893 resultados para Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation, Near-Infrared Spectroscopy, Blood Flow, Fatigue, Motor Unit Recruitment, Isometric Contractions


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The soluble solids content of intact fruit can be measured non-invasively by near infrared spectroscopy, allowing sweetness grading of individual fruit. However, little information is available in the literature with respect to the robustness of such calibrations. We developed calibrations based on a restricted wavelength range (7001100 nm), suitable for use with low-cost silicon detector systems, using a stepwise multiple linear regression routine. Calibrations for total soluble solids (Brix) in intact pineapple fruit were not transferable between summer and winter growing seasons. A combined calibration (data of three harvest dates) validated reasonably well against a population set drawn from all harvest dates (r2 = 0.72, SEP = 1.84 Brix). Calibrations for Brix in melon were transferable between two of the three varieties examined. However, a lack of robustness of calibration was indicated by poor validation within populations of fruit harvested at different times. Further work is planned to investigate the robustness of calibration across varieties, growing districts and seasons.


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The utility of near infrared spectroscopy as a non-invasive technique for the assessment of internal eating quality parameters of mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. The calibration procedure for the attributes of TSS (total soluble solids) and DM (dry matter) was optimised with respect to a reference sampling technique, scan averaging, spectral window, data pre-treatment (in terms of derivative treatment and scatter correction routine) and regression procedure. The recommended procedure involved sampling of an equatorial position on the fruit with 1 scan per spectrum, and modified partial least squares model development on a 720950-nm window, pre-treated as first derivative absorbance data (gap size of 4 data points) with standard normal variance and detrend scatter correction. Calibration model performance for the attributes of TSS and DM content was encouraging (typical Rc2 of >0.75 and 0.90, respectively; typical root mean squared standard error of calibration of <0.4 and 0.6%, respectively), whereas that for juiciness and total acidity was unacceptable. The robustness of the TSS and DM calibrations across new populations of fruit is documented in a companion study.


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The robustness of multivariate calibration models, based on near infrared spectroscopy, for the assessment of total soluble solids (TSS) and dry matter (DM) of intact mandarin fruit (Citrus reticulata cv. Imperial) was assessed. TSS calibration model performance was validated in terms of prediction of populations of fruit not in the original population (different harvest days from a single tree, different harvest localities, different harvest seasons). Of these, calibration performance was most affected by validation across seasons (signal to noise statistic on root mean squared error of prediction of 3.8, compared with 20 and 13 for locality and harvest day, respectively). Procedures for sample selection from the validation population for addition to the calibration population (model updating) were considered for both TSS and DM models. Random selection from the validation group worked as well as more sophisticated selection procedures, with approximately 20 samples required. Models that were developed using samples at a range of temperatures were robust in validation for TSS and DM.


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Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be used for the on-line, non-invasive assessment of fruit for eating quality attributes such as total soluble solids (TSS). The robustness of multivariate calibration models, based on NIRS in a partial transmittance optical geometry, for the assessment of TSS of intact rockmelons (Cucumis melo) was assessed. The mesocarp TSS was highest around the fruit equator and increased towards the seed cavity. Inner mesocarp TSS levels decreased towards both the proximal and distal ends of the fruit, but more so towards the proximal end. The equatorial region of the fruit was chosen as representative of the fruit for near infrared assessment of TSS. The spectral window for model development was optimised at 695-1045 nm, and the data pre-treatment procedure was optimised to second-derivative absorbance without scatter correction. The 'global' modified partial least squares (MPLS) regression modelling procedure of WINISI (ver. 1.04) was found to be superior with respect to root mean squared error of prediction (RMSEP) and bias for model predictions of TSS across seasons, compared with the 'local' MPLS regression procedure. Updating of the model with samples selected randomly from the independent validation population demonstrated improvement in both RMSEP and bias with addition of approximately 15 samples.


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Partial least squares regression models on NIR spectra are often optimised (for wavelength range, mathematical pretreatment and outlier elimination) in terms of calibration terms of validation performance with reference to totally independent populations.


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Pristine peatlands are carbon (C) accumulating wetland ecosystems sustained by a high water level (WL) and consequent anoxia that slows down decomposition. Persistent WL drawdown as a response to climate and/or land-use change directly affects decomposition: increased oxygenation stimulates decomposition of the old C (peat) sequestered under prior anoxic conditions. Responses of the new C (plant litter) in terms of quality, production and decomposability, and the consequences for the whole C cycle of peatlands are not fully understood. WL drawdown induces changes in plant community resulting in shift in dominance from Sphagnum and graminoids to shrubs and trees. There is increasing evidence that the indirect effects of WL drawdown via the changes in plant communities will have more impact on the ecosystem C cycling than any direct effects. The aim of this study is to disentangle the direct and indirect effects of WL drawdown on the new C by measuring the relative importance of 1) environmental parameters (WL depth, temperature, soil chemistry) and 2) plant community composition on litter production, microbial activity, litter decomposition rates and, consequently, on the C accumulation. This information is crucial for modelling C cycle under changing climate and/or land-use. The effects of WL drawdown were tested in a large-scale experiment with manipulated WL at two time scales and three nutrient regimes. Furthermore, the effect of climate on litter decomposability was tested along a north-south gradient. Additionally, a novel method for estimating litter chemical quality and decomposability was explored by combining Near infrared spectroscopy with multivariate modelling. WL drawdown had direct effects on litter quality, microbial community composition and activity and litter decomposition rates. However, the direct effects of WL drawdown were overruled by the indirect effects via changes in litter type composition and production. Short-term (years) responses to WL drawdown were small. In long-term (decades), dramatically increased litter inputs resulted in large accumulation of organic matter in spite of increased decomposition rates. Further, the quality of the accumulated matter greatly changed from that accumulated in pristine conditions. The response of a peatland ecosystem to persistent WL drawdown was more pronounced at sites with more nutrients. The study demonstrates that the shift in vegetation composition as a response to climate and/or land-use change is the main factor affecting peatland ecosystem C cycle and thus dynamic vegetation is a necessity in any models applied for estimating responses of C fluxes to changes in the environment. The time scale for vegetation changes caused by hydrological changes needs to extend to decades. This study provides grouping of litter types (plant species and part) into functional types based on their chemical quality and/or decomposability that the models could utilize. Further, the results clearly show a drop in soil temperature as a response to WL drawdown when an initially open peatland converts into a forest ecosystem, which has not yet been considered in the existing models.


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Este trabalho de pesquisa descreve dois estudos de caso de mtodos quimiomtricos empregados para a quantificao de hidrocarbonetos policclicos aromticos HPAs (naftaleno, fluoreno, fenantreno e fluoranteno) em gua potvel usando espectroscopia de fluorescncia molecular e a classificao e caracterizao de sucos de uva e seus parmetros de qualidade atravs de espectroscopia de infravermelho prximo. O objetivo do primeiro estudo a aplicao combinada de mtodos quimiomtricos de segunda ordem (N-PLS, U-PLS, U-PLS/RBL e PARAFAC) e espectrofluorimetria para determinao direta de HPAs em gua potvel, visando contribuir para o conhecimento do potencial destas metodologias como alternativa vivel para a determinao tradicional por cromatografia univariada. O segundo estudo de caso destinado classificao e determinao de parmetros de qualidade de sucos de uva, densidade relativa e teor de slidos solveis totais, foi medida por espectroscopia de infravermelho prximo e mtodos quimiomtricos. Diversos mtodos quimiomtricos, tais como HCA, PLS-DA, SVM-DA e SIMCA foram investigados para a classificao amostras de sucos de uva ao mesmo tempo que mtodos de calibrao multivariada de primeira ordem, tais como PLS, iPLS e SVM-LS foram usadas para a predio dos parmetros de qualidade. O princpio orientador para o desenvolvimento dos estudos aqui descritos foi a necessidade de metodologias analticas com custo, tempo de execuo e facilidade de operao melhores e menor produo de resduos do que os mtodos atualmente utilizados para a quantificao de HPAs, em gua de torneira, e classificao e caracterizao das amostras de suco de uva e seus parmetros de qualidade


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Este trabalho de pesquisa descreve trs estudos de utilizao de mtodos quimiomtricos para a classificao e caracterizao de leos comestveis vegetais e seus parmetros de qualidade atravs das tcnicas de espectrometria de absoro molecular no infravermelho mdio com transformada de Fourier e de espectrometria no infravermelho prximo, e o monitoramento da qualidade e estabilidade oxidativa do iogurte usando espectrometria de fluorescncia molecular. O primeiro e segundo estudos visam classificao e caracterizao de parmetros de qualidade de leos comestveis vegetais utilizando espectrometria no infravermelho mdio com transformada de Fourier (FT-MIR) e no infravermelho prximo (NIR). O algoritmo de Kennard-Stone foi usado para a seleo do conjunto de validao aps anlise de componentes principais (PCA). A discriminao entre os leos de canola, girassol, milho e soja foi investigada usando SVM-DA, SIMCA e PLS-DA. A predio dos parmetros de qualidade, ndice de refrao e densidade relativa dos leos, foi investigada usando os mtodos de calibrao multivariada dos mnimos quadrados parciais (PLS), iPLS e SVM para os dados de FT-MIR e NIR. Vrios tipos de pr-processamentos, primeira derivada, correo do sinal multiplicativo (MSC), dados centrados na mdia, correo do sinal ortogonal (OSC) e variao normal padro (SNV) foram utilizados, usando a raiz quadrada do erro mdio quadrtico de validao cruzada (RMSECV) e de predio (RMSEP) como parmetros de avaliao. A metodologia desenvolvida para determinao de ndice de refrao e densidade relativa e classificao dos leos vegetais rpida e direta. O terceiro estudo visa avaliao da estabilidade oxidativa e qualidade do iogurte armazenado a 4C submetido luz direta e mantido no escuro, usando a anlise dos fatores paralelos (PARAFAC) na luminescncia exibida por trs fluorforos presentes no iogurte, onde pelo menos um deles est fortemente relacionado com as condies de armazenamento. O sinal fluorescente foi identificado pelo espectro de emisso e excitao das substncias fluorescentes puras, que foram sugeridas serem vitamina A, triptofano e riboflavina. Modelos de regresso baseados nos escores do PARAFAC para a riboflavina foram desenvolvidos usando os escores obtidos no primeiro dia como varivel dependente e os escores obtidos durante o armazenamento como varivel independente. Foi visvel o decaimento da curva analtica com o decurso do tempo da experimentao. Portanto, o teor de riboflavina pode ser considerado um bom indicador para a estabilidade do iogurte. Assim, possvel concluir que a espectroscopia de fluorescncia combinada com mtodos quimiomtricos um mtodo rpido para monitorar a estabilidade oxidativa e a qualidade do iogurte


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O biodiesel tem sido amplamente utilizado como uma fonte de energia renovvel, que contribui para a diminuio de demanda por diesel mineral. Portanto, existem vrias propriedades que devem ser monitoradas, a fim de produzir e distribuir biodiesel com a qualidade exigida. Neste trabalho, as propriedades fsicas do biodiesel, tais como massa especfica, ndice de refrao e ponto de entupimento de filtro a frio foram medidas e associadas a espectrometria no infravermelho prximo (NIR) e espectrometria no infravermelho mdio (Mid-IR) utilizando ferramentas quimiomtricas. Os mtodos de regresso por mnimos quadrados parciais (PLS), regresso de mnimos quadrados parciais por intervalos (iPLS), e regresso por mquinas de vetor de suporte (SVM) com seleo de variveis por Algoritmo Gentico (GA) foram utilizadas para modelar as propriedades mencionadas. As amostras de biodiesel foram sintetizadas a partir de diferentes fontes, tais como canola, girassol, milho e soja. Amostras adicionais de biodiesel foram adquiridas de um fornecedor da regio sul do Brasil. Em primeiro lugar, o pr-processamento de correo de linha de base foi usado para normalizar os dados espectrais de NIR, seguidos de outros tipos de pr-processamentos que foram aplicados, tais como centralizao dos dados na mdia, 1 derivada e variao de padro normal. O melhor resultado para a previso do ponto de entupimento de filtro a frio foi utilizando os espectros de Mid-IR e o mtodo de regresso GA-SVM, com alto coeficiente de determinao da previso, R2Pred=0,96 e baixo valor da Raiz Quadrada do Erro Mdio Quadrtico da previso, RMSEP (C)= 0,6. Para o modelo de previso da massa especfica, o melhor resultado foi obtido utilizando os espectros de Mid-IR e regresso por PLS, com R2Pred=0,98 e RMSEP (g/cm3)= 0,0002. Quanto ao modelo de previso para o ndice de refrao, o melhor resultado foi obtido utilizando os espectros de Mid-IR e regresso por PLS, com excelente R2Pred=0,98 e RMSEP= 0,0001. Para esses conjuntos de dados, o PLS e o SVM demonstraram sua robustez, apresentando-se como ferramentas teis para a previso das propriedades do biodiesel estudadas


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A promising method for assembling carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) protected Prussian blue nanoparticles (P-PB) to form three-dimensional (3D) nanostructured films is proposed. The electrostatic interaction, combined with layer-by-layer self-assembly (LBL), between negatively charged CNTs and positively charged P-PB is strong enough to drive the formation of the 3D nanostructured films. Thus, prepared multilayer films were characterized by ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared spectroscopy (UV-vis-NIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and cyclic voltammetry (CV).


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A high-efficiency and low-cost spongelike Au/Pt core/shell electrocatalyst with hollow cavity has been facilely obtained via a simple two-step wet chemical process. Hollow gold nanospheres were first synthesized via a modified galvanic replacement reaction between Co nanoparticles in situ produced and HAUCl(4). The as-prepared gold hollow spheres were employed as seeds to further grow spongelike Pt shell. It is found that the surface of this hybrid nanomaterial owns many Pt nanospikes, which form a spongelike nanostructure. All experimental data including scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and UV-vis-near-infrared spectroscopy have been employed to characterize the obtained Au/Pt hybrid nanomaterial. The rapid development of fuel cell has inspired us to investigate the electrocatalytic properties for dioxygen and methanol of this novel hybrid nanomaterial. Spongelike hybrid nanomaterial mentioned here exhibits much higher catalytic activity for dioxygen reduction and methanol oxidation than the common Pt electrode.


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The controlled synthesis of bifunctional Au@Pt hybrid nanorods has been realized through a simple wet chemical approach. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and UV-vis-near infrared spectroscopy (UV-vis-NIR) were employed to characterize the obtained hybrid nanorods. TEM results indicate that the thickness of Pt nanoislands on the surfaces of gold nanorods can be easily tunable via controlling the molar ratio of An nanorods to the H2PtCl6. These Au@Pt hybrid nanorods have dual functions, which can be used not only for surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), but also to exhibit good catalytic activity for 02 reduction. It is expected that these hybrid nanorods can be used as new functional building blocks to assemble novel three-dimensional (31)) complex multicomponent nanostructures, which are believed to be useful for electrochemical nanodevices.


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By now, there are still many unsolved questions about associative priming. This study used process dissociation paradigm, perceptual identification task and speeded naming task,together with near infrared spectroscopy, to investigate priming for new associations and its brain mechanisms systematically. The results showed there was interaction between level of processing and unitization in affecting associative priming. When comparing with shallow encoding unrelated word pairs, the activation of both sides of prefrontal lobe was stronger, which suggested prefrontal lobe had relations with memory for new associations. Medial temporal lobe and frontal lobe lesioned patients were tested respectively using methods of perceptual identification task and speeded naming task. Both brain regions participated in associative priming. Medial temporal lobe mediated unitization between unrelated items. Frontal lobe contributed to priming for new associations by elaborative processing, inhibiting irrelevant information, selective attending to tasks, and establishing some effective strategies. In addition, normal subjects needed to aware the relationship between study and test to form associative priming and densely memory deficit patients could not form memory for new associations. In conclusion, the results further demonstrated that perceptual representation system could not support priming for new associations alone. Medial temporal lobe and frontal lobe played roles in priming for new associations, and there was some relation between associative priming and conscious retrieval processing.


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Sustained-release matrix tablets based on Eudragit RL and RS were manufactured by injection moulding. The influence of process temperature; matrix composition; drug load, plasticizer level; and salt form of metoprolol: tartrate (MPT), fumarate (MPF) and succinate (MPS) on ease of processing and drug release were evaluated. Formulations composed of 70/30% Eudragit RL/MPT showed the fastest drug release, substituting part of Eudragit RL by RS resulted in slower drug release, all following first-order release kinetics. Drug load only affected drug release of matrices composed of Eudragit RS: a higher MPT concentration yielded faster release rates. Adding triethyl citrate enhanced the processability, but was detrimental to long-term stability. The process temperature and plasticizer level had no effect on drug release, whereas metoprolol salt form significantly influenced release properties. The moulded tablets had a low porosity and a smooth surface morphology. A plasticizing effect of MPT, MPS and MPF on Eudragit RS and Eudragit RL was observed via DSC and DMA. Solubility parameter assessment, thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction demonstrated the formation of a solid solution immediately after production, in which H-bonds were formed between metoprolol and Eudragit as evidenced by near-infrared spectroscopy. However, high drug loadings of MPS and MPF showed a tendency to recrystallise during storage. The in vivo performance of injection-moulded tablets was strongly dependent upon drug loading. 2012 American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.