846 resultados para Prospect


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The prospect of Brexit has kicked up a lot of dust around the now famous Article 50 TEU withdrawal procedure, and the form, scope and sequence of the ‘divorce’ and future framework agreements between the EU and the UK.[1] One issue that has received far less attention is whether the international agreements concluded by the EU will continue to apply to the UK after Brexit, and if so, how.


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Organic-organic heterojunctions are nowadays highly regarded materials for light-emitting diodes, field-effect transistors, and photovoltaic cells with the prospect of designing low-cost, flexible, and efficient electronic devices.1-3 However, the key parameter of optimized heterojunctions relies on the choice of the molecular compounds as well as on the morphology of the organic-organic interface,4 which thus requires fundamental studies. In this work, we investigated the deposition of C60 molecules at room temperature on an organic layer compound, the salt bis(benzylammonium)bis(oxalato)cupurate(II), by means of noncontact atomic force microscopy. Three-dimensional molecular islands of C60 having either triangular or hexagonal shapes are formed on the substrate following a "Volmer-Weber" type of growth. We demonstrate the dynamical reshaping of those C60 nanostructures under the local action of the AFM tip at room temperature. The dissipated energy is about 75 meV and can be interpreted as the activation energy required for this migration process.


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The neodymium (Nd) isotope composition of ancient seawater is a potentially useful tracer of changes in continental inputs and ocean circulation on timescales of a few ka. Here we present the first Nd isotope record for seawater using sedimentary foraminifera cleaned using standard oxidative-reductive techniques. The data, along with Mn/Ca ratios, suggest that cleaned foraminifera provide a reliable record of Nd in seawater and hold out the prospect of using Nd in foraminifera to examine changes in seawater that accompany glacial-interglacial climatic cycles. The principal potential problem to be overcome with the use of forams as records of trace elements in ancient seawater is their diagenetic Fe-Mn coatings. These contain large amounts of Nd and other trace elements but can be cleaned off using highly reducing reagents. Mn(Ca ratios for the majority of the cleaned sedimentary foraminifera analysed here lie within the range (10-100 µmol/mol) that has yielded success in studies of transition elements in forams. Mass-balance modelling suggests that for residual Mn/Ca ratios <100 µmol/mol, Nd added to the foram in the coating will never shift the measured Nd isotope composition significantly away from the seawater value acquired by the foram test in the water column. Additionally, Nd concentrations measured in cleaned sedimentary foraminifera are comparable with those for a modern sample that has never encountered diagenetic fluids. Finally, core-top planktonic foraminifera for two sites have Nd isotope compositions that are identical to local surface seawater. The data we present here for Labrador Sea forams over the past 2.5 m.y. are interpreted in terms of changes in the seawater isotopic composition. The data show a pronounced shift from epsilon-Nd values of ~-12 to ~-19 in the period 2.5-1.5 Ma. This change is interpreted to result from the initiation of Northern Hemisphere glaciation and the increased derivation of Labrador Sea Nd via ice-rafting from Archaean terranes in central Canada. In combination with stable isotope and foraminiferal relative species abundance data, the new Nd data are consistent with the surface hydrography of the Labrador Sea being dominated by a fluctuating balance between cold, polar waters containing unradiogenic Nd and warm, subtropical waters containing more radiogenic Nd. The major change in Labrador Sea Nd that is observed in the past 2.5 Ma can, on its own, account for the change in the Nd isotope composition of North Atlantic Deep Water over the same time period.


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The present paper empirically investigates the impact of family relationship conflict on subjective firm valuation by family firm owner managers. Drawing on the emerging socioemotional wealth perspective of corporate ownership, we find a U-shaped relationship between relationship conflict inside the family firm and subjective family firm valuation. This finding suggests that negatively valenced emotions induced by the conflict, at low levels of conflict, lead to emotion congruent withdrawal behavior and hence lower valuation. With conflicts gaining in fervor and severity, owner-managers start endowing and pricing sunk costs related to the conflict. This finding suggests that emotions do indeed have spill-over effects on monetary value perceptions and that negatively valenced emotions induced by relationship conflict are not linearly appraised. Rather, to understand the impact of negative emotions on corporate ownership appraisal and attachment it is required to reconcile the emotion congruency with the prospect theory perspective.


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The uranium prospect here described is located in Rocky Canyon on the western side of the Humbolt Range approximately 25 miles northeast of Lovelock, in Pershing County, Nevada. The claims are estimated to be in Sec. 6, T.29 N., R.34 E., MDBM. The Lovelock, Nevada, quadrangle topographic sheet of the U. S. Geological Survey, on a scale of 4 miles to one inch, and with contour interval of 100 feet, shows the area in the east central portion of the sheet.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Ode on the Spring.--Ode on the death of a favourite cat.--Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College.--A long story.--Hymn to adversity.--The progress of poesy.--The bard.--The fatal sisters.--The descent of Odin.--The triumphs of Owen.--Carmen elegiacum.--Elegia, &c.--Elegy written in a country church-yard.--Ode on Ranelagh...a parody on Mr. Gray's...Ode on a distant prospect of Eton College [by J. Duncombe].--An evening contemplation in a college...a parody on the Elegy in a...church-yard.--The Bard, a burlesque ode...by R. Lloyd and G. Colman.


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"Partial list of standard tests used in greater Boston": p. 26-30.


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Pages [29]-32 contain: "Address to the Church and Society, by Rev. S. L. Pomroy [i.e. Pomeroy], of Bangor."


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In this work of his imagination the writer pictures what he apprehends will be the result of the election of Republican candidates. Lincoln is to be succeeded by Seward in 1864 and the prospect of the latter's reelection in 1868 will bring on civil war.


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"'Fasti' ad quos lectores saepe ... relegantur, sunt fasti consulares quos volumen quartum exhibebit. In eodem volumine etiam 'Additamenta' totius operis edentur."--Praefatio editoris, v. 1, p. viii-ix. There is no prospect of the publication of that volume. cf. Letter of the publisher, 28-VIII-'30.


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Ms. notes in margins throughout volume and on 3 blank pages at end.


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"March 1997."


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"August 1996."


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"Sponsors: The Wildlife Society's Working Group on Sustainable Use of Ecosystem Resources ... [et al.]."