963 resultados para Na clusters


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A cikk azt a kérdést vizsgálja, hogy milyen szerepet töltenek be a multinacionális vállalatok leányvállalatai a hazai klaszterekben, milyen a kapcsolatuk a klasztertag kis- és középvállalatokkal többek között a közös innovációban, a tudásközvetítésben, a klaszterek reputációjának növelésében. A felderítő kutatás a témát a hazai klaszterfejlesztési program, a Pólus Program által életre hívott három, úgynevezett akkreditált klaszter menedzsereivel, a klasztertag multinacionális vállalatok (MNV-k) hazai leányvállalatainak képviselőivel és a klasztertag KKV-k vezetőivel készült interjúk alapján mutatja be. A téma relevanciáját a program által potenciálisan indukált együttműködési folyamatok adják, mivel a klaszterfejlesztési pályázati konstrukciók úgy lettek kialakítva, hogy a klasztertag KKV-knak érdemes legyen nagyvállalatot is bevonniuk a közös innovációs és kutatás-fejlesztési projektekbe. A kutatási eredmények alapján az MNV leányvállalatainak leginkább a globális trendek és standardok klaszterbeli elterjesztésében van meghatározó szerepük, illetve a KKV-k és leányvállalatok közötti üzleti kapcsolatok alakításában kiemelt szerepe van a klasztermenedzsment-szervezet tevékenységének. ----- Abstract: The paper focuses on the topic which deals with the role of subsidiaries of multinational companies (MNC’s) in Hungarian industrial clusters in the fields of common innovation, knowledge transfer, and increasing the cluster’s reputation. The findings of the paper are based on an explorative research. Interviews were made with cluster managers, representatives of MNC’s subsidiaries, leaders of small and medium size (SME’s) enterprises operating in three accredited clusters created by the Hungarian cluster development program, the Pole Program. The relevance of the topic is given by the Program, which has induced potential cooperation between MNC’s subsidiaries and domestic SME’s in cluster environment in a way so the members of the cluster – SME’s and subsidiaries – were driven to cooperate in common innovation and R+D projects. Our research results suggest that MNC’s subsidiaries in Hungarian clusters seem to play a key role in the dissemination of global industrial trends and standards between the cluster members. The national cluster management organization can also play a decisive role in shaping business relationship between MNC’s and SME’s.


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Az amerikai történelemben a paradigmaváltások meglehetősen nagyszabású és alapvető hatásokkal jártak, míg Japánban mintha hosszú távon is a Tudományos vezetés (gyártás-orientált) paradigmájánál maradtak volna, mely aztán módosult valamennyit a többi paradigma megjelenésének hatására. A tanulmány ebből az elméleti megállapításból kiindulva vizsgálja meg mind szakirodalmi alapon, mind egy kérdőíves kutatás segítségével, a japán társadalom „reakcióidejét”: attitűdjeit a változással, az alkalmazkodással szemben. Alapfeltételezése, hogy a tartós versenyképesség fenntartásához elengedhetetlen a külső körülményekhez való folyamatos alkalmazkodás, ami időről időre a múlt gyakorlatainak megkérdőjelezését eredményezi. Rövid elemzésünk azon az előfeltevésen alapult, hogy egy vagy több, a számát és / vagy társadalmi befolyását tekintve jelentős társadalmi csoport továbbra is erősen támogatja a hagyományos japán vezetési gyakorlatot. A hipotézist sikeresen bebizonyítottuk: a hagyományos menedzsmentet szignifikánsan támogatta két olyan klaszter, melyek száma jelentősen meghaladta a panel fennmaradó részét és amelyek nagyobb fokú társadalmi befolyást is képviseltek. Megállapítottuk, hogy a régi rendszert valószínűleg azok a rangidős japán férfiak támogatják, akik állandó dolgozóként vagy vezetőként dolgoznak meglehetősen nagy vállalatoknál, hosszú távú foglalkoztatásban. Egy másik csoportot is azonosítottunk az előzővel szemben, mely fiatalabb tagokból áll, változatosabb és magasabb iskolai végzettség jellemzi. Még nem egyértelmű, hogy a második csoport tagjai életkoruk előrehaladtával betagozódnak majd a japán rendszerbe és vállalatokba, ahogy az a múltban is történt, vagy továbbra is küzdenek majd a hagyományos módszerek ellen. Mindenesetre célszerűnek látszik az eredmények alapján a kutatás továbbgondolása és magyarországi megvalósítása is, ami által a magyar gazdasági és kormányzati elit a versenyképesség szempontjából értékes információkhoz juthat, nevezetesen az elavultnak számító gyakorlatok beazonosításán és az ennek fennmaradásáért felelős csoportok leírásán keresztül. _________ In the American history, change between paradigms implied rather large-scale and deep effects, whereas the Japanese seem to keep the focus on the Scientific Management (or production-oriented) paradigm which was only party altered by the others (HR, etc.). Based on this affirmation, our study examines the reactivity of Japanese society both in a theoretical and in a practical sense. We assumed first that continuous adaptation to the external conditions is an essential element of long-term competitiveness, which implies the regular questioning of old management practices. We presumed that one or several group(s) of people is (are) still strongly supporting traditional Japanese management practices and they must be important in terms of number and/or social influence. We have found evidence for our hypothesis: two significantly supportive clusters which largely outnumbered the rest of the panel and represented a higher level of social influence as well. We stated that the old system is probably supported by senior Japanese males who work as regular (core) employees or managers in rather large companies and enjoy long-term employment. Another group was also identified as a contrast to the former one, with younger members, more diversity and a higher level of education. As they grow older, the second group may become socialized into the Japanese system as happened in the past, or continue to reject traditional methods. Based on our observations, it seems useful to broaden the focus of our research and carry out a similar study in Hungary as well. This will bring valuable information on competitiveness to the business and political elite, enabling them to identify inefficient old practices and to better target the groups responsible for maintaining those practices.


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This article investigates the attitudes to inter-firm co-operation in Hungary by analysing a special group of business networks: the business clusters. Following an overview of cluster policy, a wide range of selfproclaimed business clusters are identified. A small elite of these business networks evolves into successful, sustainable innovative business clusters. However, in the majority of cases, these consortia of interfirm co-operation are not based on a mutually satisfactory model, and as a consequence, many clusters do not survive in the longer term. The paper uses the concepts and models of social network theory in order to explain, why and under what circumstances inter-firm co-operation in clusters enhances the competitiveness of the network as a whole, or alternatively, under what circumstances the cluster remains dependent on Government subsidies. The empirical basis of the study is a thorough internet research about the Hungarian cluster movement; a questionnaire based expert survey among managers of clusters and member companies and a set of in-depth interviews among managers of self-proclaimed clusters. The last chapter analyises the applicability of social network theory in the analysis of business networks and a model involving the value chain is recommended.


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Az Európai Bizottság jelentése szerint a magyar kis- és középvállalkozások helyzete 2005 óta stagnál. Bár ezek a vállalkozások adják a magyar vállalkozások 99%-át, mégis a közbeszerzési, valamint a növekvő piacokhoz való hozzáférés terén számos akadállyal kerülnek szembe. Az eBEST projekten (Empowering Business Ecosystems of Small Service Enterprises to Face the Economic Crisis) belül kialakított platform olyan funkcionalitással bír, ami mindamellett, hogy lehetővé teszi a vállalkozások szervezett csoportokba, azaz ökoszisztémákba rendeződését, hozzá tud járulni a fogyasztói igények kielégítése érdekében létrejövő ellátási lánc, illetve egyedi folyamatok mentén fellépő információszerzési, kommunikációs vagy együttműködési akadályok lebontásához. ____ It is widely recognised that the most important factor for increasing the productivity of small companies is a deep adoption of computer-based applications and services. The FP7 SME eBEST project proposed a new operational environment specifically conceived for net worked small companies, supported by an advanced suite of ICT services, the eBEST platform. The paper aims at presenting the projects achievements that are validated by a number of company clusters of different EU countries and industry sectors. The general objectives of the eBEST project are attracting customers to work with the clustered companies, facilitating companies to collaborate with each other, and enabling associations to foster the devised innovation.


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Clusters of galaxies are the most massive and large gravitationally bounded systems in the whole Universe. Their study is of fundamental importance to constrain cosmological parameters and to obtain informations regarding various kind of emission in different wavebands. In particular, in the radio domain, beside the diffuse emission, the study is focused on the radio galaxies emission. Radio galaxies in clusters can have peculiar morphology, since they interact with the intracluster medium (ICM) in which they are embedded. Particularly, in this thesis we focused our attention on the so-called Narrow-Angle Tailed radio galaxies (NAT), which present radio jets that are bent at extreme angle, up to 90 degrees, from their original orientation. Some NAT show a narrow extended structure and the two radio tails are not resolved even with high resolution radio observations. An example is provided by the source IC310, in the Perseus Cluster, whose structure has been recently interpreted as due to Doppler boosting effects of a relativistic jet oriented at a small angle with respect to the line of sight. If the structure is due to relativistic effects, this implies that the jets are relativistic at about 400 kpc from the core, but this is in contrast with unified models, which predict that for low-power radio source (NAT are classified as FRI radio galaxies) the jets decelerate to sub-relativistic speed within a few kpc from the core. To investigate this scientific topic, in this thesis we have analyzed the innermost structure of a sample of eleven radio galaxies showing a very narrow NAT structure. We can conclude that the structure of these radio galaxies is different from that of IC310. These radio galaxies are indeed strongly influenced by environmental effects and are similar to classical NAT sources.


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Using far-infrared imaging from the "Herschel Lensing Survey," we derive dust properties of spectroscopically confirmed cluster member galaxies within two massive systems at z ~ 0.3: the merging Bullet Cluster and the more relaxed MS2137.3-2353. Most star-forming cluster sources (~90%) have characteristic dust temperatures similar to local field galaxies of comparable infrared (IR) luminosity (T_dust ~ 30 K). Several sub-luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG; L_IR < 10^11 L_☉) Bullet Cluster members are much warmer (T_dust > 37 K) with far-infrared spectral energy distribution (SED) shapes resembling LIRG-type local templates. X-ray and mid-infrared data suggest that obscured active galactic nuclei do not contribute significantly to the infrared flux of these "warm dust" galaxies. Sources of comparable IR luminosity and dust temperature are not observed in the relaxed cluster MS2137, although the significance is too low to speculate on an origin involving recent cluster merging. "Warm dust" galaxies are, however, statistically rarer in field samples (>3σ), indicating that the responsible mechanism may relate to the dense environment. The spatial distribution of these sources is similar to the whole far-infrared bright population, i.e., preferentially located in the cluster periphery, although the galaxy hosts tend toward lower stellar masses (M_* < 10^10 M_☉). We propose dust stripping and heating processes which could be responsible for the unusually warm characteristic dust temperatures. A normal star-forming galaxy would need 30%-50% of its dust removed (preferentially stripped from the outer reaches, where dust is typically cooler) to recover an SED similar to a "warm dust" galaxy. These progenitors would not require a higher IR luminosity or dust mass than the currently observed normal star-forming population.


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The formation of industrial clusters is critical for sustained economic growth. We identify the manufacturing clusters in Vietnam, using the Mori and Smith (2013) method, which indicates the spatial pattern of industrial agglomerations using the global extent (GE) and local density (LD) indices. Spatial pattern identification is extremely helpful because industrial clusters are often spread over a wide geographical area and the GE and LD indices—along with cluster mapping—display how the respective clusters fit into specific spatial patterns.


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Examining the spatial structure of clusters is essential for deriving regional development policy implications. In this study, we identify the manufacturing clusters in Cambodia, the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and Thailand, using two indices—global extent (GE) and local density (LD)—as proposed by Mori and Smith (2013). We also analyze four different combinations of these indices to highlight the spatial structures of industrial agglomerations. Since industrial clusters often spread over administrative boundaries, the GE and LD indices—along with cluster mapping—display how the detected clusters fit into specific spatial structures.


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Visual cluster analysis provides valuable tools that help analysts to understand large data sets in terms of representative clusters and relationships thereof. Often, the found clusters are to be understood in context of belonging categorical, numerical or textual metadata which are given for the data elements. While often not part of the clustering process, such metadata play an important role and need to be considered during the interactive cluster exploration process. Traditionally, linked-views allow to relate (or loosely speaking: correlate) clusters with metadata or other properties of the underlying cluster data. Manually inspecting the distribution of metadata for each cluster in a linked-view approach is tedious, specially for large data sets, where a large search problem arises. Fully interactive search for potentially useful or interesting cluster to metadata relationships may constitute a cumbersome and long process. To remedy this problem, we propose a novel approach for guiding users in discovering interesting relationships between clusters and associated metadata. Its goal is to guide the analyst through the potentially huge search space. We focus in our work on metadata of categorical type, which can be summarized for a cluster in form of a histogram. We start from a given visual cluster representation, and compute certain measures of interestingness defined on the distribution of metadata categories for the clusters. These measures are used to automatically score and rank the clusters for potential interestingness regarding the distribution of categorical metadata. Identified interesting relationships are highlighted in the visual cluster representation for easy inspection by the user. We present a system implementing an encompassing, yet extensible, set of interestingness scores for categorical metadata, which can also be extended to numerical metadata. Appropriate visual representations are provided for showing the visual correlations, as well as the calculated ranking scores. Focusing on clusters of time series data, we test our approach on a large real-world data set of time-oriented scientific research data, demonstrating how specific interesting views are automatically identified, supporting the analyst discovering interesting and visually understandable relationships.


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Este ensaio tem como objetivo discutir a importância da identidade regional na configuração dos clusters turísticos. Como um das características essenciais na definição de um cluster é a sua dimensão geográfica, a identidade regional torna-se um componente importante para a compreensão de sua constituição e desenvolvimento. Há que se considerar, no entanto, que essa identidade envolve tanto a identidade da região quanto a identidade regional (ou consciência regional) de seus habitantes. A identidade da região refere-se à sua caracterização ambiental, econômica e sociocultural. A consciência regional, por sua vez, refere-se ao conhecimento que os habitantes têm da região e de seus limites e também ao seu apego emocional à região, à solidariedade com os demais integrantes e também à disposição para atuar em prol da região. Propõe-se que na realização de pesquisas acerca da configuração de clusters turísticosse ja considerada a identidade regional. Recomenda-se a construção de instrumentos para mensuração da identidade regional dos habitantes das regiões que abrigam clusters turísticos como também a construção de teorias fundamentadas para o conhecimento da identidade regional segundo a perspectiva de seus atores.


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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a produção científica nacional acerca de clusters turísticos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico e documental que pode ser definida como Revisão de Literatura. O material analisado refere-se a artigos publicados em periódicos científicos, trabalhos apresentados em eventos e teses e dissertações na área de turismo e paralelas. Foram analisados trabalhos referentes à: 1) identificação de clusters; 2) elaboração de modelos para identificação e avaliação de clusters turísticos; 3) análise de articulações entre atores do cluster, 4) competitividade dos clusters; 5) avaliação do desempenho de clusters; e 6) regiões turísticas. Conclui-se que a produção científica nessa área, embora de caráter recente, vem se intensificando. Recomenda-se que os pesquisadores da área se empenhem na construção de arcabouços teóricos e instrumentos estruturados de coleta de dados.


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O artigo tem como objetivo utilizar a contribuição do conceito de cluster para avaliação estratégica e apresentar uma proposta de análise das oportunidades do setor turístico, considerando todos os agentes envolvidos na criação, comercialização e divulgação dos serviços/produtos turísticos, que possibilitem atender as necessidades exigidas pela demanda e o desenvolvimento sustentável da população receptora. Utilizando como foco o distrito de Paranapiacaba, na cidade de Santo André/SP, foi feita uma pesquisa descritiva, em que inicialmente foram utilizados dados secundários e, em seguida, foi realizada a coleta de dados primários por meio de entrevistas programadas e observação direta em campo dos agentes envolvidos. Os resultados obtidos indicam a necessidade da consolidação de uma entidade supra-empresarial que exerça a governança e que seja capaz de agregar os interesses dos diversos setores, além de garantir a implantação de uma série de ações que venham contribuir para a criação de vantagens competitivas.