991 resultados para Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
Hepatozoon sp. was diagnosed in three naturally infected cats from São Paulo state, Brazil. The first animal was admitted to the veterinary clinic with renal failure. During the hematological examination, gamonts of Hepatozoon sp. were observed within polymorphonuclear cells. Another two cats, which lived in the same house as the first cat, were also positive for this hemoparasite. This is the first report of a Hepatozoon sp. infection in domestic cats from Brazil.
A total of 222 dogs were examined by blood smear examination and Hepatozoon canis infection was detected in 13 dogs (5.9%). Five H. canis-infected dogs were necropsied to observe tissue stages in the organs. Fragments of spleen, liver, lungs, heart, kidneys, lymph nodes, bone marrow and skeletal muscles were used to made touch-impression smears. No macroscopic lesions were found in the organs. Two dogs had gamonts within polymorphonuclear cells and schizonts in various stages of development within the spleen and the bone marrow. Nevertheless, no mature meronts were found.
Cathorops spixii is one of the most abundant venomous fish of the southeastern coast of the State of São Paulo, and consequently causes a great part of the accidents seen there. The accidents affect mainly fishermen, swimmers and tourists and are characterized by punctiform or wide wounds, erythema, edema, pain, sudoresis, indisposition, fever, nausea, vomiting and secondary infection. The objective of this work was to characterize the inflammatory response induced in mice by both venoms (mucus and sting) of the catfish C spixii. Our results demonstrated that both venoms induced a great number of rolling and adherent leukocytes in the post-capillary venules of cremaster muscle of mice, and an increase in the vascular permeability in peritoneal cavity. Mucus induced the recruitment of neutrophils immediately after injection followed later by macrophage infiltration. In contrast, the cellular infiltration elicited by sting venom was rapidly resolved. The peritonitis reaction provoked by venoms was characterized by cytokine (IL-6), chemokines (MCP-1 and KC) or lipid mediator (LTB4) production in the peritoneal cavity. The macrophages from 7-day mucus venom-induced exudates upon in vitro mucus venom stimulation, expressed CD1 Ic x MHC class II and release bioactive IL-12p70. on the other hand, sting venom-elicited peritoneal macrophages lost the ability to differentiate into dendritic cells, following re-stimulation in vitro with sting venom, they do not express CD11c, nor do they exhibit sufficient levels of MHC class II. In conclusion, both types of venoms (mucus or sting) promote inflammatory reaction with different profiles, and the inflammatory reaction induced by the first was characterized by antigen persistence in peritoneal cavity that allowed the activation of phagocytic cells with capacity of antigenic presentation. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Newborn Holstein-Friesian and Nelore cattle and Murrah buffalo blood samples were collected for hemograma and serum constituents testing. Results indicated that: 1. buffalo red blood cell (RBC) counts were lower than RBC counts for cattle during the first 30 days after birth; 2. buffalo leukocytes, neutrophil and lymphocyte counts increased in older animals; 3. The highest fibrinogen levels occurred in older calves; 4. buffalo glucose levels were lower than Nelore cattle and decreased in the older calves; 5. buffalo iron, urea, and aspartate aminotransferase levels were higher than in cattle with the highest concentration at the time of birth; 6. cattle bilirubin and alanine aminotranferase levels were higher than buffalo with the highest value at the time of birth; 7. alkaline phosphatase and gammaglutamyltransferase activities were lower in the older calves; 8. buffalo magnesium levels were higher than cattle with lower concentrations at the time of birth..
Neurofibromin is a cytoplasmic protein that is predominantly expressed in neurons, Schwann cells, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes and leukocytes. It is encoded by the gene NF1, located on chromosome 17, at q11.2, and has different biochemical functions, including association to microtubules and participation in several signaling pathways. Alterations in this protein are responsible for a phacomatosis named neurofibromatosis type 1.
Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, a common early feature in renal transplantation, results from both free radical species generation and local inflammatory responses that attract different types of cells. The interaction with infiltrating leukocytes could promote damage and death of resident renal cells contributing to worsening of renal function. It has been shown that depletion of host T cells protects against kidney damage after I/R injury, although the mechanism is not fully understood. FTY720, a synthetic analog of a natural product extracted from Isaria sincclairii has shown modulatory properties in experimental models of autoimmune disease, transplantation, and I/R injury. FTY720 alters lymphocyte responses to chemokine homing signals, thereby decreasing the number of lymphocytes in inflammatory sites. We evaluated renal function in mice at 3, 5, and 7 days after I/R injury in the presence or absence of FTY720 treatment. FTY720 treatment promoted earlier recovery of renal function associated with a lower number of renal-infiltrating lymphocytes. These findings confirm previous results showing a protective effect of FTY720 in I/R injury models.
In the present study, polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) were enumerated to evaluate acute uterine inflammation after artificial insemination in the bitch. It was concluded that the canine seminal plasma possessed an immunomodulating action. However, the most commonly used extender for freezing canine semen (Tris glucose with egg yolk and glycerol) was a potential inducer of uterine inflammation. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V.
1. We investigated the possible potentiating effect of chloramphenicol succinate (30 mg/kg, every 12 h for 4 days, ip) on the response of polymorphonuclear neutrophils to carrageenin (150 mug, ip) or dextran (100 mug, ip) in the peritoneal cavity of male Wistar rats (180-230 g; N = 12 in each group).2. Chloramphenicol potentiated the cell migration induced by carrageenin (35%) but not that induced by dextran. Previous macrophage depletion in the peritoneal cavity by washing with sterile saline abolished the cell response, whereas a previous thioglycollate-induced increase in macrophage numbers enhanced the potentiating effect (60%).3. These results suggest that the potentiating effect on polymorphonuclear neutrophil migration induced by chloramphenicol may be related to chemotactic factors released by macrophages.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Humoral and cell-mediated immunity was investigated in fourteen patients with non-toxic multinodular goitre and ten healthy controls by in vitro methods. These included determination of sheep erythrocyte and complement rosette-forming cells in the peripheral blood, immunoglobulin levels, titres of thyroglobulin and microsomal antibodies and migration inhibition test using thyroid extract and phytohemagglutinin. When compared with controls the patients showed high IgA levels and positive response to thyroid antigen in the leucocyte migration inhibition test. There was no correlation between the leucocyte migration results and the presence of auto-antibodies. These findings indicate a possible role of cell-mediated immunity in non-toxic multinodular goitre.
Cell-mediated and humoral immunity were studied in seventeen patients with toxic multinodular goitre, ten with active Graves' disease and fourteen healthy controls. The study included determination of sheep erythrocyte and complement rosette-forming cells in peripheral blood, immunoglobulin levels, titres of microsomal antibodies and migration inhibition test using thyroid extract and phytohaemagglutinin. When compared with controls the patients showed a positive response to thyroid antigen in the leucocyte migration inhibition test. Microsomal antibodies were detected in seven out of ten active Graves' disease patients against two out of seventeen of those with toxic multinodular goitre. Significantly increased IgG and IgA and decreased IgM levels were found only in the toxic multinodular group. These data provide further evidence for immunological disturbances in toxic multinodular goitre.
Cellular immune response to specific and non-specific stimulants was investigated, both in vivo and in vitro, in 29 healthy controls and in 53 previously untreated patients with the chronic isolated organic form (CIOF), the chronic mixed form (CMF) and the acute progressive form (APF) of paracoccidioidomycosis. The study included skin tests to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigen (PbAg) and phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), DNCB sensitization, determination of T lymphocytes and complement rosette-forming cells, lymphocyte transformation and leucocyte migration inhibition tests using PbAg and PHA. Patients displayed staggered cutaneous response to PHA and to PbAg, with marked decrease in intensity in the APF group. DNCB sensitization test and proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA and PbAg were severely depressed in most of the patients. Leucocyte migration inhibition indices to PbAg were highly positive, while response to PHA was slightly decreased regardless of the clinical form. The number of T lymphocytes was reduced in most of patients and in them the number of complement-rosette forming cells was normal. The distribution of patients according to a suppression index, based in the results of the tests employed, revealed a tendency towards an increased degree of cellular immunosuppression from the least severe (CIOF) to the most severe (APF) clinical form of the disease. On the whole, the present study demonstrated a gamut of immunological reactivity in paracoccidioidomycosis. © 1985.
The search for biological antitumor agents has been pursued for over half a century. Snake venom has been shown to possess a wide spectrum of biological activities. The objectives of the present review are to evaluate the existing controversies on this subject published in a number of papers and to propose probable explanations for the phenomena observed. We reported our results obtained in a study, in which we evaluated the action of the venoms of Crotalus durissus terrificus and Bothrops jararaca on Ehrlich ascites tumor cells. We noticed an important antitumor effect, mainly with Bothrops jararaca venom, as well as an increase in the functional activity of macrophages. We also observed an increase in the number of mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells with Bothrops jararaca venom. Considering these findings, we postulate that both Borhrops jararaca and Crotalus durissus terrificus venoms can act directly on tumor cells. In addition, we propose an indirect mechanism, based on the stimulation of the inflammatory response, to inhibit tumor growth and to promote its rejection.
Attempts were made to study possible effects of the periodontal disease cara inchada (CI) on the cellular immunity of cattle, using adherence-, chemotaxis- and ph-agocytosis-determinations. Adherence of Bacteroides melaninogenicus to bovine granulocytes was significantly decreased in animals with CI. Phagacytosis of B. melaninogenicus by polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMN) was also decreased in CI-diseased animals. Chemotaxis of the granulocytes appeared to be slightly increased in animals with CI and animals without CI coming from CI-affected herds.