986 resultados para Optical fibre communications
At the level of fundamental research, fibre lasers provide convenient and reproducible experimental settings for the study of a variety of nonlinear dynamical processes, while at the applied research level, pulses with different and optimised features – e.g., in terms of pulse duration, temporal and/or spectral intensity profile, energy, repetition rate and emission bandwidth – are sought with the general constraint of developing efficient cavity architectures. In this talk, we review our recent progress on the realisation of different regimes of pulse generation in passively mode-locked fibre lasers through control of the in-cavity propagation dynamics. We report on the possibility to achieve both parabolic self-similar and triangular pulse shaping in a mode-locked fibre laser via adjustment of the net normal dispersion and integrated gain of the cavity [1]. We also show that careful control of the gain/loss parameters of a net-normal dispersion laser cavity provides the means of achieving switching among Gaussian pulse, dissipative soliton and similariton pulse solutions in the cavity [2,3]. Furthermore, we report on our recent theoretical and experimental studies of pulse shaping by inclusion of an amplitude and phase spectral filter into the cavity of a laser. We numerically demonstrate that a mode-locked fibre laser can operate in dif- ferent pulse-generation regimes, including parabolic, flattop and triangular waveform generations, depending on the amplitude profile of the in-cavity spectral filter [4]. An application of technique using a flat-top spectral filter is demonstrated to achieve the direct generation of sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses of high quality and of a widely tuneable bandwidth from the laser [5]. We also report on a recently-developed versa- tile erbium-doped fibre laser, in which conventional soliton, dispersion-managed soli- ton (stretched-pulse) and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by programming different group-velocity dispersion profiles and bandwidths on an in-cavity programmable filter [6]. References: 1. S. Boscolo and S. K. Turitsyn, Phys. Rev. A 85, 043811 (2012). 2. J. Peng et al., Phys. Rev. A 86, 033808 (2012). 3. J. Peng, Opt. Express 24, 3046-3054 (2016). 4. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, H. Karakuzu, and P. Petropoulos, Opt. Lett. 39, 438-441 (2014). 5. S. Boscolo, C. Finot, and S. K. Turitsyn, IEEE Photon. J. 7, 7802008 (2015). 6. J. Peng and S. Boscolo, Sci. Rep. 6, 25995 (2016).
Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has been actively considered as a potential candidate for long-haul transmission and 400 Gb/s to 1 Tb/s Ethernet transport because of its high spectral efficiency, efficient implementation, flexibility and robustness against linear impairments such as chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. However, due to the long symbol duration and narrow subcarrier spacing, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity induced penalties. As a result, the development of CO-OFDM transmission technology crucially relies on efficient techniques to compensate for the laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity impairments. In this thesis, high performance and low complexity digital signal processing techniques for laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmissions are demonstrated. For laser phase noise compensation, three novel techniques, namely quasipilot-aided, decision-directed-free blind and multiplier-free blind are introduced. For fibre nonlinear compensation, two novel techniques which are referred to as phase conjugated pilots and phase conjugated subcarrier coding, are proposed. All these abovementioned digital signal processing techniques offer high performances and flexibilities while requiring relatively low complexities in comparison with other existing phase noise and nonlinear compensation techniques. As a result of the developments of these digital signal processing techniques, CO-OFDM technology is expected to play a significant role in future ultra-high capacity optical network. In addition, this thesis also presents preliminary study on nonlinear Fourier transform based transmission schemes in which OFDM is a highly suitable modulation format. The obtained result paves the way towards a truly flexible nonlinear wave-division multiplexing system that allows the current nonlinear transmission limitations to be exceeded.
The thesis presents a detailed study of different Raman fibre laser (RFL) based amplification techniques and their applications in long-haul/unrepeatered coherent transmission systems. RFL based amplifications techniques were characterised from different aspects, including signal/noise power distributions, relative intensity noise (RIN), mode structures of induced Raman fibre lasers, and so on. It was found for the first time that RFL based amplification techniques could be divided into three categories in terms of the fibre laser regime, which were Fabry-Perot fibre laser with two FBGs, weak Fabry-Perot fibre laser with one FBG and very low reflection near the input, and random distributed feedback (DFB) fibre laser with one FBG. It was also found that lowering the reflection near the input could mitigate the RIN of the signal significantly, thanks to the reduced efficiency of the Stokes shift from the FW-propagated pump. In order to evaluate the transmission performance, different RFL based amplifiers were evaluated and optimised in long-haul coherent transmission systems. The results showed that Fabry-Perot fibre laser based amplifier with two FBGs gave >4.15 dB Q factor penalty using symmetrical bidirectional pumping, as the RIN of the signal was increased significantly. However, random distributed feedback fibre laser based amplifier with one FBG could mitigate the RIN of the signal, which enabled the use of bidirectional second order pumping and consequently give the best transmission performance up to 7915 km. Furthermore, using random DFB fibre laser based amplifier was proved to be effective to combat the nonlinear impairment, and the maximum reach was enhanced by >28% in mid-link single/dual band optical phase conjugator (OPC) transmission systems. In addition, unrepeatered transmission over >350 km fibre length using RFL based amplification technique were presented experimentally using DP-QPSK and DP-16QAM transmitter.
We show experimentally a 57nm gain bandwidth for an ultra-long Raman fiber laser based amplification technique using only a single pump wavelength. The enhanced gain bandwidth and gain flatness is investigated for single and multi-cavity designs. ©2010 IEEE.
In this paper, we investigate the impact of linear mode coupling on the efficiency of intermodal four-wave mixing and on the group delay statistics in few-mode fibres. The investigation will include not only the weak or strong linear coupling regimes, but also the transition region between them, the intermediate coupling regime. This analysis will allow to assess the level of coupling strength require to suppress the nonlinear distortion in a few-mode fibre below the level of distortion for single-mode propagation without mode coupling.
We review our recent progress on the realisation of pulse shaping in passively-mode-locked fibre lasers by inclusion of an amplitude and/or phase spectral filter into the laser cavity. We numerically show that depending on the amplitude transfer function of the in-cavity filter, various advanced temporal waveforms can be generated, including parabolic, flattop and triangular pulses. An application of this approach using a flattop spectral filter is shown to achieve the direct generation of high-quality sinc-shaped optical Nyquist pulses with a widely tunable bandwidth from the laser oscillator. We also present the operation of an ultrafast fibre laser in which conventional, dispersion-managed and dissipative soliton mode-locking regimes can be selectively and reliably targeted by adaptively changing the dispersion profile and bandwidth programmed on an in-cavity programmable filter.
Data centre connections can greatly benefit from parallel transmission channels on one multimode fibre (MMF). Shortwave wavelength division multiplexing (SWDM) achieves parallel transmission through spectral multiplexing. Furthermore, MMFs offer a spatial dimension that should be exploited to increase parallel transmission, albeit in a cost-effective way. In this paper, it is shown that SWDM and spatial multiplexing can be combined in intensity modulation and direct detection MMF transmission systems that use selective offset excitation and mode-selective spatial filtering.
Creation of miniature optical delay lines and buffers is one of the greatest challenges of the modern photonics which can revolutionize optical communications and computing. Several remarkable designs of slow light optical delay lines employing coupled ring resonators and photonic crystal waveguides has been suggested and experimentally demonstrated. However, the insertion loss of these devices is too large for their practical applications. Alternatively, the recently developed photonic fabrication platform, Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics (SNAP) allows us to fabricate record small delay lines with unprecedentedly small dispersion and low loss. In this report, we review the recent progress in fabrication and design of miniature slow light devices and buffers, in particular, those based on the SNAP technology.
We demonstrate a fibre laser with a mirrorless cavity that operates via Rayleigh scattering amplified through the Raman effect. The properties of such random distributed feedback laser appear different from those of both traditional random lasers and conventional fibre lasers. ©2010 IEEE.
We experimentally demonstrate a Raman fiber laser with linear cavity based on point-action fibre Bragg grating reflectors and random distributed feedback via Rayleigh scattering in the long fibre providing stable multiple wavelengths (close to ITU grid) output at Watts level. ©2010 IEEE.
We demonstrate an all-fibre erbium doped fibre laser mode-locked by using an intracavity 45°-Tilted Fibre Grating as a polarization element. The laser produces soliton-like pulses with ~600fs pulse duration and ~1nJ output energy at a repetition rate of 10.34MHz. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Single polarisation operation of a fibre ring laser was realised by employing an intra-cavity 9.3°-tilted fibre Bragg grating as an in-fibre polariser. The laser showed a polarisationextinction-ratio of ~ 31dB with a good stability. © 2010 Optical Society of America.
Nonlinear distortion in delay-compensated spans for intermediate coupling is studied for the first time. Coupling strengths under -30dB/100m allow distortion reduction using shorter compensation lengths and higher delays. For higher coupling strengths no significant penalty results from shorter compensation lengths.
The required receiver time window after propagation through few-mode fibre is studied for a broad range of coupling and mode delay span configurations. Under intermediate coupling, effective mode delay compensation is observed for a compensation period of 25km.
Dark soliton generation from semiconductor optical amplifier gain medium in ring fiber configuration
We have investigated the mode-lock operation from a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) gain chip in the ring fibre configuration. At lower pump currents, the laser generates dark soliton pulses both at the fundamental repetition rate of 39 MHz and supports up to the 6th harmonic order corresponding to 234-MHz repetition rate with an output power of ∼2.1 mW. At higher pump currents, the laser can be switched between the bright, dark and concurrent bright and dark soliton generation regimes.