999 resultados para Polluted environment
The biomass of the phytoplankton and its composition is one of the most important factors in water quality control. Determination of the phytoplankton assemblage is usually done by microscopic analysis (Utermöhl's method). Quantitative estimations of the biovolume, by cell counting and cell size measurements, are time-consuming and normally are not done in routine water quality control. Several alternatives have been tried: computer-based image analysis, spectral fluorescence signatures, flow cytometry and pigment fingerprinting aided by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The latter method is based on the fact that each major algal group of taxa contains a specific carotenoid which can be used for identification and relative quantification of the taxa in the total assemblage. This article gives a brief comparative introduction to the different techniques available and presents some recent results obtained by HPLC-based pigment fingerprinting, applied to three lakes of different trophic status. The results show that this technique yields reliable results from different lake types and is a powerful tool for studying the distribution pattern of the phytoplankton community in relation to water depth. However, some restrictions should be taken into account for the interpretation of routine data.
The Sierra Leone River Estuary is a relatively young drowned river valley, it is shallow except for a deep channel which passes close to the Freetown shoreline. The upper reaches merge into a network of creeks and channels fringed by large areas of mangrove swamps. It is a tidal estuary of the semi-mixed type with the saline oceanic water entering it on a diurnal cycle. The climate of Sierra Leone is marked by a very distinct change between a very wet rainy season and a dry season. The tidal range of the Estuary (spring 3.03m; neap 2.28m) does not impede normal use of the harbour. The tidal variations can be felt as far as 42 miles inland along the water courses of the Sierra Leone River and its tributaries. The volume of fresh water entering the Estuary is large during the rainy season and greatly reduced during the dry season. Consequently there is a marked fall in salinity during the rainy season and higher salinities due to the marine influence prevailing during the dry season. The nature of the shores and bottom, the hydrography and chemistry of the estuarine system have been outlined in relation to the prevailing climatic conditions.
Os problemas ambientais são cada vez mais comuns e de magnitudes e escalas variadas, atingindo principalmente as áreas urbanas. Poluição atmosférica e dos corpos dágua, deslizamentos de encostas e enchentes são alguns dessas situações adversas. São Gonçalo não foge á regra. Localizada na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, essa cidade sofre com as situações exemplificadas, principalmente em relação a degradação dos rios urbanos e as enchentes que acometem algumas áreas do município. Partindo-se da problemática exposta, a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo principal promover uma discussão teórica e reflexiva sobre a importância da efetivação da educação ambiental com foco na bacia hidrográfica urbana, tomando-se a bacia hidrográfica do rio Imboassú no município de São Gonçalo (RJ), como recorte. A fundamentação metodológica deste trabalho está pautada na análise ambiental que prioriza a participação pública e a educação ambiental no processo de planejamento e gestão, visando minimizar as diversas situações de desequilíbrio e degradação que acometem a bacia. A operacionalização deu-se do seguinte modo: análise inicial a partir da sistematização de estudos diagnósticos e de consultas de documentos, relatórios, dentre outros de órgãos governamentais; análise intermediária a partir da observação em campo do atual estado de degradação da bacia hidrográfica do rio Imboassú e da identificação do conjunto de políticas públicas vigentes; análise integrada análise dos estudos diagnósticos, análise da situação atual da bacia (in loco e documental), análise final com identificação de lacunas de gestão e propostas viáveis no âmbito da educação ambiental. Verificou-se que essa bacia está urbanizada e os rios que a compõem descaracterizados e poluídos, com histórico de enchentes. Falta de ordenamento urbano, degradação ambiental e descaso do poder público são alguns problemas enfrentados pelos moradores dessa bacia, resultando na falta de ordenamento territorial urbano e falta de qualidade de vida da população. Diante do exposto, fica claro a necessidade de se criar mecanismos que amenizem essa degradação e tragam equilíbrio ao funcionamento e dinâmica da bacia, influenciando positivamente o dia-a-dia da população residente em seu interior. Um eficiente caminho para promover essa mudança é a educação ambiental como ferramenta para a transformação da sociedade, conscientizando-a de seu papel participativo e modificando a maneira como esta se relaciona com o meio ambiente. Verificou-se que na prática, na bacia do Imboassú, o poder público não efetiva os pressupostos presentes, tanto na legislação ambiental, quanto no plano diretor municipal e alguns órgãos (CEDAE, INEA, SEMMA) não atuam de forma satisfatória. Logo, levantar a discussão da importância da Educação Ambiental como política pública a ser promovida pelos gestores municipais e apontar para a participação e atuação da sociedade de forma crítica na estruturação do espaço urbano é de extrema importância para promover melhoria na relação sociedade meio ambiente.
We present the results of a study that uses theoretical and experimental methods to investigate the characteristics of the upconversion luminescence of Tm3+/Yb3+ codoped TeO2-BiCl3 glass system as a function of the BiCl3 fraction. These glasses are potentially important in the design of upconversion fiber lasers. Effect of local environment around Tm3+ on upconversion fluorescence intensity was analyzed by theoretical calculations. The structure and spectroscopic properties were investigated in the experiments by measuring the Raman spectra, IR transmission spectra, and absorption and fluorescence intensities at room temperature. The results indicate that blue luminescence quantum efficiency increases with increasing BiCl3 content from 10 to 60 mol%, which were interpreted by the increase of asymmetry of glass structure, decrease of phonon energy and removing of OH- groups. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A finite-element model is employed to analysis the thermal environments in Temperature Gradient Technique (TGT) furnace during the growth of large-sized Nd:YAG crystal. The obtained results show that when the crucible is located at the lower position inside of the heater, a flatter solid-liquid interface is established, which makes it easier to obtain the core-free Nd:YAG crystal. Meanwhile, the lower crucible position can induce higher axial temperature gradient, which is beneficial to the release of latent heat. (c) 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
The following brief is to ensure standard criteria and format are used for the scoping and environmental assessment of water resources projects leading to the production of an environmental report or Environmental Statement. This volume is one of a series giving guidance on water resources projects. The water resources projects will predominantly comprise drought orders and permits, time limited and permanent licences. Smaller projects, such as spray irrigation licences, will not require an environmental assessment. This document forms the basis for discussions between the Environment Agency North East Region, consultees and the applicant. The process aims to produce a thorough assessment. Each section addresses consecutive elements of the assessment process. Section 2 outlines the structure for a scoping document, section 3 outlines the structure for an Environmental Statement and section 4 gives guidance on the role of an Environmental Action Plan. Appendices 1 and 2 should be used in conjunction with the scoping process and cover a wide range of aspects. However, some projects may not require all of them to be included, whilst for others, the inclusion of additional factors may be appropriate.
In its role as protector of the water environment, the Environment Agency requires significant water resources abstraction applications and schemes such as drought orders, drought permits, time limited licences, and river transfers to be environmentally assessed leading to the production of an environmental report or statement. This may not take the form of a formal Environmental Assessment, but is required to provide environmental information to support applications. (See Volume 1 - Guidance for Scoping and Environmental Assessment for Water Resources Projects in North East Region). This second volume concentrates on the environmental monitoring component of environmental assessments.