1000 resultados para Política – Rio Grande do Norte
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper has as objective to analyze the foundry work politics made by the Olívio Dutra's government in the state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, being taken into account their guidelines, the dynamics of the political struggle promoted between the social leaders from the rural area and the achieved global results. This government's freshness is related to the fact of it was being sustained and supported by a coalition of left wing parties and by a group of social movements and also by syndical entities of the field, which was decisive in the presentation of an antagonistic program to the neoliberal politics on energy in a national extent. Hence this government became committed in adopting an own foundry work politics, being opposed to the program of market land reform extolled by Cardoso's government, in national wide. Therefore, the results presented along the article demonstrate that in spite of the assumed commitments and, in face of legal, institutional and economical limitations and also its existent politics, the space of the state governments' performance can only be thought about its complemental character on the federal government's actions.
This article focuses on some aspects of the agrarian history of Soledade, a town in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Our aim is to understand how this area was in many ways affected by the Land Law of 1850, particularly in economic and social terms. Population growth, arrival of European immigrants and increasing privatization of the commons contributed for the increasing of land prices in the region during the second half of the 19 th century. Understanding this situation as a great opportunity to make money, some landowners, directly or through a colonization company, allotted and sold the land they had previously acquired through the Land Law of 1850
This paper has as objective to analyze the foundry work politics made by the Olívio Dutra's government in the state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, being taken into account their guidelines, the dynamics of the political struggle promoted between the social leaders from the rural area and the achieved global results. This government's freshness is related to the fact of it was being sustained and supported by a coalition of left wing parties and by a group of social movements and also by syndical entities of the field, which was decisive in the presentation of an antagonistic program to the neoliberal politics on energy in a national extent. Hence this government became committed in adopting an own foundry work politics, being opposed to the program of market land reform extolled by Cardoso's government, in national wide. Therefore, the results presented along the article demonstrate that in spite of the assumed commitments and, in face of legal, institutional and economical limitations and also its existent politics, the space of the state governments' performance can only be thought about its complemental character on the federal government's actions.
This article focuses on some aspects of the agrarian history of Soledade, a town in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Our aim is to understand how this area was in many ways affected by the Land Law of 1850, particularly in economic and social terms. Population growth, arrival of European immigrants and increasing privatization of the commons contributed for the increasing of land prices in the region during the second half of the 19 th century. Understanding this situation as a great opportunity to make money, some landowners, directly or through a colonization company, allotted and sold the land they had previously acquired through the Land Law of 1850
This article focuses on some aspects of the agrarian history of Soledade, a town in the north of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Our aim is to understand how this area was in many ways affected by the Land Law of 1850, particularly in economic and social terms. Population growth, arrival of European immigrants and increasing privatization of the commons contributed for the increasing of land prices in the region during the second half of the 19 th century. Understanding this situation as a great opportunity to make money, some landowners, directly or through a colonization company, allotted and sold the land they had previously acquired through the Land Law of 1850
This paper has as objective to analyze the foundry work politics made by the Olívio Dutra's government in the state of Rio Grande do Sul-Brazil, being taken into account their guidelines, the dynamics of the political struggle promoted between the social leaders from the rural area and the achieved global results. This government's freshness is related to the fact of it was being sustained and supported by a coalition of left wing parties and by a group of social movements and also by syndical entities of the field, which was decisive in the presentation of an antagonistic program to the neoliberal politics on energy in a national extent. Hence this government became committed in adopting an own foundry work politics, being opposed to the program of market land reform extolled by Cardoso's government, in national wide. Therefore, the results presented along the article demonstrate that in spite of the assumed commitments and, in face of legal, institutional and economical limitations and also its existent politics, the space of the state governments' performance can only be thought about its complemental character on the federal government's actions.
Chiefly plates.
The main objective of the study about the citizenship development in elderly attended by the Conviver Program of the City Hall of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil was to evaluate how the actions of the Program contribute for the citizenship practice according to the users. The Citizenship analyzed is the existence of political, civil and social rights according to Marshall. For that it was utilized a descriptive research and a study of case based on technical procedure. The research was settled by the people who are benefited by the Conviver Program of the Snow Hair Group and the sample was formed by the active participants that it is in the Group for over ten years, corresponding to a total of ten elderly. For the data collection was utilized basic questionnaire in function of the low schooling of the interviewed, according to Marshall (2002) theory about the citizenship construction from each person. It was utilized the methodological procedure proposed by Bardin (2006), categorical analysis, in the qualitative data analysis, that was divided in four parts. In relation to Political Rights, noted that the program has stimulated your Watched on the exercise of voting and being voted. On the Civil Rights was observed that the Program has given incentive to actions which provide the users the justice rights in and in occupational activities as a job. In relation to Social Rights it was observed that the Conviver Program has contributed in order that its users can lead their lives according to the standards imposed by the society, which have being failed in the education area. As for the type of citizenship it was verified that the Program has given incentive to the served users, becoming more evidence on the speech basis
Research with indigenous in urban context are gaining steam in recent years, particularly with the intensification of migration resulting from problems such as lack of land for subsistence. However, in relation to Terena, subjects in this study, the contemporary anthropological research aimed at residents in cities still are not privileged, especially to youth. Thus, the dissertation has as main objective the discussion around some axes, among them indigenous youth Terena ethnicity politics, - indigenous movement - and racism. These themes appeared during fieldwork where privileged six trajectories of young Terena who migrated to Campo Grande (MS) and have different ways to mean the city and experiencing everyday life
The main objective of the study about the citizenship development in elderly attended by the Conviver Program of the City Hall of Campina Grande in Paraiba, Brazil was to evaluate how the actions of the Program contribute for the citizenship practice according to the users. The Citizenship analyzed is the existence of political, civil and social rights according to Marshall. For that it was utilized a descriptive research and a study of case based on technical procedure. The research was settled by the people who are benefited by the Conviver Program of the Snow Hair Group and the sample was formed by the active participants that it is in the Group for over ten years, corresponding to a total of ten elderly. For the data collection was utilized basic questionnaire in function of the low schooling of the interviewed, according to Marshall (2002) theory about the citizenship construction from each person. It was utilized the methodological procedure proposed by Bardin (2006), categorical analysis, in the qualitative data analysis, that was divided in four parts. In relation to Political Rights, noted that the program has stimulated your Watched on the exercise of voting and being voted. On the Civil Rights was observed that the Program has given incentive to actions which provide the users the justice rights in and in occupational activities as a job. In relation to Social Rights it was observed that the Conviver Program has contributed in order that its users can lead their lives according to the standards imposed by the society, which have being failed in the education area. As for the type of citizenship it was verified that the Program has given incentive to the served users, becoming more evidence on the speech basis
Research with indigenous in urban context are gaining steam in recent years, particularly with the intensification of migration resulting from problems such as lack of land for subsistence. However, in relation to Terena, subjects in this study, the contemporary anthropological research aimed at residents in cities still are not privileged, especially to youth. Thus, the dissertation has as main objective the discussion around some axes, among them indigenous youth Terena ethnicity politics, - indigenous movement - and racism. These themes appeared during fieldwork where privileged six trajectories of young Terena who migrated to Campo Grande (MS) and have different ways to mean the city and experiencing everyday life
O diagnóstico e acompanhamento dos usuários portadores de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e diabetes mellitus é uma das metas de atenção à saúde da ESF. Este projeto de intervenção objetiva melhorar a qualidade do atendimento na Unidade de Saúde da Família de Felipe Camarão III através da garantia de acesso desses usuários a consultas médicas e realização de exames, realização de diagnóstico de novos portadores, priorização de prescrição de medicamentos disponíveis na farmácia popular e orientação quanto à importância das mudanças dos hábitos de vida. Como resultado, este projeto estabeleceu uma ampliação da cobertura de atenção ao hipertenso e diabético ao longo das semanas de intervenção, permitiu a atualização situacional dos pacientes e realização dos exames em grande parte dos participantes. Dessa forma, as ações que eram até então isoladas, passaram a ser estruturadas com uma melhor definição, trazendo um ganho tanto para comunidade, como para o serviço e para equipe.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo construir uma regressão linear múltipla, empregando variáveis agrometeorológicas e espectrais, para estimativa de rendimento de grãos de trigo, em municípios pertencentes à região de atuação da Cooperativa Cotrijal (norte do Rio Grande do Sul). Para isso, foram empregados dados de rendimento (1991 a 2006), dados agrometeorológicos mensais (1991 a 2006) e dados espectrais (imagens NDVI/MODIS, 2000 a 2006). Foi analisada existência de aumento significativo no rendimento de grãos, decorrente da incorporação de novas tecnologias (tendência tecnológica). Para escolha das variáveis independentes da regressão linear, foi analisada a correlação dos dados agrometeorológicos e espectrais com os dados de rendimento. Definidas as variáveis, foi construída uma regressão linear múltipla de estimativa de rendimento de grãos de trigo. Os resultados mostraram que não houve aumento significativo no rendimento de grãos de trigo da Cotrijal, no período analisado. Foram escolhidas as seguintes variáveis independentes para construção da regressão linear múltipla: precipitação pluvial (outubro), índice de dano por geadas (setembro), graus-dia (acumulados de maio a outubro) e índice de vegetação por diferença normalizada (integrado de junho a outubro). As regressões lineares múltiplas apresentaram resultados satisfatórios, com erros de estimativa inferiores a 10%, na maior parte dos anos analisados. As características de precisão, fácil execução e baixo custo das regressões apontaram para possibilidade de uso conjunto de dados agrometeorológicos e espectrais, na estimativa de rendimento de grãos de trigo. Mais estudos são necessários para verificação dos resultados dos modelos, quando da incorporação de uma série mais longa de dados espectrais.
O déficit habitacional no Brasil é um problema crônico, apesar dos diversos programas implementados a fim de solucionar essa questão. Este estudo objetiva analisar os elementos impulsionadores dos financiamentos habitacionais e seus impactos, em termos regionais, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no período de 2006 a 2010, por meio da combinação de três procedimentos: o método estrutural-diferencial, a técnica de krigagem e a regressão espacial. Os resultados indicam que as faixas de crédito que mais cresceram foram as de valor intermediário, que os municípios de menor nível de renda foram os mais beneficiados com o crédito e que houve um deslocamento dos valores dos imóveis para as regiões menos valorizadas, reduzindo as desigualdades regionais. Ou seja, o programa "Minha Casa, Minha Vida" intensificou o volume de crédito, mas não alterou os aspectos estruturais dos financiamentos.