883 resultados para Oneyda Alvarenga
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Currently many studies have highlighted the importance of development autonomy of teachers to improve the quality of education. Our study aimed to explore the concepts of autonomy presented that teachers working in kindergarten and first grades of elementary school. Our aim was to understand how these concepoes helped or hindered the development of the action of the teacher second Contreras (2002). The results showed that the conceptions, presented by the teacher, were high ly individualistic, demonstrate a professional focused only on matters relating to the didactic and pedagogic classroom.
The teaching of Science is one great challenge not only for educators but also for researchers in our country. In a globalized world where the social foundations, cultural and economic depend fundamentally on science and technology, science education is a basic requirement for the exercise of citizenship. Multiple initiatives have been taken to improve the quality of teaching of science practiced in our schools: the ReAction Program is the result of a set of actions developed by a public educational policy that invests in improving the Teaching of Science the elementary school. In this work, we present a history of this program and the search on the contribution and the actions developed, the collaborative research with a group of teachers-multiplier, and the evaluation of the teaching of science, measured from notes, frequency and speech teacher.
The experimental demonstration is one of the traditional activities used in the ambit of the Science teaching and of the scientific divulgation. However, this activity has not been fully explored yet in the classroom, because teachers have faced considerable difficulties due to the lack of demonstration equipment. In this work we present the explanation of an easy and low-cost assembly of an electric motor, to be used in Physics classes in High School. In addition, we employed Vigotski’s theory to guide this experimental activity in the classroom.
The study of the physical man characteristics and their variations have caught the man's interests since the ancient age. In Brazil, there are no studies which define the anthropometric profile of the Brazilian's head, hindering the development of ergonomic designs. One problem that occurs in the Brazilian armed forces is the use of protective helmets made with measurements of other countries, which causes great discomfort. Thus, this study aims to conduct a study to determine the anthropometric measurements of the head of the Brazilian Air Force military, assisting in the production of helmets more suitable. Therefore, it is presented ananthropometric survey in 576 students of the School of Aeronautics Expert, 286 females and 290 males, aged between 17 and 36 years. The study showed that the differences found between genders are less than 5%. In addition to the fact that the helmet Tues adjustments, there is no need for production of different helmets in relation to gender, but some changes are necessary measures in circumference and shape of the helmet.
The Resolution number 3 of the Câmara de Educação Básica (CEB)/Conselho Nacional de Educação (CNE), published in 1998, June 26 (BRASIL, 1998), which established the National Curriculum Guidelines for High School Education, emphasizes the interdisciplinarity, in its 8th Article. However, almost fourteen years later, the reality in most of our schools is the adoption of a merely disciplinary methodology, vis-à-vis the difficulty related to educational planning activities of this kind. In this paper, we present a proposal of an interdisciplinary experimental activity that addresses the concept of surface tension, connecting physicists and chemists. The idea is that students determine the alcohol content of “cachaça” and discuss the concepts of surface tension forces between equal molecules, similar and different.
In this paper we propose and describe the performance of an experimental activity to address the concept of friction in High School Physics practical classes. We use a low-cost and simple construction device that enables the determination of the coefficient of static friction between two materials through three different procedures. The results were coherent, with small percentage deviation, which gives reliability to the activity and can stimulate discussions in class. The activity also allows greater contextualization of concepts that are usually discussed only theoretically, requiring a higher abstraction level of the students. This can stimulate discussions and greater interaction between teacher and students.
Our work aims to discuss the teaching of science in the context of informal education. Thus, we present and analyze the results of an initiative that we have made seeking to interest high school students to study sciences and technology. The Energy shows are activities which are presented in experimental demonstrations of science concepts to middle school students. After the show the students respond to a questionnaire which formed the basis for this study. The results indicate that the achievement of shows have had an impact on students.
As demonstrações experimentais são atividades de grande tradição na História da Ciência, sendo realizadas desde 1660 na Royal Society, por grandes expoentes da Física, com o objetivo de promover a divulgação dos conhecimentos científicos desenvolvidos.Com o objetivo de contribuir com a melhoria e o interesse dos alunos pelos estudos das Ciências Exatas, bem como a conscientização destes sobre conceitos relacionados à Energia e seu impacto sobre a sociedade e sobre o meio ambiente, temos realizado atividades de demonstrações experimentais, denominadas de “Show de Energia”, nas escolas públicas de Ensino Médio de cidades da Região de Guaratinguetá, interior do Estado de São Paulo. Em cada um dos shows realizados entrevistamos os alunos, através de um questionário estruturado, buscando avaliar o impacto dessa atividade na motivação dos estudantes para o aprendizado de conceitos científicos. Os resultados apontam para a grande influência que a realização dos shows tem exercido sobre a motivação dos estudantes.
In this paper, it is proposed an experimental activity to be developed with high school students, addressing the concepts of density and surface tension from a multidisciplinary approach among Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. In this proposal, students are challenged to determine the alcohol content of vodkas from intensive physical properties of liquids. Two calibration curves were obtained, one for density and another for surface tension as a function of ethanol concentration in water. The alcohol levels obtained from these properties were very close to the values given by manufacturers, due the similarity of these beverages with ethanol-water binary mixtures.
Este artigo apresenta uma avaliação de um protótipo relativo a um experimento de cinemática que pode ser controlado remotamente via internet. Para tanto, utilizamos microcontroladores da família PIC, visando controlar a velocidade de carrinhos de brinquedo. O intuito foi investigar a possibilidade de se construir um laboratório de Ensino de Física totalmente controlado remotamente com vistas a apoiar cursos de formação inicial e continuada de professores ministrados a distância. A avaliação do protótipo foi realizada por 15 alunos de um curso presencial de Graduação em Física, no âmbito da disciplina de Instrumentação para o Ensino da Física. Os resultados apontam para a viabilidade da utilização desse recurso.
The development of the National Curriculum Parameters for High School (PCN) is established from a logic in which the disciplines are integrated and coordinated in order to promote interdisciplinarity. However, there are few didactic-pedagogic activities that enable teachers in practice to reach this goal. In this paper, we propose an experimental activity to be used with High School students, addressing the concept of viscosity from an interdisciplinary perspective between the disciplines of Physics and Chemistry. For that purpose, flow times of sucrose solutions of different concentrations will be measured in a glass Ford and these data will be used to construct a calibration curve, which will be used to determine the concentration of sucrose in artificial flavor syrup of gooseberry.
Objective: To characterize the thresholds of the auditory steady-state response that relates to term newborns and infants. Design: The study was cross-sectional using auditory steadystate response assessment, and the real-ear-to-dial difference was measured in the external auditory canal. Study Sample: The study group included 60 newborns and infants between the age of 0 and 6 months. Results: A statistically significant difference was found in the carrier frequency variable for auditory steady-state response thresholds but not in comparison to ages. Furthermore, there is an association between auditory steady-state response thresholds and the real-ear-to-dial difference. Conclusion: The same threshold can be used as a normality reference for this age range, with distinct values for the different carrier frequencies. The influence of external auditory canal amplification should be taken into account.