953 resultados para Plantio direto na palha
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Increasing out-of-season corn productivity is possible by the application of nitrogen fertilizers even when in succession to soybean. On the other hand, information concerning the best sources of nitrogen and ways of splitting the doses to be applied is still scarce. Having that in mind, an experiment was carried out viewing to evaluate the effects of sources of nitrogen and ways of splitting doses of those N fertilizers on out-of-season corn sown in succession to soybean cultivated in a no-tillage system. The experiment took place in Chapadão do Céu, state of Goiás, Brasil (latitude of 18°35’42’’ South, longitude of 52°47’59’’ West and mean altitude above sea level of 802 m) in an Acrutox. The experimental units were distributed in the field in accordance with a randomized complete block design, in a factorial scheme 3 X 5 + 1, with four replications. Three were the sources of N: urea, urea extruded with starch (Amireia®) and ammonium sulfonitrate with a nitrification inhibitor (Entec®) and five the ways of splitting the nitrogen dose : 90-0, 60-30, 45-45, 30-60, and 0-90 in which the first fraction was applied at sowing and the second in side dressing. In addition to those, there was a check treatment, without N. All plots received, at sowing, 12 kg ha-1 of N by the mixture NPK. The ways of splitting the N dose and the sources of N had no significant effect on the levels of N and S in the leaves, first ear height, the final plant population, the number of ears per plant, and the number of grains per ear. N in the Entec® form at the highest doses applied in side dressing resulted in the highest grain yield, independently of the way the N dose was split. Only in the form Entec® the dose of 90 kg ha-1 of N increased grain productivity by 9.6% in comparison with the check treatment.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficacy of different herbicides applied in post-emergence in the desiccation of pearl millet with different doses and spray volumes. For the desiccation, doses at 0, 25, 50 and 100% of the herbicide glyphosate (1,440 g ha-1) were used in 3 formulations (Original Round up, Round up Transorb and Round up WG), paraquat + diuron (500 + 250 g ha-1) and glufosinateammonium (800 g ha-1). In all treatments, 2 spray volumes (200 and 400 l ha-1) were used, and there was 1 treatment (control) without the application of herbicides. The treatment effects were evaluated visually at 3, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after application (DAA). At the end of the evaluations, the dry mass of the plants was determined. The field trial was carried out in randomized block design. At the end of the study, at 28 DAA, all treatments presented total control of plant pearl millet, regardless of the dose and spray volume, except the treatments with paraquat + diuron and glufosinate-ammonium at the lower dose (25%), in 2 spray volumes, which nevertheless showed good and very good control, these two herbicides presenting an effect of volume, in which the control was higher with the use of smaller volume.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The adoption of no-till system (NTS) combined with crop-livestock integration (CLI) has been a strategy promoted in Brazil, aiming to maximize areas yield and increase agribusiness profitability. This study aimed to evaluate grains yield and phytotechnical attributes from maize and soybean culture by CLI system under NTS after winter annual pure and diversified pastures with the absence or presence of grazing animals. The experiment was installed in Castro (Parana State, Brazil) on in a dystrophic Humic Rhodic Hapludox with a clay texture, using experimental design of randomized complete blocks in 4 x 2 factorial scheme with three replications. Treatments included four pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) subjected or not to grazing animals during the winter. During 2008/09 and 2009/10 summers, the area was cultivated with soybeans and maize, respectively, with yield assessment of grains and phytotechnical attributes. Treatments did not alter the yield and weight of a thousand seeds (WTS) of soybeans. In maize culture, the grazing animal during the winter increased the plant population and grains yield, but gave slight decrease in WTS. Pasture combinations (diversified or pure) and animal categories (light and heavy) did not interfere in soybean culture, but benefited the maize crop.
Mechanical chiseling has been used to alleviate the effects of compaction in soils under no-tillage (NT). However, its effect on the soil physical properties does not seem to have a defined duration period. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the bulk density (BD) and degree of compaction (DC) at different soil depths, after chiseling in no-tillage, for one year. The experiment was performed in Ponta Grossa, Paraná State, Brazil, using an Oxisol (Rhodic Hapludox). Bulk density and DC were previously measured in an area under NT for 16 years, then immediately after chiseling (CHI) in May 2009, six months after chiseling (CHI6M) in October 2009 and one year after chiseling (CHI12M) in May 2010. In the layers 0.0-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.30 m, there was a significant BD reduction CHI and a marked increase CHI6M. The BD values measured CHI12M were similar to those before tillage. Chiseling reduced the DC in the layers 0.0-0.10 m and 0.10-0.20 m, but returned to the initial values one year later. During the evaluation periods CHI, CHI6M and CHI12M, the BD increased in the layer 0.30-0.40 m, compared with NT. The highest DC values were observed six months after chiseling; nevertheless the structural recovery of the soil was considerable, possibly due to the high degree of soil resilience and the influence of the wetting and drying cycles detected in the study period. The chiseling effects, evaluated by BD and DC, lasted less than one year, i.e., the beneficial short-term effects of chiseling on the reduction of the surface BD increased the risk of compaction in deeper soil layers.
A matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) é responsável pela fertilidade, ciclagem de nutrientes e estabilidade da estrutura, possuindo estreita relação com a agregação do solo. No entanto, ainda não é clara a relação entre as classes de agregados na dinâmica de acúmulo ou perda de MOS em função do uso e manejo do solo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar os teores de carbono (C) em agregados do solo sob quatro usos e manejos: Cerrado nativo (CE), sistema plantio direto (SPD), sistema plantio convencional (SPC) e pastagem (PA). As áreas de estudo estão localizadas no município de Rio Verde (GO), em solo classificado como Latossolo Vermelho distrófico de textura argilosa. Em amostras de solo coletadas em fevereiro de 2007 nas camadas de 0-5, 5-10 e 10-20 cm de profundidade, foram determinados: a quantidade de macroagregados (maiores que 2,0 mm), mesoagregados (maiores que 0,25 e menores que 2,00 mm) e microagregados (maiores que 0,05 e menores que 0,25 mm) estáveis em água, os índices de agregação diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP) e geométrico (DMG) e os teores de C nas classes de agregados estabelecidas. No solo avaliado observou-se predominância de macroagregados, com maior quantidade sob CE e PA, em comparação ao solo sob SPD e SPC, indicando efeito negativo do cultivo do solo na conservação de macroagregados. Contudo, os teores de C nos agregados do solo na camada de 0-20 cm foram maiores no CE e SPD em relação a PA e SPC, sugerindo que o não revolvimento e a manutenção dos resíduos culturais na superfície do solo favorecem o acúmulo de C. Com isso, foi verificado que os macro e mesoagregados podem ser mais sensíveis ao tipo de uso e manejo do solo, quando comparados aos microagregados. A agregação do solo sob PA é semelhante à do CE, embora com menores teores de C, sugerindo dinâmica de agregação diferenciada, o que merece a atenção de novas pesquisas.
Weed control has always been an important issue in agriculture. With the advent of no-till systems, soil erosion was reduced but herbicide use was increased. Organic no-till systems try to adjust reduced erosion to the no use of herbicides. Nevertheless, this adjustment is limited by the cost of mechanical weed control. This cost may be reduced by improved cultural weed control with cover crops mulches. In this paper we report a study on the application of compost manure on an oats winter cover crop, preceding soybean, instead of on the soybean summer crop. Treatments comprised a control without compost manure, and compost manure doses of 4 and 8 Mg ha-1 applied either on oats in winter or soybean in summer, organized in a randomized block design, with five replications. In summer, plots were split into weed-controlled or not controlled subplots. The timing of application and the manure doses did not affect the oats biomass or the soybean performance. However, in summer, without water stress, the application of manure at 8 Mg ha-1 directly on soybean has reduced weed biomass in this crop.
The animal trampling favors the soil compaction process in sheep raising and crop production integrated systems. This compression has negative effects, hindering the development of roots, the availability of nutrients, water and aeration, causing production losses, making it essential for the assessment of soil physical attributes for monitoring soil quality. Soil organic matter can be used to assess the quality of the soil, due to its relationship with the chemical, physical and biological soil properties. Conservation management system with tillage, along with systems integration between crops and livestock are being used to maintain and even increase the levels of soil organic matter. For that, a field experiment was carried out over a Oxisol clayey Alic in Guarapuava, PR, from de 2006 one. experiment sheep raising and crop production integrated systems The climate classified as Cfb .. The study was to evaluate the soil physical properties and quantify the stock of soil organic carbon and its compartmentalization in system integration crop - livestock with sheep under four nitrogen rates (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1) in the winter pasture, formed by the consortium oat (Avena strigosa) and ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and the effect of grazing (with and without). The soil samples blades density evaluations, total porosity, macro and micro, aggregation and carbon stocks were held in two phases: Phase livestock (after removal of the animals of the area) and phase crop (after maize cultivation). The collection of soil samples were carried out in layers of 0-0.5, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and m. Data were subjected to analysis of variance and the hypotheses tested by the F test (p <0.05). For the quantitative effect data regression and the qualitative effect used the test medium. In non-significant regressions used the average and standard deviation treatments. The animal trampling caused an increase in bulk density in the 0.10-0.20 m layer. The dose of 225 kg N ha-1 in winter pasture increased total soil porosity at 8% compared to dose 0 kg N ha-1 in the crop stage. The grazing had no effect on soil macroporosity. GMD of aggregates in the phase after grazing the surface layer was damaged by grazing. Nitrogen rates used in the winter pasture and grazing not influence the total organic carbon stocks. The TOC is not influenced by nitrogen fertilization on grassland. The grazing increases the stock of POC in the 0.10-0.20 m layer livestock phase and cause the stock of POC in the 0-0.5 m layer in the crop stage. The MAC is not influenced by N rates applied in the pasture or by grazing.
Traditionally in no-tillage systems, fertilization is done to the catch crop. In general nutrient cycling in crop systems has not been treated as an important tool in the process of nutrient supplying for plants. The type and the condition in which vegetable residuesis decomposed can affect the efficiency of nutrient cycling.This study assessed the effect of anticipated nitrogen fertilization in crop-livestock systems on cultivated cornproduction, rate ofnutrient release from plant residue, and theN-minerallevels of soil. The study was carried out in the city Abelardo Luz (SC) in a Clayey Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block design with three replications. The treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. The first factor was N Fertilization Time: in the N-Pasture level, nitrogen (200 kg ha-1 N) and N-Grains level, no nitrogen was applied. The second factor was the Grazing Height, characterized by two sward heights of oat at 15 cm (Low Height Pasture) and at 30 cm (High Height Pasture). Corn hybrid ‘Máximus’ was sowed in 10thOctober, 31 days after the removal of animals. In the twelve resulting plots from the combination of treatments on pasture phase (N Fertilization Time x Grazing Height) rates of N-fertilizer (0, 100, 200 e 300 Kg ha-1 of N) as urea were allocated in the split plot.We conclude that anticipated N fertilization of winter cover crop pasture to provide high-quality forage and carry-over N to the subsequent corn crop and may eventually replace side drees nitrogen fertilization on corn and can improve overall N fertilizer efficiency use in integrated crop-livestock systems.The rate of K release from plant residues is very fast, releasing large quantities in the first days after plant desiccation.Despite of considerably high nitrogen dose used in both the pasture and at the grain crop it was not observed nitrate leaching risks during the study period.