984 resultados para Physiological


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Recent data have identified leptin as an afferent signal in a negative-feedback loop regulating the mass of the adipose tissue. High leptin levels are observed in obese humans and rodents, suggesting that, in some cases, obesity is the result of leptin insensitivity. This hypothesis was tested by comparing the response to peripherally and centrally administered leptin among lean and three obese strains of mice: diet-induced obese AKR/J, New Zealand Obese (NZO), and Ay. Subcutaneous leptin infusion to lean mice resulted in a dose-dependent loss of body weight at physiologic plasma levels. Chronic infusions of leptin intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) at doses of 3 ng/hr or greater resulted in complete depletion of visible adipose tissue, which was maintained throughout 30 days of continuous i.c.v. infusion. Direct measurement of energy balance indicated that leptin treatment did not increase total energy expenditure but prevented the decrease that follows reduced food intake. Diet-induced obese mice lost weight in response to peripheral leptin but were less sensitive than lean mice. NZO mice were unresponsive to peripheral leptin but were responsive to i.c.v. leptin. Ay mice did not respond to subcutaneous leptin and were 1/100 as sensitive to i.c.v. leptin. The decreased response to leptin in diet-induced obese, NZO, and Ay mice suggests that obesity in these strains is the result of leptin resistance. In NZO mice, leptin resistance may be the result of decreased transport of leptin into the cerebrospinal fluid, whereas in Ay mice, leptin resistance probably results from defects downstream of the leptin receptor in the hypothalamus.


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Central nervous system (CNS) damage and dysfunction are devastating consequences of HIV infection. Although the CNS is one of the initial targets for HIV infection, little is known about early viral-induced abnormalities that can affect CNS function. Here we report the detection of early physiological abnormalities in simian immunodeficiency virus-infected monkeys. The acute infection caused a disruption of the circadian rhythm manifested by rises in body temperature, observed in all five individuals between 1 and 2 weeks postinoculation (p.i.), accompanied by a reduction in daily motor activity to 50% of control levels. Animals remained hyperthermic at 1 and 2 months p.i. and returned to preinoculation temperatures at 3 months after viral inoculation. Although motor activity recovered to baseline values at 1 month p.i., activity levels then decreased to approximately 50% of preinoculation values over the next 2 months. Analysis of sensory-evoked responses 1 month p.i. revealed distinct infection-induced changes in auditory-evoked potential peak latencies that persisted at 3 months after viral inoculation. These early physiological abnormalities may precede the development of observable cognitive or motor deficiencies and can provide an assay to evaluate agents to prevent or alleviate neuronal dysfunction.


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A cDNA for a second mouse mitochondrial carbonic anhydrase (CA) called CA VB was identified by homology to the previously characterized murine CA V, now called CA VA. The full-length cDNA encodes a 317-aa precursor that contains a 33-aa classical mitochondrial leader sequence. Comparison of products expressed from cDNAs for murine CA VB and CA VA in COS cells revealed that both expressed active CAs that localized in mitochondria, and showed comparable activities in crude extracts and in mitochondria isolated from transfected COS cells. Northern blot analyses of total RNAs from mouse tissues and Western blot analyses of mouse tissue homogenates showed differences in tissue-specific expression between CA VB and CA VA. CA VB was readily detected in most tissues, while CA VA expression was limited to liver, skeletal muscle, and kidney. The human orthologue of murine CA VB was recently reported also. Comparison of the CA domain sequence of human CA VB with that reported here shows that the CA domains of CA VB are much more highly conserved between mouse and human (95% identity) than the CA domains of mouse and human CA VAs (78% identity). Analysis of phylogenetic relationships between these and other available human and mouse CA isozyme sequences revealed that mammalian CA VB evolved much more slowly than CA VA, accepting amino acid substitutions at least 4.5 times more slowly since each evolved from its respective human–mouse ancestral gene around 90 million years ago. Both the differences in tissue distribution and the much greater evolutionary constraints on CA VB sequences suggest that CA VB and CA VA have evolved to assume different physiological roles.


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Astrocytes can release glutamate in a calcium-dependent manner and consequently signal to adjacent neurons. Whether this glutamate release pathway is used during physiological signaling or is recruited only under pathophysiological conditions is not well defined. One reason for this lack of understanding is the limited knowledge about the levels of calcium necessary to stimulate glutamate release from astrocytes and about how they compare with the range of physiological calcium levels in these cells. We used flash photolysis to raise internal calcium in astrocytes, while monitoring astrocytic calcium levels and glutamate, which evoked slow inward currents that were recorded electrophysiologically from single neurons grown on microislands of astrocytes. With this approach, we demonstrate that modest changes of astrocytic calcium, from 84 to 140 nM, evoke substantial glutamatergic currents in neighboring neurons (−391 pA), with a Hill coefficient of 2.1 to 2.7. Because the agonists glutamate, norepinephrine, and dopamine all raise calcium in astrocytes to levels exceeding 1.8 μM, these quantitative studies demonstrate that the astrocytic glutamate release pathway is engaged at physiological levels of internal calcium. Consequently, the calcium-dependent release of glutamate from astrocytes functions within an appropriate range of astrocytic calcium levels to be used as a signaling pathway within the functional nervous system.


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(RS)-2-cis, 4-trans-abscisic acid (ABA), a naturally occurring plant stress hormone, elicited rapid agonist-specific changes in myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (InsP6) measured in intact guard cells of Solanum tuberosum (n = 5); these changes were not reproduced by (RS)-2-trans, 4-trans-abscisic acid, an inactive stereoisomer of ABA (n = 4). The electrophysiological effects of InsP6 were assessed on both S. tuberosum (n = 14) and Vicia faba (n = 6) guard cell protoplasts. In both species, submicromolar concentrations of InsP6, delivered through the patch electrode, mimicked the inhibitory effects of ABA and internal calcium (Cai2+) on the inward rectifying K+ current, IK,in, in a dose-dependent manner. Steady state block of IK,in by InsP6 was reached much more quickly in Vicia (3 min at ≈1 μM) than Solanum (20–30 min). The effects of InsP6 on IK,in were specific to the myo-inositol isomer and were not elicited by other conformers of InsP6 (e.g., scyllo- or neo-). Chelation of Ca2+ by inclusion of 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N′,N′-tetraacetic acid or EGTA in the patch pipette together with InsP6 prevented the inhibition of IK,in, suggesting that the effect is Ca2+ dependent. InsP6 was ≈100-fold more potent than Ins(1,4,5)P3 in modulating IK,in. Thus ABA increases InsP6 in guard cells, and InsP6 is a potent Ca2+-dependent inhibitor of IK,in. Taken together, these results suggest that InsP6 may play a major role in the physiological response of guard cells to ABA.


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Allele frequency variation at the phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) locus in Californian populations of the beetle Chrysomela aeneicollis suggests that PGI may be undergoing natural selection. We quantified (i) apparent Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) of fructose 6-phosphate at different temperatures and (ii) thermal stability for three common PGI genotypes (1–1, 1–4, and 4–4). We also measured air temperature (Ta) and beetle body temperature (Tb) in three montane drainages in the Sierra Nevada, California. Finally, we measured 70-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp70) expression in field-collected and laboratory-acclimated beetles. We found that PGI allele 1 predominated in the northernmost drainage, Rock Creek (RC), which was also significantly cooler than the southernmost drainage, Big Pine Creek (BPC), where PGI allele 4 predominated. Allele frequencies and air temperatures were intermediate in the middle drainage, Bishop Creek (BC). Differences among genotypes in Km (1–1 > 1–4 > 4–4) and thermal stability (4–4 > 1–4 > 1–1) followed a pattern consistent with temperature adaptation. In nature, Tb was closely related to Ta. Hsp70 expression in adult beetles decreased with elevation and differed among drainages (BPC > BC > RC). After laboratory acclimation (8 days, 20°C day, 4°C night) and heat shock (4 h, 28–36°C), Hsp70 expression was greater for RC than BPC beetles. In RC, field-collected beetles homozygous for PGI 1–1 had higher Hsp70 levels than heterozygotes or a 4–4 homozygote. These results reveal functional and physiological differences among PGI genotypes, which suggest that montane populations of this beetle are locally adapted to temperature.


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Translational control has recently been recognized as an important facet of adaptive responses to various stress conditions. We describe the adaptation response of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae to the loss of one of two mechanisms to target proteins to the secretory pathway. Using inducible mutants that block the signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway, we find that cells demonstrate a physiological response to the loss of the SRP pathway that includes specific changes in global gene expression. Upon inducing the loss of the SRP pathway, SRP-dependent protein translocation is initially blocked, and cell growth is considerably slowed. Concomitantly, gene expression changes include the induction of heat shock genes and the repression of protein synthesis genes. Remarkably, within hours, the efficiency of protein sorting improves while cell growth remains slow in agreement with the persistent repression of protein synthesis genes. Our results suggest that heat shock gene induction serves to protect cells from mislocalized precursor proteins in the cytosol, whereas reduced protein synthesis helps to regain efficiency in protein sorting by reducing the load on the protein translocation apparatus. Thus, we suggest that cells trade speed in cell growth for fidelity in protein sorting to adjust to life without SRP.


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At the forefront of cognitive neuroscience research in normal humans are the new techniques of functional brain imaging: positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The signal used by positron emission tomography is based on the fact that changes in the cellular activity of the brain of normal, awake humans and laboratory animals are accompanied almost invariably by changes in local blood flow. This robust, empirical relationship has fascinated scientists for well over a hundred years. Because the changes in blood flow are accompanied by lesser changes in oxygen consumption, local changes in brain oxygen content occur at the sites of activation and provide the basis for the signal used by magnetic resonance imaging. The biological basis for these signals is now an area of intense research stimulated by the interest in these tools for cognitive neuroscience research.


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β-actin mRNA is localized near the leading edge in several cell types, where actin polymerization is actively promoting forward protrusion. The localization of the β-actin mRNA near the leading edge is facilitated by a short sequence in the 3′ untranslated region, the “zip code.” Localization of the mRNA at this region is important physiologically. Treatment of chicken embryo fibroblasts with antisense oligonucleotides complementary to the localization sequence (zip code) in the 3′ untranslated region leads to delocalization of β-actin mRNA, alteration of cell phenotype, and a decrease in cell motility. To determine the components of this process responsible for the change in cell behavior after β-actin mRNA delocalization, the Dynamic Image Analysis System was used to quantify movement of cells in the presence of sense and antisense oligonucleotides to the zip code. It was found that net path length and average speed of antisense-treated cells were significantly lower than in sense-treated cells. Total path length and the velocity of protrusion of antisense-treated cells were not affected compared with those of control cells. These results suggest that a decrease in persistence of direction of movement and not in velocity results from treatment of cells with zip code-directed antisense oligonucleotides. To test this, direct analysis of directionality was performed on antisense-treated cells and showed a decrease in directionality (net path/total path) and persistence of movement. Less directional movement of antisense-treated cells correlated with a unpolarized and discontinuous distribution of free barbed ends of actin filaments and of β-actin protein. These results indicate that delocalization of β-actin mRNA results in delocalization of nucleation sites and β-actin protein from the leading edge followed by loss of cell polarity and directional movement.


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NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP+-IDH; EC is involved in the supply of 2-oxoglutarate for ammonia assimilation and glutamate synthesis in higher plants through the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) cycle. Only one NADP+-IDH form of cytosolic localization was detected in green cotyledons of pine (Pinus spp.) seedlings. The pine enzyme was purified and exhibited molecular and kinetic properties similar to those described for NADP+-IDH from angiosperm, with a higher catalytic efficiency (105 m−1 s−1) than the deduced efficiencies for GS and GOGAT in higher plants. A polyclonal antiserum was raised against pine NADP+-IDH and used to assess protein expression in the seedlings. Steady-state levels of NADP+-IDH were coordinated with GS during seed germination and were associated with GS/GOGAT enzymes during chloroplast biogenesis, suggesting that NADP+-IDH is involved in the provision of carbon skeletons for the synthesis of nitrogen-containing molecules. However, a noncoordinated pattern of NADP+-IDH and GS/GOGAT was observed in advanced stages of cotyledon development and in the hypocotyl. A detailed analysis in hypocotyl sections revealed that NADP+-IDH abundance was inversely correlated with the presence of GS, GOGAT, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase but was associated with the differentiation of the organ. These results cannot be explained by the accepted role of the enzyme in nitrogen assimilation and strongly suggest that NADP+-IDH may have other, as-yet-unknown, biological functions.


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A method was developed to perform real-time analysis of cytosolic pH of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in culture using dye and ratiometric measurements (490/450 nm excitations). The study was mainly performed using photometric analysis, although some data were confirmed using image analysis. The use of nigericin allowed an in vivo calibration. Experimental parameters such as loading time and concentration of the dye were determined so that pH measurements could be made for a steady-state period on viable cells. A characteristic pH profile was observed along hyphae. For Gigaspora margarita, the pH of the tip (0–2 μm) was typically 6.7, increased sharply to 7.0 behind this region (9.5 μm), and decreased over the next 250 μm to a constant value of 6.6. A similar pattern was obtained for Glomus intraradices. The pH profile of G. margarita germ tubes was higher when cultured in the presence of carrot (Daucus carota) hairy roots (nonmycorrhizal). Similarly, extraradical hyphae of G. intraradices had a higher apical pH than the germ tubes. The use of a paper layer to prevent the mycorrhizal roots from being in direct contact with the medium selected hyphae with an even higher cytosolic pH. Results suggest that this method could be useful as a bioassay for studying signal perception and/or H+ cotransport of nutrients by arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae.


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To investigate correlations between phenotypic adaptation to water limitation and drought-induced gene expression, we have studied a model system consisting of a drought-tolerant line (R1) and a drought-sensitive line (S1) of sunflowers (Helianthus annuus L.) subjected to progressive drought. R1 tolerance is characterized by the maintenance of shoot cellular turgor. Drought-induced genes (HaElip1, HaDhn1, and HaDhn2) were previously identified in the tolerant line. The accumulation of the corresponding transcripts was compared as a function of soil and leaf water status in R1 and S1 plants during progressive drought. In leaves of R1 plants the accumulation of HaDhn1 and HaDhn2 transcripts, but not HaElip1 transcripts, was correlated with the drought-adaptive response. Drought-induced abscisic acid (ABA) concentration was not associated with the varietal difference in drought tolerance. Stomata of both lines displayed similar sensitivity to ABA. ABA-induced accumulation of HaDhn2 transcripts was higher in the tolerant than in the sensitive genotype. HaDhn1 transcripts were similarly accumulated in the tolerant and in the sensitive plants in response to ABA, suggesting that additional factors involved in drought regulation of HaDhn1 expression might exist in tolerant plants.


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Past studies have shown that epidermal growth factor (EGF) is able to mimic the uterotropic effects of estrogen in the rodent. These studies have suggested a "cross-talk" model in which EGF receptor (EGF-R) signaling results in activation of nuclear estrogen receptor (ER) and its target genes in an estrogen-independent manner. Furthermore, in vitro studies have indicated the requirement for ER in this mechanism. To verify the requirement for ER in an in vivo system, EGF effects were studied in the uteri of ER knockout (ERKO) mice, which lack functional ER. The EGF-R levels, autophosphorylation, and c-fos induction were observed at equivalent levels in both genotypes indicating that removal of ER did not disrupt the EGF responses. Induction of DNA synthesis and the progesterone receptor gene in the uterus were measured after EGF treatment of both ERKO and wild-type animals. Wild-type mice showed increases of 4.3-fold in DNA synthesis, as well as an increase in PR mRNA after EGF treatment. However, these responses were absent in ERKO mice, confirming that the estrogen-like effects of EGF in the mouse uterus do indeed require the ER. These data conclusively demonstrate the coupling of EGF and ER signaling pathways in the rodent reproductive tract.