999 resultados para Processo de construção
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de um grupo de pedagogos docentes em faculdades isoladas, nos cursos de Pedagogia, a respeito de sua identidade profissional. A fundamentação teórica do estudo baseou- se nos conceitos de Representação Social enunciados por Sèrge Moscovici e Denise Jodelet. Foram realizadas considerações acerca dos caminhos percorridos pelos cursos de Pedagogia no país e seus aspectos sociais, que deram origem às atuais representações que os sujeitos do estudo têm sobre a profissão docente. Os dados foram coletados através de um questionário semidiretivo e analisado com os recursos dos softwares ALCESTE, para análise lexical, e EVOC, para evocação livre das palavras. Os resultados revelaram que a identidade do pedagogo é compreendida como um processo de construção e reconstrução e apresenta-se como um diferencial, fruto de uma escolha profissional, e não de sacerdócio, anunciando que, embora exista um padrão social estabelecido para o exercício profissional, o pedagogo docente faz uso de sua professoralidade, na sua maneira de exercer a profissão. A contribuição pretendida por este estudo é melhor compreender as representações de pedagogos docentes nos cursos de formação de professores a respeito de sua profissão, e seu papel profissional, de forma a oferecer algumas reflexões sobre a formação em Pedagogia.
A presente pesquisa investiga o aprender a ler e a escrever do segmento idoso partindo do pressuposto de que a introdução no mundo da leitura e da escrita pode propiciar-lhe, mesmo que tardiamente, a inclusão social e uma transformação na sua vida pessoal. Nesse sentido, foi realizado um estudo sobre o analfabetismo no nosso país amparado em um referencial teórico específico, adotando a visão de homem como um ser inconcluso e em constante processo de construção que pode progredir social, histórica e temporalmente. Para dar concretude a esses objetivos a opção foi pela abordagem qualitativa. São sujeitos deste estudo, alunos matriculados na Educação de Jovens e Adultos de uma Organização Não Governamental (ONG) uma instituição religiosa e também alunos de instituições que atendem ao segmento idoso. Foram aplicados quarenta questionários, por meio dos quais foi possível inferir que esses alunos buscam resgatar a possibilidade de serem incluídos e aceitos socialmente, bem como convívio com os seus pares.
O presente trabalho busca examinar as dificuldades que o coordenador pedagógico tem encontrado no processo de construção de sua identidade como formador de professores de Educação Infantil, tanto do ponto de vista individual, como institucional. O quadro teórico gira em torno da obra de Paulo Freire, para discutir a concepção de educação e formação de professores numa visão mais humanista, mais comprometida com o homem inserido num mundo moderno e em constante transformação e, portanto, inacabado; Madalena Freire possibilita desvelar os meandros da formação docente na Educação Infantil; José Cerchi Fusari contribui para a discussão da formação inicial e continuada, descrevendo e analisando as representações dos coordenadores pedagógicos; finalmente, Vera Maria Nigro de Souza Placco aborda a formação em serviço como um conjunto de relações interpessoais e o trabalho do coordenador pedagógico como possibilidade de aprendizagem do adulto professor. A pesquisa foi realizada com oito coordenadores pedagógicos de escolas públicas de Educação Infantil sob responsabilidade da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo, todos efetivos e com permanência no cargo variando de um ano e sete meses a 23 anos. A metodologia utilizada foi a análise dos conteúdos coletados nas entrevistas, as quais foram gravadas em áudio e depois transcritas. As perguntas da pesquisa foram aprofundadas ao longo do desenvolvimento deste trabalho e, respeitando-se o quadro teórico, foi elaborado um roteiro temático com questões semiestruturadas. A conclusão da pesquisa aponta para o fato de que a identidade do coordenador pedagógico de Educação Infantil não é algo pronto, acabado. A identidade se faz no dia a dia, nas relações intra e interpessoais, no diálogo com o grupo, na construção de rotinas e na partilha das responsabilidades, bem como no trabalho integrado e articulado com a direção da escola.
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as representações sociais de ser docente do professor enfermeiro que atua no Ensino Técnico em enfermagem e cursou Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica, exigido pelo MEC a partir de janeiro de 2008. A fundamentação teórica da pesquisa foi norteada pelo conceito de Representação Social enunciado por Sèrge Moscovici (1978) e mediado por Denise Jodelet (1984) e Mary Jane Spink (2004). Foram tecidas considerações sobre o ensino de enfermagem dentro do quadro da educação brasileira, evidenciando a legalização do ensino técnico no contexto socioeconômico e político do país que regulamentou o ensino técnico de enfermagem. Também foram descritas as últimas exigências feitas pelo Ministério da Educação e pelo Conselho Regional de Enfermagem sobre o exercício da docência no ensino técnico. A coleta de dados foi possível por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, realizadas com 07 professores enfermeiros egressos do curso de Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica. Foi utilizada a abordagem qualitativa centrada na análise de conteúdo dando voz aos sujeitos da pesquisa. Os resultados revelaram que as representações sociais sobre o ser docente da população-alvo foram ancoradas na perspectiva de transmitir os conteúdos curriculares e morais, porém, tentaram se afastar da idéia do paradigma tradicional do professor que só transmite conhecimento. Os resultados também evidenciaram que o curso de Pós-Graduação com ênfase pedagógica contribuiu com os professores enfermeiros da pesquisa para o processo de construção e reconstrução do ser docente. As representações sociais dos professores deste estudo revelaram, por último, a satisfação em ser docente atrelada à idéia de felicidade em exercer as atividades docentes, o que não deixou de lado a forte presença da profissão de enfermeiro.
Este Relatório, integrado no Mestrado em Ensino de Biologia e de Geologia no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário, descreve as atividades planeadas e desenvolvidas no âmbito do Estágio Pedagógico que decorreu no ano letivo de 2012/2013 na Escola Básica e Secundária Gonçalves Zarco. As atividades estão organizadas segundo o delineado para o Estágio Pedagógico, interligam-se entre si e evidenciam uma intervenção abrangente do professor estagiário enquanto futuro professor de Biologia e Geologia. Assim, no primeiro capítulo consta a contextualização das atividades pedagógicas desenvolvidas, uma breve descrição dos intervenientes neste Estágio e ainda a caracterização da Escola de acolhimento, com vista a conhecê-la não só do ponto de vista estrutural e organizacional, como também compreender as orientações educativas definidas pela Escola, de modo a rentabilizar os espaços físicos e os materiais didáticos proporcionados pela instituição. No capítulo seguinte, referente à prática letiva, é abordada toda a ação pedagógica, a gestão do processo de aprendizagem, bem como a reflexão do professor sobre a sua progressão e aquisição de competências ao longo do Estágio. São ainda incluídas as atividades de integração no meio, com o intuito de conhecer as turmas que lecionávamos, as quais incluem a caracterização de uma das turmas lecionadas (9º ano) e a realização de um estudo de caso. Por último, são relatadas outras atividades realizadas no decorrer deste Estágio Pedagógico que tiveram uma expressão individual e coletiva, nomeadamente a atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar e a atividade de natureza científico-pedagógica. A realização das várias atividades pedagógicas apresentadas, as vivências experienciadas, a partilha e o trabalho conjuntos, foram importantes para nos consciencializar de todo o processo de construção e desenvolvimento da nossa identidade profissional e das motivações pessoais e, claro, do modo como estas estão relacionadas com a nossa ação no contexto real.
Adoption establishes a filiation status, resulting from a legal act, which attributes to the child and parents the rights and obligations associated with such condition, being legally irrevocable. Nevertheless, in practice there are adoptions that do not concretize and the child returns to justice during or even after the legal process is closed. Late adoption is the denomination of the adoption of children over two years and it is still permeated by myths and stigmas, leading to a frequent return of the child to justice in these cases. The late adoption involves a process of building a unique relationship with a child whose backstory is commonly marked by the dissolution of the relationship with the family of origin, due to violation of rights and, in some cases, the experience of institutional care. Given such a scenario, this research, based on the Existential Analytic proposed by Martin Heidegger, seeks to understand the experience of mothers and children in the process of late adoption, in order to obtain subsidies to psychological attention in this context. This is a qualitative, phenomenological study with a comprehensive focus. The participants were two mothers and two children who have gone through late adoption for about two years. The procedures of data generation contemplated narrative interviews with mothers and individual meetings with children, in which ludic resources were used as mediators of expression (free drawings, unfinished children's story and "Story-Drawings" on late adoption). The procedures were audiotaped and transcribed. Data analysis was grounded in Heidegger's hermeneutics. The late adoption process, permeated by historical, social and cultural determinants and the web of meanings that create the historical singularity of each person involved have proved to be complex as seen in the narratives. The construction of the meanings of parenthood and filiation has been developing in the families in the study, from the experience of being-with-the-other, caring and dwelling in their peculiar modes of expression. The family of origin and the adoptive family mingle and differentiate by means of the experience of children, especially because of the existence of biological siblings. Data point to the importance of psychological care to family core in late adoption processes
This dissertation addresses the work of the memoirs of the potiguar writer Luís da Câmara Cascudo (1898 - 1986) from an integrated reading of four works that comprise: O Tempo e Eu (1968), Pequeno Manual do Doente Aprendiz (1969), Na Ronda do Tempo (1971) and Ontem (1972). Produced under the contingency of the modern movement and urban reform, memories Cascudo evoke the old landscapes of old, populated by those who belonged to the old romantic and provincial Natal that no longer exists, but which still survives in the idealized memory author and that is (re)constructed by him from a written permeated with touches of imagination and a sense of nostalgia. Seeking to analyze how is the process of building memoirist of Cascudo, as well as reflect on the role that memory plays in the (re)construction of a time and a lost space, we used the studies of Maurice Halbwachs (2006) and Ecléa Bosi (1994). Within this theoretical framework, we seek, above all, to understand not only how the lived experiences of Cascudo will work in this matter of his memory, but also as this will guide a writing that touches on the history and social frameworks of the past
The final disposal of municipal solid waste in unsuitable areas without an infrastructure that meets the health measures and environmental protection, coupled with the lack of technical criteria in phase and decommissioning of the dump can promote environmental degradation. Alternatively to minimize the impacts of this activity for the stabilization of the area by isolating the massive waste with implementation of an adequate and finished by a layer of soil for plant growth final cover system. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the quality of the final cover in the area of a disabled dump the tropical semi-arid region in order to assist the process of recovery of these areas. The study area is located in the tropical semi-arid region in São João do Sabugi /RN. Soil samples were collected in the dump area and bushland as a benchmark of quality. To which they were subjected to analysis of physical attributes (particle density, bulk density, grain size and porosity), chemical properties (pH, K + , Na+ , Ca2 + , Mg2 + and Al3 + exchangeable, potential acidity, available phosphorus, sum of bases, CEC, base saturation, aluminum saturation, saturation Na + and adsorption ratio sodium, total organic carbon and total nitrogen) and total and soluble concentrations of heavy metals (Mn, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, Mo, Co, Cr, Ba and Ni). The differences between physical and chemical soil under native forest and final cover showing reduction of soil quality in the area off to the dump, which hinders the development of native vegetation and the recovery of the area. The absence of superior waterproofing to allow vertical transfer between the solid waste and the final cover promoted enrichment by chemical elements and heavy metals in excess can impair revegetation. Deficiencies found in the construction process of the final cover point to the need for intervention to accelerate the process of stabilization and recovery of the area of the local ecosystem
This work is a comparative study of three black brotherhoods that existed in Pernambuco in the eighteenth century, it is the Brotherhood of Our Lady of the Rosary of Black Men of Recife, Olinda and Goiás. The goal was to understand the similarities and differences between them, taking as benchmark their operating statutes, called Appointments. From the data analysis of the commitments associated with other documents produced by the Brotherhoods and the administrative and religious authorities, we sought the social profile of the villages in evidence, as well as the participation of black people inside. We sought to understand the historical conditions of that period, from the fact that the slave society, the black was placed in a position of subordination. However, as a carrier element of culture, although this condition, was able to overcome social obstacles, opening possibilities for own cultural manifestations of his group could occur. The coexistence in the Brotherhoods of the Rosary, which in addition to organizations for mutual assistance within the Catholic religion, is also constituted as fields mediators between high culture and popular culture, made those organizations become social spaces and representation allowed the existing order. The Brotherhoods of the Rosary in Recife, Olinda and Goiás, had their own hierarchical logic that engendered the construction of new black identities marked by cultural circularity that became possible due to the Atlantic diaspora process
Dialogização de vozes: o fio construtor do estilo de José Bezerra Gomes no romance A porta e o vento
This research aims to investigate the process of stylistic construction in novelistic prose of Northeastern Brazilian writter José Bezerra Gomes, taking as a corpus his novel called A porta e o vento. The theoretical foundations supporting this study are related to the ideas disseminated by a group of linguistic researchers known as Bakhtin Circle, especially the notions of dialogic language, literary word, concrete utterance, social voices, and sociological style/stylistic. Concerning to methodological guidance, this work is characterized by adopting the interpretive paradigm of socio-historical background, still situated in the great field of Applied Linguistics, an undisciplinary area of research and frontier whose primary focus is concrete and situated language. The analysis allowed me to hear several social voices embodied therein, realizing a variety of dialogs, numerous worldviews in constant struggle, that due to the management and the finish given by the author, eventually create a tone, a unique composition compared to other discourses and current styles in his midst. Ideological clashes are evident: the voice of tradition versus particular character Santos’ voice regarding the institution of marriage; confrontation between antagonistic hinterland pictures - a living hinterland (rich and diverse) as opposed to the stereotypical notion of hinterland (poor and sterile); and the door and the wind as a metaphor of a fighting arena and a hint of poeticization of the language of prose. The main feature of Bezerra’s style in A porta e o vento is related to the aforesaid modes dialogization voices present in the novel. Therefore, one can found veiled polemic, dialogical replicas and veiled dialogues, which are categories already discussed in Bakhtin's theory, but also other new modes dialogization, grounded in the dynamics of living and concrete language
This paper presents a study of the integration of filters and microstrip antennas, yielding devices named as filtennas for applications in wireless communications systems. The design of these structures is given from the observation of filtennas based integration between horn antennas and frequency selective surfaces (FSS), used in the band X. The choice of microstrip line structures for the development of a new configuration filtennas justifies the wide application of these transmission lines, in recent decades, always resulting in the production of circuit structures with planar light-weight, compact size, low cost, easy to construct and particularly easy to integrate with other microwave circuits. In addition, the antenna structure considered for the composition of filtennas consists of a planar monopole microstrip to microstrip filters integrated in the feed line of the antenna. In particular, are considered elliptical monopole microstrip (operating in UWB UWB) microstrip filters and (in structures with associated sections in series and / or coupled). In addition, the monopole microstrip has a proper bandwidth and omnidirectional radiation pattern, such that its integration with microstrip filters results in decreased bandwidth, but with slight changes in the radiation pattern. The methods used in the analysis of monopoles, and filters were filtennas finite elements and moments by using commercial software Ansoft Designer and HFSS Ansoft, respectively. Specifically, we analyze the main characteristics of filtennas, such as radiation pattern, gain and bandwidth. Were designed, constructed and measures, several structures filtennas, for validation of the simulated results. Were also used computational tools (CAD) in the process of building prototypes of planar monopoles, filters and filtennas. The prototypes were constructed on substrates of glass-fiber (FR4). Measurements were performed at the Laboratory for Telecommunications UFRN. Comparisons were made between simulated and measured, and found good agreement in the cases considered
Este trabajo presentado, direccionado a la defensa de la disertación de maestría, intitulada ¿Lo que se quiere imagen, lo que se quiere deseo?: Entre el fabular de deseos y las construcciones imagéticas en la prosa de Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão, discute hasta donde el deseo impulse la imagen y hasta donde esta imagen es tocada por este deseo, visualizando dentro de un sistema literario poético y singular, las construcciones de la imagen junto a las fabulaciones de deseos, lo que nos expone delante de procesos de semiotización por medio de la escrita, de subjetivación, de vértigo, de sensibilización para los efectos y deseos en cuanto producción de sentido y multiplicidades estéticas en cuya letra transgresiva se aventura. En este sentido, el análisis transitará entre el discurso erótico y los problemas fundamentales que este pode, bien como el proceso de construcción de imagen, recortado por vía de discursos problematizados por el lenguaje presentado por la autora Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão. Para tanto, colocase como escopo una investigación norteada por autores como Bataille, Roland Barthes, Luiz Roberto Monzani, Suely Rolnik, Walter Benjamin, Georges Didi-Huberman, Maurice Blanchot, Félix Guattari, Gilles Deleuze, dentre otros que puedan transitar por las relaciones, en este estudio, establecidas, constituyendo el corpus teórico y de discusión, atendiendo al caráter cualitativo implicito en el desarrollo de esta disertación. Cuanto al corpus literario, este es compuesto por los contos trídos en Cuentos de la imagen (2005), de manera a constituiren cuerpo-subjetividad, envolviendo ideas, afectos, perceptos y imagens.
Over the past 30 years, Art Education in interface with disabilities has been a subject of increasing interest in research in academia, especially with regard to Special Education, but still has some shortages in terms of socialization studies to discuss this type of teaching from the perspective of inclusive education. In this scenario, this paper presents an analysis from the field of teaching Visual Arts in the context of school inclusion, with emphasis on teaching drawing to the visually impaired. The conducted literature indicates a number of authors who discuss teaching drawing to people with visual disabilities, who are dedicated primarily to the Special Education context. In this sense, the shortage of research that discuss this teaching from the perspective of inclusive education, this research aimed at the inclusive approach to teaching drawing in the school context. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention in Visual Arts, with reference to drawing and its construction process, with the participation of seeing and unseeing students. Therefore, the methodological approach, which was qualitative, was the intervention research, in the light of the Bakhtinian principles of dialogism and otherness, with exploratory study characteristics. The locus of the research was the State School Admiral Newton Braga Faria, which is located in Alecrim, on the East Zone of Natal / RN and is near the Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind - IERC / RN. The class chosen for intervention was the 7th grade “C” afternoon shift, which had children aged 12 to 16, with 27 students enrolled, three students with disabilities: 02 blind girls and 01 deafblind boy with light hearing and visual loss. As interlocutors of the research, we could also count on the Art teacher who served as a collaborator, as well as teacher in the school’s Multifunction Resource Room. The instruments and research procedures were observation, semi-structured interview, field diary and the photo / video recording. In the development of research, we conducted 10 workshops with multisensory teaching sequences, articulating the physical, tactile and graphical expressions as intrinsic to the reading and production of drawing for both seeing and unseeing students. The process and data built on research allowed for a reflection on cultural experiences with drawing in the school context and on the interactions between seeing and unseeing students in the production and analysis of tactile-visual drawings. They also point out the construction of a teaching approach to drawing, in the context of the common class, from educational workshops that enable artistic and aesthetic interactions from the perspective of school inclusiveness. Thus, we argued that the mobilization of the tactile, physical and graphical expressions can be adopted in a multisensory approach that enables a pedagogical focus that involves all students and is not restricted to the presence of students with visual impairment.
This study followed the development of Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria as an intellectual, with the aim of establishing the emergence of that de Faria’s work under the umbrella of the sertão (hinterland) in Northeast Brazil. It accompanied the emergence of the researcher, his discovery of his mission to study the sertão in Seridó and the vital importance of his relationship with Luís da Câmara Cascudo, since despite being a natural born observer, Oswaldo Lamartine embarked on a career as a researcher after encouragement by Cascudo. The first chapter of this study, denominated The Gates of Time, portrays the country during the drought of 1919, the year Lamartine was born. It describes his childhood and first encounters with Câmara Cascudo; his urban exile in Rio de Janeiro; the books written by the young Oswaldo, those that came later, and his definitive return to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The following two chapters, Sand beneath the Feet of the Soul and Images of a Nobleman from the Sertão, summarize Lamartine’s books and describe his entry into the canon of the state’s culture, with particular prominence given to his interview for the documentary “Oswaldo Lamartine: prince of the sertão”, highlighting his attempt (through his writing) to preserve his own existence. In the second section, Verses, Bold, Between the Lines features analyses of texts dedicated to Oswaldo Lamartine, such as those written by de Zila Mamede, Maria Lúcia Dal Farra and Paulo de Tarso Correia de Melo. The next chapter, entitled Warm and Vivid Ashes, highlights Lamartine’s correspondence with Luís da Câmara Cascudo and the incredible friendship between the two researchers. Cascudo’s letters are analyzed through the book De Cascudo para Oswaldo (From Cascudo to Oswaldo) and and are a powerful testimony of Oswaldo Lamartine’s permanent connection to Rio Grande do Norte. In conclusion, the final chapter entitled Combine, Tattoo, Imprint analyzes the writer’s five-book collection entitled Sertões do Seridó (Hinterlands of Seridó). In reading each of these, it becomes clear that observing reality was vital to the writer’s work. This is one of the first studies to be conducted about Oswaldo Lamartine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and its main theoretical references were the reflections of authors Jacques Le Goff (2003), Lejeune (1994; 2008), Maurice Blanchot (1987; 2005), Alfredo Bosi (1987) and Gaston Bachelard (n.d.).
The purpose of this paper is to analyze how Gustavo Barroso sought to discursively construct what would be the Brazilian spatiality through an Interpretation of national history marked by the Jewish conspiracy theory, a racist doctrine in various aspects dialogued with Nazi doctrine, and the thought the Catholic Restoration. Writing that built a given image of the nation. Writing and producing product that is the source of other discourses that operate on the world, appointing him, enveloping him in a load of meanings. Interpretations of time and space that discursively construct realities and ways of being in the world. For the development of this work we will focus mainly on the analysis of the literature of the period integralist Gustavo Barroso since the year 1933 until the year 1937, as well as undertake an analysis of the Cohen Plan, which we understood to be the heir of a grid of thought that falls in line with the theories of political and racial anti-Semitic plot. Thus, we assume that it is necessary to think of the space also in their political and cultural dimensions, and with an barrosiana significance of national space, expressed in the discursive field, the result of a given historical moment and engaged with certain power relations, which unfold through complex relationships, we understand that Barroso made the reading of the Brazilian nation would be its own representation.