795 resultados para Pellets


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The scabies mite, Sarcoptes scabiei, is the causative agent of scabies, a disease that is common among disadvantaged populations and facilitates streptococcal infections with serious sequelae. Previously, we encountered large families of genes encoding paralogues of house dust mite protease allergens with their catalytic sites inactivated by mutation (scabies mite inactivated protease paralogues [SMIPPs]). We postulated that SMIPPs have evolved as an adaptation to the parasitic lifestyle of the scabies mite, functioning as competitive inhibitors of proteases involved in the host–parasite interaction. To propose testable hypotheses for their functions, it is essential to know their locations in the mite. Here we show by immunohistochemistry that SMIPPs exist in two compartments: 1) internal to the mite in the gut and 2) external to the mite after excretion from the gut in scybala (fecal pellets). SMIPPs may well function in both of these compartments to evade host proteases.


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Goat meat is an important source of animal protein and Boer goats are the most widespread breed of meat goats. Cholesterol in meat is a potential cause of human disease and little is known about the cholesterol concentration in different goat muscles. As animals gain bodyweight the amount of cholesterol in their tissues generally increases and can vary for different tissues. Therefore, the aim of this experiment was to determine the effect of slaughter weight and muscle type on total cholesterol concentrations in three muscles (longissimus thoracic, infraspinatus and biceps femoris) taken from castrated male Boer goats in Australia. The goats were grazed on a mixture of native pasture and Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana) and had access to lucerne and commercial goat pellets (CP 18%; ME 12.3 MJ/kg DM). The muscles were dissected from 24 goats slaughtered in groups of 4 or 5 animals at 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 kg liveweight. Total cholesterol concentrations were then determined using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Total cholesterol concentrations decreased (P < 0.01) with an increase in slaughter weight for the longissimus thoracic, infraspinatus and biceps femoris muscles. Significant differences (P < 0.01) were recorded in the total cholesterol concentrations for the three muscles studied. The average total cholesterol concentrations ranged from 55 to 60 mg/100 g for the longissimus thoracic, 69 to 88 mg/100g for infraspinatus and 65 to 82 mg/100 g for the biceps femoris muscles. These results are important for consumers of goat meat as total cholesterol concentrations vary between different muscles taken from animals slaughtered at different weights and the concentrations are higher in muscles taken from lighter and younger animals. Therefore, health conscious consumers of meat, concerned about the cholesterol content of their diet, should consume meat from the longissimus thoracic muscles of heavier or older goats. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In the last decades, increasing scientific evidence has correlated the regular consumption of (poly)phenol-rich foods to a potential reduction of chronic disease incidence and mortality. However, epidemiological evidence on the role of (poly)phenol intake against the risk of some chronic diseases is promising, but not conclusive. In this framework a proper approach to (poly)phenol research is requested, using a step by step strategy. The plant kingdom produces an overwhelming array of structurally diverse secondary metabolites, among which flavonoids and related phenolic and (poly)phenolic compounds constitute one of the most numerous and widely distributed group of natural products. To date, more than 8000 structures have been classified as members of the phytochemical class of (poly)phenol, and among them over 4000 flavonoids have been identified. For this reason, a detailed food (poly)phenolic characterization is essential to identify the compounds that will likely enter the human body upon consumption, to predict the metabolites that will be generated and to unravel the potential effects of phenolic rich food sources on human health. In the first part of this work the attention was focused on the phenolic characterization of fruit and vegetable supplements, considering the increasing attention recently addressed to the so called "nutraceuticals", and on the main coffee industry by-product, namely coffee silverskin. The interest oriented toward (poly)phenols is then extended to their metabolism within the human body, paramount in the framework of their putative health promoting effects. Like all nutrients and non-nutrients, once introduced through the diet, (poly)phenols are subjected to an intense metabolism, able to convert the native compounds into similar conjugated, as well as smaller and deeply modified molecules, which in turn could be further conjugated. Although great strides have been made in the last decades, some steps of the (poly)phenol metabolism remain unclear and are interesting points of research. In the second part of this work the research was focused on a specific bran fraction, namely aleurone, added in feed pellets and in bread to investigate the absorption, metabolism and bioavailability of its phenolic compounds in animal and humans, with a preliminary in vitro step to determine their potential bioaccesibility. This part outlines the best approaches to assess the bioavailability of specific phenolics in several experimental models. The physiological mechanisms explaining the epidemiological and observational data on phenolics and health, are still far from being unraveled or understood in full. Many published results on phenolic actions at cell levels are biased by the fact that aglycones or native compounds have been used, not considering the previously mentioned chemical and biological transformations. In the last part of this thesis work, a new approach in (poly)phenol bioactivity investigation is proposed, consisting of a medium-long term treatment of animals with a (poly)phenol source, in this specific case resveratrol, the detection of its metabolites to determine their possible specific tissue accumulation, and the evaluation of specific parameters and/or mechanism of action at target tissue level. To conclude, this PhD work has contributed to advancing the field, as novel sources of (poly)phenols have been described, the bioavailability of (poly)phenols contained in a novel specific bran fraction used as ingredient has been evaluated in animal and in humans, and, finally, the tissue accumulation of specific (poly)phenol metabolites and the evaluation of specific parameters and/or mechanism of action has been carried out. For these reasons, this PhD work should be considered an example of adequate approach to the investigation of (poly)phenols and of their bioactivity, unavoidable in the process of unequivocally defining their effects on human health.


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From an examination of the literature relating to the catalytic steam reforming of hydrocarbons, it is concluded that the kinetics of high pressure reforming, particularly steam-methane reforming, has received relatively little attention. Therefore because of the increasing availability of natural gas in the U.K., this system was considered worthy of investigation. An examination of the thermodynamics relating to the equilibria of steam-hydrocarbon reforming is described. The reactions most likely to have influence over the process are established and from these a computer program was written to calculate equilibrium compositions. A means of presenting such data in a graphica1 form for ranges of the operating variables is given, and also an operating chart which may be used to quickly check feed ratios employed on a working naphtha reforming plant is presented. For the experimental kinetic study of the steam-methane system, cylindrical pellets of ICI 46-1 nickel catalyst were used in the form of a rod catalyst. The reactor was of the integral type and a description is given with the operating procedures and analytical method used. The experimental work was divided into two parts, qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative study the various reaction steps are examined in order to establish which one is rate controlling. It is concluded that the effects of film diffusion resistance within the conditions employed are negligible. In the quantitative study it was found that at 250 psig and 6500C the steam-methane reaction is much slower than the CO shift reaction and is rate controlling. Two rate mechanisms and accompanying kinetic rate equations are derived, both of which represent 'chemical' steps in the reaction and are considered of equal merit. However the possibility of a dual control involving 'chemical' and pore diffusion resistances is also expressed.


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The literature on heat and mass transfer mechanisms in the convective drying of thick beds of solids has been critically reviewed. Related mathematical models of heat transfer are also considered. Experimental and theoretical studies were made of the temperature distribution within beds, and of drying rates, with various materials undergoing convective drying. The experimental work covered thick beds of hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic materials (glass beads of different diameters, polystyrene pellets, activated alumina and wood powder) at air temperatures of 54°C to 84°C. Tests were carried out in a laboratory drying apparatus comprising a wind tunnel through which the air, of controlled temperature and humidity, was passed over a sample suspended from a balance. Thermocouples were inserted at different depths within the sample bed. The temperature distribution profiles for both hygroscopic and non-hygroscopic beds exhibited a clear difference between the temperatures at the surface and bottom during the constant rate period. An effective method was introduced for predicting the critical moisture content. During the falling rate the profiles showed the existence of a receding evaporation plane; this divided the system into a hotter dry zone in the upper section and a wet zone near the bottom. A graphical procedure was established to predict accurately the position of the receding evaporation front at any time. A new mathematical model, based on the receding evaporation front phenomenon, was proposed to predict temperature distributions throughout a bed during drying. Good agreement was obtained when the model was validated by comparing its predictions with experimental data. The model was also able to predict the duration of each drying stage. In experiments using sample trays of different diameters, the drying rate was found to increase with a decrease in the effective length of the bed surface. During the constant rate period with trays of a small effective length, i.e. less than 0.08 m, an 'inversion' in temperature distribution occurred in the bed; the bottom temperature increased and became greater than that of the surface. Experimental measurements were verified in several ways to ensure this phenomenon was real. Theoretical explanations are given for both the effective length and temperature inversion phenomena.


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Feeding behaviour of trained rainbow trout was investigated by the use of demand feeders, under different light conditions. The effects of the energy content of diet, and the size, colour and texture of feed pellets, on the feeding behaviour, were studied. An attempt was made to locate the assumed centres for feeding and satiety in the hypothalamus of brain by the intraperitoneal injections of goldthioglucose. Feeding under nine different constant photoperiods at 160 lux, at a temperature of 13.5°C, showed that trout exhibit a rhythmic pattern of feeding behaviour in all photoperiods except in continuous darkness.Feeding rhythms of trout attributable to the degree of gut distension were formed every eight to ten hours. Further studies by varying levels of light intensity revealed the interaction of light intensity and photoperiod. At shorter photoperiods lower levels of light intensity decreased the feeding activity in terms of food intake but by increasing the photoperiod the same feeding activity was accomplished as by the fish subject to a short photoperiod but under higher light intensity.Simulated effect of increasing and decreasing daylengths did not affect the overall food intake and growth performance. Trout are quite efficient in adjusting their food intake in terms of energy content. Colour, size and texture of feed pellets affect the feeding responses and elicit preferential food selection behaviour in trout. Goldthioglucose induced some reversable toxic effects upon general physiology of trout and did not produce any lesions in the assumed areas of feeding and satiety centres in the brain.  It was concluded that the feeding behaviour of trout exhibited selective preferences according to the physical nature of food items and those preferences could be further influenced by the biotic and abiotic factors, light being one of the most important abiotic factors.


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De-inking sludge is a waste product generated from secondary fibre paper mills who manufacture recycled paper into new paper sheets; it refers directly to the solid residues which evolve during the de-inking stage of the paper pulping process. The current practice for the disposal of this waste is either by land-spreading, land-filling or incineration which are unsustainable. This work has explored the intermediate pyrolysis of pre-conditioned de-inking sludge pellets in a recently patented 20 kg/h intermediate pyrolysis reactor (The Pyroformer). The reactor is essentially two co-axial screws which are configured in such a way as to circulate solids within the reactor and thus facilitate in the cracking of tars. The potential application of using the volatile organic vapours and permanent gases evolved would be to generate both combined heat and power (CHP) located at paper making sites. The results show that de-inking sludge could be successfully pyrolysed and the organic vapours produced were composed of a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and some fatty acid methyl esters as detected by liquid GC-MS. The calorific value of the oil after condensing was between 36 and 37 MJ/kg and the liquid fuel properties were also determined, permanent gases were detected by a GC-TCD and were composed of approximately 24% CO, 6% CH and 70% CO (v/v%). The solid residue from pyrolysis also contained a small residual calorific value, and was largely composed of mainly calcium based inert metal oxides. The application of applying intermediate pyrolysis to de-inking sludge for both CHP production and waste reduction is in principle a feasible technology which could be applied at secondary fibre paper mills. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present paper deals with experimentation of ZrO2 and Al2O3-supported catalysts for conversion of naphthalene, chosen as tar model compound of pyrolysis or gasification syngas. In particular, the reforming capacity of active metals and promoters such as Co, Ni, Fe, Cr, Ce and Pt was tested in a fixed bed reactor at temperature from 400 to 900 °C. As regards ZrO2-supported catalysts, the best results were achieved by the Ni/Fe/Pt catalyst with 96% naphthalene conversion, 78% and 280% as CO and H2 production yield at 800 °C. Regarding Al2O3-supported catalysts, they were more active on average than the zirconia ones, achieving a very good performance even at 500 °C (90–100% naphthalene conversion, 30–40% CO yield and 300–350% H2 yield at 550 °C). Influence of different amounts of alumina, montmorillonite and carbon on carrier composition as well as pellets’ size were also studied. Both zirconia and alumina catalysts showed deactivation at higher temperatures due to coke deposition, resulting in a strong H2 production drop. Regeneration of catalysts by O2 and steam as well as activation by H2 were also studied. The activated catalyst was able to convert more than 99% naphthalene at 450 °C with a CO and H2 production yield of 26% and 420%, respectively.


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The effect of organically modified clay on the morphology, rheology and mechanical properties of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) blends (HDPE/PA6 = 75/25 parts) is studied. Virgin and filled blends were prepared by melt compounding the constituents using a twin-screw extruder. The influence of the organoclay on the morphology of the hybrid was deeply investigated by means of wide-angle X-ray diffractometry, transmission and scanning electron microscopies and quantitative extraction experiments. It has been found that the organoclay exclusively places inside the more hydrophilic polyamide phase during the melt compounding. The extrusion process promotes the formation of highly elongated and separated organoclay-rich PA6 domains. Despite its low volume fraction, the filled minor phase eventually merges once the extruded pellets are melted again, giving rise to a co-continuous microstructure. Remarkably, such a morphology persists for long time in the melt state. A possible compatibilizing action related to the organoclay has been investigated by comparing the morphology of the hybrid blend with that of a blend compatibilized using an ethylene–acrylic acid (EAA) copolymer as a compatibilizer precursor. The former remains phase separated, indicating that the filler does not promote the enhancement of the interfacial adhesion. The macroscopic properties of the hybrid blend were interpreted in the light of its morphology. The melt state dynamics of the materials were probed by means of linear viscoelastic measurements. Many peculiar rheological features of polymer-layered silicate nanocomposites based on single polymer matrix were detected for the hybrid blend. The results have been interpreted proposing the existence of two distinct populations of dynamical species: HDPE not interacting with the filler, and a slower species, constituted by the organoclay-rich polyamide phase, which slackened dynamics stabilize the morphology in the melt state. In the solid state, both the reinforcement effect of the filler and the co-continuous microstructure promote the enhancement of the tensile modulus. Our results demonstrate that adding nanoparticles to polymer blends allows tailoring the final properties of the hybrid, potentially leading to high-performance materials which combine the advantages of polymer blends and the merits of polymer nanocomposites.


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The two main wastes generated from secondary fibre paper mills are rejects (composed mainly of plastics and fibres) and de-inking sludge, both of which are evolved from the pulping process during paper manufacture. The current practice for the disposal of these wastes is either by land-spreading or land-filling. This work explores the gasification of blends of pre-conditioned rejects and de-inking sludge pellets with mixed wood chips in an Imbert type fixed bed downdraft gasifier with a maximum feeding capacity of 10kg/h. The producer gases evolved would generate combined heat and power (CHP) in an internal combustion engine. The results show that as much as 80wt.% of a brown paper mill's rejects (consisting of 20wt.% mixed plastics and 80wt.% paper fibres) could be successfully gasified in a blend with 20wt.% mixed wood chips. The producer gas composition was 16.24% H, 23.34% CO, 12.71% CO 5.21% CH and 42.49% N (v/v%) with a higher heating value of 7.3MJ/Nm. After the removal of tar and water condensate the producer gas was of sufficient calorific value and flow rate to power a 10kWe gas engine. Some blends using rejects from other mill types were not successful, and the limiting factor was usually the agglomeration of plastics present within the fuel.


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The aim of this work is to improve some of the less desirable properties of bio-oil via the catalytic fast pyrolysis of sugarcane bagasse using a novel supported molybdenum carbide (20 wt.% MoC/AlO ) catalyst. Proximate and elemental analysis of the bagasse were carried out to determine the moisture, ash, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen content. The ground pellets were classified in sieves to a size range of 0.25-1 mm and were pyrolysed in a 300 g h fluidised bed reactor at 500 C. MoC/AlO replaced the sand in the fluidised bed reactor in different proportions (0 wt.%, 12 wt.%, 25 wt.% and 50 wt.%) to investigate the effect of this catalyst on the pyrolysis products. Bio-oil yield results showed that ground sugarcane bagasse pellets gave high organic yields in the bio-oil of 60.5 wt.% on dry feed with a total liquid yield of 73.1 wt.% on dry feed without catalyst. Increasing the catalyst proportions in the fluidised bed reduced bio-oil yields, significantly reduced sugars (as a-levoglucosan) concentration and increased furanics and phenolics concentration in the bio-oil. It was observed that the higher the concentration of the 20 wt.% MoC/AlO catalyst in the fluidised bed the lower the viscosity of the bio-oil. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Osteochondral tissue repair requires formation of vascularized bone and avascular cartilage. Mesenchymal stem cells stimulate angiogenesis both in vitro and in vivo but it is not known if these proangiogenic properties change as a result of chondrogenic or osteogenic differentiation. We investigated the angiogenic/antiangiogenic properties of equine bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (eBMSCs) before and after differentiation in vitro. Conditioned media from chondrogenic and osteogenic cell pellets and undifferentiated cells was applied to endothelial tube formation assays using Matrigel™. Additionally, the cell secretome was analysed using LC-MS/MS mass spectrometry and screened for angiogenesis and neurogenesis-related factors using protein arrays. Endothelial tube-like formation was supported by conditioned media from undifferentiated eBMSCs. Conversely, chondrogenic and osteogenic conditioned media was antiangiogenic as shown by significantly decreased length of endothelial tube-like structures and degree of branching compared to controls. Undifferentiated cells produced higher levels of angiogenesis-related proteins compared to chondrogenic and osteogenic pellets. In summary, eBMSCs produce an array of angiogenesis-related proteins and support angiogenesis in vitro via a paracrine mechanism. However, when these cells are differentiated chondrogenically or osteogenically, they produce a soluble factor(s) that inhibits angiogenesis. With respect to osteochondral tissue engineering, this may be beneficial for avascular articular cartilage formation but unfavourable for bone formation where a vascularized tissue is desired. © Copyright 2014, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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Activated carbon is generated from various waste biomass sources like rice straw, wheat straw, wheat straw pellets, olive stones, pistachios shells, walnut shells, beech wood and hardcoal. After drying the biomass is pyrolysed in the temperature range of 500-600 °C at low heating rates of 10 K/min. The activation of the chars is performed as steam activation at temperatures between 800 °C and 900 °C. Both the pyrolysis and activation experiments were run in lab-scale facilities. It is shown that nut shells provide high active surfaces of 1000-1300 m/g whereas the active surface of straw matters does hardly exceed 800 m/g which might be a result of the high ash content of the straws and the slightly higher carbon content of the nut shells. The active surface is detected by BET method. Besides the testing of a many types of biomass for the suitability as base material in the activated carbon production process, the experiments allow for the determination of production parameters like heating rate and pyrolysis temperature, activation time and temperature as well as steam flux which are necessary for the scale up of the process chain. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Haloclean a performance enhanced low temperature pyrolysis for biomass developed by Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe and Sea Marconi Is closing the gap between classical and fast pyrolysis approaches. For pyrolysis of straw (chaffed-, finely ground and pellets) temperature ranges between 320 to 420°C and residence times of only 1 to 5 minutes can be realized. Liquid yields of up to 45 wt-% and 35 wt-% of solids are possible. Solid yields can be increased up to 73 wt-% while loosing 4.5 % of the feed energy by pyrolysis gases only. Toxicity tests of the fractions do not show relevant numbers.


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De-inking sludge is a waste product generated from secondary fibre paper mills who manufacture recycled paper into new paper sheets; it refers directly to the solid residues which evolve during the de-inking stage of the paper pulping process. The current practice for the disposal of this waste is either by land-spreading, land-filling or incineration which are unsustainable. This work has explored the intermediate pyrolysis of pre-conditioned de-inking sludge pellets in a recently patented 20 kg/h intermediate pyrolysis reactor (The Pyroformer). The reactor is essentially two co-axial screws which are configured in such a way as to circulate solids within the reactor and thus facilitate in the cracking of tars. The potential application of using the volatile organic vapours and permanent gases evolved would be to generate both combined heat and power (CHP) located at paper making sites. The results show that de-inking sludge could be successfully pyrolysed and the organic vapours produced were composed of a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and some fatty acid methyl esters as detected by liquid GC-MS. The calorific value of the oil after condensing was between 36 and 37 MJ/kg and the liquid fuel properties were also determined, permanent gases were detected by a GC-TCD and were composed of approximately 24% CO, 6% CH and 70% CO (v/v%). The solid residue from pyrolysis also contained a small residual calorific value, and was largely composed of mainly calcium based inert metal oxides. The application of applying intermediate pyrolysis to de-inking sludge for both CHP production and waste reduction is in principle a feasible technology which could be applied at secondary fibre paper mills. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.