1000 resultados para Policia -- França -- S. XXI


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O presente estudo disserta sobre a criação, a implementação e os impactos da escola a tempo inteiro na gestão dos tempos livres das crianças do Ensino Fundamental em Portugal. Trata-se de uma abordagem qualitativa em que os dados colhidos através das entrevistas realizadas a duas entidades governamentais, às autarquias locais, às Directoras e professores de escolas a tempo inteiro (ETI). Foram também aplicados trinta questionários aos docentes em exercício nas escolas-alvo. A investigação revela que a escola a tempo inteiro foi instituída pelo Governo Português duma Região Autónoma (Ilha da Madeira), com a participação e o envolvimento da comunidade educativa, após ponderados múltiplos factores que afectavam as aprendizagens dos alunos. Esta medida implementada produziu mudanças ao nível da escola, das crianças, das famílias, dos professores e da comunidade educativa. Conclui-se, ainda, a existência de implicações para os professores a nível da empregabilidade, da colaboração e da convivência.


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Since the middle 80 s from the 20th century, some musical genres associated to the Brazilian Northeastern region notably the forró, coco de embolada and repente de viola have been gradually incorporated to the musical production of south France linked to the occitanista trend, currently linking many musicians and groups from those regions in both countries. This paper is engaged in reflecting on the particular experience of the groups formed by the Escambiar Association, located on the city of Toulouse, and specially the duet Fabulous Trobadors, whose compositions are mostly made in the coco de embolada form. Watching the motivations and the processes that led to the creation of the groups from this association and it s current operation, this study investigates the transcultural phenomenon, that allow to cross two symbolic universes through rationalizing speeches about music, considering the locality s production in the midst of a political debate that involve questions about cultural identity and tradition


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Dentistry, as a science and field of knowledge, has presented a substantial development in the last decades in the areas of research and education. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Brazilian scientific production in Dentistry, as from their methodological outlining, which characterizes the XXI Century. Five thousand two hundred and three study abstracts were evaluated, comprising works presented in the meetings of the Brazilian Society of Dentistry Research (SBPqO), during the period of 2001 to 2006. The main results identify that, as for the methodology used in the researches, there was a predominance of the studies of an individuate, interventionist and longitudinal nature; of the researches in the areas of Dentistry, Periodontology, Endodontics, Pedodontics and Collective Oral Health and experimental studies about clinical researches or with collective subjects. The inter and multidisciplinarity are pointed out in the outlining of this study, as the triad Education-Health-Research is discussed, so that they transcend in their fields of action, in the direction of the transdisciplinarity. It is concluded that, in the studied period, there was a reasonable and balanced production in Brazilian dental field


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The goal of this study is to investigate about the existence or absence of environmental dumping in the production of fuel ethanol in Brazil, as well as identifying the reasons why the figure of ecological dumping is pernicious to the principles enumerated in constitutional economic order, in particular the principle of free competition. In the twenty-first century environmental issues gained momentum and importance in these terms, which was seen as a mere fallacy given the concern of governments of various countries, after all, environmental protection shows up as the only means of bringing about the maintenance of life at planet. Indeed, it is essential to halt the drastic effects of climate change, and think fast and efficient solutions. Undoubtedly, the contemporary requirements that resulted in the transition to a new economy brings with it the duty of enterprise search for sustainability, and this behavior can not be passive, otherwise it is imperative to work hard and incessant economic agents, even if initially costs are high, this step will ensure a production accountable, transparent and free from accusations of environmental degradation. It is also intended to study the importance of the sector not only as a source of economic growth, but mainly, its contribution to national development, without forgetting that this is devoted in the Constitution of 1988 as one of the objectives of the Federative Republic of Brazil. In fact, the criticism most common perceptions about the production of biofuels, said the interests of the countries producing them in large scale, will eventually generate a exhaustion of soil and a significant increase in food prices. However, the ethanol produced in Brazil is unique in that it is produced from cane sugar, a product is not intended for human or animal, not to mention that the recovery of land just to the rotation with the planting other cultures. It is expected that environmental certifications are useful to demonstrate the quality of ethanol for export and to refute unfounded criticism. Finally, this study will be analyzed further solutions for the plants to develop an economic activity without damaging the environment and in compliance with Brazilian law


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O conhecimento científico sobre nutrição de animais de companhia tem aumentado de forma contínua, acompanhando o fenômeno visto em diversas áreas de conhecimento. Na última década, têm-se prioritariamente pesquisas direcionadas ao uso de nutrientes na promoção de saúde, prevenção de doenças degenerativas, melhoria da qualidade de vida e aumento da expectativa de vida de cães e gatos. Este direcionamento de pesquisas é, em grande parte, explicado pela importância que cães e gatos assumiram na vida das pessoas, fazendo com que as decises alimentares dos proprietários com seus animais se assemelhassem às que adotam para si próprios. A publicação da nova reviso do Nutrient Requirements of Dogs and Cats em 2006 foi, talvez, o avanço recente mais significativo, trazendo novo entendimento sobre necessidades energéticas e de nutrientes nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento e estados fisiológicos. Apesar destes avanços, ainda so necessárias pesquisas na área de caracterização físico-química e de utilização dos ingredientes, efeitos do processo de extruso e mesmo de necessidades nutricionais, que conta com uma base pequena de artigos disponíveis, a maioria antiga. Talvez os desafios científicos mais importantes em nutrição de cães e gatos sejam metabolismo de carboidratos, importância da massa corporal magra na saúde, urolitíases, gerontologia, relação entre microbiota intestinal e saúde, imunonutrição e manejo nutricional em condições clínicas específicas importantes para estas espécies.


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This study received the title THE JUVENILE EMPLOYMENT IN THE THRESHOLD OF THE XXI CENTURY: study starting from RAIS and of the programs of youths' insert in the labor market of Natal/RN . It presents as main objective to investigate, starting from the officials data of the Ministério do trabalho e emprego - MTE and of the federal and state government programs, the evolution of the formal employment for youths and the difficulties that leads the success of the returned initiatives the youths' insert in the formal market of work in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 2000 to 2004. To accomplish the research, it prioritizes the study of the evolution of the formal employment starting from the data of the MTE as form of diagnosing the formal market of the juvenile work. Search a descriptive way to identify the first results of the programs Primeiro Emprego- PPE (federal) and Primeira Chance - PPC (state), to interpret and to identify the existent gaps among the proposal initial of those programs and the first results obtained in the city of Natal. The research has character no-probability and it applies closed questionnaires for youths assisted by the programs. Were interviewed the local representatives of PPE and PPC, besides representatives of the organized civil society all through open structured interview, covering a total of 103 interviews. The results demonstrated that while PPC (state) obtained success inserting youngs, the PPE (federal) just got to insert 1,5% of the amount subsidized by the state program in Natal. That situation demonstrates a clear preference of the companies for PPC (state), in detriment of the federal program


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In the passage of life, the labyrinth of songs and corners are propitious ways for a better comprehension, perception and incorporation of learnings that emerge from our subjectiveness in a magic caught by senses. Eyesight, taste, hearing, touch and smell in communication with the world, put us in front of cultural diversities. The ludicity accumulated by experiences promote the flow of hilarious and concrete discoveries that express themselves in work and leisure demonstrations. Such reflections emerge indicators to the problematic construction centralized in the incorporation of cultural experience knowledge to the formation process and professional interventions in this rule and area. From this significant problematic, aiming to deepen studies, we favored leisure as field of investigative production in full expansion. This, for sure, was an exercise of qualification that guided us through meander of education and made us dip into studies about the corporeity. A research in which the scenery was painted and constructed with the complicity of the culture lived with shine, colors, rhythm and drummings of one of the most present cultural cycles: carnival. Recognized as a stimulant for beauty, participation, socialization, and helped us to enter in the essence of gestures and expressions of corporeity, to think, elaborate and socialize a critic-scientific knowledge which, appropriating from the rhythm of colors, of sounds, of tonalities, of senses and of meanings impregnated in the web of life. All these things seduced the researcher, making imagination flow amid ludic-creative dialogues with the imaginary of researchers creation and production in the rule and area of leisure, education and corporeity. Option that made us outline as objective to investigate and interpret how leisure teachers-researchers, from their studies, researches and interventions, locate and incorporate the knowledge from cultural experience to the formation process and intervention of professionals in this rule and in this area, emphasizing the contributions from this knowledge to fence and qualify this praxis. So, as living each cultural scenery, each epistemological contribution was feeding the production with images of the different versions of the Brazilian breedings, creating and raising expectations and new discoveries and newcomers. With the seriousness of a scientific study, we lived an xxiii academic experience with complex intensity, rigor and coherence, eliminating, step by step, the risks and limitations always present in a work of this magnitude. However, we weren t, even for one moment, alone. Our epistemic regard always maintained mediated by the principles of a methodological approach - the Etnomethodology, that while central guide provided us clues to unveil the lived world by our people-playful , in a universe of 15 members, that allowed themselves to comprehend, comment, analyze. This way, grasping the object in interactions arised and provoked by narrative interview, it was systematically dialected by (re) interpretation of images and formulations of people-playful, enriched by their beliefs, myths, conceptions and rituals inherent to knowledge from cultural experience, which each one attuned with Brazilian and international history, in a mixture of senses echoed from songs and tales. Inspired in drummings and percussions, clothing and choreographies of gestures and expressions, in mixtures produced in unit interactions in the multiplicity shown as necessary requests to the totality of life, with ludicity the rescue of the past, the conquest of present and the construction of future was the axle guide. This rich process of scientific creation made us realize that is possible qualify and empower the praxis in the rule and area of leisure incorporating the knowledge from cultural experience. What also becomes possible is the recuperation of objective revolutionaries and changing conditions of praxis itself with the view of strengthening and triggerment of vital elements in the rule and area of leisure. We also reaffirm that from this praxis emerge elements necessary to human formation in plenitude, by the appropriation of knowledge that guide the facing of challenges of a complex and plural world that valorize education, corporeity and leisure


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A goiabeira (Psidium guajava L.) é uma espécie que vem se tornando de grande importância em diversas regiões do Brasil, principalmente no Estado de So Paulo, maior produtor nacional. Desde 1985, a UNESP/FCAV, Câmpus de Jaboticabal, vem desenvolvendo um programa de melhoramento genético da goiabeira, com o objetivo de obter plantas com boas características agronômicas e com frutos que possam ser destinados tanto à industrialização quanto ao consumo na forma de fruta fresca. Partindo-se de 219 plantas, oriundas de diversos cruzamentos, e após dez anos de avaliação, chegou-se à cultivar Sculo XXI, cujas principais características so: planta muito produtiva com ciclo precoce (130 dias da floração à colheita), frutos grandes, com polpa espessa, róseo-avermelhada, ótimo sabor e com poucas e pequenas sementes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de So Paulo (FAPESP)


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O interesse pelos pequenos ruminantes aumentou nos últimos anos sob os aspectos produtivo e científico. No Brasil, caprinos e ovinos so os que despertam maior interesse econômico. Assim, este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de discutir o progresso científico com caprinos e ovinos nos últimos dez anos. Foram pesquisadas várias bases de dados, entre elas as do Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), da Scientific Electronic Library Online - SciELO, da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES, do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística - IBGE e da Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations - FAO. Na última década, os pequenos ruminantes têm merecido especial atenção dos pesquisadores, o que pode ser comprovado pelo aumento de 41% nas publicações mundiais envolvendo estas espécies, o que foi acompanhado por aumento ainda mais expressivo, 219%, em âmbito nacional. A evolução também foi observada sob os aspectos metodológicos dos projetos, ressaltando a abordagem multidisciplinar nas pesquisas mais atuais. Nos últimos dez anos, houve crescimento do aporte de recursos para editais temáticos demandados pela sociedade e pela cadeia da carne e do leite, além da preocupação com qualidade, competitividade e sustentabilidade.