955 resultados para Programa de Formação de Alfabetizadores PROFA


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to investigate the structural content of an essential stimulation program at one APAE from Parana State. his institution has been working for 43 years and it has 420 students enrolled. It was a documentary analysis of the pedagogical project of this institution, whose collection started after the approval of a local ethics committee, held with a previously developed protocol for this purpose. After the content analysis, it was possible to establish three categories related to this program operation, the conception of development present in it and place illed by language and by inclusion. he results indicated that, in order to be enrolled, children must present prenatal, neonatal and postnatal antecedents that entail problems of intellectual, motor, sensorial and language nature. he program is considered as a stage in early childhood education, but the language is not a structural content of this phase. It is a subarea of the development to be crafted with interventions directed to motor aspects of speech, breathing and communication. Finally, the concept of child development is complemented with other areas, also disjointed: sensory-perceptive; self-care; motor and social-emotional. We conclude that, although it is presented as an educational stage, in the essential stimulation of the analyzed institution, a clinical-specialized character predominates, consistent with the conceptions of development present in the document, but not with advances in relation to the concept of human development in the context of Inclusive Education and diversity.


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This paper describes a Precocious Student Attention Program With High Abilities/Giftedness Behaviors developed since 2011 at Jlio Mesquita Filho Philosophy and Sciences So Paulo State University, located in the city of Marlia/SP/Brazil. Based on Joseph Renzulli's three rings theory, the authors describe how they organized the process of identification and evaluation of the precocious children with giftedness behaviors that attend the program. Based on Joseph Renzulli's Enrichment Triad Model, the authors categorize the students and give an account of the enrichment activities that are developed alongside with the students and their respective guardians. It is concluded that programs of this nature serve this still little recognized category of students, as well as help the development of studies and is a significant locus to educational formation.


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This article aims to present a discussion on the impact of the Institutional Program of Initiation to Teaching (Pibid) on teacher formation policy from the experience of the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp). The Pibid contributes effectively to the relationship between university and basic education school constituting a great advance in the politics of initial and continuing training of teachers. The challenges and the possibilities are many, requiring from its direct participants ongoing dialogue and commitment with public school.


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The role of the librarian and archivist in school settings is shown, currently in the initial stages. Starting up this hypothesis, the PET of Librarianship of the FFC/UNESP prepared the design in PET at School with a view to submitting importance of these professionals this environment. Thus, it is expected that the performance of the stock of PET Librarianship in schools is another catalytic to the formation of responsible professionals and concerned with the society around them as idealized the political projects of pedagogical courses of Library and Archival of FFC/UNESP. Experiments of this nature bring the discussion of knowledge acquired in the classroom and the possibility of social transformation by information professional.


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Fundao de Amparo Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ps-graduao em Educao Escolar - FCLAR


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Alguns estudiosos e pesquisadores nos ltimos anos tm voltado ateno para a formação de professores, no que se refere sobretudo as questes dos saberes docentes, tentando, assim, compreender que saberes esto presentes na prtica pedaggica. No mbito desse processo e com o ingresso no PIBID (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciao Docncia), tive um contato mais prximo com a escola, especificamente com os professores em exerccio. Assim algumas indagaes surgiram sobre o fato dos estudantes apresentarem um tipo de saber (discursivo) e os professores outros (pragmtico). Embora ambos possam compartilhar algumas experincias comuns vinculadas ao processo de escolarizao, cada um fala de um lugar diferente. Isto aponta para outro questionamento: qual o lugar que o estudante, os professores da escola e da universidade ocupam no campo da formação. A partir deste contexto, o presente trabalho abrange a formação dos professores, a prtica docente e os saberes docentes. Dessa forma objetiva-se compreender como os estudantes da disciplina de estgio supervisionado na escola e os professores da escola constroem/constituem/apontam os saberes que so mobilizados na prtica de ensino. Especificadamente se busca (a) identificar os saberes que so mobilizados por estudantes de Educao Fsica na construo dos Projetos de Ensino e da Prtica de Ensino no estgio;(b) analisar a origem desses saberes, tomando como referncia a elaborao do Projeto de Ensino, a Prtica de Ensino na escola e as Experincias no processo de escolarizao;(c) estabelecer relaes, se possvel entre a aquisio desses saberes e a identidade docente;(d) apontar a compreenso que os professores da escola que recebem estagirios tm sobre os saberes docentes.Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva, que utiliza como tcnicas para a coleta, a entrevista e a fonte documental, tendo na anlise do contedo a...


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A partir de mudanas culturais e legislativas, a formação profissional tem passado por alteraes no que concernem espaos, modalidades e suas especificidades. So observadas ento, mudanas desde os Projetos Poltico Pedaggicos de cursos de formação de professores, assim como o incentivo do governo programas de Iniciao docncia, como o PIBID. Com isso, o objetivo desse trabalho foi o de levantar os principais problemas referentes ao ensino de educao fsica na escola e se um programa de iniciao docncia poderia vir a ajudar na formação inicial do futuro professor. Atravs de uma pesquisa exploratria, usando como instrumento a fonte documental, esse trabalho analisou relatos de participantes de um grupo PIBID na Universidade Estadual Paulista- Campus Rio Claro, no curso de Educao Fsica e explorou as influencias desse projeto na formação inicial, comparando-o com a disciplina de Estgio Curricular Supervisionado. Foram encontrados resultados que permeiam problemas estruturais e conceituais referentes disciplina de Educao Fsica Escolar, e que corroboram para um declnio de ensino da rea, alm de resultados significativos que tanto o projeto, como a disciplina de estgio, pde oferecer aos alunos na construo de sua identidade profissional


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This study presents results a research held in the framework of, literacy projects and the process of formation of critical consciousness (instances considered, research, literacy essential to the process) and was based on the theory and design education and literacy of Paulo Freire, as well as theories that deal with the acquisition of the writing system and the process of social literacy. The objective is to see how the process of literacy and literacy for children of elementary school second, through teaching practices arising from the current state program, Read and Write and analyze the processes of formation of conscience in this age group, from the educational concepts of Paulo Freire. Was aimed also consider and describe the possible confluence between the pedagogical praxis based on state curriculum and educational proposals frerianas. For the survey, we used the field study of exploratorydescriptive and the methodology developed in three stages, namely: literature review, field research in locus, and data analysis. The instruments used were literature review and annotated by syntheses, systematic observation recorded in field notebook; open a questionnaire, and protocol of semi-structured interview. The survey was conducted in a state school in the city of Bauru, in a classroom of second year of elementary school, I cycle and the research subjects were a literacy teacher and 18 students in that room. This study developed a historical overview of literacy methods, and present the concepts of literacy and literacy in which it is based. The survey results indicate that, on the literacy practices, proposals and guidelines of the Reading and Writing Program meet the expectations which they propose to achieve, on the literacy practices in the classroom are used various kinds of texts, however, not explored are the social aspects of production, ...((Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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This work describes and contextualizes the PROESF - Special Program for Teacher Training Exercise in the early grades of elementary school and children education in municipal schools of metropolitan region of Campinas. The PROESF was organized by University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and remained from 2002 to 2005 graduated about 1600 teachers. The objetives of this course was provide pedagogy formation to teachers in activity in elementary schools and children schools from municipalities of this region. The course also intended to improve the quality of the education and teachers formation. At the final part of course, the teachers had to elaborating a memorial of formation. These materials can be accessed on the website of UNICAMP. The contribution of these memorial of formations can help to think about the teachers formation. This study was a qualitative research from these materials for 2008, and the objective is to identify the marks the formation perceived by these teachers and contributions for them formation. It is understood by marks the formation school memories significant for this group of teachers, stressing the points of what the academic formation contributes for the teacher in day-to-day in the school and what life in the classroom as a teacher marked the teaching practice. After reading the memorials I saw the marks, socialize my memorial, in which one perceives the same brands, presenting a reflection from the living


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The current work aims to analyze the contributions of PIBID for initial graduation of the teachers, in view of the undergraduates of Physics Course at UNESP Guaratinguet . A brief literature survey about the national situation of teacher education was performed, at which the main difficulties and challenges, as well as the solutions stated in place by the government to solve them, have been highlighted. A description of the historical of PIBID at UNESP, from the institutional project to reach the subproject developed by Physics Course of Guaratinguet, was presented. To characterize the development of the subproject, it was performed a survey on the activities performed by the PIBIDs scholars, since its implementation on campus in 2010 until the end of the year 2013, in order to map the experiences lived by program participants. These data were obtained from the analysis of reports by scholars themselves, video analyzes and record of the weekly meetings held by the group, reading electronic messages exchanged on a specific group of e-mails and written evaluations by members of the program. Completing data collection, eleven scholars undergraduates of the program were interviewed, and the results were classified by topics, defined from recurrence in the interviewees speech. The global analysis of the data was based on theoretical references commonly used in research on graduation of teachers, as Nvoa (1992), Mizukami (2005, 2006) and Gatti (2008). The results indicate that the licensed ones see in PIBID a differentiated opportunity for initial teaching graduation, for adding practical learning experiences for students of EB within the school context, and especially for creating space for reflection on their experiences with the support of more experienced teachers, committed to the training of all involved ones


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Buscou-se com o presente trabalho investigar o perfil do professor-leitor que se revela nos impressos dirigidos aos professores no Programa Pedagogia Cidad (Curso de Licenciatura para a Formação Continuada de Professores em Servio da Educao Infantil e do Ensino Fundamental), tendo-se por foco principal a materialidade dos impressos e, os protocolos de leitura neles presentes (CHARTIER, 2001). Buscou tambm desvendar as representaes presentes nesses volumes referente ao professor, enquanto profissional e enquanto leitor e ainda as concepes de leitura presentes nesses materiais. O trabalho teve como base metodolgica a pesquisa de natureza documental. Ao atentar-se para a conceituao do ato de ler como um processo formador e para envolvimento do professor como mesmo, em especial para as prticas de leituras propostas nos cursos de formação docente, verificou-se que o professor identificado como um tipo peculiar de leitor. Observou-se tambm que a materialidade dos impressos (Cadernos de Formação) dirigidos aos professoresalunos no Programa Pedagogia Cidad constitui-se como elemento essencial para a produo de sentidos na leitura e, portanto, como fonte reveladora do ideal de formação docente almejado, por este programa.


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A pesquisa tem por foco o mercado editorial voltado para a formação dos professores da educao bsica, com nfase para as revistas pedaggicas com periodicidade regular em circulao na regio Sudeste do pas. Objetivou-se reconhecer e caracterizar manifestaes desse mercado a partir da anlise da materialidade das revistas, buscando encontrar tambm representaes sobre os professores e sua profisso. O trabalho foi realizado sob uma abordagem qualitativa, nos moldes da pesquisa documental. Em um primeiro momento, realizou-se a identificao de quais so as revistas pedaggicas disponveis no mercado e a que tipo de profissional elas se destinam, partindo de levantamento de materiais presentes em bancas de jornal, livrarias, bibliotecas e tambm em sites especializados. O segundo momento caracteriza-se pela anlise e comparao da materialidade das revistas. Trata-se de um Trabalho de Concluso de Curso que teve apoio financeiro pelo Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciao Cientfica da Pr-Reitoria (PROPE) de Pesquisa da UNESP (PIBIC/Reitoria). parte do projeto Mercado de formação docente: constituio, funcionamento, possibilidades e limites, financiado pelo CNPq, que por sua vez integra o Projeto Temtico FAPESP Programas Especiais de Formação de Professores, educao a distncia e escolarizao: pesquisas sobre novos modelos de formação em servio