973 resultados para Multiple defenses -Secondary metabolites
The koinobiont Cotesia flavipes responds to and is influenced by biochemical changes in the host hemolymph composition, Diatraea saccharalis. Changes in the composition of macronutrients may occur due to the hosts own development or by changes induced after parasitization. These changes occur to facilitate parasitoid invasion and to make the host internal environment suitable to parasitoid immature development. Therefore, changes in the availability of stored and circulating nutrients may correlate with the nutritional requirements of specific parasitoid immature stages. In here, we describe changes in the biochemical composition of parasitized and control larvae at different stages of parasitoid development to gain information on C flavipes host regulation and on its quantitative immature nutritional requirements. Total proteins, lipids and carbohydrates free in the hemolymph or stored in host fat bodies, and the SDS-PAGE protein profile of the hemolymph were evaluated in control and parasitized 6th instar during the whole parasitoid development. Changes in the total protein available in the host hemolymph were detected soon after parasitization, but carbohydrate and lipids were observed to differ only towards parasitoid larvae egression. Although C. flavipes affected the availability of all macronutrients observed in the host hemolymph, lipids and proteins stored in the host fat bodies were unaffected. However, carbohydrate concentration at the end of parasitoid larval development was much lower in parasitized than in control larvae at the same stage of development. SDS-PAGE analysis indicated C flavipes up-regulated two host proteins (125 and 48 kDa) and released two parasitism-specific proteins towards the end of parasitoid larval development. We provide a discussion on the role these changes may have on the process of host regulation and their possible requirement to sustain parasitoid development. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The effects of drying and rewetting (DRW) have been studied extensively in non-saline soils, but little is known about the impact of DRW in saline soils. An incubation experiment was conducted to determine the impact of 1-3 drying and re-wetting events on soil microbial activity and community composition at different levels of electrical conductivity in the saturated soil extract (ECe) (ECe 0.7, 9.3, 17.6 dS m(-1)). A non-saline sandy loam was amended with NaCl to achieve the three EC levels 21 days prior to the first DRW; wheat straw was added 7 days prior to the first DRW. Each DRW event consisted of 1 week drying and 1 week moist (50% of water holding capacity, WHC). After the last DRW, the soils were maintained moist until the end of the incubation period (63 days after addition of the wheat straw). A control was kept moist (50% of WHC) throughout the incubation period. Respiration rates on the day after rewetting were similar after the first and the second DRW, but significantly lower after the third DRW. After the first and second DRW, respiration rates were lower at EC17.6 compared to the lower EC levels, whereas salinity had little effect on respiration rates after the third DRW or at the end of the experiment when respiration rates were low. Compared to the continuously moist treatment, respiration rates were about 50% higher on day 15 (d15) and d29. On d44, respiration rates were about 50% higher at EC9.7 than at the other two EC levels. Cumulative respiration was increased by DRW only in the treatment with one DRW and only at the two lower EC levels. Salinity affected microbial biomass and community composition in the moist soils but not in the DRW treatments. At all EC levels and all sampling dates, the community composition in the continuously moist treatment differed from that in the DRW treatments, but there were no differences among the DRW treatments. Microbes in moderately saline soils may be able to utilise substrates released after multiple DRW events better than microbes in non-saline soil. However, at high EC (EC17.6), the low osmotic potential reduced microbial activity to such an extent that the microbes were not able to utilise substrate released after rewetting of dry soil.
P>Background: We aimed to evaluate the ascorbic acid concentration in secondary aqueous humour (AH) from glaucomatous patients and to compare it with primary AH from primary open-angle glaucoma patients and non-glaucomatous patients. Methods: Primary AH samples were prospectively obtained from clinically uncontrolled primary open-angle glaucoma patients and senile cataract patients (controls) prior to trabeculectomy and cataract surgery. Secondary AH samples were obtained from eyes with previous intraocular surgery, prior to trabeculectomy or cataract surgery. AH (0.1 mL) was aspirated by inserting a 26-gauge needle into the anterior chamber just before surgery and then immediately stored at -80 degrees C. The ascorbic acid concentration was determined in a masked fashion by high-pressure liquid chromatography. Results: A total of 18 patients with senile cataract, 16 glaucomatous patients with primary AH (no previous intraocular surgery) and 11 glaucomatous patients with secondary AH (previous intraocular surgery) were included. There was no difference in mean age between groups (P = 0.15). The mean +/- standard deviation concentration of ascorbic acid in the secondary AH from glaucomatous patients (504 +/- 213 mu mol/L [95% confidence interval {CI}, 383-624]) was significantly lower than the concentration of ascorbic acid found in the primary aqueous of primary open-angle glaucoma (919 +/- 427 mu mol/L [95% CI, 709-1128]) and control patients (1049 +/- 433 mu mol/L [95% CI, 848-1249]; P < 0.01, Kruskal-Wallis test). Conclusions: The ascorbic acid concentration in secondary AH of glaucomatous patients was approximately twofold lower in comparison with primary AH of glaucomatous and cataract patients. The implications of a reduced concentration of ascorbic acid in the secondary AH deserve further investigation.
Background: The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), glutamate carboxypeptidase II (GCPII) and reduced folate carrier (RFC1) gene polymorphisms were associated with folate status. We investigated the effects of these polymorphisms on serum folate (SF) and folate-related metabolites in mothers and their neonates. Methods: Cobalamin (Cbl), SF, total homocysteine (tHcy), methylmalonic acid (MMA), S-adenosylmethionine (SAM), and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) were measured in 275 healthy women and their neonates. MTHFR C677T, GCPII C1561T and RFC1 A80G polymorphisms were determined by PCR-RFLP. Results: Maternal tHcy was affected individually by MTHFR C677T and GCPII C1561T polymorphisms and by combined genotypes MTHFR 677TT/GCPII 1561CC and MTHFR 677TT/RFC1 80AG. The MTHFR and RFC1 polymorphisms were not associated with variations in vitamins or SAM, SAH and MMA in neonates. Neonatal tHcy was predicted directly by maternal tHcy and inversely by maternal SF, neonatal Cbl and neonatal RFC1 80G allele (AG+GG genotypes). Maternal MMA and SAM/SAH were predicted by creatinine and Cbl, respectively. Neonatal MMA was predicted by maternal MMA and GCPII 1561T allele (CT+TT genotypes) and by neonatal Cbl. Conclusions: Maternal tHcy was affected by MTHFR C677T, RFC1 A80G and GCPII C1561T polymorphisms. Maternal GCPII C1561T variant was associated with neonatal MMA. Neonatal RFC1 A80G polymorphism influenced tHcy in neonates. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Rosiglitazone (RSG), a thiazolidinedione antidiabetic drug, is metabolized by CYP450 enzymes into two main metabolites: N-desmethyl rosiglitazone (N-Dm-R) and rho-hydroxy rosiglitazone (rho-OH-R). In humans, CYP2C8 appears to have a major role in RSG metabolism. On the other hand, the in vitro metabolism of RSG in animals has not been described in literature yet. Based on these concerns, the kinetic metabolism study of RSG using rat liver microsomal fraction is described for the first time. Maximum velocity (V (max)) values of 87.29 and 51.09 nmol/min/mg protein were observed for N-Dm-R and rho-OH-R, respectively. Michaelis-Menten constant (K (m)) values were of 58.12 and 78.52 mu M for N-Dm-R and rho-OH-R, respectively. Therefore, these results demonstrated that this in vitro metabolism model presents the capacity of forming higher levels of N-Dm-R than of rho-OH-R, which also happens in humans. Three other metabolites were identified employing mass spectrometry detection under positive electrospray ionization: ortho-hydroxy-rosiglitazone (omicron-OH-R) and two isomers of N-desmethyl hydroxy-rosiglitazone. These metabolites have also been observed in humans. The results observed in this study indicate that rats could be a satisfactory model for RSG metabolism.
Mitochondria are important intracellular sources and targets of reactive oxygen species (ROS), while flavonoids, a large group of secondary plant metabolites, are important antioxidants. Following our previous study on the energetics of mitochondria exposed to the flavonoids quercetin, taxifolin, catechin and galangin, the present work addressed the antioxidant activity of these compounds (1-50 mu mol/L) on Fe2+/citrate-mediated membrane lipid peroxidation (LPO) in isolated rat liver mitochondria, running in parallel studies of their antioxidant activity in non-organelle systems. Only quercetin inhibited the respiratory chain of mitochondria and only galangin caused uncoupling. Quercetin and galangin were far more potent than taxifolin and catechin in affording protection against LPO (IC50 = 1.23 +/- 0.27 and 2.39 +/- 0.79 mu mol/L, respectively), although only quercetin was an effective scavenger of both 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and superoxide radicals. These results, together with the previous study, suggest that the 2,3-double bond in conjugation with the 4-oxo function in the flavonoid structure are major determinants of the antioxidant activity of flavonoids in mitochondria, the presence of an o-di-OH structure on the B-ring, as occurs in quercetin, favours this activity via superoxide scavenging, while the absence of this structural feature in galangin, favours it via a decrease in membrane fluidity and/or mitochondrial uncoupling. Copyright (c) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method with triple-quadrupole mass spectrometry detection (LC-MS-MS) was developed and validated for the first time for the simultaneous quantification of zopiclone and its metabolites in rat plasma samples. The analytes were isolated from rat plasma by liquid-liquid extraction and separated using a chiral stationary phase based on an amylose derivative, Chiralpak ADR-H column, and ethanol-methanol-acetonitrile (50:45:5, v/v/v) plus 0.025% diethylamine as the mobile phase, at a flow-rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). Moclobemide was used as the internal standard. The developed method was linear over the concentration range of 7.5-500 ng mL(-1). The mean absolute recoveries were 74.6 and 75.7; 61.6 and 56.9; 72.5, and 70.7 for zopiclone enantiomers, for N-desmethyl zopiclone enantiomers and for zopiclone-N-oxide enantiomers, respectively, and 75.9 for the internal standard. Precision and accuracy were within acceptable levels of confidence (<15%). The method application in a pilot study of zopiclone kinetic disposition in rats showed that the levels of (+)-(S)-zopiclone were always higher than those of (-)-R-zopiclone. Higher concentrations were also observed for (+)-(S)-N-desmethyl zopiclone and (+)-(S)-N-oxide zopiclone, confirming the stereoselective disposition of zopiclone.
A three-phase liquid-phase microextraction (LPME) method using porous polypropylene hollow fibre membrane with a sealed end was developed for the extraction of mirtazapine (MRT) and its two major metabolites, 8-hydroxymirtazapine (8-OHM) and demethylmirtazapine (DMR), from human plasma. The analytes were extracted from 1.0 mL of plasma, previously diluted and alkalinized with 3.0 mL 0.5 mol L-1 pH 8 phosphate buffer solution and supplemented with 15% sodium chloride (NaCl), using n-hexyl ether as organic solvent and 0.01 moL L-1 acetic acid solution as the acceptor phase. Haloperidol was used as internal standard. The chromatographic analyses were carried out on a chiral column, using acetonitrile-methanol-ethanol (98:1:1, v/v/v) plus 0.2% diethylamine as mobile phase, at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). Multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) detection was performed by mass spectrometry (MS-MS) using a triple-stage quadrupole and electrospray ionization interface operating in the positive ion mode. The mean recoveries were in 18.3-45.5% range with linear responses over the 1.25-125 ng mL(-1) concentration range for all enantiomers evaluated. The quantification limit (LOQ) was 1.25 ng mL(-1). Within-day and between-day assay precision and accuracy (2.5, 50 and 100 ng mL(-1)) showed relative standard deviation and the relative error lower than 11.9% for all enantiomers evaluated. Finally, the method was successfully used for the determination of mirtazapine and its metabolite enantiomers in plasma samples obtained after single drug administration of mirtazapine to a healthy volunteer. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Thioridazine (THD) is a commonly prescribed phenotiazine neuroleptic drug, which is extensively biotransformed in the organism producing as main metabolites sulfoxides and a sulfone by sulfur oxidation Significant differences have been observed in the activity of the THD enantiomers as well as for its main metabolites, and enantioselectivity phenomena have been proved in the metabolic pathway. Here the assignment of the absolute configuration at the sulfur atom of enantiomeric THD-2-sulfoxide (THD-2-SO) has been carried out by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy The stereoisomers were separated by HPLC on Chiralpak AS column, recording the CD spectra for the two collected enantiomeric fractions The theoretical electronic CD spectrum has been obtained by the TDDFT/B3LYP/6-31G*. as Boltzmann averaging of the contributions calculated for the most stable conformations of the drug The comparison of the simulated and experimental spectra allowed the absolute configuration at the sulfur atom of the four THD-2-SO stereoisomers to be assigned The developed method should be useful for a reliable correlation between stereochemistry and activity and/or toxicity
A three-phase hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction method for the analysis of rosiglitazone and its metabolites N-desmethyl rosiglitazone and p-hydroxy rosiglitazone in microsomal preparations is described for the first time. The drug and metabolites HPLC determination was carried out using an X-Terra RP-18 column, at 22 degrees C. The mobile phase was composed of water, acetonitrile and acetic acid (85:15:0.5, v/v/v) and the detection was performed at 245 nm. The hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction procedure was optimized using multifactorial experiments and the following optimal condition was established: sample agitation at 1750 rpm, extraction for 30 min, hydrochloric acid 0.01 mol/L as acceptor phase, 1-octanol as organic phase, and donor phase pH adjustment to 8.0. The recovery rates, obtained by using 1 mL of microsomal preparation, were 47-70%. The method presented LOQs of 50 ng/mL and it was linear over the concentration range of 50-6000 ng/mL, with correlation coefficients (r) higher than 0.9960, for all analytes. The validated method was employed to study the in vitro biotransformation of rosiglitazone using rat liver microsomal fraction.
A three-phase LPME (liquid-phase microextraction) method for the enantioselective analysis of venlafaxine (VF) metabolites (O-desmethylvenlafaxine (ODV) and N-desmethylvenlafaxine (NDV) in microsomal preparations is described for the first time. The assay involves the chiral HPLC separation of drug and metabolites using a Chiralpak AD column under normal-phase mode of elution and detection at 230 nm. The LPME procedure was optimized using multifactorial experiments and the following optimal condition was established: sample agitation at 1,750 rpm, 20 min of extraction, acetic acid 0.1 mol/L as acceptor phase, 1-octanol as organic phase and donor phase pH adjustment to 10.0. Under these conditions, the mean recoveries were 41% and 42% for (-)-(R)-ODV and (+)-(S)-ODV, respectively, and 47% and 48% for (-)-( R)-NDV and (+)-( S)-NDV, respectively. The method presented quantification limits of 200 ng/mL and it was linear over the concentration range of 200-5,000 ng/mL for all analytes. The validated method was employed to study the in vitro biotransformation of VF using rat liver microsomal fraction. The results demonstrated the enantioselective biotransformation of VF.
Stable multiple emulsions containing andiroba oil and sunscreen have been formulated. These were prepared using the two-step procedure. The formulations were characterized and their stability over the time was evaluated by centrifugation, macroscopic, and microscopic analyses, and rheological measurements. The photoprotective efficacy of the O/W and O1/W/O2 containing or not andiroba oil was evaluated by in vivo sun protection factor determination according to the FDA method. The formulations exhibited good stability during 30 days after preparation at different temperatures. These presented pseudoplastic flow behaviour and thixotropy. The increase of in vivo SPF value was not observed when andiroba oil was incorporated into emulsions containing ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate. These multiple emulsions can be utilized as an interesting topical vehicle.
The effects of some composition variables on the development of multiple emulsions by one-step method were evaluated and their morphology characterized. The formulations that remained stable during the period of the test were submitted to centrifugation and thermal stress tests. The stability and the morphology of multiple droplets were affected not only by the type and concentration of the surfactants employed, but also by the water/oil ratios used. The results suggest that the formation of multiple droplets could involve a combination of transitional and catastrophic phase inversions. The results provide improved knowledge about the one-step emulsification method, a simplified process to prepare multiple emulsions when compared to the two-steps method.
Formation of a normal (not temporary) W/O/W multiple emulsion via the one-step method as a result of the simultaneous occurrence of catastrophic and transitional phase inversion processes has been recently reported. Critical features of this process include the emulsification temperature (corresponding to the ultralow surface tension point), the use of a specific nonionic surfactant blend and the surfactant blend/oil phase ratio, and the addition of the surfactant blend to the oil phase. The purpose of this study was to investigate physicochemical properties in an effort to gain a mechanistic understanding of the formation of these emulsions. Bulk, surface, and interfacial theological properties of adsorbed nonionic surfactant (CremophorRH40 and Span80) films were investigated under conditions known to affect W/O/W emulsion formation. Bulk viscosity results demonstrated that CremophorRH40 has a higher mobility in oil compared than in water, explaining the significance of the solvent phase. In addition, the bulk viscosity profile of aqueous solutions containing CremophorRH40 indicated a phase transition at around 78 +/- 2 degrees C, which is in agreement with cubic phase formation in the Winsor III region. The similarity in the interfacial elasticity values of CremophorRH40 and Span80 indicated that canola oil has a major effect on surface activity, showing the significance of vegetable oil. The highest interfacial shear elasticity and viscosity were observed when both surfactants were added to the oil phase, indicating the importance of the microstructural arrangement. CremophorRH40/Span80 complexes tended to desorb from the solution/solution interface with increasing temperature, indicating surfactant phase formation as is theoretically predicted in the Winsor III region. Together these interfacial and bulk rheology data demonstrate that one-step W/O/W emulsions form as a result of the simultaneous occurrence of phase-transition processes in the Winsor III region and explain the critical formulation and processing parameters necessary to achieve the formation of these normal W/O/W emulsions.
A novel method of preparation of water-in-oil-in-micelle-containing water (W/O/W(m)) Multiple emulsions using the one-step emulsification method is reported. These multiple emulsions were normal (not temporary) and stable over a 60 day test period. Previously, reported multiple emulsion by the one-step method were abnormal systems that formed at the inversion point of simple emulsion (where there is an incompatibility in the Ostwald and Bancroft theories, and typically these are O/W/O systems). Pseudoternary phase diagrams and bidimensional process-composition (phase inversion) maps were constructed to assist in process and composition optimization. The surfactants used were PEG40 hydrogenated castor oil and sorbitan oleate, and mineral and vegetables oils were investigated. Physicochemical characterization studies showed experimentally, for the First time, the significance of the ultralow surface tension point oil multiple emulsion formation by one-step via phase inversion processes. Although the significance of ultralow surface tension has been speculated previously, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first experimental confirmation. The multiple emulsion system reported here was dependent not only upon the emulsification temperature, but also upon the component ratios, therefore both the emulsion phase inversion and the phase inversion temperature were considered to fully explain their formation. Accordingly, it is hypothesized that the formation of these normal multiple emulsions is not a result of a temporary incompatibility (at the inversion point) during simple emulsion preparation, as previously reported. Rather, these normal W/O/W(m) emulsions are a result of the simultaneous occurrence of catastrophic and transitional phase inversion processes. The formation of the primary emulsions (W/O) is in accordance with the Ostwald theory and the formation of the multiple emulsions (W/O/W(m)) is in agreement with the Bancroft theory.