904 resultados para Partial directed coherence


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Lysine-ketoglutaratc reductase catalyzes the first step of lysine catabolism in maize (Zea mays L.) endosperm. The enzyme condenses L-lysine and α-ketoglutarate into saccharopine using NADPH as cofactor. It is endosperm-specific and has a temporal pattern of activity, increasing with the onset of kernel development, reaching a peak 20 to 25 days after pollination, and thereafter decreasing as the kernel approaches maturity. The enzyme was extracted from the developing maize endosperm and partially purified by ammonium-sulfate precipitation, anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, and affinity chromatography on Blue-Sepharose CL-6B. The preparation obtained from affinity chromatography was enriched 275-fold and had a specific activity of 411 nanomoles per minute per milligram protein. The native and denaturated enzyme is a 140 kilodalton protein as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzyme showed specificity for its substrates and was not inhibited by either aminoethyl-cysteine or glutamate. Steady-state product-inhibition studies revealed that saccharopine was a noncompetitive inhibitor with respect to α-ketoglutarate and a competitive inhibitor with respect to lysine. This is suggestive of a rapid equilibriumordered binding mechanism with a binding order of lysine, α-ketoglutarate, NADPH. The enzyme activity was investigated in two maize inbred lines with homozygous normal and opaque-2 endosperms. The pattern of lysine-ketoglutarate reductase activity is coordinated with the rate of zein accumulation during endosperm development. A coordinated regulation of enzyme activity and zein accumulation was observed in the opaque-2 endosperm as the activity and zein levels were two to three times lower than in the normal endosperm. Enzyme extracted from L1038 normal and opaque-2 20 days after pollination was partially purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Both genotypes showed a similar elution pattern with a single activity peak eluted at approximately 0.2 molar KCL. The molecular weight and physical properties of the normal and opaque-2 enzymes were essentially the same. We suggest that the Opaque-2 gene, which is a transactivator of the 22 kilodalton zein genes, may be involved in the regulation of the lysine-ketoglutarate reductase gene in maize endosperm. In addition, the decreased reductase activity caused by the opaque-2 mutation may explain, at least in part, the elevated concentration of lysine found in the opaque-2 endosperm.


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We consider effective interactions among excited spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 leptons with the usual ones. Assuming that these new leptons are lighter than the Z0, we study the constraints on their masses and compositeness scale coming from the leptonic Z0 partial width.


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The phase formation mechanism, as well as the morphotropic phase boundary, of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) processed by a partial oxalate method was investigated by simultaneous thermal analysis (TG-DTA) and by qualitative and quantitative X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that the ZrxTi1-xO2 (ZT) phase reacts with PbO forming the PZT phase without intermediate phases. XRD analysis showed the coexistence of rhombohedral and tetragonal phases for 0.47 ≤ x ≤ 0.55 with the phase boundary composition for x = 0.51. For low calcination temperatures, preferential formation of the PZT rhombohedral phase was observed. A model for phase formation of PZT by the partial oxalate method is proposed based on the existence of two interfaces of reaction (PbO-PZT and PZT-ZT) and diffusion of cations.


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We update the indirect bounds on anomalous triple gauge couplings coming from the non-universal one-loop contributions to the Z → bb width. These bounds, which are independent of the Higgs boson mass, are in agreement with the standard model predictions for the gauge boson self-couplings since the present value of R(b) agrees fairly well with the theoretical estimates. Moreover, these indirect constraints on Δg(Z)/1 and g(Z)/5 are most stringent than the present direct bounds on these quantities, while the indirect limit on λ(Z) is weaker than the available experimental data.


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The effects of propofol on intraocular pressure (IOP) and end tidal CO2 (ETCO2) were studied because an elevation in the latter may alter IOP. Twenty dogs were divided into two groups (G1 and G2). G1 dogs were induced with 10 mg/kg (IV) of propofol followed by a 0.4 mg/kg/min continuous infusion of the same agent diluted in a 0.2% dextrose solution for 1 h. G(CAPS) 2 dogs served as the control group, where only dextrose solution was administered, under the same time intervals as in G1. Applanation tonometry (Tono-Pen) was used to determine IOP and ETCO2 as a method to determine partial CO2 pressure. Measurements were taken every 15 min for 1 h, with M1 occurring immediately before IV administration. IOP and ETCO2 were not statistically significant in either groups. Based on the results, it may be concluded that propofol does not alter IOP and ETCO2.


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A study of concentrated attention patterns in epileptic patients was conducted with the objectives: characterization of the patients' epileptic condition; assessment of the concentrated attention levels in epileptic and nonepileptic individuals; comparison of the attention levels of the two groups. An evaluation was performed of 50 adult outpatients with complex partial seizures and 20 non-epileptic individuals (comparative group) at the Neuroepilepsy Ambulatory Unit, State University of Campinas SP, Brazil. Method: characterization of seizure types, frequency and duration; concentrated attention assessment (Concentrated Attention Test - Toulouse-Piéron); comparison of the epileptic with non-epileptic individuals. Results: A statistically significant difference was observed between the groups with regard to Correct Response, Wrong Response and No Response. A difference was observed in relation to Time, but it was statistically insignificant. The epileptic patients presented inferior cognitive performance in relation to concentrated attention when compared with the non-epileptic individuals, findings compatible with the clinical complaints.


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Objective: To compare the performance of patients with complex partial epilepsy with the normal controls in the subtests of an instrument used to assess intelligence function. Method: Fifty epileptic patients, whose ages ranged from 19 to 49 years and 20 normal controls without any neuropsychiatric disorders. The Wechsler-Bellevue adult intelligence test was applied in groups, epileptic patients and control subjects. This test is composed of several subtests that assess specific cognitive functions. A statistical analysis was performed using non-parametric tests. Results: All the Wechsler-Bellevue subtests revealed that the intelligence functions of the patients were significantly inferior to that of the controls (p<0.05). This performance was supported by the patient's complaints in relation to their cognitive performance. Conclusion: Patients with complex partial epilepsy presented poorer results in the intelligence test when compared with individuals without neuropsychiatric disorders.


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The use of teeth-implant, mucosa-supported removable dentures for rehabilitation of partially edentulous patients involves highly complex biomechanical aspects. This type of prosthesis associates 3 kinds of support that react differently to the functional and parafunctional forces developed in the oral cavity. Although the construction of removable partial dentures may seem paradoxical when osseointegrated implants are placed, in some cases, this option is an excellent alternative to solve difficulties related to the anatomic, biologic, psychomotor, and financial conditions of the patient. This article reports on a case in which a teeth-implant, mucosa-supported removable partial denture was the option of choice for a patient with financial and anatomic limitations, having a large structural loss of the residual alveolar ridge caused by trauma by a gunshot injury at the mandible. The 5-year follow-up did not reveal any type of biomechanical or functional problem. Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.


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Phrixotrix (railroad worm) luciferases produce bioluminescence in the green and red regions of the spectrum, depending on the location of the lanterns, and are the only luciferases naturally producing red bioluminescence. Comparison of the luciferase sequences showed a set of substitutions that could be involved in bioluminescence colour determination: (a) unique substitutions in the red luciferase replacing otherwise invariant residues; (b) conserved basic residues in the green-yellow emitting luciferases; and (c) an additional R353 residue in red-emitting luciferase (Viviani et al., 1999). To investigate whether these sites have a functional role in bioluminescence colour determination, we performed a site-directed mutagenesis. Natural substitutions in the region 220-344 and residues in the putative luciferin-binding site were also investigated. With the exception of the previously identified substitution of R215 and T226 (Viviani et al., 2002), which display dramatic red-shift effects on the spectrum of green-yellow-emitting luciferases, only a few substitutions had a moderate effect on the spectrum of the green-emitting luciferase. In contrast, no single substitution affected the spectrum of the red-emitting luciferase. The results suggest that the identity of the active site residues is not so critical for determining red bioluminescence in PxRE luciferase. Rather, the conformation assumed during the emitting step could be critical to set up proper interactions with excited oxyluciferin. Copyright ©2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A Streptomyces was isolated from poultry plant wastewater, showed high keratinolytic activity when cultured on feather meal medium. Optimum keratinolytic activity was observed at 40°C and pH 8.0. The enzyme also showed to be stable between 40 and 60°C. The keratinolytic activity was not inhibited by EDTA, DMSO and Tween 80. On the other hand, CaCl2, ZnCl2, and BaCl2 slightly inhibited the keratinolytic activity. The Streptomyces isolated might be useful in leather, keratin waste treatment, animal feeding industry, and also cosmetic industry. © 2008 Academic Journals.


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The dual path of insertion concept for removable partial denture (RPD) design may be used in esthetically demanding situations. When compared to conventional RPDs, the main advantage of this design is the minimal use of clasps. This clinical report describes the treatment of a patient with an anterior maxillary edentulous area using a dual path RPD. The diagnostic cast was surveyed to ensure the adequacy of the undercuts on the mesial surfaces of the anterior abutments, where rigid minor connectors were placed. Inverted V-shaped canine cingulum rest seats were prepared to provide resistance to tooth movement during function. The dual path RPD concept allows excellent esthetic results, minimizes tooth preparation, and reduces the tendency toward plaque accumulation in a Kennedy class IV partially edentulous arch. © 2008 by The American College of Prosthodontists.