999 resultados para Pro Fide et Christianismo


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In the treatment of atherosclerotic disease, stenting in the presence of a glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa antagonist is becoming an increasingly common procedure. The ‘Do Tirofiban and ReoPro Give Similar Efficacy Trial’ (TARGET) was designed to determine whether the cheaper tirofiban was as effective and safe as abciximab in the prevention of ischaemic events with stenting. Unexpectedly, abciximab was shown to be superior to tirofiban. Tirofiban is a selective GP IIb/IIIa antagonist whereas abciximab has additional anti-inflammatory actions, which may contribute to its superiority.


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Cultured equine lamellar hoof explants secrete the pro-enzymes matrix metalloproteinse-2 (MMP-2, 72 kDa) and MMP-2 (92 kDa). Untreated explants remained intact tested on a calibrated force transducer, but when treated with an NIMP activator, developed in-vitro laminitis, separating at the dermal-epidermal junction. Explants treated with the bacterial protease thermolysin separated dose-dependently; this was accompanied by activation of both MMP-2 and -9. Thermolysin-mediated NIP activation did not occur in a cell-free system and was not inhibited by the addition of the MMP inhibitor and batimastat. These findings suggest that thermolysin-mediated gelatinase activation is not dependent on membrane-bound matrix metalloproteinase (MT-MMP) activation, providing further evidence that bacteria can produce potent MMP activators that probably facilitate host invasion. (C) 2002 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.


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A number of full-length cDNA clones of Kunjin virus (KUN) were previously prepared; it was shown that two of them, pAKUN and FLSDX, differed in specific infectivities of corresponding in vitro transcribed RNAs by similar to100,000-fold (A. A. Khromykh et al., J. Virol. 72:7270-7279, 1998). In this study, we analyzed a possible genetic determinant(s) of the observed differences in infectivity initially by sequencing the entire cDNAs of both clones and comparing them with the published sequence of the parental KUN strain MRM61C. We found six common amino acid residues in both cDNA clones that were different from those in the published MRM61C sequence but were similar to those in the published sequences of other flaviviruses from the same subgroup. pAKUN clone had four additional codon changes, i.e., Ile59 to Asn and Arg175 to Lys in NS2A and Tyr518 to His and Ser557 to Pro in NS3. Three of these substitutions except the previously shown marker mutation, Arg175 to Lys in NS2A, reverted to the wild-type sequence in the virus eventually recovered from pAKUN RNA-transfected BHK cells, demonstrating the functional importance of these residues in viral replication and/or viral assembly. Exchange of corresponding DNA fragments between pAKUN and FLSDX clones and site-directed mutagenesis revealed that the Tyr518-to-His mutation in NS3 was responsible for an similar to5-fold decrease in specific infectivity of transcribed RNA, while the Ile59-to-Asn mutation in NS2A completely blocked virus production. Correction of the Asn59 in pAKUN NS2A to the wild-type lie residue resulted in complete restoration of RNA infectivity. Replication of KUN replicon RNA with an Ile59-to-Asn substitution in NS2A and with a Ser557-to-Pro substitution in NS3 was not affected, while the Tyr518-to-His substitution in NS3 led to severe inhibition of RNA replication. The impaired function of the mutated NS2A in production of infectious virus was complemented in trans by the helper wild-type NS2A produced from the KUN replicon RNA. However, replicon RNA with mutated NS2A could not be packaged in trans by the KUN structural proteins. The data demonstrated essential roles for the KUN nonstructural protein NS2A in virus assembly and for NS3 in RNA replication and identified specific single-amino-acid residues involved in these functions.


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Sistema desenvolvido e aplicado durante a Opera????o Tormenta para identificar suspeitos de fraudar as provas objetivas de concursos p??blicos. O Sistema de Prospec????o e An??lise de Desvios em Exames (Spade-PRO) serviu de base para auditar os concursos p??blicos realizados pela Pol??cia Federal nos anos de 2001, 2004 e 2009. Em raz??o da efetividade do sistema, a sua utiliza????o foi estendida para os concursos p??blicos realizados pelas seguintes institui????es: Ag??ncia Nacional de Avia????o Civil (Anac), Ag??ncia Brasileira de Intelig??ncia (Abin), Tribunal de Justi??a do Estado de S??o Paulo (TJSP) e para o Exame da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (OAB). Os dados obtidos, utilizados nas a????es criminais que apuraram a responsabilidade pelas fraudes, foram fundamentais para evitar o ingresso ilegal de pessoas no servi??o p??blico. O sistema ser?? utilizado pela Pol??cia Federal para auditar os pr??ximos concursos do ??rg??o e est?? dispon??vel para ser aplicado por qualquer institui????o que solicite a realiza????o da auditoria em seus processos seletivos


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Este estudo avaliou o impacto do Programa de Fortalecimento e Melhoria da Qualidade dos Hospitais do SUS-MG (Pro-Hosp). Para tanto, foi empregado o m??todo diferen??as-em-diferen??as, que permite avaliar o impacto de pol??ticas p??blicas quando o indicador avaliado ?? observado em mais de um per??odo no tempo. Foram selecionados quatro indicadores de desempenho hospitalar: a propor????o m??dia de ces??rea, a taxa m??dia de ocupa????o, a taxa m??dia de mortalidade e o tempo m??dio de perman??ncia. Constatou-se que o Pro-Hosp teve impacto na propor????o m??dia de ces??reas no sentido esperado, ou seja, de reduzi-las


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Objetivo: Determinar as alterações de atividade da enzima conversora de angiotensina (ECA) no coração com infarto do miocárdio (IM) e comparar os efeitos do captopril e losartan em parâmetros morfológicos e funcionais de ratos com IM. Métodos: O IM foi produzido em ratos Wistar por ligadura de ramos da artéria coronária esquerda. Os controles (Con) foram submetidos a uma cirurgia fictícia. Animais com IM e Con foram tratados com captopril (30mg/kg/dia) ou losartan (15mg/kg/dia) e estudados 30 dias após, determinando-se a atividade da ECA nos ventrículos direito (VD) e esquerdo (VE), as alterações hemodinâmicas e as concentrações de hidroxiprolina (OH-Pro) e proteína total no VD e VE. Resultados: A atividade da ECA aumentou no VD (+25%) e VE (+70%) após IM. A maior atividade foi observada na cicatriz fibrótica, onde atingiu cerca de 4,5 vezes a do músculo do VE que sobreviveu ao IM (420±68 vs 94±8nmoles/g/min; P<0,01). O IM determinou aumento da pressão diastólica final e hipertrofia do VD e VE. Captopril e losartan foram igualmente eficazes em atenuar a hipertrofia e o aumento da pré-carga. O captopril também atenuou o aumento de OH-Pro no VD e VE após IM. O IM reduziu a concentração de proteína principalmente no músculo de VE, efeito esse acentuado pelo captopril. Conclusão: A grande atividade da ECA na cicatriz deve produzir altas concentrações de angiotensina II (AII) no sangue que drena da cicatriz. Os efeitos dos inibidores da ECA seriam decorrentes, principalmente, da redução de geração local de AII, e não de aumento de cininas, uma vez que captopril e losartan exerceram efeitos similares no remodelamento pós-infarto.