998 resultados para Pobreza rural - Brasil


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Faced with the global discussion about the development of new alternative energy sources, this work tries to contribute to the understanding of the introduction of biodiesel in the energy market, identifying the barriers in the social logic, economic and productive in different spaces, rural and urban. Based on the guidelines of the National Biodiesel Production and Use Program (PNPB), it intended to accompany the implementation of public policies in relation to family farmers settled in the Pontal, located in the western region of São Paulo. In parallel, we will analyze the organizational structure and logistics of the production of biodiesel in the city, although it does not dependent on agricultural production and it is not a target of public policies, it takes advantage of the demand created by PNPB when it comes to increasing the amount of biodiesel blended with mineral origin diesel. The activity examined in the urban space is the collection of used frying oil held by Ecosanta Biofuels, a company located in the town of Maua, São Paulo metropolitan region. The monograph aims to broaden our understanding despite the urban-rural issue regarding the obstacles and opportunities in expanding renewable energy


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Understanding the territorial transformations is important to the geographic knowledge, especially when it is related to structural questions as agrarian one. In this way, the land acquisition to agrarian reform enables us to understand some of these transformations, represented by territorialization of landless workers in rural settlements, that are concrete results of the struggle for land that boost the policies of agrarian reform in our country. The renewal of the agrarian structure is fundamental to the concept of land reform and also provides that advances social, political, cultural, economic, etc. Classified as a country with rates of the highest land concentration in the world, Brazilian government attempts to base his actions to take in the expropriation of land the main character of the land reform. However, new policies have been gradually used to obtaining the rural settlements, in a process that Fernandes (2010) called the reconceptualization of land reform. Starting in 1985, Brazil has 63% of the beneficiaries of land reform policies settled on expropriated land, the rest is a result of incorporation policies such as land regularization, of land reform and land purchase. Such policies generate changes in agrarian structure, that is the goal of land reform, but don´t concentrate to the land ownership. This attitude of the state in coping with the agrarian question is his response to the pressures of capitalist agriculture represented by landowners and agribusiness, coping catching an intense and uneven territorial dispute with peasant agriculture, in an attempt to impose its model of development for the field. The aimed of this present study is to understand better the land reform acquisition and its implications in the Brazilian territory, in order to understand it in their multiplicity.


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A simulação de tendências futuras no setor de fertilizantes encaminha o produtor rural a prevenir-se de bruscas variações de preços, possibilitando maior poder de concorrência no cenário internacional. Para tanto, propõe-se a utilização da metodologia ARIMA para se estimar a demanda do consumo de fertilizantes no Brasil. Primeiramente revisitando a literatura especializada, obtendo informações históricas relevantes, além de avaliar as vicissitudes do cenário atual. A segunda parte introduz os conceitos da metodologia ARIMA , e encerrando com a apresentação dos dados e análises estatísticas da previsão 2012 à 2016


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This text aims to present the challenges and opportunities of omnilateral formation in Latin America as elaborated in Villela (2009-2010). This work has the horizon systematize the educational practices of the “Third World “, i.e. originating from the educational experience of Latin America, Africa and Asia. In the struggle for emancipation, these countries have built and are building unique educational practices. In this sense, we start questioning the historical and theoretical topic, omnilateral formation, and deployment, we discuss the Latin American school and omnilateral formation. We question specifically issues relating to intellectual and educational organization working in the “field schools” in Cuba (1960-1975). The issue of “intellectual and organizational culture”, in a Gramscian perspective (Gramsci, 2000), was addressed in several papers throughout our academic career (Villela, 2003, 2008, 2009-2010). In order to further these issues, we address the challenges of formation for children and rural youth in Latin America. By analyzing the educational practices in the education field, emerges the theme of contemporary global justice.


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This text aims to present the challenges and opportunities of omnilateral formation as elaborated in Villela (2009-2010). This work has the horizon systematize the educational practices originating from the educational experience of Brasil and Cuba. In the struggle for emancipation, these countries have built and are building unique educational practices. In this sense, we start questioning the historical and theoretical topic, omnilateral formation, and deployment, we discuss school and omnilateral formation. We question specifically issues relating to intellectual and educational organization working in the field schools in Cuba (1960-1975). The issue of intellectual and organizational culture, in a Gramscian perspective (Gramsci, 2000), was addressed in several papers throughout our academic career (Villela, 2003, 2008, 2009). In order to further these issues, we address the challenges of formation for children and rural youth in Latin America. By analyzing the educational practices in the education field, emerges the theme of contemporary global justice.


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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From the agri-food crisis of 2007/2008, we live an intensifying period in the global land rush. The land grabbing is analyzed as a process that occurs on a global scale, especially to countries in Africa and Latin America, the main targets of the current global competition for land, because beyond the earth have low prices and the legislation be flexible, low and ineffective supervision of the state (especially in the issue of environmental and labor laws), also have vast tracts of arable land, with fertile soils and high availability of water resources (the latter element has become relevant in that case analysis). In addressing the land foreignization in the XXI century it is necessary to speak about the issue of biofuels and bioenergy, since it is these that define the current phase of land foreignization in Brazil. In the 1970s occurred the first incentive to produce ethanol in the sugarcane cultivation, with the policy of the National Alcohol Program (PROALCOOL). From the 2000s this interest again sharpened up and foreign capital began to see in Brazil a great opportunity for a production facility and purchase of old agro-processing plants that were implanted in PROALCOOL period but who were disabled. This is the case of Umoe Bioenergy, Norwegian company that in 2006 started its production in the municipalities of Narandiba and Sandhurst, located in the Pontal do Paranapanema region that, in turn, is the region of São Paulo with larger agrarian conflicts, settlements land reform, land grabbing and high poverty rates...


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The study of the size and composition of the rural household in tradicional societies in transition to modern ones is very useful as a tool in order to understand forms and organizations of the domestic groups and their possibilities of survival, social mobility e developing strategies of material accumulation. The aim of this article is to compare the size and composition of the rural households in the frontier regions of the Americas: the northwest and southwest of U.S.A with the southwest of São Paulo province in Brazil. The findings are surprising in comparative perspective, as the mean size of the American households were very high in relation to the brazilian ones. The sources used in this research are the manuscript census of the U.S.A and Brazil.


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This article reflects upon the possible connections between the processes of economic globalization, changes in the labour market and the new forms of poverty. The debate is framed by two different economic contexts: Portugal (characterized by slow and insufficient growth rates, a serious social crisis, and difficulties in asserting itself economically and politically in the European and world contexts) and Brazil (a dynamic emerging economy, with high growth rates and receding poverty levels). This allows us to assess some of the economic and social impacts arising from the global pressure to be economically competitive, which have led to new forms of poverty, social precariousness and job insecurity in both societies.


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The first diary written by a woman, Minha vida de menina brings a description of the ordinary daily live and the peaceful live of Diamantina, of the rural Minas Gerais. Helena Morley, a teenager of the end of 19th century, presents us from the crazy city, to issues of liberation of the slaves. The vision world of the young narrator also provides an idea of how the women role has changed in our society.


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Over the last years, Brazil has gained international visibility especially due to the capacity of its economical development and the progress of its public policies on fighting poverty. Though there reason for celebration exists with respect to the country’s recent achievements, Brazil still has a lot to do if it wants to gain international prominence. In this paper, we address two issues that are fundamental for Brazil to achieve real leadership: education and culture.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Ensino Superior (CAPES)