953 resultados para Nonparametric regression techniques
The speed of fault isolation is crucial for the design and reconfiguration of fault tolerant control (FTC). In this paper the fault isolation problem is stated as a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) and solved using constraint propagation techniques. The proposed method is based on constraint satisfaction techniques and uncertainty space refining of interval parameters. In comparison with other approaches based on adaptive observers, the major advantage of the presented method is that the isolation speed is fast even taking into account uncertainty in parameters, measurements and model errors and without the monotonicity assumption. In order to illustrate the proposed approach, a case study of a nonlinear dynamic system is presented
Percutaneous ablative procedures allow curative treatment of stage BCLC 0 or BCLC A hepatocellular carcinoma, as well as liver metastases of colorectal cancer. Several methods exist including radiofrequency ablation, the most commonly used. These techniques can be used in combination with surgical excision or alone if surgery is contraindicated. They are associated with significantly reduced mortality as compared to surgery.
Iterative image reconstruction algorithms provide significant improvements over traditional filtered back projection in computed tomography (CT). Clinically available through recent advances in modern CT technology, iterative reconstruction enhances image quality through cyclical image calculation, suppressing image noise and artifacts, particularly blooming artifacts. The advantages of iterative reconstruction are apparent in traditionally challenging cases-for example, in obese patients, those with significant artery calcification, or those with coronary artery stents. In addition, as clinical use of CT has grown, so have concerns over ionizing radiation associated with CT examinations. Through noise reduction, iterative reconstruction has been shown to permit radiation dose reduction while preserving diagnostic image quality. This approach is becoming increasingly attractive as the routine use of CT for pediatric and repeated follow-up evaluation grows ever more common. Cardiovascular CT in particular, with its focus on detailed structural and functional analyses, stands to benefit greatly from the promising iterative solutions that are readily available.
This paper performs an empirical Decomposition of International Inequality in Ecological Footprint in order to quantify to what extent explanatory variables such as a country’s affluence, economic structure, demographic characteristics, climate and technology contributed to international differences in terms of natural resource consumption during the period 1993-2007. We use a Regression- Based Inequality Decomposition approach. As a result, the methodology extends qualitatively the results obtained in standard environmental impact regressions as it comprehends further social dimensions of the Sustainable Development concept, i.e. equity within generations. The results obtained point to prioritizing policies that take into account both future and present generations. Keywords: Ecological Footprint Inequality, Regression-Based Inequality Decomposition, Intragenerational equity, Sustainable development.
La faiblesse des muscles respiratoires peut entraîner une dyspnée, un encombrement bronchique et une insuffisance respiratoire potentiellement fatale. L'évaluation de la force musculaire respiratoire s'impose donc dans les affections neuro-musculaires, mais également dans les situations de dyspnée inexpliquée par une première évaluation cardiaque et pulmonaire. À la spirométrie, une faiblesse musculaire est suspectée sur la base de la boucle débit-volume montrant un débit de pointe émoussé et une fin prématurée de l'expiration. Une diminution importante de la capacité vitale en position couchée suggère une paralysie diaphragmatique. La force inspiratoire est mesurée par la pression inspiratoire maximale (PImax) contre une quasi-occlusion des voies aériennes. Ce test relativement difficile est d'interprétation délicate en cas de collaboration insuffisante. La mesure de la pression nasale sniff (SNIP) est une alternative utile, car elle élimine le problème des fuites autour de l'embout buccal et la réalisation du reniflement est facile. De même, la pression trans-diaphragmatique sniff mesure la force du diaphragme au moyen de sondes oesophagienne et gastrique. En cas de collaboration insuffisante, on peut recourir à la stimulation magnétique des nerfs phréniques qui induit une contraction non-volontaire du diaphragme. La force expiratoire est mesurée par la pression expiratoire maximale (PEmax) contre une quasi-occlusion. La force disponible pour tousser est mesurée par la pression gastrique à la toux, ou plus simplement par le débit de pointe à la toux. Chez les patients à risque, la mesure de la force des muscles respiratoires permet d'instaurer à temps une assistance ventilatoire ou à la toux.
The information gathered with intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) are of great value in endovascular techniques. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability of IVUS when measuring vessel dimensions by comparison with an established reference method. The left carotid artery was exposed in 4 pigs (45-55 kg) and two piezoelectric crystals were sutured on the adventitia in the same cross-sectional plane. The distance between them was measured either by IVUS and by sonomicrometers. The mean distance between the two crystals calculated by the sonomicrometer was 4.7+/-0.4 mm (mean systolic distance was 4.9+/-0.2 mm, mean diastolic distance was 4.6+/-0.1 mm). The mean distance between the two targets calculated by IVUS was 4. 5+/-0.2 mm (mean systolic distance was 4.6+/-0.2 mm and mean diastolic 4.4+/-0.2 mm). Regression analysis of the two series of data shows a R(2)=0.9984. IVUS measurements are an average 5% smaller than sonomicrometer measurements (3.6% up to 8.3%) and the difference is statistically significant ( p <0.05). The underestimation of IVUS measurements will affect the accuracy, and probably the long-term outcome, of endovascular procedures.
PURPOSE: Vaccines targeting tumor associated antigens are in development for bladder cancer. Most of these cancers are nonmuscle invasive at diagnosis and confined in the mucosa and submucosa. However, to our knowledge how vaccination may induce the regression of tumors at such mucosal sites has not been examined previously. We compared different immunization routes for the ability to induce vaccine specific antitumor CD8 T cells in the bladder and bladder tumor regression in mice. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In the absence of a murine bladder tumor model expressing a tumor antigen relevant for human use we established an orthotopic model expressing the HPV-16 tumor antigen E7 as a model. We used an adjuvant E7 polypeptide to induce CD8 T cell mediated tumor regression. RESULTS: Subcutaneous and intravaginal but not intranasal vaccination induced a high number of TetE7(+)CD8(+) T cells in the bladder as well as bladder tumor regression. The entry of vaccine specific T cells in the bladder was not the only key since persistent regression of established bladder tumors by intravaginal or subcutaneous immunization was associated with tumor infiltration of total CD4 and CD8 T cells. This resulted in an increase in TetE7(+)CD8(+) T cells and a decrease in T regulatory cells, leading to an increased number of effector interferon-γ secreting vaccine specific CD8 T cells in the regressing bladder tumor. CONCLUSIONS: These data show that immunization routes should be tailored to each mucosal tumor site. Subcutaneous or intravaginal vaccination may be of additional value to treat patients with bladder cancer.
Analysis and evaluation of techniques for the extraction of classes in the ontology learning process
This paper analyzes and evaluates, in the context of Ontology learning, some techniques to identify and extract candidate terms to classes of a taxonomy. Besides, this work points out some inconsistencies that may be occurring in the preprocessing of text corpus, and proposes techniques to obtain good terms candidate to classes of a taxonomy.
Investigation into Improved Pavement Curing Materials and Techniques: Part 2 - Phase III, March 2003
Appropriate curing is important for concrete to obtain the designed properties. This research was conducted to evaluate the curing effects of different curing materials and methods on pavement properties. At present the sprayed curing compound is a common used method for pavement and other concrete structure construction. Three curing compounds were selected for testing. Two different application rates were employed for the white-pigmented liquid curing compounds. The concrete properties of temperature, moisture content, conductivity, and permeability were examined at several test locations. It was found, in this project, that the concrete properties varied with the depth. Of the tests conducted (maturity, sorptivity, permeability, and conductivity), conductivity appears to be the best method to evaluate the curing effects in the field and bears potential for field application. The results indicated that currently approved curing materials in Iowa, when spread uniformly in a single or double application, provide adequate curing protection and meet the goals of the Iowa Department of Transportation. Experimental curing methods can be compared to this method through the use of conductivity testing to determine their application in the field.
Concrete curing is closely related to cement hydration, microstructure development, and concrete performance. Application of a liquid membrane-forming curing compound is among the most widely used curing methods for concrete pavements and bridge decks. Curing compounds are economical, easy to apply, and maintenance free. However, limited research has been done to investigate the effectiveness of different curing compounds and their application technologies. No reliable standard testing method is available to evaluate the effectiveness of curing, especially of the field concrete curing. The present research investigates the effects of curing compound materials and application technologies on concrete properties, especially on the properties of surface concrete. This report presents a literature review of curing technology, with an emphasis on curing compounds, and the experimental results from the first part of this research—lab investigation. In the lab investigation, three curing compounds were selected and applied to mortar specimens at three different times after casting. Two application methods, single- and double-layer applications, were employed. Moisture content, conductivity, sorptivity, and degree of hydration were measured at different depths of the specimens. Flexural and compressive strength of the specimens were also tested. Statistical analysis was conducted to examine the relationships between these material properties. The research results indicate that application of a curing compound significantly increased moisture content and degree of cement hydration and reduced sorptivity of the near-surface-area concrete. For given concrete materials and mix proportions, optimal application time of curing compounds depended primarily upon the weather condition. If a sufficient amount of a high-efficiency-index curing compound was uniformly applied, no double-layer application was necessary. Among all test methods applied, the sorptivity test is the most sensitive one to provide good indication for the subtle changes in microstructure of the near-surface-area concrete caused by different curing materials and application methods. Sorptivity measurement has a close relation with moisture content and degree of hydration. The research results have established a baseline for and provided insight into the further development of testing procedures for evaluation of curing compounds in field. Recommendations are provided for further field study.
Standards for the construction of full-depth patching in portland cement concrete pavement usually require replacement of all deteriorated based materials with crushed stone, up to the bottom of the existing pavement layer. In an effort to reduce the time of patch construction and costs, the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University studied the use of extra concrete depth as an option for base construction. This report compares the impact of additional concrete patching material depth on rate of strength gain, potential for early opening to traffic, patching costs, and long-term patch performance. This report also compares those characteristics in terms of early setting and standard concrete mixes. The results have the potential to change the method of Portland cement concrete pavement patch construction in Iowa.
Pavement settlement occurring in and around utility cuts is a common problem, resulting in uneven pavement surfaces, annoyance to drivers, and ultimately, further maintenance. A survey of municipal authorities and field and laboratory investigations were conducted to identify the factors contributing to the settlement of utility cut restorations in pavement sections. Survey responses were received from seven cities across Iowa and indicate that utility cut restorations often last less than two years. Observations made during site inspections showed that backfill material varies from one city to another, backfill lift thickness often exceeds 12 inches, and the backfill material is often placed at bulking moisture contents with no Quality control/Quality Assurance. Laboratory investigation of the backfill materials indicate that at the field moisture contents encountered, the backfill materials have collapse potentials up to 35%. Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) deflection data and elevation shots indicate that the maximum deflection in the pavement occurs in the area around the utility cut restoration. The FWD data indicate a zone of influence around the perimeter of the restoration extending two to three feet beyond the trench perimeter. The research team proposes moisture control, the use of 65% relative density in a granular fill, and removing and compacting the native material near the ground surface around the trench. Test sections with geogrid reinforcement were also incorporated. The performance of inspected and proposed utility cuts needs to be monitored for at least two more years.
Human papillomaviruses (HPV)-related cervical cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in women worldwide. Despite active development, HPV E6/E7 oncogene-specific therapeutic vaccines have had limited clinical efficacy to date. Here, we report that intravaginal (IVAG) instillation of CpG-ODN (TLR9 agonist) or poly-(I:C) (TLR3 agonist) after subcutaneous E7 vaccination increased ∼fivefold the number of vaccine-specific interferon-γ-secreting CD8 T cells in the genital mucosa (GM) of mice, without affecting the E7-specific systemic response. The IVAG treatment locally increased both E7-specific and total CD8 T cells, but not CD4 T cells. This previously unreported selective recruitment of CD8 T cells from the periphery by IVAG CpG-ODN or poly-(I:C) was mediated by TLR9 and TLR3/melanoma differentiation-associated gene 5 signaling pathways, respectively. For CpG, this recruitment was associated with a higher proportion of GM-localized CD8 T cells expressing both CCR5 and CXCR3 chemokine receptors and E-selectin ligands. Most interestingly, IVAG CpG-ODN following vaccination led to complete regression of large genital HPV tumors in 75% of mice, instead of 20% with vaccination alone. These findings suggest that mucosal application of immunostimulatory molecules might substantially increase the effectiveness of parenterally administered vaccines.Mucosal Immunology advance online publication 12 September 2012; doi:10.1038/mi.2012.83.