1000 resultados para Peso e medidas corporais


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The behaviour of Nafion® polymeric membranes containing acid-base dyes, bromothymol blue (BB) and methyl violet (MV), were studied aiming at constructing an optical sensor for pH measurement. BB revealed to be inadequate for developing sensing phases due to the electrostatic repulsion between negative groups of their molecules and the negative charge of the sulfonate group of the Nafion®, which causes leaching of the dye from the membrane. On the other hand, MV showed to be suitable due to the presence of positive groups in its structure. The membrane prepared from a methanolic solution whose Nafion®/dye molar ratio was 20 presented the best analytical properties, changing its color from green to violet in the pH range from 0.6 to 3.0. The membrane can be prepared with good reproducibility, presenting durability of ca. 6 months and response time of 22 s, making possible its use for pH determination in flow analysis systems.


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An overview of the current literature on the chemical processes involved in the ion formation from low molecular weight organic compounds by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry is given.


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Simple experiments are proposed for measuring molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate ions using an atomic absorption spectrometer. The experiments can help undergraduate students in instrumental analysis courses understand important aspects involving conceptual and instrumental similarities and differences between frequently used analytical techniques. Hollow cathode lamps were selected with wavelengths in the region of molecular absorption of chromate and dichromate. Calibration curves were obtained and the linear dynamic range was evaluated. Results were compared with those obtained in a molecular absorption spectrometer. The molar absorptivities obtained were also compared.


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The present work deals with the design and construction of an equipment for muti-cell accelerated stability test measurements (AST) of dimensionally stable anodes (DSA). The equipment was built using only components that were available in the laboratory. Measurements of three electrochemical cells can be performed using the developed software. The acquisition time interval and the cut-off potencial can be set by the user. Experimental data for RuO2 electrodes obtained with the built equipment are in agreement with the literature.


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La evolución de peso en los períodos de lactación y transición de 583 lechones fue estudiada mediante un análisis estadístico, evaluando el efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos de cadena media (AGCM) en lechones con poco peso al nacimiento. 188 de los 375 lechones que nacieron con un peso al nacimiento (PN) <1250 g recibieron 3mL de AGCM cada 24 h durante los primeros 3 días de vida; su peso medio al destete (día 28) fue inferior respecto al grupo control (lechones no suplementados) (-114,17 g). No obstante, 106 de los 180 lechones nacidos con un PN <1000 g fueron suplementados, y su peso medio al destete y a finales de transición (día 63) fue superior respecto al grupo control (destete: +315,16 g; día 63: +775,47 g). Finalmente, los lechones suplementados con PN<800 g tuvieron los peores resultados: su diferencia de peso medio al destete fue de -177,58 g respecto al grupo control. Por lo tanto, en esta prueba fueron estudiados los lechones con un PN entre 800 y 999 g porque el grupo suplementado al destete tuvo una diferencia de peso medio considerable respecto al grupo control:+511,58 g. Asimismo, considerando una probabilidad de error inferior a 0,05, no hubieron diferencias significativas en las diferentes categorías de PN analizadas. De todas maneras, es importante destacar el alto grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999g (P=0,059). Por otra parte, el PN del grupo suplementado con PN<1000 g fue inferior que el del grupo no suplementado con PN<1000 g; esta diferencia de PN fue significativa (P=0,004) y como consecuencia el grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999 g fue inferior al esperado. Además, en esta prueba se incluyeron algunos resultados generales y también un análisis simple de supervivencia, aunque no era el objetivo principal


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A simple and low-cost flow cell with 30 cm optical path for spectrophotometric measurements is described. It presents desirable characteristics such as low attenuation of the radiation beam and internal volume (75 µL) comparable to that of a 1-cm conventional cell (80 µL). Despite the increase in optical path, the effect on sample dispersion was also similar to that attained in the commercial cell. The performance of the cell was assessed by the determination of phosphate based on the molybdenum blue method, yielding a linear response range between 0.05 and 0.8 mg L-1 phosphorus (r=0.999). The increase in sensitivity (30.4-fold) in comparison with that obtained with a conventional 1-cm flow cell agreed with that estimated by the Lambert-Beer law.


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Rare earth ion doped solid state materials are the most important active media of near-infrared and visible lasers and other photonic devices. In these ions, the occurrence of Excited State Absorptions (ESA), from long lived electronic levels, is commonplace. Since ESA can deeply affect the efficiencies of the rare earth emissions, evaluation of these transitions cross sections is of greatest importance in predicting the potential applications of a given material. In this paper a detailed description of the pump-probe technique for ESA measurements is presented, with a review of several examples of applications in Nd3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ doped materials.


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Surface tension knowledge of surfactants aqueous solutions is important during amphiphilic molecule manufacturing and new product development, as feedback information to handle synthesis parameters to target performance. Drop counting method is an interesting simplification of drop weight method for surface tension measurements. A simple laboratory measurement device, with capability for temperature control, was assembled to allow investigation of ethoxylated surfactants. The implementation of the method was preceded by a detailed investigation of two factors that may affect the measured surface tension: drop formation velocity and surfactant ethoxylation degree. The limitations of the method are discussed on this basis.


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An undergraduate physical chemistry experiment based on the drop counting method for surface tension measurements is proposed to demonstrate adsorption isotherms of binary aqueous solutions of ethanol, n-propanol, and n-butanol. Excess surface is obtained by the derivative of surface tension taken with respect to alcohol activity, after this activity calculation using van Laar equation. Laboratory class contents are surface tension, excess surface, percolation of hydrogen bonds, micelle, activity, and ideal solution.


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In this work is presented a versatile system for X-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) measurements. The apparatus was assembled from a sample holder connected to an optical fiber responsibly for the acquisition of the scintillation signal. The spectrum is registered with a CCD coupled in a spectrograph provided with diffraction gratings. The system performance was analyzed by exciting GdAlO3:Eu3+ 3.0 at.% with X-rays from a diffractometer and measuring the emission spectra. The system can be used to obtain precise and reliable spectroscopic properties of samples with various conformations without the loss of the required safety when dealing with ionizing radiations.


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Measurements at high temperature using liquid solutions require special cells and materials which are able to support the temperature and pressure developed inside. The constructed cell was designed to support pressures up to 20 bar, temperatures relatively high up to around 200 ºC, depending on the pressure developed inside the system. It also supports aggressive solutions since its inner wall is made of Teflon. The electrolyte has no contact with the metallic body of the cell. Then, it is supposed that this work represents a great contribution to the electrochemical studies of materials in solutions at high pressure and temperature


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A simple and reliable voltammetric method is presented for the determination of amitriptyline using a boron-doped diamond electrode in 0.1 mol L-1 sulfuric acid solution as the support electrolyte. Under optimized differential pulse voltammetry conditions (modulation time 5 ms, scan rate 70 mV s-1, and pulse amplitude 120 mV), the electrode provides linear responses to amitriptyline in the concentration range 1.05 to 92.60 µmol L-1 and at a detection limit of 0.52 µmol L-1. The proposed method was successfully applied in pharmaceutical formulations, with results similar to those obtained using UV-vis spectrophotometric method as reference (at 95% confidence level), as recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.


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The measurement of nuclear magnetic resonance parameters in an anisotropic media, such as residual dipolar coupling (RDC), has proven to be an excellent methodology for the refinement of chemical structures, being used as a complementary tool in the determination of the relative configuration, conformation, and constitution of organic compounds. In this study, we applied this methodology to determine the relative configuration of α-santonin, a natural product with four stereocenters, while assigning its prochiral methylene protons using only the RDCs obtained in a polyacrylonitrile polymer gel swollen in DMSO-d6.


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O ataque do nematóide de cisto da soja, Heterodera glycines, limita o potencial de expansão e maior produtividade de áreas plantadas com soja (Glycine Max). O conhecimento da distribuição espacial desse patógeno na lavoura é fundamental, para elaboração de estratégias de manejo. A área em estudo estava localizada em lavoura de soja, variedade BRS133, localizada no Município de Florínea, SP, com solos naturalmente infestados por H. glycines. Foram obtidas medidas de espectrorradiometria de campo, 112 dias após o plantio, nas regiões do visível e do infravermelho próximo do espectro eletromagnético, a fim de se conhecer o padrão da resposta espectral de plantas atacadas pelo fitonematóide. Paralelamente, foram retiradas amostras de solo e encaminhadas ao Laboratório de Nematologia, Departamento de Fitossanidade da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, Campus de Jaboticabal, onde foram processadas para determinação da densidade populacional do nematóide. As medidas do espectrorradiômetro foram transformadas em índice vegetativo, com diferença normalizada (NDVI), que foi relacionado com a densidade populacional do nematóide, peso da matéria fresca e número de vagens por planta. Observou-se que diferentes densidades de população estão diretamente relacionados com a resposta espectral das plantas expressa, através dos valores do NDVI.


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As temperaturas onde ocorre a solubilização da fase rica em prata, em ligas de Cu-Al-Ag, foram determinadas através de medidas de variação da resistência elétrica com a temperatura. As derivadas das curvas obtidas experimentalmente permitiram determinar com precisão essas temperaturas e também que se traçasse um esboço da região onde ocorre a transição monofásica para bifásica.