941 resultados para Pastoral prayers.
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Increasing numbers of medical schools in Australia and overseas have moved away from didactic teaching methodologies and embraced problem-based learning (PBL) to improve clinical reasoning skills and communication skills as well as to encourage self-directed lifelong learning. In January 2005, the first cohort of students entered the new MBBS program at the Griffith University School of Medicine, Gold Coast, to embark upon an exciting, fully integrated curriculum using PBL, combining electronic delivery, communication and evaluation systems incorporating cognitive principles that underpin the PBL process. This chapter examines the educational philosophies and design of the e-learning environment underpinning the processes developed to deliver, monitor and evaluate the curriculum. Key initiatives taken to promote student engagement and innovative and distinctive approaches to student learning at Griffith promoted within the conceptual model for the curriculum are (a) Student engagement, (b) Pastoral care, (c) Staff engagement, (d) Monitoring and (e) Curriculum/Program Review. © 2007 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
From Strangers to Peer Acquaintances Mothers and Fathers with a First Born and their Experiences of the New Family Training Process in Espoo This research is composed of two interrelated case studies. The first case was a family training experiment conducted in the City of Espoo during 2003 2005. In the experiment, the content, duration and procedures were modified from the previous family training policy. The new family training system stressed peer group activities and the peer support formed between the participating mothers and fathers. The second case comprised the stories of 14 parents about the family training process. The aim of the research was to find out whether peer group activities and support was demonstrated between the participating parents during the family training process. The second case and its narrative material constituted the main research material. The narrative material was collected by interviews. Eight mothers and six fathers were interviewed twice within a year between their sessions. The parents also filled in questionnaires about their daily life and participated in a drawing exercise, in which they visualized how they experienced the family training during the antenatal period, labour and the postnatal period. A narrative approach was applied to the analysis of the narrative material. The analysis consisted of several stages. In the final stage, the fathers main story was combined with all the participating fathers personal stories. The mothers main story was also constructed from their personal stories. The study implicated that in some parts the mothers and fathers main stories were similar. During the family training, previously unacquainted parents became peer acquaintances. In particular, the first born as a focus created interaction and cooperation among the parents. Parents in similar circumstances became significant to each other. Different figurations formed during the family training. However, the main stories did not always entwine. The mothers were in contact with the other mothers almost daily using mobile phones, email and mother-child activities. The fathers employed outside home met each other only during the family training meetings, but felt being supported by the other fathers. Some families visited one another outside of the family training. This new type of family training had characteristics typical of the project society. The parents peer activities were based on trust, negotiation and contracts between partners. The parents evaluated the benefits of participation in the family training. If they appreciated the activities with peers and peer compassion, they were willing to participate in the family training during the postnatal period. Keywords: family training, parenthood, motherhood, fatherhood, peer, peer group, peer support, social support, social relationships, figurations, the project society, pastoral power, epistolary power
The main purpose of this research is to shed light on the factors that gave rise to the office of Field Bishop in the years 1939-1944. How did military bishophood affect the status of the head of military pastoral care and military clergy during these years? The main sources of my research are the collections in the Finnish National Archives, and I use a historical-qualitative method. The position of the military clergy was debated within both the Church and the Defence Forces before 1939. At that stage, Church law did not yet recognize the office of the leading military priest, the Field Dean. There had been a motion in 1932 to introduce the office of a military bishop, but the bishops' synod blocked it. The concept of Field Bishop appeared for the first time in 1927 in a Finnish military document, which dealt with pastoral care in the Polish military. The Field Dean in Finland had regularly proposed improvements to the salary of the military clergy before the Winter War. After the Winter War, arguments were made for strengthening the position of the military clergy: these arguments were based on the increased respect shown towards this clergy, especially due to their role in the care of the fallen, which had become their task during the war. Younger members of the military clergy in particular supported the demands to improve their position within the Church and the army. The creation of a Field Bishop was perceived as strengthening the whole military clergy, as the Field Bishop was envisioned as a bishop within the Church and a general within the Defence Forces. During that time the Field Dean was still without any military rank. The idea of a Field Bishop was recommended to Mannerheim in June 1940, after which the Defence Forces lent their support to the cause. The status of the military clergy, in Church law, made it to the agenda of the Church council in January 1941, thanks largely to the younger priests' group influence and Mannerheim's leverage. The bishops opposed the notion of a Field Bishop mostly on theological grounds but were ready to concede that the position the Field Dean in Church law required further defining. The creation of the office of Field Bishop was blocked in the Church law committee report issued close to the beginning of the Continuation War. The onset of that war, however, changed the course of events, as the President of the Republic appointed Field Dean Johannes Björklund as Field Bishop. Speculation has abounded about Mannerheim's role in the appointment, but the truth of the matter is not clear. The title of Field Bishop was used to put pressure on the Church, and, at the same time, Mannerheim could remain detached from the matter. Later, in September 1941, the Church council approved the use of the Field Bishop title to denote the head of military pastoral care in Church law, and Field Bishops were assigned some of the duties formerly pertaining to bishops. Despite all expectations and hopes, the new office of Field Bishop did not affect the status of the military clergy within the Defence Forces, as no ranks were established for them, and their salary did not improve. However the office of the Field Bishop within Army HQ was transformed from a bureau into a department in the summer of 1942. At the beginning of the Continuation War, the Field Bishop was criticized by certain military and Church clergy for favouring Russian Orthodox Christians in Eastern Karelia. Björklund agreed in principle with most of the Lutheran clergy on the necessity of Lutheranizing East Karelia but had to take into account the realities at Army HQ. As well, at the same time the majority of the younger clergy were serving in the army, and there was a lack of parish priests on the home front. Bishop Lehtonen had actually expressed the wish that more priests could have been released from the front to serve in local parishes. In his notes Lehtonen accused Björklund of trying to achieve the position of Field Bishop by all possible means. However, research has revealed a varied group of people behind the creation of the office of Field Bishop, including in particular younger clergy and the Defence Forces.
The little bustard Tetrax tetrax is a bird of agro-pastoral landscapes rapidly disappearing from most of Western Europe due to agricultural intensification. In Italy, the species is virtually extinct from the mainland but still occurs in Sardinia, where four Special Protection Areas (SPAs) have been designated in 2007 to protect the bustard and related habitat. In this note, we document a steep decline (between 50 and 87,5%) of the species during the last decade in one of those four SPAs, Plains of Semestene, Bonorva, Macomer and Bortigali. However, during summer 2009, a group of 17 individuals was found within the SPA, confirming that the species, although at low numbers (5-15 displaying males), still breeds successfully in the area. Potential limiting factors are also discussed. We urge to undertake conservation measures based on solid scientific evidence if the local population is to be saved from probable extinction in the near future.
India's biodiversity hotspot under anthropogenic pressure: A case study of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve
This paper presents data on the impact of biotic pressure in terms of grazing by livestock and wood cutting by humans on the plant community in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve of India. Grass, and herbaceous plant biomass, number of cattle dung piles, number of woody stems available and damaged by human activities and weed biomass were assessed at different proximity along transects radiating from village-forest boundary to forest interior to measure the ecological impact of livestock grazing and fire wood collection. The grass biomass was positively correlated to overgrazing indicating the adverse effect on natural vegetation by cattle. Woodcutting was intense along the forest boundary and significantly declined as distance increased. Similarly, weed biomass and number of thorny species declined positively with proximity from village-forest boundary and the weed biomass was significantly higher in the pastoral sites compared to residential sites. The results suggest that human impact adversely affects natural vegetation and promotes weed proliferation in forest areas adjoining human settlements in the ecologically important Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Continued anthropogenic pressure could cause reduction in fodder availability to large herbivores like elephants, which in turn leads to an increase in human-elephant conflict. (C) 2011 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Introducción: El Tinkunaco en la provincia de La Rioja, Argentina, es una fiesta que, arraigada en este pueblo desde 1593, tiene una hondura inigualable. Puede ser leída desde diversos ángulos: realizando un recorrido histórico a lo largo de sus más de 400 años de historia, estudiándola desde la teología, la etnografía, el folklore, la lingüística, la política. Cada ciencia y línea de investigación tendrá su propio método, pero separadas unas de otras no accederán acabadamente a la fiesta. Nosotros realizaremos en esta tesis un acercamiento desde la Teología Práctica integrando también a ciencias tales como la historia, la sociología, la psicología...
Nota del Director. Nuestra brújula segura -- La crisis de los cuarenta / María Josefina Llach -- Hacia una nueva imaginación. Sobre el laicado y las mujeres en la Iglesia / Virginia R. Azcuy -- Logros y tareas a 40 años de la promulgación de la Constitución Dogmática sobre la Divina Revelación / Claudia Mendoza -- La Constitución Pastoral Gaudium et Spes como “acontecimiento”. Un ingreso desde las “redes” / Marcelo González -- De una cultura ritual a una cultura secular. Críticas a la reforma litúrgica conciliar / Osvaldo Santagada -- El misterio de la Iglesia, pueblo de Dios en comunión / José Carlos Caamaño -- El movimiento ecuménico a 40 años del Concilio Vaticano II / Jorge A. Scampini -- Una articulación del binomio Iglesia universal/ Iglesia particular-local / Antonio Fidalgo -- Nuestra facultad de teología en perspectiva histórica: desde su origen (1915) y hacia su centenario (2015) / Carlos M. Galli -- En torno al misterio de Dios. El pensamiento de Ricardo Ferrara / Carlos A. Castro -- Notas Bibliográficas -- Instrucciones para los colaboradores
Resumen: Las indicaciones pastorales del Papa Francisco en Evangelii gaudium ofrecen la oportunidad para redescubrir el valor de la categoría ley bajo la guía de la tradición tomista recogida en el documento pontificio. La propuesta moral del Evangelio o ley nueva, siguiendo la sinonimia utilizada por santo Tomás de Aquino, no puede ser reducida a un precepto o una serie de normas; muy por el contrario, revisitando la doctrina del Doctor Común podemos descubrir la necesidad de una hermenéutica sapiencial y profundamente bíblica de uno de los pilares de la moral cristiana. En el camino de la conversión pastoral, el retorno a las fuentes tomistas vuelve a iluminar la reflexión teológica con fecundidad renovada.
En los tiempos que nos toca vivir debemos reconocer que muchas veces recurrimos a la parroquia solicitando ayuda, asesoramiento y también debemos decirlo: soluciones. Como medio ordinario de atención pastoral encontramos en la secretaría y despacho a la puerta que más golpea la gente (o toca el timbre si prefieren). Estamos presentando una figura pastoral que con el tiempo ha adquirido mayor protagonismo y encontramos las razones en el mismo ritmo y estilo de los pastores y fieles que hacen que sea indispensable que alguien atienda la puerta y el teléfono, pero también que ofrezca un cálido recibimiento a toda la gente que acude a la parroquia...
Presentación / Juan F. Radrizzani -- El tema sacerdotal y el clero en América Latina / Equipo de Reflexión Teológico-Pastoral del CELAM -- El ideal humano y las tipologías políticas / Eduardo Briancesco -- El apóstol “amigo del Esposo” / Juan F. Radrizzani -- La oración por los pecadores / Luis Alessio -- Compendio popular de nuestra fe católica / Francisco De Vos -- Crónica de la Primera Semana Argentina de Teología / Osvaldo D. Santagada -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos -- Crónica de la facultad -- Índice del Tomo IX
Resumen: En este texto la autora retoma algunas afirmaciones sobre teología práctica que hacen tres autores contemporáneos: Henri-Jerôme Gagey, David Tracy e I. Baumgartner. Se propone observar cómo esas afirmaciones arrojan luz sobre el acompañamiento espiritual como práctica eclesial. Finalmente, hace una breve reflexión en orden a la continuidad en el estudio del tema.
Una teología de la ciudad no es un planteo nuevo en el contexto latinoamericano, pero sí un tema no suficientemente profundizado. En un marco de creciente urbanización y de profundos desafíos afrontados por el cristianismo, la ciudad vuelve a reclamar la atención de la pastoral de las iglesias y de la teología. El presente ensayo inicia una reflexión a partir de algunos aportes significativos sobre teología y pastoral urbana en el ámbito de Inglaterra y EE.UU. Asimismo, ofrece algunos senderos teológicos programáticos para una investigación interdisciplinaria, junto a algunas consideraciones relativas al método.
Las tradiciones sobre el maná y el capítulo VI del Evangelio de San Juan / Luis Herberto Rivas -- Eucaristía y reparación. Reflexión teológico-Espiritual / Leonardo Capelluti -- ¿Qué se entiende por Teología Espiritual Sistemática? / Guillermo Rodríguez Melgarejo -- Algunas reflexiones para una enseñanza pastoral de la Teología Dogmática a los futuros Presbíteros / Carmelo Giaquinta -- Notas bibliográficas -- Libros recibidos
Resumen: Santa Gertrudis se ubica en el punto de inflexión en que la unidad tradicional entre teología y vida espiritual comienza a debilitarse. Contemporánea al desarrollo de la escolástica, pertenece sin embargo al mundo monástico, donde la integración entre la vida y la teología, se cultiva y se defiende. Su vida se nos presenta como la de aquélla en quien se cumple la finalidad teológica que subyace a toda vida cristiana: la comprensión vital del misterio por la experiencia de íntima comunión con lo divino. Su doctrina ilumina el núcleo de la fe a partir de las fuentes de la liturgia, la revelación y la tradición patrística, asimiladas a través de su experiencia espiritual. Esta se expresa en la originalidad y precisión teológica de sus visiones y oraciones, vertidas en un lenguaje afectivo y simbólico, en el equilibrio de su doctrina espiritual y en su hondo sentido de Iglesia. Su experiencia constituye una mística dogmática, eclesial y esponsal, cuya universalidad y actualidad la hacen apta y atractiva al público creyente y no creyente de hoy