993 resultados para Novela juvenil americana


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Avaliou-se a influência da disposição de mangueiras gotejadoras nos canteiros e a injeção ou não de cloro na água de irrigação, nas condições sanitárias do solo e da alface americana irrigada (Lactuca sativa L.) com águas receptoras de efluentes urbanos. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas de amostras de água do solo e da alface, no decorrer de todo o ciclo de cultivo. Objetivou-se determinar a possível existência de Salmonella spp. e de formas evolutivas de parasitos humanos e a quantidade de coliformes fecais, em pontos e épocas diferentes do experimento, impedindo assim o consumo da alface. Os resultados não indicaram a presença dos dois primeiros em nenhuma das amostras, mas sim de parasitos não humanos (nematóides) de vida livre no solo. em relação à quantidade de coliformes fecais (NMP ml-1), o valor encontrado na cultura atende às exigências da Secretaria de Vigilância Sanitária do Ministério da Saúde brasileiro, porém a presença dos nematóides em quantidades superiores ao permitido pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) inviabiliza o seu consumo.


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The elaboration of profiles with characteristics that can be parameters in the different categories of sports modalities and the investment in scientific studies have revealed a significant importance in the development of new generations of athletes. Based in the exposed, the purpose of this study was to identify and compare the somatotype characteristics, physical qualities and genetic markers of Brazilian male volleyball players in the 14-17 category playing at different levels (international, national and regional). We used a scale, stadiometer, pachymeter, and adipometer to evaluate somatotype, attack and block reach test, medicine ball toss, 30-meter agility test , the AAHPER -30 test to evaluate basic physical qualities and the dermatoglyphic method to identify genetic markers. The results show the superiority of the national team over the other squads in the somatotype component (ectomorphy), and in the level of basic physical qualities. We found no significant difference in genetic markers among the teams studied. We conclude that Brazilian volleyball players at different performance levels have characteristics peculiar to the sport, with height and physical qualities being significantly different among these teams. The results confirm de necessity of knowing the athletes specific characteristics when dealing with high performance teams using nutrition, medicine, physiology and genetics specific knowledges to achieve a better sportive development


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The purpose of the present study is to identify the dermatoglyphic and somatotypic characteristics and the physical qualities of athletes from the under-17 State volleyball team, in Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The sample was composed of athletes, n = 14, aged 15.0 ± 0.88 years, weight (Kg) 58.3 ± 5.90 and height (cm) 169.4 ± 7.97, members of the referred team. For data collection Cummins & Midlo s (1942), o dermatoglyphic method and Heath & Carter s (1967) somatotypic method were used and to evaluate physical qualities, 2400m, 50m, Shuttle Run, abdominal , Sargent test and medicine-ball toss were performed. Fingerprints show that the group presents genetic predisposition for the following physical qualities: explosive force and velocity. As to somatotype, the group was endo-ectomorphic. At physical evaluation the group presented low Vo2 max values and reasonable levels of explosive force, local muscular endurance, agility and velocity. We conclude that: according to the dermatoglyphic model observed, the group needs training strategies to improve coordination and agility; somatotype reveals the necessity for reducing fat levels and increasing muscular mass; the evaluation of physical qualities demonstrates the need for better physical preparation. This study traces the profile of the under-17 volleyball player from Rio Grande do Norte, with respect to genetic and somatotypic aspects and physical qualities, which will serve as a parameter for future state teams


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The influence of temperatures on the life parameters of the solitary oothecal parasitoid Evania appendigaster, was investigated in the laboratory. Parasitized oothecae of Periplaneta americana were left to develop under seven constant temperatures: 15, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 degrees C. At the end, we found that: (i) E. appendigaster was able to complete development within the temperature range of 17-34 degrees C; (ii) mean adult longevity decreased as temperature increased, with the temperature of 40 degrees C being fatal in a matter of hours; (iii) males lived longer than females between 15 and 30 degrees C; (iv) adult emergence rate was the highest at 25 degrees C, and (v) no wasps emerged at 15 or 40 degrees C. Non-emerged oothecae contained either unhatched eggs or dead larvae. We determined the theoretical lower developmental threshold and thermal constant for the complete development as 12.9 degrees C and 584.8 day-degrees for males, and 13.1 degrees C and 588.2 day-degrees for females, respectively. A good balance between faster development, maximum adult longevity and good egg viability was obtained between 25-30 degrees C, and that would be the best temperature range for rearing E. appendigaster. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents some reflections on the social world of young female transgression. The context corresponds to those ones that obey social and educational measures in The Padre João Maria Education Centre (CEDUC), in Natal- RN. This behavior, according to the Statute of Children and Young (ECA, 1990), is defined as "conduct described as crime or misdemeanor." Our goal is to discuss aspects of the contexts in which young women are interacting with the universe of total institutional control mechanisms. Through the socio-anthropological analysis of the ethnographic practice in field research, it was necessary to question the concept of misuse engaged in the practice of penalties awarded to young women in the context of private freedom. So was built a frame relating the representations of the relations of gender, generation, the practice of violence and crime from the look on CEDUC/ Padre João Maria Education Centre


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This paper presents a critical rescue of the term youth, while simultaneously is presented as the lifetime of between 15 and 24 years. Rescue two features in the literature. The first considers youth as a transition period and the second phase work that from a predisposition to rebellion. Discusses the design plural of that term, youth recital to this social and historical aspects of different societies to which it relates and highlights the importance of realizing the diversity of it. Where the object of investigation, the Young Agent Program, the overall objective of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the actions of the Young Agent Program for Human Development in Natal-RN. Specifically aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the Young Agent Program: a) as an enhancer of the integration of young people in social spaces of family, school and community, b) as to (re) insertion and the incorporation of issues related to health in adolescence, and c ) regarding the work of young people as multipliers of the actions of the program. With regard to the methodological procedures presents a review of the literature on youth, and the categories of human development, leadership and evaluation of youth policies for the construction of theoretical and analytical approach, using documentary data collection in the Municipal Labor and Social Services - SEMT on the Young Agent Program, and interviews with actors involved in the program. Finally, evaluates the effectiveness of the Young Agent Program from the perspective of participants


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The economic regional integration is a phenomenon observed in numerous occasions inside the global economic reality. Watchful to that phenomenon, the 1988 s Brazilian constitutional order establish in its 4th article, single paragraph, the commitment to seek for the Latin- American integration, as a Fundamental Principle to the Brazilian Federative Republic. Regarding the mentioned constitutional disposition s realization, the Brazilian State celebrated, specially, the 1980 s Montevideo Treaty, creating the Latin-American Integration Association, and the 1991 s Asuncion Treaty, performing the duty to establish a common market, in sub regional level, with Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay, called Mercado Comum do Sul. However, due to an addiction to a wrong comprehension of State s Sovereignty Principle, the Constitution imposes to the international rules an incorporation process, without providing any privilege to those ones regarding the integration constitutional disposition s realization, whether original or derived. The Brazilian s Supreme Court, as matter of fact, affirmed that it is not possible, facing the actual constitutional order, to grant any character of preference. Also in the controversies solution mechanism, responsible for the law s execution in case of its noncompliance, where found malfunctions, most notably the system s open character and its excessive procedural flexibility, in addiction to restricting the access of individuals. It follows from these findings, then, the lack of legal certainty provided by the Mercosul s legal system, considering its effects both international and within the Brazilian state. Among the possible solutions to reduce or eliminate the problem are using the practice of the so-called executive agreements in the Mercosul s original rules incorporation to the Brazilian state, the creation of a Mercosul s court of law and/or a constitutional reform


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The experiment was carried in green house at Unesp, Jaboticabal-SP, in the period of August and November, with objective to evaluate the production cost and crisphead lettuce "Lucy Brown" profitability in monoculture and in intercropping with Japanese cucumber "Hokushin" in protected environment. The production cost determination was performed on total operational cost (COT) basis. The crisphead lettuce in monoculture estimated COT and in intercropping was R$ 657,57 and R$ 159,95/614,4 m(2) respectively. The productivities of 623 and 730 kg/614,4 m(2) in the experiments had provided gross incomes of 286,58 R$ and 335,80/614,4 m(2). It was verified a loss of R$ 370,99/614,4 m(2) in the crisphead lettuce monoculture and an operational profit of R$ 175,85/614,4 m(2), in protected environment when in intercropping with cucumber.


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This study received the title THE JUVENILE EMPLOYMENT IN THE THRESHOLD OF THE XXI CENTURY: study starting from RAIS and of the programs of youths' insert in the labor market of Natal/RN . It presents as main objective to investigate, starting from the officials data of the Ministério do trabalho e emprego - MTE and of the federal and state government programs, the evolution of the formal employment for youths and the difficulties that leads the success of the returned initiatives the youths' insert in the formal market of work in Brazil and in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 2000 to 2004. To accomplish the research, it prioritizes the study of the evolution of the formal employment starting from the data of the MTE as form of diagnosing the formal market of the juvenile work. Search a descriptive way to identify the first results of the programs Primeiro Emprego- PPE (federal) and Primeira Chance - PPC (state), to interpret and to identify the existent gaps among the proposal initial of those programs and the first results obtained in the city of Natal. The research has character no-probability and it applies closed questionnaires for youths assisted by the programs. Were interviewed the local representatives of PPE and PPC, besides representatives of the organized civil society all through open structured interview, covering a total of 103 interviews. The results demonstrated that while PPC (state) obtained success inserting youngs, the PPE (federal) just got to insert 1,5% of the amount subsidized by the state program in Natal. That situation demonstrates a clear preference of the companies for PPC (state), in detriment of the federal program


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Ce travail etude le protagonisme juvénile en école de enseignement sécondaire publique, avec emphase a l enseignement nocturne. Considere las médiations que determinent le paradigme du protagonisme juvénile defendu pour théoriciens pos modernes et documents de reforme de enseignement sécondaire brésilien. Montre que les explications sur le protagonisme juvénile font part d une conception de pouvoir juvenile, proposé pour organismes multilatérales avec la volonté de mobiliser les jeunes pauvres pour faire actions du combat a pauvreté dans les nations sur le point de développement, conjoncture auquel sont proposées théories et pratiques que viabilizent la subsistance des jeunes pauvres en situation de risque. Discute la question de pouvoir juvenile et indique que la proposition de le protagonisme juvénile via pouvoir ont une espace favorable dans le sphère du enseignement sécondaire, niveau de la plupart de jeunes. Montre que la défense de pouvoir juvenile occulte chances de actions étudiants collectifs que permetent une intervention sociopolitique au élève de enseignement sécondaire, qui ont selement une function de homologation. Propose une recherche de possibilités de incentifs a le protagonisme juvénile collectif ou protagonisme étudiant collectif, auquel le étudiant presente suggestions pour le planification et éxecution de activités didactique pédagogiques dans l`école publique de enseignement sécondaire. Defend que la gestion démocratique, avec emphase en procès participatif, c est la principal déterminacion pour le protagonisme étudiant collectif. Méthodiquement , considere las dimensions suivantes pour le protagonisme juvénile: a) configuration de protagonisme juvénile b) protagonisme juvénile dans perspective légal/institutionel ; c) enseignement sécondaire et protagonisme juvénile ; d) possibilité de construction de protagonisme étudiant collectif dans enseignement sécondaire nocturne en Rio Grande do Norte, état choisi pour recherche. Sistematize une technique de revision de litérature sur le thème et informations d une consultation de documents, au-delà de donné constants de Banc de donées de la recherche Le Enseignement Sécondaire Publique Nocturne :registre et analyse de expérience dans l état de Rio Grande do Norte. Conclusion : il faut contribuer pour débats sur la participation politique de les jeunes dans le enseignement sécondaire nocturne, en presentant possibilités reéles de protagonisme étudiant collectif ; opinions presentées pour élèves sont très importantes a une direction d un rôle académique fait pour institutions scolaires dans ce moment , parce que des étudiants sont correspondants a interlocuteurs privilégiés ; le élève peut et deut être consulté depuis le moment de élaboration jusqu a réalisation de activités scolaires ; bien que il y a des entraves et difficultés immanents au enseignement sécondaire publique nocturne, se forment noveaux espaces de démocratisation de idées


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The present work describes helminth infection of eight free-living and 12 captive rheas (Rhea americana) from, respectively, Pantanal of Mato Grosso do Sul State, and Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, Brazil. Captive birds were young and had a high mortality rate, while free-living birds were adult and apparently healthy. Infections were evaluated by post-mortem examination of internal organs and recovery of helminths using standard parasitological procedures. Seven species of nematodes (Sicarius uncinipenis, Torquatoides crotophaga, Deletrocephalus dimidiatus, D. cesarpintoi, Paradeletrocephalus minor, Capillaria venteli and Dicheilonema rheae) and two species of cestodes (Houttuynia struthionis and Chapmania tauricolis) were identified. P. minor, which inhabits the large intestine, was the most common helminth in free-living birds (63.9%). In captive rheas, a mean parasitic load of 173 helminths per host was found. The gizzard of these birds was the most parasitized organ and S. uncinipenis was most common (92.5%). Parasitism of free-living and captive birds and associated pathology are discussed. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B. V.


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The present study investigates Internet as technological interaction in the school environment as a resource of the teaching-learning process. It aims to discuss the lack of synchronicity between proposals of educational access for Internet use and types of access and interaction applied by youngsters. For the development of this research, I resorted to a qualitative, descriptive and explanatory research focused on a group whose subjects are youngsters from eleven to fifteen years of age in a catholic school which belongs to a group of private teaching schools in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state. As methodological option it focus on a group and the observation of its participation, discourse analysis and ethnography, considering facts and data of the pedagogical practice concerning the focused theme, besides the attempt to know the youngsters everyday at school and the relationship between them and juvenile cultures. It recognizes the existence of two moments of the focused group: the first related to internet use like technological interaction; the second concerns to the way Internet is problematic as technological interaction in classroom learning. While contacting with youngsters, the study discusses the concepts of Media Environments, Culture, Identity, Network, Consumption and Citizenship. It recognizes that it is relevant for the school to consider Internet a pedagogical tool, directed not just at research, but mostly as learning environment and as learning construction in a collaborative way. It points out the need of approach between school and media environment, reevaluating the pedagogical practice, offering a new evaluation proposal (self-evaluation). It suggests a renewal in the teacher's pedagogical practice in the classroom and using Internet, valuing the connection between technological interaction and communication as motivation elements of student s learning construction and their effective participation in decisions involving citizenship. It gives priority to educational work directed at the establishment of dialogic relationship between codes, learning and contents, leading to the new findings domain in the media environment, enabling the development of abilities and performances directed at the recognition and consumption of information from a critical reading of the media


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O trabalho foi realizado para verificar se cultivos consorciados de alface e de rabanete são economicamente viáveis. Foram elaborados os custos de produção das culturas em monocultivo e em consorciação. Alguns indicadores agroeconômicos foram usados para avaliar a eficiência dos sistemas consorciados: índice de uso eficiente da terra, receita bruta, receita líquida, vantagem monetária, vantagem monetária corrigida, taxa de retorno e índice de lucratividade. A associação das culturas da alface e rabanete permitiu um melhor aproveitamento dos fatores de produção, com aumento na produção por unidade de área. Os consórcios estabelecidos ao zero (espaçamento entrelinha 0,30 x 0,30 m) e aos 14 dias após o transplantio da alface (espaçamento entrelinhas de 0,40 x 0,30m) tiveram os melhores indicadores agroeconômicos, com índices de uso eficiente da terra de 1,76 e 1,61, taxas de retorno de 4,13 e 4,53, e índices de lucratividade de 75,77 e 77,94%, respectivamente.