slow- twitch fibres during a voluntary exercise and to also assess whether this central adaptation could exaggerate muscle fatigue. Despite the findings confirming the occurrence of the weakening action that is exerted by ß2- agonists, this contractile change did not interfere with muscle motor control during the submaximal contractions of the fatiguing exercise and did not augment the degree of the muscle fatigue. This work contributes to a better understanding of the specific actions of ß2-agonists on the contractile function of in vivo human skeletal muscles and their influence on motor control. In addition, the findings elucidate mechanisms that could underlie the ergogenic effect that is exerted by ß2- agonists on physical performance.
Pathogenic attack by the fungus Botrytis cinerea (primary pathogen) on soybean leaves (Glycine max. L.; cv. Maple arrow) results in a hypersensitive response (necrotising infected leaves), in the establishment of local acquired resistance, as well as in the systemic induction of genes coding for pathogenesis-related proteins. It now appears that, concomitantly with these already well documented defence reactions, the pathogenic attack also induces the carbon reallocation mechanism based on the reinitiation of the glyoxylate cycle (pseudo-senescence of the infected leaves).
As lesões traumáticas mediastinais constituem achados pouco freqüentes no trauma torácico, mas são de extrema importância, por representarem mau prognóstico, dada a sua gravidade e lesões associadas. O trauma mediastinal é cada vez mais diagnosticado pela tomografia computadorizada, em especial pelo rápido tempo de aquisição decorrente da técnica helicoidal, que permite a avaliação de pacientes em estado grave, possibilitando a adoção de conduta terapêutica eficiente. Os autores estudaram 11 pacientes com trauma torácico submetidos a tomografia computadorizada, os quais apresentaram lesões mediastinais. A hemorragia mediastinal representou a lesão mais comum nesta casuística, manifestando-se sob a forma de infiltração da gordura mediastinal, com a presença de material denso permeando os espaços mediastinais, ou sob a forma de hematoma. O hemopericárdio representou a segunda lesão mais comum, caracterizado por material denso ou líquido no interior do pericárdio. As lesões aórticas foram observadas em três casos, caracterizadas por irregularidade parietal no contorno aórtico ou por pseudo-aneurisma. Neste trabalho o trauma torácico fechado foi observado em seis casos, enquanto o trauma aberto ocorreu em cinco pacientes. As causas de trauma fechado foram atropelamento, colisão automobilística e queda de altura. A forma penetrante de traumatismo torácico decorreu de dois modos de agressão: lesão por arma de fogo e lesão por arma branca
The fossil crown wasp Electrostephanus petiolatus Brues comb. rev.(Stephanidae, Electrostephaninae) is re-described from a single male preserved in middle Eocene Baltic Amber. The holotype was lost or destroyed around the time of World War II and subsequent interpretations of its identity have been based solely on the brief descriptive comments provided by Brues in his original account. The new specimen matches the original description and illustration provided by Brues in every detail and we hereby consider them to be conspecific, selecting the specimen as a neotype for the purpose of stabilizing the nomenclature for this fossil species. This neotype exhibits a free first metasomal tergum and sternum, contrary to the assertion of previous workers who indicated these to be fused. Accordingly, this species does indeed belong to the genus Electrostephanus Brues rather than to Denaeostephanus Engel & Grimaldi (Stephaninae). Electrostephanus petiolatus is transferred to a new subgenus, Electrostephanodes n. subgen. , based on its elongate pseudo- petiole and slender gaster, but may eventually warrant generic status as the phylogenetic placement of these fossil lineages continues to be clarifi ed. A revised key to the Baltic amber crown wasps is provided.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar, radiograficamente, a prevalência de alterações morfológicas do processo estilóide em pacientes com desordens temporomandibulares. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas 1.500 radiografias panorâmicas da articulação temporomandibular de pacientes de ambos os sexos e sem limitação de idade, que foram atendidos pelo Serviço de Desordem Temporomandibular da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, MG, no período de 1997 a 2003. RESULTADOS: Oitenta e três (5,53%) dos pacientes da amostra apresentaram pelo menos um dos lados da articulação com alteração morfológica do processo estilóide, sendo 74 do sexo feminino e 9 do sexo masculino, concentrados na faixa dos 41 a 50 anos de idade (32,5%). Com relação ao tipo morfológico do processo estilóide, verificaram-se 113 alongados, 21 pseudo-articulados e 19 segmentados. Constatou-se, também, que as alterações morfológicas do processo estilóide desenvolvem-se de forma simétrica. CONCLUSÃO: Em pacientes com desordem temporomandibular as alterações do processo estilóide ocorrem de forma diferenciada e de maneira simétrica em cada paciente, independentemente do sexo e da idade.
This study analyzes the capillarity and fibre-type distribution of six locomotory muscles of gulls. The morphological basis and the oxygen supply characteristics of the skeletal muscle of a species with a marked pattern of gliding flight are established, thus contributing to a better understanding of the physiology of a kind of flight with low energetic requirements. The four wing muscles studied (scapulotriceps, pectoralis, scapulohumeralis, and extensor metacarpi) exhibited higher percentages of fast oxidative glycolytic fibres (>70%) and lower percentages of slow oxidative fibres (<16%) than the muscles involved in nonflight locomotion (gastrocnemius and iliotibialis). Capillary densities ranged from 816 to 1,233 capillaries mm(-2), having the highest value in the pectoralis. In this muscle, the fast oxidative glycolytic fibres had moderate staining for succinate dehydrogenase and relatively large fibre sizes, as deduced from the low fibre densities (589-665 fibres mm(-2)). All these findings are seen as an adaptive response for gliding, when the wing is held outstretched by isometric contractions. The leg muscles studied included a considerable population of slow oxidative fibres (>14% in many regions), which suggests that they are adapted to postural activities. Regional variations in the relative distributions of fibre types in muscle gastrocnemius may reflect different functional demands placed on this muscle during terrestrial and aquatic locomotion. The predominance of oxidative fibres and capillary densities under 1,000 capillaries mm(-2) in leg muscles is probably a consequence of an adaptation for slow swimming and maintenance of the posture on land rather than for other locomotory capabilities, such as endurance or sprint activities.
In pig and humans, whose kidneys have a multi-calyceal collecting system, the initiation of ureteral peristalsis takes place in the renal calyces. In the pig and human ureter, recent evidence suggests that nitric oxide (NO) is an inhibitory mediator that may be involved in the regulation of peristalsis. This study was designed to assess whether the NO synthase/NO/cyclic GMP pathway modulates the motility of pig isolated calyceal smooth muscle. Immunohistochemistry revealed a moderate overall innervation of the smooth muscle layer, and no neuronal or inducible NO synthase (NOS) immunoreactivities. Endothelial NOS immunoreactivities were observed in the urothelium and vascular endothelium, and numerous cyclic GMP-immunoreactive (-IR) calyceal smooth muscle cells were found. As measured by monitoring the conversion of L-arginine to L-citrulline, Ca(2+)-dependent NOS activity was moderate. Assessment of functional effects was performed in tissue baths and showed that NO and SIN-1 decreased spontaneous and induced contractions of isolated preparations in a concentration-dependent manner. In strips exposed to NO, there was a 10-fold increase of the cyclic GMP levels compared with control preparations (P < 0.01). It is concluded that a non-neuronal NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway is present in pig calyces, where it may influence motility. The demonstration of cyclic GMP-IR smooth muscle cells suggests that NO acts directly on these cells. This NOS/NO/cyclic GMP pathway may be a target for drugs inhibiting peristalsis of mammalian upper urinary tract. Neurourol. Urodynam. 18:673-685, 1999.
Conventional (CONV) neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) (i.e., short pulse duration, low frequencies) induces a higher energetic response as compared to voluntary contractions (VOL). In contrast, wide-pulse, high-frequency (WPHF) NMES might elicit-at least in some subjects (i.e., responders)-a different motor unit recruitment compared to CONV that resembles the physiological muscle activation pattern of VOL. We therefore hypothesized that for these responder subjects, the metabolic demand of WPHF would be lower than CONV and comparable to VOL. 18 healthy subjects performed isometric plantar flexions at 10% of their maximal voluntary contraction force for CONV (25 Hz, 0.05 ms), WPHF (100 Hz, 1 ms) and VOL protocols. For each protocol, force time integral (FTI) was quantified and subjects were classified as responders and non-responders to WPHF based on k-means clustering analysis. Furthermore, a fatigue index based on FTI loss at the end of each protocol compared with the beginning of the protocol was calculated. Phosphocreatine depletion (ΔPCr) was assessed using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Responders developed four times higher FTI's during WPHF (99 ± 37 ×103 N.s) than non-responders (26 ± 12 ×103 N.s). For both responders and non-responders, CONV was metabolically more demanding than VOL when ΔPCr was expressed relative to the FTI. Only for the responder group, the ∆PCr/FTI ratio of WPHF (0.74 ± 0.19 M/N.s) was significantly lower compared to CONV (1.48 ± 0.46 M/N.s) but similar to VOL (0.65 ± 0.21 M/N.s). Moreover, the fatigue index was not different between WPHF (-16%) and CONV (-25%) for the responders. WPHF could therefore be considered as the less demanding NMES modality-at least in this subgroup of subjects-by possibly exhibiting a muscle activation pattern similar to VOL contractions.
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) MRI is a method to extract microvascular blood flow information out of diffusion-weighted images acquired at multiple b-values. We hypothesized that IVIM can identify the muscles selectively involved in a specific task, by measuring changes in activity-induced local muscular perfusion after exercise. We tested this hypothesis using a widely used clinical maneuver, the lift-off test, which is known to assess specifically the subscapularis muscle functional integrity. Twelve shoulders from six healthy male volunteers were imaged at 3 T, at rest, as well as after a lift-off test hold against resistance for 30 s, 1 and 2 min respectively, in three independent sessions. IVIM parameters, consisting of perfusion fraction (f), diffusion coefficient (D), pseudo-diffusion coefficient D* and blood flow-related fD*, were estimated within outlined muscles of the rotator cuff and the deltoid bundles. The mean values at rest and after the lift-off tests were compared in each muscle using a one-way ANOVA. A statistically significant increase in fD* was measured in the subscapularis, after a lift-off test of any duration, as well as in D. A fD* increase was the most marked (30 s, +103%; 1 min, +130%; 2 min, +156%) and was gradual with the duration of the test (in 10(-3) mm(2) /s: rest, 1.41 ± 0.50; 30 s, 2.86 ± 1.17; 1 min, 3.23 ± 1.22; 2 min, 3.60 ± 1.21). A significant increase in fD* and D was also visible in the posterior bundle of the deltoid. No significant change was consistently visible in the other investigated muscles of the rotator cuff and the other bundles of the deltoid. In conclusion, IVIM fD* allows the demonstration of a task-related microvascular perfusion increase after a specific task and suggests a direct relationship between microvascular perfusion and the duration of the effort. It is a promising method to investigate non-invasively skeletal muscle physiology and clinical perfusion-related muscular disorders.
We report two unrelated patients with a multisystem disease involving liver, eye, immune system, connective tissue, and bone, caused by biallelic mutations in the neuroblastoma amplified sequence (NBAS) gene. Both presented as infants with recurrent episodes triggered by fever with vomiting, dehydration, and elevated transaminases. They had frequent infections, hypogammaglobulinemia, reduced natural killer cells, and the Pelger-Huët anomaly of their granulocytes. Their facial features were similar with a pointed chin and proptosis; loose skin and reduced subcutaneous fat gave them a progeroid appearance. Skeletal features included short stature, slender bones, epiphyseal dysplasia with multiple phalangeal pseudo-epiphyses, and small C1-C2 vertebrae causing cervical instability and myelopathy. Retinal dystrophy and optic atrophy were present in one patient. NBAS is a component of the synthaxin-18 complex and is involved in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay control. Putative loss-of-function mutations in NBAS are already known to cause disease in humans. A specific founder mutation has been associated with short stature, optic nerve atrophy and Pelger-Huët anomaly of granulocytes (SOPH) in the Siberian Yakut population. A more recent report associates NBAS mutations with recurrent acute liver failure in infancy in a group of patients of European descent. Our observations indicate that the phenotypic spectrum of NBAS deficiency is wider than previously known and includes skeletal, hepatic, metabolic, and immunologic aspects. Early recognition of the skeletal phenotype is important for preventive management of cervical instability. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Résumé Le cancer implique rarement l'oeil et risque d'être reconnu tardivement. Les tumeurs intraoculaires primaires les plus fréquentes sont le rétinoblastome chez l'enfant et le mélanome uvéal chez l'adulte.Le diagnostic différentiel d'une baisse de vision dans un contexte de cancer systémique est varié. Des métastases uvéales sont souvent associées au cancer du sein ou du poumon. Un masquerade syndrome est l'atteinte oculaire, pseudo-inflammatoire, d'un lymphome primaire non hodgkinien du système nerveux central. Un traitement oncologique médicamenteux ou radique peut induire une toxicité, souvent rétinienne. Les syndromes paranéoplasiques, rares, sont causés par des anticorps anticancéreux réagissant contre la rétine. Si le cancer touche l'oeil, référer le patient rapidement vers un centre spécialisé pourra faire la différence aux niveaux pronostiques vital et visuel. Abstract Cancer involves so rarely the eye that it may be recognized late. The most frequent primary intra-ocular tumours are retinoblastoma in small children and uveal melanoma in adults.Vision loss in systemic cancer has a varied differential diagnosis. Uveal metastases are most often associated with breast cancer, but can herald lung carcinoma. Masquerade syndrome looks like infllammation but represents the ocular involvement of primary CNS non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Systemic cancer drugs, as well as radiotherapy, can cause ocular toxicity, mostly at the retina. In the rare paraneoplastic syndromes, patient's cancer antibodies cross-react with retinal antigens, leading to severe vision loss. When cancer involves the eye, a fast referral into specialized care can signifiicantly improve visual and vital prognosis.
We assessed knee extensor neuromuscular adjustments following repeated treadmill sprints in different normobaric hypoxia conditions, with special reference to rapid muscle torque production capacity. Thirteen team- and racquet-sport athletes undertook 8 × 5-s "all-out" sprints (passive recovery = 25 s) on a non-motorized treadmill in normoxia (NM; FiO2 = 20.9%), at low (LA; FiO2 = 16.8%) and high (HA; FiO2 = 13.3%) normobaric hypoxia (simulated altitudes of ~1800 m and ~3600 m, respectively). Explosive (~1 s; "fast" instruction) and maximal (~5 s; "hard" instruction) voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) of the knee extensors (KE), with concurrent electromyographic (EMG) activity recordings of the vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles, were performed before and 1-min post-exercise. Rate of torque development (RTD) and EMG (i.e., Root Mean Square or RMS) rise from 0 to 30, -50, -100, and -200 ms were recorded, and were also normalized to maximal torque and EMG values, respectively. Distance covered during the first 5-s sprint was similar (P > 0.05) in all conditions. A larger (P < 0.05) sprint decrement score and a shorter (P < 0.05) cumulated distance covered over the eight sprints occurred in HA (-8 ± 4% and 178 ± 11 m) but not in LA (-7 ± 3% and 181 ± 10 m) compared to NM (-5 ± 2% and 183 ± 9 m). Compared to NM (-9 ± 7%), a larger (P < 0.05) reduction in MVC torque occurred post-exercise in HA (-14 ± 9%) but not in LA (-12 ± 7%), with no difference between NM and LA (P > 0.05). Irrespectively of condition (P > 0.05), peak RTD (-6 ± 11%; P < 0.05), and normalized peak RMS activity for VL (-8 ± 11%; P = 0.07) and RF (-14 ± 11%; P < 0.01) muscles were reduced post-exercise, whereas reductions (P < 0.05) in absolute RTD occurred within the 0-100 (-8 ± 9%) and 0-200 ms (-10 ± 8%) epochs after contraction onset. After normalization to MVC torque, there was no difference in RTD values. Additionally, the EMG rise for VL muscle was similar (P > 0.05), whereas it increased (P < 0.05) for RF muscle during all epochs post-exercise, independently of the conditions. In summary, alteration in repeated-sprint ability and post-exercise MVC decrease were greater at high altitude than in normoxia or at low altitude. However, the post-exercise alterations in RTD were similar between normoxia and low-to-high hypoxia.