952 resultados para Poetic of expression


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In November 2013 the European Commission issued the “Proposal for a Directive on the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure” (referred to as “TSD”). The TSD offers minimum harmonisation and aims at promoting sharing of knowledge, and the exploitation of innovations on the Internal Market. The European Parliament adopted the TSD on April 14, 2016 and the EU Member States will have two years to implement it. The TSD includes a harmonised definition of a trade secret that builds on the definition provided in Article 39 of the TRIPS Agreement. Moreover, it also ensures the freedom of expression and information and the protection of whistle-blowers. Appropriate means of actions and remedies against unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure of trade secrets are also included, such as provisional and pecuniary measures, injunctions and corrective measures or allocation of damages. This study examines the protection of trade secrets in the course of litigation regulated in Article 9 of the TSD. Currently, the protection of trade secrets within the EU is fragmented especially in this regard, which makes companies reluctant to resort to litigation when a trade secret has unlawfully been misappropriated or it is suspected that a trade secret is being misused. The regulations in Article 9 expand only to the hearing in court. Such protection is welcomed and a step in the right direction. However, in my study I have found that in order for the protection to be sufficient there is a need to further establish measures to protect trade secrets during the entire process, from the filing of the claim to the end when the judgement is given. Consequently, I also discuss different measures that could be used to strengthen the protection of trade secrets before the hearing in court, as evidence are gathered.


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In this study, Dicentrarchus labrax encephalitis virus (DIEV), which causes sea bass encephalitis, was propagated in cell culture, thus allowing study of its lytic cycle, DIEV infection of mammalian and fish cells induced different patterns of expression of capsid proteins, which were assembled as virus-like particles, accumulating in the cytoplasm either as diffuse masses or in vesicles, as shown by electron microscopy, These particles correspond to virions, as shown by their ability to induce Secondary infection, Fish cells proved to be more permissive for DIEV than mammalian cells, although virus yield remained low, RNA analysis of infected sea bass cells revealed DIEV RNA3, in addition to genomic RNA1 and RNA2, and the presence of the RNA;! minus strand, thus demonstrating the replication of the DIEV genome, In addition, DIEV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase was associated with mature virions even after purification by a CsCl gradient, but it was dissociated when capsids were destabilized, In addition to providing more information about the relatedness of DIEV to the members of the family Nodaviridae, this study shows that fish nodaviruses may not be able to infect as wide a variety of cells as insect nodaviruses can.


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Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent forms of cancer in women. Despite all recent advances in early diagnosis and therapy, mortality data is not decreasing. This is an outcome of the inexistence of validated serum biomarkers allowing an early prognosis, out coming from the limited understanding of the natural history of the disease. In this context, miRNAs have been attracting a special interest throughout the scientific community as promising biomarkers in the early diagnosis of cancer. In breast cancer, several miRNAs and their levels of expression are significantly different between normal tissue and tissue with neoplasia, as well as between different molecular subtypes of breast cancer, also associated with prognosis. Thus, this these presents a meta-analysis that allows identifying a reliable miRNA biomarker for the early detection of breast cancer. In this, miRNA-155 was identified as the best one and an electrochemical biosensor was developed for its detection in serum samples. The biosensor was assembled by following three button-up stages: (1) the complementary miRNA sequence thiol terminated (anti-miRNA-155) was immobilized on a commercial gold screen-printed electrode (Au-SPE), followed by (2) blocking non-specific binding with mercaptosuccinic acid and by (3) miRNA hybridization. The biosensor was able to detect miRNA concentrations lying in the 10-18 mol/L (aM) range, displaying a linear response from 10 aM to 1nM. The device showed a limit of detection of 5.7 aM in human serum samples and good selectivity against other biomolecules in serum, such as cancer antigen CA-15.3 and bovine serum albumin (BSA). Overall, this simple and sensitive strategy is a promising approach for the quantitative and/or simultaneous analysis of multiple miRNA in physiological fluids, aiming at further biomedical research devoted to biomarker monitoring and point-of-care diagnosis.


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Two main types of noncoding small RNA molecules have been found in plants: microRNAs (miRNAs) and small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). They differ in their biogenesis and mode of action, but share similar sizes (20-24 nt). Their precursors are processed by Dicer-Like RNase III (dcl) proteins present in Arabidopsis thaliana, and in their mature form can act as negative regulators of gene expression, being involved in a vast array of plant processes, including plant development, genomic integrity or response to stress. Small-RNA mediated regulation can occurs at transcriptional level (TGS) or at post-transcriptional level (PTGS). In recent years, the role of gene silencing in the regulation of expression of genes related to plant defence responses against bacterial pathogens is becoming clearer. Comparisons carried out in our lab between the expression profiles of different mutants affected in gene silencing, and plants challenged with Pseudomonas syringae pathovar tomato DC3000, led us to identify a set of uncharacterized R genes, belonging to the TIR-NBS-LRR gene family, differentially expressed in these conditions. Through the use of bioinformatics tools, we found a miRNA* of 22 nt putatively responsible for down-regulating expression of these R genes through the generation of siRNAs. We have also found that the corresponding pri-miRNA is down-regulated after PAMP-perception in a SA-dependent manner. We also demonstrate that plants with altered levels of miRNA* (knockdown lines or overexpression lines) exhibit altered PTI-associated phenotypes, suggesting a role for this miRNA* in this defence response against bacteria. In addition we identify one of the target genes as a negative regulator of defence response against Pseudomonas syringae.


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Strawberry fruits are highly appreciated worldwide due to their pleasant flavor and aroma and to the health benefits associated to their consumption. An important part of these properties is due to their content in secondary metabolites, especially phenolic compounds, of which flavonoids are the most abundant in the strawberry fruit. Although the flavonoid biosynthesis pathway is uncovered, little is known about its regulation. The strawberry Fra a (Fra) genes constitute a large family of homologs of the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 and for which no equivalents exist in Arabidopsis. Our group has shown that Fra proteins are involved in the formation of colored compounds in strawberries (Muñoz et al., 2010), which mainly depends on the production of certain flavonoids; that they are structurally homologs to the PYR/PYL/RCAR Arabidopsis ABA receptor, and that they are able to bind flavonoids (Casañal et al., 2013). With these previous results, our working hypothesis is that the Fra proteins are involved in the regulation of the flavonoids pathway. They would mechanistically act as the ABA receptor, binding a protein interactor and a ligand to regulate a signaling cascade and/or act as molecular carriers. The main objective of this research is to characterize the Fra family in strawberry and gain insight into their role in the flavonoid metabolism. By RNAseq expression analysis in ripening fruits we have identified transcripts for 10 members of the Fra family. Although expressed in all tissues analyzed, each family member presents a unique pattern of expression, which suggests functional specialization for each Fra protein. Then, our next approach was to identify the proteins that interact with Fras and their ligands to gain knowledge on the role that these proteins play in the flavonoids pathway. To identify the interacting partners of Fras we have performed a yeast two hybrid (Y2H) screening against cDNA libraries of strawberry fruits at the green and red stages. A protein that shares a 95% homology to the Heat stress transcription factor A-4-C like of Fragaria vesca (HSA4C) interacts specifically with Fra1 and not with other family members, which suggests functional diversification of Fra proteins in specific signaling pathways. The Y2H screening is not yet saturated, so characterization of other interacting proteins with other members of the Fra family will shed light on the functional diversity within this gene family. This research will contribute to gain knowledge on how the flavonoid pathway, and hence, the fruit ripening, is regulated in strawberry; an economically important crop but for which basic research is still very limited. References: Muñoz, C, et al. (2010). The Strawberry Fruit Fra a Allergen Functions in Flavonoid Biosynthesis. Molecular Plant, 3(1): 113–124. Casañal, A, et al (2013). The Strawberry Pathogenesis-related 10 (PR-10) Fra a Proteins Control Flavonoid Biosynthesis by Binding Metabolic Intermediates. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(49): 35322–35332.


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Atomic force microscopy (AFM) allows the analysis of individual polymers at nanostructural level with a minimal sample preparation. This technique has been used to analyse the pectin disassembly process during the ripening and postharvest storage of several fleshy fruits. In general, pectins analysed by AFM are usually visualized as isolated chains, unbranched or with a low number of branchs and, occasionally, as large aggregates. However, the exact nature of these structures is unknown. It has been suggested that pectin aggregates represent a mixture of rhamnonogalacturonan I and homogalacturonan, while isolated chains and their branches are mainly composed by polygalacturonic acid. In order to gain insight into the nature of these structures, sodium carbonate soluble pectins from ripe strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, Duch.) fruits were subjected to enzymatic digestion with endo-Polygalacturonase M2 from Aspergillus aculeatus, and the samples visualized by AFM at different time intervals. Pectins isolated from control, non-transformed plants, and two transgenic genotypes with low level of expression of ripening-induced pectinase genes encoding a polygalacturonase (APG) or a pectate lyase (APEL) were also included in this study. Before digestion, isolated pectin chains from control were shorter than those from transgenic fruits, showing number-average (LN) contour length values of 73.2 nm vs. 95.9 nm and 91.4 nm in APG and APEL, respectively. The percentage of branched polymers was significantly higher in APG polyuronides than in the remaining genotypes, 33% in APG vs. 6% in control and APEL. As a result of the endo-PG treatment, a gradual decrease in the main backbone length of isolated chains was observed in the three samples. The minimum LN value was reached after 8 h of digestion, being similar in the three genotypes, 22 nm. By contrast, the branches were not visible after 1.5-2 h of digestion. LN values were plotted against digestion time and the data fitted to a first-order exponential decay curve, obtaining R2 values higher than 0.9. The half digestion time calculated with these equations were similar for control and APG pectins, 1.7 h, but significantly higher in APEL, 2.5 h, indicating that these polymer chains were more resistant to endo-PG digestion. Regarding the pectin aggregates, their volumes were estimated and used to calculate LN molecular weights. Before digestion, control and APEL samples showed complexes of similar molecular weights, 1722 kDa, and slightly higher than those observed in APG samples. After endo-PG digestion, size of complexes diminished significantly, reaching similar values in the three pectin samples, around 650 kDa. These results suggest that isolated polymer chains visualized by AFM are formed by a HG domain linked to a shorter polymer resistant to endo-PG digestion, maybe xylogalacturonan or RG-I. The silencing of the pectate lyase gene slightly modified the structure and/or chemical composition of polymer chains making these polyuronides more resistant to enzymatic degradation. Similarly, polygalacturonic acid is one of the main component of the aggregates.


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The selection and proposed cortazarian image in multimodal speech, a poetic moving as a doctoral thesis title, is the result of a process that forms several progressive stages. more than satisfy our curiosity and literary artistic concerns, the questions multiply increases our desire to bring more creative Cortazarian the colossus, that not only ruins a way of making literature , but in its revolutionary labyrinth gives a turn of the screw to the already tangled world of artistic writing , breaking in 1967 with the first of four hybrids books, La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos through which converts the traditional plastic unitextual and unimodal space in a palempsesto inexhaustible generator senses and meanings. Far from appeasing the wrath of conservative critics, caused by his narrative masterpiece, Hopscotch (1963), sparked the debate to denounce the regression of the classic molds of writing, proposing the imagination as the setting for creative freedom, it is not as arbitrary and nonsense, but as a process of higher state of consciousness in which it operates an underlying logic. Hence, our objective is to crawl into the underworld and plastics other multisígnicas border spaces, fleeting and ephemeral alliances that relate not just as complementary and similar texts which may be the same speech and can transmit the same, but quite the contrary, the oft-repeated notion of analogy is the first victim, fortunately, this kind of creative-artistic operations that raise the creative act to a sublime state capable of converting the inexhaustible multitextuales constellations in different ways: opposition, confrontation, invasion, dialogue, shadow, duplication, theft, etc. However this multiple transgression pushed to the limit by Julio Cortazar and his friend Julio Silva through four books proposed for analysis often does not translate into jobs and research in literature departments of the universities of the world, nor the critics are echoes the striking abundance and clarity of expression multimodal phenomenon as is the case with other works of Cortazar unimodal type, which makes it impassable fences mysterious worlds...


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Tese de dout. em Química, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2002


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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Purpose: To evaluate the cardioprotective effects and possible mechanisms of Dan-Yang-Fu-Xin decoction (DYFX) in a rat chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods: A CHF rat model induced by ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery was used to investigate the cardioprotective effects of DYFX. After intragastric administration for 8 weeks, several functional cardiac indices, including fractional shortening (FS), ejection fraction (EF), heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (CO) were assessed by ultrasound examination. Subsequently, inflammatory markers, viz, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), myocardial enzymes, namely, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase (CK), were also assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results: Intragastric administration of DYFX (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg) significantly reversed the decrease in body weight and increase in cardiac weight (p < 0.05) induced by CHF. Treatment with DYFX also significantly reversed EF, FS, HR, and CO changes in CHF rats. In addition, DYFX inhibited the two inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6) and myocardial enzymes (CK and LDH), suggesting that these effects may include the mechanisms of cardioprotectiion involved in attenuation of CHF. Conclusion: DYFX possesses cardioprotective effects involving CHF. The protective mechanisms may include the suppression of expression of inflammatory mediators and myocardial enzymes.


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Purpose: To evaluate the in vitro antioxidant and anti-neuroinflammatory effects of Suaeda asparagoides ethylacetate extract (SAE) in lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-stimulated BV-2 microglial cells. Methods: The antioxidative activity of SAE was evaluated by measuring 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity spectrometrometrically. Cell viability was evaluated by 3-(4, 5dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5- diphenyl-tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay, while LPS-stimulated BV-2 microglia were used to study the expression and production of inflammatory mediators, including nitric oxide (NO), inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α). Results: Pretreatment with SAE prior to LPS treatment significantly inhibited excessive production of NO (p < 0.001 at 20, 40, 80 and 100 μg/mL) in a dose-dependent manner, and was associated with down-regulation of expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). SAE also suppressed the LPSinduced increase in TNF-α level (p < 0.01at concentrations of 40 and 80 μg/mL) in BV-2 cells. Furthermore, DPPH-generated free radicals were inhibited by SAE in a concentration-dependent manner. Conclusion: These results indicate that SAE possesses strong anti-oxidant properties, and inhibits excessive production of pro-inflammatory mediators, including NO, iNOS and TNF-α, in LPS-stimulated BV-2 cells


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A large proportion of human populations suffer memory impairments either caused by normal aging or afflicted by diverse neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. Memory enhancers and other drugs tested so far against memory loss have failed to produce therapeutic efficacy in clinical trials and thus, there is a need to find remedy for this mental disorder. In search for cure of memory loss, our laboratory discovered a robust memory enhancer called RGS14(414). A treatment in brain with its gene produces an enduring effect on memory that lasts for lifetime of rats. Therefore, current thesis work was designed to investigate whether RGS14(414) treatment can prevent memory loss and furthermore, explore through biological processes responsible for RGS-mediated memory enhancement. We found that RGS14(414) gene treatment prevented episodic memory loss in rodent models of normal aging and Alzheimer´s disease. A memory loss was observed in normal rats at 18 months of age; however, when they were treated with RGS14(414) gene at 3 months of age, they abrogated this deficit and their memory remained intact till the age of 22 months. In addition to normal aging rats, effect of memory enhancer treatment in mice model of Alzheimer´s disease (AD-mice) produced a similar effect. AD-mice subjected to treatment with RGS14(414) gene at the age of 2 months, a period when memory was intact, showed not only a prevention in memory loss observed at 4 months of age but also they were able to maintain normal memory after 6 months of the treatment. We posit that long-lasting effect on memory enhancement and prevention of memory loss mediated through RGS14(414) might be due to a permanent structural change caused by a surge in neuronal connections and enhanced neuronal remodeling, key processes for long-term memory formation. A neuronal arborization analysis of both pyramidal and non-pyramidal neurons in brain of RGS14(414)-treated rats exhibited robust rise in neurites outgrowth of both kind of cells, and an increment in number of branching from the apical dendrite of pyramidal neurons, reaching to almost three times of the control animals. To further understand of underlying mechanism by which RGS14(414) induces neuronal arborization, we investigated into neurotrophic factors. We observed that RGS14 treatment induces a selective increase in BDNF. Role of BDNF in neuronal arborization, as well as its implication in learning and memory processes is well described. In addition, our results showing a dynamic expression pattern of BDNF during ORM processing that overlapped with memory consolidation further support the idea of the implication of this neurotrophin in formation of long-term memory in RGS-animals. On the other hand, in studies of expression profiling of RGS-treated animals, we have demonstrated that 14-3-3ζ protein displays a coherent relationship to RGS-mediated ORM enhancement. Recent studies have demonstrated that the interaction of receptor for activated protein kinase 1 (RACK1) with 14-3-3ζ is essential for its nuclear translocation, where RACK1-14-3-3ζ complex binds at promotor IV region of BDNF and promotes an increase in BDNF gene transcription. These observations suggest that 14-3-3ζ might regulate the elevated level of BDNF seen in RGS14(414) gene treated animals. Therefore, it seems that RGS-mediated surge in 14-3-3ζ causes elevated BDNF synthesis needed for neuronal arborization and enhanced ORM. The prevention of memory loss might be mediated through a restoration in BDNF and 14-3-3ζ protein levels, which are significantly decreased in aging and Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, our results demonstrate that RGS14(414) treatment could be a viable strategy against episodic memory loss.


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La présentation d'antigène par les molécules d'histocompatibilité majeure de classe I (CMHI) permet au système immunitaire adaptatif de détecter et éliminer les agents pathogènes intracellulaires et des cellules anormales. La surveillance immunitaire est effectuée par les lymphocytes T CD8 qui interagissent avec le répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI présentés à la surface de toutes cellules nucléées. Les principaux gènes humains de CMHI, HLA-A et HLA-B, sont très polymorphes et par conséquent montrent des différences dans la présentation des antigènes. Nous avons étudié les différences qualitatives et quantitatives dans l'expression et la liaison peptidique de plusieurs allotypes HLA. Utilisant la technique de cytométrie de flux quantitative nous avons établi une hiérarchie d'expression pour les quatre HLA-A, B allotypes enquête. Nos résultats sont compatibles avec une corrélation inverse entre l'expression allotypique et la diversité des peptides bien que d'autres études soient nécessaires pour consolider cette hypothèse. Les origines mondiales du répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI restent une question centrale à la fois fondamentalement et dans la recherche de cibles immunothérapeutiques. Utilisant des techniques protéogénomiques, nous avons identifié et analysé 25,172 peptides CMHI isolées à partir des lymphocytes B de 18 personnes qui exprime collectivement 27 allotypes HLA-A,B. Alors que 58% des gènes ont été la source de 1-64 peptides CMHI par gène, 42% des gènes ne sont pas représentés dans l'immunopeptidome. Dans l'ensemble, l’immunopeptidome présenté par 27 allotypes HLA-A,B ne couvrent que 17% des séquences exomiques exprimées dans les cellules des sujets. Nous avons identifié plusieurs caractéristiques des transcrits et des protéines qui améliorent la production des peptides CMHI. Avec ces données, nous avons construit un modèle de régression logistique qui prédit avec une grande précision si un gène de notre ensemble de données ou à partir d'ensembles de données indépendants génèrerait des peptides CMHI. Nos résultats montrent la sélection préférentielle des peptides CMHI à partir d'un répertoire limité de produits de gènes avec des caractéristiques distinctes. L'idée que le système immunitaire peut surveiller des peptides CMHI couvrant seulement une fraction du génome codant des protéines a des implications profondes dans l'auto-immunité et l'immunologie du cancer.


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La présentation d'antigène par les molécules d'histocompatibilité majeure de classe I (CMHI) permet au système immunitaire adaptatif de détecter et éliminer les agents pathogènes intracellulaires et des cellules anormales. La surveillance immunitaire est effectuée par les lymphocytes T CD8 qui interagissent avec le répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI présentés à la surface de toutes cellules nucléées. Les principaux gènes humains de CMHI, HLA-A et HLA-B, sont très polymorphes et par conséquent montrent des différences dans la présentation des antigènes. Nous avons étudié les différences qualitatives et quantitatives dans l'expression et la liaison peptidique de plusieurs allotypes HLA. Utilisant la technique de cytométrie de flux quantitative nous avons établi une hiérarchie d'expression pour les quatre HLA-A, B allotypes enquête. Nos résultats sont compatibles avec une corrélation inverse entre l'expression allotypique et la diversité des peptides bien que d'autres études soient nécessaires pour consolider cette hypothèse. Les origines mondiales du répertoire de peptides associés au CMHI restent une question centrale à la fois fondamentalement et dans la recherche de cibles immunothérapeutiques. Utilisant des techniques protéogénomiques, nous avons identifié et analysé 25,172 peptides CMHI isolées à partir des lymphocytes B de 18 personnes qui exprime collectivement 27 allotypes HLA-A,B. Alors que 58% des gènes ont été la source de 1-64 peptides CMHI par gène, 42% des gènes ne sont pas représentés dans l'immunopeptidome. Dans l'ensemble, l’immunopeptidome présenté par 27 allotypes HLA-A,B ne couvrent que 17% des séquences exomiques exprimées dans les cellules des sujets. Nous avons identifié plusieurs caractéristiques des transcrits et des protéines qui améliorent la production des peptides CMHI. Avec ces données, nous avons construit un modèle de régression logistique qui prédit avec une grande précision si un gène de notre ensemble de données ou à partir d'ensembles de données indépendants génèrerait des peptides CMHI. Nos résultats montrent la sélection préférentielle des peptides CMHI à partir d'un répertoire limité de produits de gènes avec des caractéristiques distinctes. L'idée que le système immunitaire peut surveiller des peptides CMHI couvrant seulement une fraction du génome codant des protéines a des implications profondes dans l'auto-immunité et l'immunologie du cancer.


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Recent perspectives on Pedagogy for Early Childhood Education emphasize children's participation in line with the Children's Rights Convention. The study aimed to analyse how children's rights are dealt with during recess in a school (Early Childhood and Primary Education) in Portugal. The aims were: to characterize the style of the adult (teaching assistants) and the interactions that are established with the children at the playground/recess, and analyse them in terms of children's rights. The qualitative approach was based on the observation during the recess for three weeks. The Adult Style Observation Schedule for Early Childhood Education (ASOS-ECE) was used to register and code the dynamics of six teaching assistants (3 ECE and 3 PE). Critical incidents were also registered. Statistical analysis of the ASOS-ECE levels were complemented with the content analysis of the notes. The playground space was quite limited and affected children's play and well-being. The outdoor playground was never used for the Early Childhood classes, only for Primary Education students but with little supervision. Children were often deprived of playground time by decision of the teaching assistants, as punishment. The results obtained through the Adult Style Observation Schedule for Early Childhood Education (ASOS-ECE) are not satisfactory and are below what would meet the minimum quality value (3,5). For Early Childhood Education, sensibility is the most valued dimension but with very low levels (<2,5). For Primary Education it was autonomy that scored highest (<2,5). The analysis of the notes/critical incidents highlighted articles 12 (expression of own views), 13 (freedom of expression), 19 (protection against violence), 29 (development of personality) and 31 (rest and leisure, play and recreational activities) as being put into question by actions of the adults responsible for the children. Children's rights and well-being need to be put forward in the knowledge base for all adults working with children so that Pedagogy can fulfil its purpose fully.