954 resultados para PACTEL facility
In Iowa, the Managed Care Ombudsman Program was established to advocate for the rights and wishes of IA Health Link members who live or receive care in a health care facility, assisted living program or elder group home, as well as members enrolled in one of the seven home and community-based services (HCBS) waiver programs: AIDS/HIV, Brain Injury, Children’s Mental Health, Elderly, Health and Disability, Intellectual &/or Physical Disability. All services provided by the Managed Care Ombudsman Program are confidential and free of charge.
As the American population continues to grow older, aging and sexuality has become a frequent topic of discussion. Specifically, questions have been raised about if and how older adults experience sexual desire; how dementia and other age-related health issues impact an individual’s ability to express desire for and consent to sexual acts; and whether older adults forfeit their right to intimacy once they move into a long-term care facility. By federal law, individuals residing in long-term care are afforded multiple rights, many of which are relevant to sexuality. These rights include but are not limited to: the rights to privacy, confidentiality, dignity and respect; the right to make independent choices; and the right to choose visitors and meet in a private location. The OSLTCO strives to preserve these rights by promoting attitudes of awareness, acceptance, and respect of sexual diversity.
By federal law, individuals residing in long-term care are afforded multiple rights, many of which are relevant to sexuality. These rights include but are not limited to: the rights to privacy, confidentiality, dignity and respect, the right to make independent choices, and the right to choose visitors and meet in a private location. The Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman strives to preserve these rights by promoting attitudes of awareness, acceptance, and respect of sexual diversity. Though outcomes to sexually-related situations vary innumerably, as each is different and must be considered independently, the OSLTCO believes a multidisciplinary effort is necessary to develop a thoughtful process from which to draw and support conclusions. It is not the responsibility of the long-term care facility or assisted living program (or a single staff member) to solely determine whether a resident/tenant should or should not be sexually expressive.
Resident’s rights are guaranteed by the federal 1987 Nursing Home Reform Law. This law requires nursing facilities to promote and protect the rights of each resident and places a strong emphasis on individual dignity and self-determination. Iowa has incorporated these rights into state law for nursing facility residents, assisted living and elder group home tenants. The attorney-in-fact’s authority is over health care decisions and visitation and access to a resident is not a health care decision. The law does not specifically set out restrictions on visitation as a right that the attorney-in-fact can exercise. Therefore, it is the position of the Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman that the attorney-in-fact does not have authority to determine visitation. As such, that right remains with the resident.
Over the past two decades, several fungal outbreaks have occurred, including the high-profile 'Vancouver Island' and 'Pacific Northwest' outbreaks, caused by Cryptococcus gattii, which has affected hundreds of otherwise healthy humans and animals. Over the same time period, C. gattii was the cause of several additional case clusters at localities outside of the tropical and subtropical climate zones where the species normally occurs. In every case, the causative agent belongs to a previously rare genotype of C. gattii called AFLP6/VGII, but the origin of the outbreak clades remains enigmatic. Here we used phylogenetic and recombination analyses, based on AFLP and multiple MLST datasets, and coalescence gene genealogy to demonstrate that these outbreaks have arisen from a highly-recombining C. gattii population in the native rainforest of Northern Brazil. Thus the modern virulent C. gattii AFLP6/VGII outbreak lineages derived from mating events in South America and then dispersed to temperate regions where they cause serious infections in humans and animals.
Abstract Objectives: In Germany since 2007 patients with advanced life-limiting diseases are eligible for Specialized Outpatient Palliative Care (SOPC). To provide this service, SOPC teams have been established as a new facility in the health care system. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of one of the first SOPC teams based at the Munich University Hospital. Methods: All patients treated by the SOPC team and their primary caregivers were eligible for this prospective nonrandomized study. The main topics of the surveys before and after involvement of the SOPC team were: for patients, the assessment of symptom burden (Minimal Documentation System for Palliative Medicine, MIDOS), satisfaction with quality of palliative care (Palliative Outcome Scale, POS), and quality of life (McGill Quality of Life Questionnaire, MQOL); for caregivers, burden of care (Häusliche Pflegeskala, home care scale, HPS), anxiety and depression (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS), and quality of life (Quality of Life in Life-Threatening Illness-Family Carer Version, QOLLTI-F). Results: Of 100 patients treated between April and November 2011, 60 were included in the study (median age 67.5 years, 55% male, 87% oncological diseases). In 23 of 60 patients, only caregivers could be interviewed. The median interval between the first and second interview was 2.5 weeks. Quality of life increased significantly in patients (p<0.05) and caregivers (p<0.001), as did the patients' perception of quality of palliative care (POS, p<0.001), while the caregivers' psychological distress and burden of care significantly decreased (HADS, p<0.001; HPS, p<0.001). Conclusions: The involvement of an SOPC team leads to a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients and caregivers and can lower the burden of home care for the caregivers of severely ill patients.
Treatment intensification and risk factor control: toward more clinically relevant quality measures.
BACKGROUND: Intensification of pharmacotherapy in persons with poorly controlled chronic conditions has been proposed as a clinically meaningful process measure of quality. OBJECTIVE: To validate measures of treatment intensification by evaluating their associations with subsequent control in hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes mellitus across 35 medical facility populations in Kaiser Permanente, Northern California. DESIGN: Hierarchical analyses of associations of improvements in facility-level treatment intensification rates from 2001 to 2003 with patient-level risk factor levels at the end of 2003. PATIENTS: Members (515,072 and 626,130; age >20 years) with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and/or diabetes mellitus in 2001 and 2003, respectively. MEASUREMENTS: Treatment intensification for each risk factor defined as an increase in number of drug classes prescribed, of dosage for at least 1 drug, or switching to a drug from another class within 3 months of observed poor risk factor control. RESULTS: Facility-level improvements in treatment intensification rates between 2001 and 2003 were strongly associated with greater likelihood of being in control at the end of 2003 (P < or = 0.05 for each risk factor) after adjustment for patient- and facility-level covariates. Compared with facility rankings based solely on control, addition of percentages of poorly controlled patients who received treatment intensification changed 2003 rankings substantially: 14%, 51%, and 29% of the facilities changed ranks by 5 or more positions for hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment intensification is tightly linked to improved control. Thus, it deserves consideration as a process measure for motivating quality improvement and possibly for measuring clinical performance.
Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään erään tuotekehitysprojektissa tehdyn turbokoneen prototyypin takuumittauksia. Takuumittauksilla on tarkoitus varmistaa alustavasti valmistetun prototyypin toimivuus. Mittauksista saatuja arvoja on lopuksi tarkoitus verrata suunnitteluarvoihin, jolloin nähdäänkuinka hyvin suunnitelmat ja alustavat suunnittelulaskelmat ovat onnistuneet koskien tätä turbokonetta. Työssä esitellään pääpiirteissään laitteen toiminta. Takuumittauksia varten tarpeelli-set mitattavat suureet ja vaihtoehtoiset mittausmenetelmät on esitelty. Lisäksi on suunniteltu mittausjärjestelmä PI-kaavioineen, jolla pystytään saamaan riittävän kat-tava mittaustulos laajuus. Työssä on myös esitelty miten mittaustuloksista saadaan tarvittavat vertailuarvot verrattavaksi alustaviin suunnittelulaskelmiin. Tämä diplomityö on tehty, että alustavat mittaussuunnitelmat olisi valmiina olemassa jotta varsinainen takuumittauslaitteisto pystytään rakentamaan nopeasti turbokoneen prototyypin valmistuttua. Lopuksi saadun mittausotannan käsitteleminen on myös selvempää, koska riittävät teoreettiset perusteet mittausaineiston käsittelemiseen on myös kerätty tähän työhön. Työssä käsiteltävän mittausjärjestelmän pääpaino on virtaus ja lämpöteknisillä mitta-uksilla. Myös sähköteknisiä mittauksia ja turbokoneen rakenteellisen toimivuuden mittauksia on käsitelty tässä työssä. Tässä diplomityö antaa kattavat perustiedot tarvittaviin mittausmenetelmiin ja miten varsinainen mittaustieto saadaan jalostettua vertailtavaan muotoon. Siinä käsitellään myös vaikeuksia joita toimivanmittausjärjestelmän kehittämisessä on otettava huo-mioon.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the carbon isotope fractionation as a phenomic facility for cotton selection in contrasting environments and to assess its relationship with yield components. The experiments were carried out in a randomized block design, with four replicates, in the municipalities of Santa Helena de Goiás (SHGO) and Montividiu (MONT), in the state of Goiás, Brazil. The analysis of carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) was performed in 15 breeding lines and three cultivars. Subsequently, the root growth kinetic and root system architecture from the selected genotypes were determined. In both locations, Δ analyses were suitable to discriminate cotton genotypes. There was a positive correlation between Δ and seed-cotton yield in SHGO, where water deficit was more severe. In this site, the negative correlations found between Δ and fiber percentage indicate an integrative effect of gas exchange on Δ and its association with yield components. As for root robustness and growth kinetic, the GO 05 809 genotype performance contributes to sustain the highest values of Δ found in MONT, where edaphoclimatic conditions were more suitable for cotton. The use of Δ analysis as a phenomic facility can help to select cotton genotypes, in order to obtain plants with higher efficiency for gas exchange and water use.
Tässä työssä on käytetty VTT:n ja Fortumin kehittämääAPROS simulaatio-ohjelmistoa vesi-ilma -täytteisen paineakun käyttäytymisen tutkimiseen. Tavoitteena oli tarkastella APROSin paineakkumallin käyttäytymistä alhaisessa lämpötilassa käyttäen 6-yhtälömallia sekä rakentaa vaihtoehtoiseksi laskentamenetelmäksi kaksi analyyttistä laskentamallia korvaamaan APROSin sisäinen laskenta. Kyseiset analyyttiset mallit ovat isentrooppinen ja isoterminen ja ne on rakennettu kokonaan käyttäen APROSin omia moduuleja. Työ sisältää APROSin version 5.06 sekä työn aikana kehitetyn kehitysversion vertailut eri alkulämpötiloista alkaneissa paisunnoissa, vertailun Pactelin purkaus¬kokeesta saadulla massavirralla sekä osion, jossa analyyttiset mallit on yhdistetty kokonaiseen Pactelin APROS-malliin. Myös purkauksen kulkeutumista primääripiirissä on tarkasteltu. Simulaatiot vahvistavat, että versiolla 5.06 on vaikeuksia paineen laskennassa, kun paisunnan alkulämpötila on alle 30 ºC. Kehitysversiossa painekäyttäytyminen on selvästi parantunut, mutta versio kärsii ongelmista, jotka liittyvät kaasun lämpötilan painumiseen APROSin sisäisten rajoitusten alapuolelleja tätä kautta ongelmiin materiaali¬ominaisuuksien ennustamisessa. Tämän johdosta APROSin kehitysversio päätyy erilaisiin tuloksiin myös tilanteissa, joissa alkuperäinen 5.06 ei kärsi alhaisen lämpötilan ongelmista. Analyyttisistä malleista isentrooppinen malli päätyy antamaan säännönmukaisesti muita malleja ja versioita alempia paineita. Isoterminen malli sen sijaan näyttää päätyvän version 5.06 kanssa melko samankaltaisiin tuloksiin. On kuitenkin muistettava, että kummatkin analyyttiset mallit olettavat kaasun olevan kuivaa ja jättävät massasiirron faasien välillä kokonaan huomiotta.
Työn tavoitteena on tutkia franchising-liiketoimintamallin soveltuvuutta kasvustrategiaksi vanhustenhuoltolaitosten toimialalla sekä mandollisuutta toteuttaa franchising-liiketoiminnan mukainen järjestelmä Finnish Wellbeing Center (FWBC) tyylisten vanhustenhuoltolaitosten monistamiseksi tämän hetkisistä Iähtokohdista. Yleisen soveltuvuuden tutkimista lähestytään kahdesta eri näkökulmasta, jotka myös muodostavat työn teoriaosuuden. Ensinnäkin perehdytään franchising liiketoimintamalliin perusteellisesti sekä käydään läpi soveltuvuustekijät hyvien ja huonojen puolien, toimialan luonteen ja franchisingiin sopivien liiketoimintakonseptien kannalta. Tämän jälkeen tutustutaan vanhustenhuollon palveluiden järjestämiseen. Palveluita tarjotaan erityylisissä palvelutiloissa riippuen vanhuksen kuntoisuusasteesta. Näistä valitaan päiväkeskukset, palveluasuminen sekä vanhainkodit franchisingin soveltuvuuden tarkasteluun. Työn empiriaosan tulokset viittaavat siihen, että vanhustenhuoltolaitosten soveltuvuus franchising-liiketoimintamalliin korreloi selvästi vanhusten kuntoisuusasteeseen. Päiväkeskusten liiketoimintaa voisi kasvattaa franchising menetelmällä, siinä missä palveluasumisen ja vanhainkotien soveltuvuus on vain teoreettinen. FWBC-projektissa franchising-liiketoimintamallia ei voida toteuttaa nykyisistä lähtökohdista, koska varsinainen franchisoitava toiminta ei ole täysin suomalaisen osapuolen hallussa. FWBC-vanhustenhuoltolaitos on vanhainkotityyppinen, joka ei sovellu franchisoitavaksi työn ensimmäisen johtopäätöksen perusteella. Mahdollisuus tämän hetkisen liiketoiminnan parantamiseen voisi löytyä tuotemerkki-franchisoinnista, jota nykyinen toimintatapa jo sinällään muistuttaa.
This paper proposes the use of an autonomous assistant mobile robot in order to monitor the environmental conditions of a large indoor area and develop an ambient intelligence application. The mobile robot uses single high performance embedded sensors in order to collect and geo-reference environmental information such as ambient temperature, air velocity and orientation and gas concentration. The data collected with the assistant mobile robot is analyzed in order to detect unusual measurements or discrepancies and develop focused corrective ambient actions. This paper shows an example of the measurements performed in a research facility which have enabled the detection and location of an uncomfortable temperature profile inside an office of the research facility. The ambient intelligent application has been developed by performing some localized ambient measurements that have been analyzed in order to propose some ambient actuations to correct the uncomfortable temperature profile.
Russian corrugated board market is rapidly developing. Owing to that Russia becomes more and more attractive to the companies ¿ world leaders in corrugated board production. Thus, in order to strengthen or even to maintain its market position the firm should uninterruptedly develop improving volume and quality of the products. At the same time operations in the Russian market are commonlyassociated with various types of risks which should be avoided. Unfortunately, the information of the Russian corrugated board market is not systematized yet there is almost no theoretical background in this areaand, therefore, the thesis is mainly based on the practical experience of the managers of Stora Enso. The goal of the paper is to define and describe the main particularities of Russian corrugated board market which are lying in different areas and to concentrate on the difficultieswith which a corrugated board factory may face while functioning in the Russian market. The contribution of the thesis consists of forming general requirements and principles while establishing a corrugated boardproduction facility and maintaining its operations in order to avoid risks, to save time and financial resources and as a result to operate in the Russian market obtaining higher profits.
BACKGROUND: To ensure vaccines safety, given the weaknesses of the national pharmacovigilance system in Cameroon, there is a need to identify effective interventions that can contribute to improving AEFI reporting. OBJECTIVE: To assess the effect of: (i) sending weekly SMS, or (ii) weekly supervisory visits on AEFI reporting rate during a meningitis immunization campaign conducted in Cameroon in 2012 using the meningitis A conjugate vaccine (MenAfriVac?). METHODS: Health facilities that met the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to receive: (i) a weekly standardized SMS, (ii) a weekly standardized supervisory visits or (iii) no intervention. The primary outcome was the reported AEFI incidence rate from week 5 to 8 after the immunization campaign. Poisson regression model was used to estimate the effect of interventions after adjusting for health region, type of health facility, type and position of health workers as well as the cumulative number of AEFI reported from weeks 1 to 4. RESULTS: A total of 348 (77.2%) of 451 health facility were included, and 116 assigned to each of three groups. The incidence rate of reported AEFI per 100 health facility per week was 20.0 (15.9-24.1) in the SMS group, 40.2 (34.4-46.0) in supervision group and 13.6 (10.1-16.9) in the control group. Supervision led to a significant increase of AEFI reporting rate compared to SMS [adjusted RR=2.1 (1.6-2.7); p<0.001] and control [RR=2.8(2.1-3.7); p<0.001)] groups. The effect of SMS led to some increase in AEFI reporting rate compared to the control group, but the difference was not statistically significant [RR=1.4(0.8-1.6); p=0.07)]. CONCLUSION: Supervision was more effective than SMS or routine surveillance in improving AEFI reporting rate. It should be part of any AEFI surveillance system. SMS could be useful in improving AEFI reporting rates but strategies need to be found to improve its effectiveness, and thus maximize its benefits.
Työn tavoitteena on laatia laadunhallintajärjestelmä ja laatukäsikirja kauppakeskus H-taloon ISO 9001:2000 standardia hyväksi käyttäen. Käsikirjassa kuvataan mahdollisimman yksinkertaisesti toimintaa ohjaavat periaatteet eli yrityksen laatupolitiikka, yrityksen eri prosessit, menettelyohjeet ja laadun toteamiseksi tarvittavat mittarit. Perimmäisenä tarkoituksena on käynnistää jatkuvan parantamisen prosessi ja näin parantaa kauppakeskuksen pitkän tähtäimen suorituskykyä. Työn teoreettisessa osassa tutustutaan laadun merkitykseen ja palveluliiketoiminnan logiikkaan. Keskeisenä teoriana käytetään odotetun ja koetun laadun muodostamaa koettua kokonaislaatua, jota sovelletaan kauppakeskusympäristöön. Lopuksi tutustutaan ISO 9000 standardisarjaan. Seuraavassa osassa H-talon tarjoamien toimitilapalveluiden nykytilaa kartoitetaan kauppakeskuksen yrittäjille tehdyssä kyselyssä. Kysely toteutettiin kauppakeskusympäristöön muokatulla odotetun ja koetun palvelun laadun eroa mittaavalla SERVQUAL-mentelmällä. Lisäksi apuna käytettiin kriittisten tapahtumien menetelmää. Lopuksi laaditaan runko kauppakeskuksen laadunhallintajärjestelmään ja pohditaan toimenpiteitä järjestelmän käyttöön ottamiseksi ja kehittämiseksi. Kauppakeskuksen laatukäsikirja esitetään liitteenä.