767 resultados para Obrería-Parroquia de san Martín Obispo y san Antonio Abad (Valencia)-Distribución


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This study examines the application of digital ecosystems concepts to a biological ecosystem simulation problem. The problem involves the use of a digital ecosystem agent to optimize the accuracy of a second digital ecosystem agent, the biological ecosystem simulation. The study also incorporates social ecosystems, with a technological solution design subsystem communicating with a science subsystem and simulation software developer subsystem to determine key characteristics of the biological ecosystem simulation. The findings show similarities between the issues involved in digital ecosystem collaboration and those occurring when digital ecosystems interact with biological ecosystems. The results also suggest that even precise semantic descriptions and comprehensive ontologies may be insufficient to describe agents in enough detail for use within digital ecosystems, and a number of solutions to this problem are proposed.


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The microstructural evolution of concentrated alloys is relatively less understood both in terms of experiments as well as theory. Laser resolidification represents a powerful technique to study the solidification behavior under controlled growth conditions. This technique has been utilized in the current study to probe experimentally microstructural selection during rapid solidification of concentrated Fe-25 atom pct Ge alloy. Under the equilibrium solidification condition, the alloy undergoes a peritectic reaction between ordered alpha(2) (B2) and its liquid, leading to the formation of ordered hexagonal intermetallic phase epsilon (DO19). In general, the as-cast microstructure consists of epsilon phase and e-p eutectic and alpha(2) that forms as a result of an incomplete peritectic reaction. With increasing laser scanning velocity, the solidification front undergoes a number of morphological transitions leading to the selection of the microstructure corresponding to metastable alpha(2)/beta eutectic to alpha(2) dendrite + alpha(2)/beta eutectic to alpha(2) dendrite. The transition velocities as obtained from the experiments are well characterized. The microstructural selection is discussed using competitive growth kinetics.


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Conducting polymer microstructures for enzymatic biosensors are developed by a facile electrochemical route. Horseradish peroxide (HRP)-entrapped polypyrrole (PPy) films with bowl-shaped microstructures are developed on stainless steel (SS 304) substrates by a single-step process. Potentiodynamic scanning/cyclic voltammetry is used for generation of PPy microstructures using electrogenerated oxygen bubbles stabilized by zwitterionic surfactant/buffer N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine N-2-ethanesulfonic acid as soft templates. Scanning electron microscopic images reveal the bowl-shaped structures surrounded by cauliflower-like fractal PPy films and globular nanostructures. Raman spectroscopy reveals the oxidized nature of the film. Sensing properties of PPy-HRP films for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) are demonstrated. Electrochemical characterization of the sensor films is done by linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) and amperometry. LSV results indicated the reduction of H2O2 and linearity in response of the sensing film. The amperometric biosensor has a performance comparable to those in the literature with advantages of hard-template free synthesis procedure and a satisfactory sensitivity value of 12.8 mu A/(cm(2) . mM) in the range of 1-10 mM H2O2.


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Knowledge about program worst case execution time (WCET) is essential in validating real-time systems and helps in effective scheduling. One popular approach used in industry is to measure execution time of program components on the target architecture and combine them using static analysis of the program. Measurements need to be taken in the least intrusive way in order to avoid affecting accuracy of estimated WCET. Several programs exhibit phase behavior, wherein program dynamic execution is observed to be composed of phases. Each phase being distinct from the other, exhibits homogeneous behavior with respect to cycles per instruction (CPI), data cache misses etc. In this paper, we show that phase behavior has important implications on timing analysis. We make use of the homogeneity of a phase to reduce instrumentation overhead at the same time ensuring that accuracy of WCET is not largely affected. We propose a model for estimating WCET using static worst case instruction counts of individual phases and a function of measured average CPI. We describe a WCET analyzer built on this model which targets two different architectures. The WCET analyzer is observed to give safe estimates for most benchmarks considered in this paper. The tightness of the WCET estimates are observed to be improved for most benchmarks compared to Chronos, a well known static WCET analyzer.


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The effectiveness of the last-level shared cache is crucial to the performance of a multi-core system. In this paper, we observe and make use of the DelinquentPC - Next-Use characteristic to improve shared cache performance. We propose a new PC-centric cache organization, NUcache, for the shared last level cache of multi-cores. NUcache logically partitions the associative ways of a cache set into MainWays and DeliWays. While all lines have access to the MainWays, only lines brought in by a subset of delinquent PCs, selected by a PC selection mechanism, are allowed to enter the DeliWays. The PC selection mechanism is an intelligent cost-benefit analysis based algorithm that utilizes Next-Use information to select the set of PCs that can maximize the hits experienced in DeliWays. Performance evaluation reveals that NUcache improves the performance over a baseline design by 9.6%, 30% and 33% respectively for dual, quad and eight core workloads comprised of SPEC benchmarks. We also show that NUcache is more effective than other well-known cache-partitioning algorithms.


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La presente investigación se realizó en la comunidad de Nandarola, municipio de Nandaime, Nicaragua. 2013-2014. Los objetivos que se persiguieron fueron: analizar los diferentes factores que inciden en la equidad de género a través de los roles, la poca participación de la mujer en las labores agrícolas y sociales, así como capacitaciones, asistencia técnica, y la distribución del trabajo que desempeñan los miembros de cada unidad de producción agropecuaria, y en la Comunidad. Analizar el nivel de participación e integración de la mujer en la agricultura y labores domésticas. Conocer el grado de participación en la toma de decisiones de los recursos físicos y los cambios que se han venido dando en las diferentes épocas en el trabajo agropecuario. La metodología que se utilizó para la investigación fue tipo cualitativo-cuantitativo. En los métodos cualitativos se realizaron 17 entrevistas de preguntas abiertas para analizar el comportamiento y actitudes de hombres y mujeres, el grado de participación de la mujer en los procesos productivos en la agricultura, también se aplicaron como método cualitativo el grupo focal para conocer las diferentes expresiones de inequidad que ha vivido la mujer en la década de los ´80 y en la actualidad. En el análisis cuantitativo se realizaron 103 encuestas. En los resultados más importantes se encontró que el 8.33 % de las mujeres fueron beneficiados por la reforma agraria en la distribución de tierra, y los hombres con un 91.67%. Los problemas que enfrenta la población femenina es la falta de participación, en la toma de decisiones y el control de los recursos en la parte agropecuaria la mujer está ocupando apenas el 20 % en cambio el hombre con un 60%, dado que la mujer se limita a las actividades agrícolas y a la inserción del mercado. En el área pecuaria (ganado menor) la mujer colabora con un 71.43% y el hombre apenas aporta el 14.29%. En el aspecto organizativo las mujeres representan solamente el 20% del total de los miembros de las cooperativas, porque no tienen el tiempo suficiente de participar y son sometidas al conyugue. Otro dato importante que encontramos en la UPA como en la jefatura en el hogar el hombre representa un 63% y la mujer representa el 37%. La triple jornada (trabajo productivo, doméstico y reproductivo) de la mujer es uno de los problemas que enfrenta para participar de manera más sistemática en los diferentes ámbitos de su vida. En conclusión la mujer tiene menos acceso a los recursos físicos, por la falta de participación en las actividades agrícolas, también existe un dominio del hombre en todas las tomas de decisiones, tanto en el trabajo agropecuario como en el uso de los recursos de la unidad de producción agropecuaria, comunitario, y doméstico. Así mismo la distribución del trabajo familiar, lo doméstico está destinado para las hijas mujeres desde la temprana edad, y los hijos varones a las labores agrícolas y obreras.