884 resultados para Planejamento de recursos da empresa (ERP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain
Over the past two years, Brazil has been facing a major water crisis in its history and the state of Sao Paulo is the one that has been going through worst difficulties. In this scenario, all water users should do everything possible so that the consumption of water resources is carried out in a sustainable manner. In this context, the companies responsible for the public water supply must increase the efficiency of water resource management. It is indispensable combating losses in the public supply system. When there is a non-visible leak in a pipe, the wastewater volume can be high, but in this case, the water returns to nature and continues to participate in the hydrological cycle. The economic loss corresponds to the value added to the product water, which includes the intrinsic costs of exploration, processing and distribution. This damage results in a reduced availability of financial resources of sanitation companies to invest in environmentally friendly solutions. This study aimed to diagnose the water distribution system in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), held by the Companhia de Serviços de Água, Esgoto e Resíduos de Guaratinguetá (SAEG), to propose measures to combat water loss. Among the proposed measures, there is the monitoring of losses, planning for replacement of old pipes and company awareness as a whole in relation to combat water losses
The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment
Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems
Considering the high competitiveness in the industrial chemical sector, demand forecast is a relevant factor for decision-making. There is a need for tools capable of assisting in the analysis and definition of the forecast. In that sense, the objective is to generate the chemical industry forecast using an advanced forecasting model and thus verify the accuracy of the method. Because it is time series with seasonality, the model of seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average - SARIMA generated reliable forecasts and acceding to the problem analyzed, thus enabling, through validation with real data improvements in the management and decision making of supply chain
Over the past two years, Brazil has been facing a major water crisis in its history and the state of Sao Paulo is the one that has been going through worst difficulties. In this scenario, all water users should do everything possible so that the consumption of water resources is carried out in a sustainable manner. In this context, the companies responsible for the public water supply must increase the efficiency of water resource management. It is indispensable combating losses in the public supply system. When there is a non-visible leak in a pipe, the wastewater volume can be high, but in this case, the water returns to nature and continues to participate in the hydrological cycle. The economic loss corresponds to the value added to the product water, which includes the intrinsic costs of exploration, processing and distribution. This damage results in a reduced availability of financial resources of sanitation companies to invest in environmentally friendly solutions. This study aimed to diagnose the water distribution system in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP), held by the Companhia de Serviços de Água, Esgoto e Resíduos de Guaratinguetá (SAEG), to propose measures to combat water loss. Among the proposed measures, there is the monitoring of losses, planning for replacement of old pipes and company awareness as a whole in relation to combat water losses
The objective of this study was to identify the facilitators and restrictive factors promoted by the organizational culture on the implementation of a continuous improvement program in a company. The influence of organizational culture on tools used to improve processes and results demonstrate critical factors for international competitiveness, reflecting a company's strategy. Depending on how new working methods are implemented, organizational changes to reduce variation and waste, such as lean production, can affect the employee experience in the workplace and their learning conditions. Changes and formalization of the work process can be coercive, characterized by forced compliance, introduction of rules, and focus on technical and financial methods; or may be favorable, encouraging employee involvement in problem solving and stressing learning and innovation. The basis of the analysis lies with two models for assessing organizational culture - Denison Model and Competing Values Framework. The methodology used was: conducting interviews, a questionnaire, literature review and documentary analysis of a large company equipment industry. Results suggest that organizational culture plays an important role in the adoption of Lean practices. It can contribute to its effectiveness and job satisfaction, but it is not decisive feature of their success. The conclusion is that the organizational culture becomes a driving factor when aligned to the proposed practices and when taken into consideration for planning, acting as a limitation when it does not promote development and a participative environment
Innovation in the field of Information Technology (IT) have made companies evaluate their processes and activity of its supply chain to conform to this new reality. In the supply chain management, one of the tools that revolutionized the activities was the use of management information systems such as ERP tool. This system allows greater integration of data from multiple areas of the enterprise and beyond, giving more activities to processes and activities. This work aims to analyze the results and impacts of the restructuring of an equipment leasing process in a Brazilian media company and verify that the gains and improvements that were targeted in the initial design of this restructuring have been achieved. Also the risks identified with this change will be studied, the reactions of those involved in this process and the performance of the chain as a whole. To carry out this work was carried out a single case study with data collection in the assessed company and literature related to supply chain and information systems
O objetivo é analisar o papel das instituições administrativas no planejamento urbano e regional do Estado de São Paulo. Nosso objeto de estudo são as leis e decretos estaduais e federais e as ações do Estado que definiram os padrões de organização territorial das cidades. Entendemos que a partir deles as ações administrativas atribuíram às cidades um modelo de planejamento setorizado e polarizado. Entre as décadas de 1930 e 1960, esse modelo formou a base para a aplicação de uma divisão funcional urbana fundada nas características produtivas e responsável pela provisão de recursos. A partir da década de 1960, a organização territorial paulista foi padronizada pelo conceito de polo urbano e o planejamento urbano e regional ficou submetido às condicionantes econômicas.
Programa de doctorado: Nuevas tendencias estratégicas en administración y dirección de empresas
[ES] Por software empresarial se entiende, generalmente, cualquier tipo de software que está orientado a ayudar a una empresa a mejorar su productividad o a medirla. El término engloba una amplia variedad de aplicaciones informáticas que incluyen desde programas de contabilidad, inventariado, TPV y de ofimática (software de gestión), hasta sistemas de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP). Cada empresa tiene una forma de trabajar única y no hay dos iguales, aunque se dediquen al mismo sector de actividad. Las empresas requieren una solución de gestión de negocio adaptable a su modo de trabajar, sin embargo los tipos de software existente en el mercado suelen ofrecer soluciones genéricas, que no abarcan todas las necesidades reales de una empresa de manera sencilla e intuitiva, y por tanto, obligan a la empresa a adaptarse al software, rompiendo de este modo su lógica de negocio, y dificultando así el proceso de implantación. Es por ello, por lo que en este Trabajo Fin de Grado se ha desarrollado un software de gestión a medida para la empresa Galerías Lorens. El objetivo del mismo es cubrir todas las necesidades de la empresa de una manera sencilla e intuitiva. La arquitectura de dicho software seguirá una arquitectura cliente-servidor de manera que se podrá ejecutar de forma remota (con una base de datos centralizada que compartan todas las tiendas y el almacén). El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar un software de gestión que atienda las necesidades básicas de este tipo de negocios. En particular, este software estará compuesto por tres módulos: El módulo de administración: con el objetivo de gestionar los pedidos que se realicen. El módulo de almacenaje: gestionará la entrada de mercancía y la distribución de la misma en el resto de tiendas. El módulo del terminal punto de venta (TPV): gestionará las necesidades de las tiendas (venta de mercancía, devoluciones, gestión de cajas, etc.).
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un plan de negocios para la Bodega Dos Familias. El plan de negocios es fundamental para el empresario, tanto para una gran compañía como para una PYME. En distintas situaciones de la vida de una empresa se hace necesario mostrar en un documento único todos los aspectos de un proyecto: ya sea para su aprobación por superiores dentro de la organización, para convencer a un inversionista, para respaldar un pedido de crédito, para presentar una oferta de compraventa, o para interesar a un potencial socio. Es un documento único que reúne información para evaluar un negocio y los requisitos para ponerlo en marcha, porque no basta con tener una buena idea sino que debe ser factible en su contexto. Resulta fundamental a la hora de buscar financiamiento, socios e inversionistas y como guía para quienes están al frente de la empresa. El plan de negocios servirá como guía a la bodega para competir de forma eficiente en los complejos mercados actuales. Interesará como herramienta para facilitar un análisis integral y será presentado a otras partes involucradas en el proyecto (inversionistas, socios, bancos, proveedores, clientes).
La crisis actual que sufre la Provincia de Mendoza por la falta de agua, hace que este tema sea por demás interesante y problemático. Los pronósticos futuros no son alentadores ya que la falta de conciencia en el uso racional de nuestro vital recurso hace que corramos peligro para el desarrollo en los años venideros. ¿Cómo vamos a actuar y qué medios utilizaremos para revertir esta situación? El propósito de este trabajo de investigación es realizar un análisis sobre la importancia del agua, sus problemas y posibles soluciones, con el fin de lograr un desarrollo sustentable en la provincia de Mendoza.
En materia laboral, con relación al empleo digno, Argentina asumió desde el 2004 un camino que busca volver a la protección de los empleados. Actualmente el Gobierno nacional señala que constituyen objetivos prioritarios dar solución a la problemática vinculada con la seguridad y la salud de los trabajadores y promover el trabajo decente. Para el logro de tales cometidos, consideran necesario redoblar los esfuerzos. Esto se vio reflejado con la política con la que se declaró el año 2011 como el de Promoción de Trabajo Decente, de la Salud y la Seguridad de los Trabajadores. Para lograr avanzar en la mejora de la cultura preventiva, reforzar los Organismos nacionales de inspección y control, e in crementar la cooperación y colaboración regional en la materia. Esto tiene relación con la situación que en la actualidad se está desarrollando, la creciente tasa de judicialidad y la preocupación por parte de las empresas. Para lo cual debería existir una política laboral coherente, que hasta ahora no se hace presente, logrando formar una verdadera "industria del juicio". Sin un sistema que proteja efectivamente a las empresas de los riesgos de un juicio, implica afrontar grandes costos. Esto afecta tanto a grandes corporaciones, como a pequeñas y medianas empresas. Con la diferencia que en las primeras, cuentan con mayores recursos para defenderse. Por lo que con este trabajo nos propusimos analizar las principales causas que dan origen a dicho aumento de litigios, entre las cuales encontramos el despido laboral, ya sea con o sin justa causa; el trabajo informal y los accidentes y enfermedades laborales. Además analizamos si existen tratamientos legislativos sobre cada una de estas causales y si los mismos son adecuados. Los costos relacionados en que tendríamos que afrontar en caso de padecerlos y el impacto de los mismos en la economía de las empresas.