926 resultados para Multimodal analgesia


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Cet article analyse le regain d'attractivité des villes pour les catégories socio-professionnelles supérieures dans le cas de trois centres urbains suisses. Les choix résidentiels étudiés sont étroitement liés à la recherche d'un capital spatial spécifique de la part de ménages qui placent les questions de proximité et de mobilité au coeur de leur décision de vivre en ville, qui adoptent un comportement multimodal, et qui apparaissent attachés à la proximité tout en étant potentiellement hypermobiles (à l'instar de certains pendulaires interurbains). Cette dotation en capital spatial s'explique par des stratégies d'adaptation (afin de concilier les différentes facettes de la vie quotidienne) et par certaines valeurs (notamment environnementales). Le choix résidentiel apparaît dans l'ensemble comme un choix stratégique, la localisation centrale et le potentiel de mobilité qui lui est associé devant permettre aux ménages de rendre compatible contraintes spatio-temporelles et modes de vie.


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Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes y del proceso oncológico, a través de una muestra de películas disponibles en DVD. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal: Se analizó una muestra de conveniencia de películas en las que el cáncer tenía carácter"puntual","relevante" o"argumental". Cada película fue visionada por dos observadores que registraron variables del paciente (edad, sexo, estado civil, etc.), del proceso oncológico (síntomas, pruebas diagnósticas, tratamientos y evolución) y del entorno sanitario, entre otras. Resultados: Se analizaron 33 películas producidas en 11 países (1939-2008). El 58% de los pacientes eran varones; y el 47% pertenecía a las clases altas y media-alta. La localización más frecuente del cáncer fue en cerebro y en sangre, con seis casos para cada localización. La media de síntomas por título fue de 3,63; la clínica general (dolor, fatiga, anorexia, etc.) se observó en el 43,32% de las películas. Las pruebas diagnósticas se mencionaron en el 85% de los títulos. El tratamiento más frecuente fue la analgesia y la quimioterapia; no obstante, fallecieron 19 pacientes (58%). Los médicos y las enfermeras intervinieron en 28 y 22 títulos, respectivamente. Conclusiones: El cáncer que muestra el cine difiere de la realidad: por cuanto el cine prefiere los pacientes jóvenes, de clase social alta y las localizaciones más fotogénicas. La clínica, las pruebas diagnósticas y los tratamientos suelen reflejar la realidad, sobre todo en las películas de las últimas décadas y en las que el cáncer tiene carácter"argumental"; algunos de cuyos títulos pueden ser un recurso de primer orden para la formación de los profesionales de la salud.


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Objetivo: Describir las características de los pacientes y del proceso oncológico, a través de una muestra de películas disponibles en DVD. Materiales y métodos. Estudio descriptivo transversal: Se analizó una muestra de conveniencia de películas en las que el cáncer tenía carácter"puntual","relevante" o"argumental". Cada película fue visionada por dos observadores que registraron variables del paciente (edad, sexo, estado civil, etc.), del proceso oncológico (síntomas, pruebas diagnósticas, tratamientos y evolución) y del entorno sanitario, entre otras. Resultados: Se analizaron 33 películas producidas en 11 países (1939-2008). El 58% de los pacientes eran varones; y el 47% pertenecía a las clases altas y media-alta. La localización más frecuente del cáncer fue en cerebro y en sangre, con seis casos para cada localización. La media de síntomas por título fue de 3,63; la clínica general (dolor, fatiga, anorexia, etc.) se observó en el 43,32% de las películas. Las pruebas diagnósticas se mencionaron en el 85% de los títulos. El tratamiento más frecuente fue la analgesia y la quimioterapia; no obstante, fallecieron 19 pacientes (58%). Los médicos y las enfermeras intervinieron en 28 y 22 títulos, respectivamente. Conclusiones: El cáncer que muestra el cine difiere de la realidad: por cuanto el cine prefiere los pacientes jóvenes, de clase social alta y las localizaciones más fotogénicas. La clínica, las pruebas diagnósticas y los tratamientos suelen reflejar la realidad, sobre todo en las películas de las últimas décadas y en las que el cáncer tiene carácter"argumental"; algunos de cuyos títulos pueden ser un recurso de primer orden para la formación de los profesionales de la salud.


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BACKGROUND: Hemidiaphragmatic paresis after ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus block is reported to occur in up to 100% of patients. We tested the hypothesis that an injection lateral to the brachial plexus sheath reduces the incidence of hemidiaphragmatic paresis compared with a conventional intrafascial injection, while providing similar analgesia. METHODS: Forty ASA I-III patients undergoing elective shoulder and clavicle surgery under general anaesthesia were randomized to receive an ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus block for analgesia, using 20 ml bupivacaine 0.5% with epinephrine 1:200 000 injected either between C5 and C6 within the interscalene groove (conventional intrafascial injection), or 4 mm lateral to the brachial plexus sheath (extrafascial injection). The primary outcome was incidence of hemidiaphragmatic paresis (diaphragmatic excursion reduction >75%), measured by M-mode ultrasonography, before and 30 min after the procedure. Secondary outcomes were forced vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in 1 s, and peak expiratory flow. Additional outcomes included time to first opioid request and pain scores at 24 h postoperatively (numeric rating scale, 0-10). RESULTS: The incidences of hemidiaphragmatic paresis were 90% (95% CI: 68-99%) and 21% (95% CI: 6-46%) in the conventional and extrafascial injection groups, respectively (P<0.0001). Other respiratory outcomes were significantly better preserved in the extrafascial injection group. The mean time to first opioid request was similar between groups (conventional: 802 min [95% CI: 620-984 min]; extrafascial: 973 min [95% CI: 791-1155 min]; P=0.19) as were pain scores at 24 h postoperatively (conventional: 1.6 [95% CI: 0.9-2.2]; extrafascial: 1.6 [95% CI: 0.8-2.4]; P=0.97). CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasound-guided interscalene brachial plexus block with an extrafascial injection reduces the incidence of hemidiaphragmatic paresis and impact on respiratory function while providing similar analgesia, when compared with a conventional injection. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT02074397.


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L'encéphalopathie post-anoxique après arrêt cardiaque (AC) est une cause féquente d'admission pour coma en réanimation. Depuis les recommandations de 2003, l'hypothermie thérapeutique (HT) est devenue un standard de traitement après AC et est à l'origine de l'amélioration du pronostic au cours de cette derniere décennie. Les élements prédicteurs de pronostic validés par l'Académie Américaine de Neurologie avant l'ère de l'HT sont devenus moins précis. En effet, l'HT et la sédation retardent la reprise de la réponse motrice et peuvent altérer la valeur prédictive des réflexes du tronc cérébral. Une nouvelle approche est nécessaire pour établir un pronostic après AC et HT. L'enregistrement (pendant l'HTou peu après) d'une activité électroencéphalographique réactive et/ou continue est un bon prédicteur de récupération neurologique favorable après AC. Au contraire, la présence d'un tracé non réactif ou discontinu de type burst-suppression, avec une réponse N20 absente bilatérale aux potentiels évoqués somatosensoriels, sont presqu'à 100 % prédictifs d'un coma irréversible déjà à 48 heures après AC. L'HT modifie aussi la valeur prédictive de l'énolase neuronale spécifique (NSE), principal biomarqueur sérique de la lésion cérébrale post-anoxique. Un réveil avec bonne récupération neurologique a été récemment observé par plusieurs groupes chez des patients présentant des valeurs de NSE>33 μg/L à 48-72 heures : ce seuil ne doit pas être utilisé seul pour guider le traitement. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion peut aider à prédire les séquelles neurologiques à long terme. Un réveil chez les patients en coma post-anoxique est de plus en plus observé, malgré l'absence précoce de signes moteurs et une élévation franche des biomarqueurs neuronaux. En 2014, une nouvelle approche multimodale du pronostic est donc nécessaire, pour optimiser la prédiction d'une évolution clinique favorable après AC. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy after cardiac arrest (CA) is a frequent cause of intensive care unit (ICU) admission. Incorporated in all recent guidelines, therapeutic hypothermia (TH) has become a standard of care and has contributed to improve prognosis after CA during the past decade. The accuracy of prognostic predictors validated in 2006 by the American Academy of Neurology before the era of TH is less accurate. Indeed, TH and sedation may delay the recovery of motor response and alter the predictive value of brainstem reflexes. A new approach is needed to accurately establish prognosis after CA and TH. A reactive and/or continuous electroencephalogram background (during TH or shortly thereafter) strongly predicts good outcome. On the contrary, unreactive/spontaneous burst-suppression electroencephalogram pattern, together with absent N20 on somatosensory evoked potentials, is almost 100% predictive of irreversible coma. TH also affects the predictive value of neuronspecific enolase (NSE), the main serum biomarker of postanoxic injury. A good outcome can occur despite NSE levels >33 μg/L, so this cutoff value should not be used alone to guide treatment. Diffusion magnetic resonance imagery may help predict long-term neurological sequelae. Awakening from postanoxic coma is increasingly observed, despite the absence of early motor signs and pathological elevation of NSE. In 2014, a multimodal approach to prognosis is recommended to optimize the prediction of outcome after CA.


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Objective To evaluate the utility of a new multimodal image-guided intervention technique to detect epileptogenic areas with a gamma probe as compared with intraoperative electrocorticography. Materials and Methods Two symptomatic patients with refractory epilepsy underwent magnetic resonance imaging, videoelectroencephalography, brain SPECT scan, neuropsychological evaluation and were submitted to gamma probe-assisted surgery. Results In patient 1, maximum radioactive count was initially observed on the temporal gyrus at about 3.5 cm posteriorly to the tip of the left temporal lobe. After corticotomy, the gamma probe indicated maximum count at the head of the hippocampus, in agreement with the findings of intraoperative electrocorticography. In patient 2, maximum count was observed in the occipital region at the transition between the temporal and parietal lobes (right hemisphere). During the surgery, the area of epileptogenic activity mapped at electrocorticography was also delimited, demarcated, and compared with the gamma probe findings. After lesionectomy, new radioactive counts were performed both in the patients and on the surgical specimens (ex-vivo). Conclusion The comparison between intraoperative electrocorticography and gamma probe-assisted surgery showed similarity of both methods. The advantages of gamma probe include: noninvasiveness, low cost and capacity to demonstrate decrease in the radioactive activity at the site of excision after lesionectomy.


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BACKGROUND: To assess the differences across continental regions in terms of stroke imaging obtained for making acute revascularization therapy decisions, and to identify obstacles to participating in randomized trials involving multimodal imaging. METHODS: STroke Imaging Repository (STIR) and Virtual International Stroke Trials Archive (VISTA)-Imaging circulated an online survey through its website, through the websites of national professional societies from multiple countries as well as through email distribution lists from STIR and the above mentioned societies. RESULTS: We received responses from 223 centers (2 from Africa, 38 from Asia, 10 from Australia, 101 from Europe, 4 from Middle East, 55 from North America, 13 from South America). In combination, the sites surveyed administered acute revascularization therapy to a total of 25,326 acute stroke patients in 2012. Seventy-three percent of these patients received intravenous (i.v.) tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), and 27%, endovascular therapy. Vascular imaging was routinely obtained in 79% (152/193) of sites for endovascular therapy decisions, and also as part of standard IV tPA treatment decisions at 46% (92/198) of sites. Modality, availability and use of acute vascular and perfusion imaging before revascularization varied substantially between geographical areas. The main obstacles to participate in randomized trials involving multimodal imaging included: mainly insufficient research support and staff (50%, 79/158) and infrequent use of multimodal imaging (27%, 43/158) . CONCLUSION: There were significant variations among sites and geographical areas in terms of stroke imaging work-up used tomake decisions both for intravenous and endovascular revascularization. Clinical trials using advanced imaging as a selection tool for acute revascularization therapy should address the need for additional resources and technical support, and take into consideration the lack of routine use of such techniques in trial planning.


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In image processing, segmentation algorithms constitute one of the main focuses of research. In this paper, new image segmentation algorithms based on a hard version of the information bottleneck method are presented. The objective of this method is to extract a compact representation of a variable, considered the input, with minimal loss of mutual information with respect to another variable, considered the output. First, we introduce a split-and-merge algorithm based on the definition of an information channel between a set of regions (input) of the image and the intensity histogram bins (output). From this channel, the maximization of the mutual information gain is used to optimize the image partitioning. Then, the merging process of the regions obtained in the previous phase is carried out by minimizing the loss of mutual information. From the inversion of the above channel, we also present a new histogram clustering algorithm based on the minimization of the mutual information loss, where now the input variable represents the histogram bins and the output is given by the set of regions obtained from the above split-and-merge algorithm. Finally, we introduce two new clustering algorithms which show how the information bottleneck method can be applied to the registration channel obtained when two multimodal images are correctly aligned. Different experiments on 2-D and 3-D images show the behavior of the proposed algorithms


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The treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) has shifted from the exposure of the aorta artery in an open repair technique to a small groin cut in an endovascular repair. Recently, a percutaneous access for endovascular repair has appeared. This new technique aims to minimize the complications of the common femoral artery exposure, the patient discomfort and the length of hospitalizationObjectives: To compare the proportion of discharged patients within the first 48 postoperative hours of two common femoral artery accesses for endovascular repair of AAA: the open exposure technique and the percutaneous technique. Secondary objectives include to evaluate the total procedure time, the femoral access complications, the need for extra analgesia and the patient satisfaction and groin discomfort of the two techniquesDesign: Randomized controlled trial conducted between 2014 and 2017Participants: Patients diagnosed with abdominal aortic aneurysm with elective endovascular repair indication


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Sensor-based robot control allows manipulation in dynamic environments with uncertainties. Vision is a versatile low-cost sensory modality, but low sample rate, high sensor delay and uncertain measurements limit its usability, especially in strongly dynamic environments. Force is a complementary sensory modality allowing accurate measurements of local object shape when a tooltip is in contact with the object. In multimodal sensor fusion, several sensors measuring different modalities are combined to give a more accurate estimate of the environment. As force and vision are fundamentally different sensory modalities not sharing a common representation, combining the information from these sensors is not straightforward. In this thesis, methods for fusing proprioception, force and vision together are proposed. Making assumptions of object shape and modeling the uncertainties of the sensors, the measurements can be fused together in an extended Kalman filter. The fusion of force and visual measurements makes it possible to estimate the pose of a moving target with an end-effector mounted moving camera at high rate and accuracy. The proposed approach takes the latency of the vision system into account explicitly, to provide high sample rate estimates. The estimates also allow a smooth transition from vision-based motion control to force control. The velocity of the end-effector can be controlled by estimating the distance to the target by vision and determining the velocity profile giving rapid approach and minimal force overshoot. Experiments with a 5-degree-of-freedom parallel hydraulic manipulator and a 6-degree-of-freedom serial manipulator show that integration of several sensor modalities can increase the accuracy of the measurements significantly.


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Metaheuristic methods have become increasingly popular approaches in solving global optimization problems. From a practical viewpoint, it is often desirable to perform multimodal optimization which, enables the search of more than one optimal solution to the task at hand. Population-based metaheuristic methods offer a natural basis for multimodal optimization. The topic has received increasing interest especially in the evolutionary computation community. Several niching approaches have been suggested to allow multimodal optimization using evolutionary algorithms. Most global optimization approaches, including metaheuristics, contain global and local search phases. The requirement to locate several optima sets additional requirements for the design of algorithms to be effective in both respects in the context of multimodal optimization. In this thesis, several different multimodal optimization algorithms are studied in regard to how their implementation in the global and local search phases affect their performance in different problems. The study concentrates especially on variations of the Differential Evolution algorithm and their capabilities in multimodal optimization. To separate the global and local search search phases, three multimodal optimization algorithms are proposed, two of which hybridize the Differential Evolution with a local search method. As the theoretical background behind the operation of metaheuristics is not generally thoroughly understood, the research relies heavily on experimental studies in finding out the properties of different approaches. To achieve reliable experimental information, the experimental environment must be carefully chosen to contain appropriate and adequately varying problems. The available selection of multimodal test problems is, however, rather limited, and no general framework exists. As a part of this thesis, such a framework for generating tunable test functions for evaluating different methods of multimodal optimization experimentally is provided and used for testing the algorithms. The results demonstrate that an efficient local phase is essential for creating efficient multimodal optimization algorithms. Adding a suitable global phase has the potential to boost the performance significantly, but the weak local phase may invalidate the advantages gained from the global phase.


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The importance of chitosan has grown significantly over the last two decades due to its renewable and biodegradable source, and also because of the recent increase in the knowledge of its functionality in the technological and biomedical applications. The present article reviews the biopolymer chitosan and its derivatives as versatile biomaterials for potential drug delivery systems, as well as tissue engineering applications, analgesia and treatment of arthritis.


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Oxycodone is an opioid used in the treatment of moderate or severe pain. It is principally metabolized in the liver by cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) enzymes whereas approximately 10% is metabolized by CYP2D6. Little is known about the interactions between oxycodone and other drugs, herbals and nutritional substances. In this work the effects of CYP3A inducers rifampicin and St. John’s wort and CYP3A inhibitors voriconazole, grapefruit juice, ritonavir and lopinavir/ritonavir were investigated on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of oxycodone. All studies were randomized, balanced, placebo-controlled crossover clinical studies in healthy volunteers. The plasma concentrations of oxycodone and its metabolites were determined for 48 hours and pharmacodynamic parameters were recorded for 12 hours in each study. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by noncompartmental methods. Rifampicin decreased the plasma concentrations, analgesic effects, and oral bioavailability of oral oxycodone. St. John’s wort reduced the concentrations of oxycodone and diminished the self-reported drug effect. Voriconazole increased the exposure to oral oxycodone by 3.6-fold whereas grapefruit juice, which inhibits predominantly the intestinal CYP3A, elevated the mean concentrations of oxycodone by 1.7-fold. Ritonavir and lopinavir/ritonavir increased the mean AUC of oxycodone by 3.0- and 2.6-fold, respectively, and prolonged its elimination half-life. In spite of increased oxycodone plasma concentrations during concomitant administration of CYP3A inhibitors, the analgesic effects were not increased. These studies show that the induction or inhibition of CYP3A alters the pharmacokinetics and pharmacologic effects of oxycodone. The exposure to oxycodone decreased after induction and increased after inhibition of CYP3A. As a conclusion, the clinicians should avoid concomitant administration of CYP3A inducers or inhibitors and oral oxycodone. If this is not possible, they should be prepared to interactions leading to impaired analgesia after CYP3A inducers or increased adverse effects after CYP3A inhibitors and oral oxycodone.


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Visual art practice has generally been described as a lonely affair, thinking about what an artist has experienced in the outside world. This study is an inquiry into a visual art practice of another kind: the relational one. The research purpose is twofold. The first purpose is to shed light on a visual artist’s conceptions of art, education and scholarship. The second purpose is to by reasoning on imagination and a rhizomatic formation interpret the relations created between art, multimodality and literacy learning as an aesthetic approach to education. By inquiry into a specific collaborated long-term art practice, the study conveys how the meaning making elements of an arts based learning practice gradually transform an artist’s and a teacher’s concepts of art education to an aesthetic approach to education. In the art practice examined the typical Finnish rye bread and a poem have represented a cultural theme that has been elaborated through art conventions. The poem and the rye bread have in the art practice been articulated as cultural representations of as well as symbolic projections on the Swedishspeaking minority culture in Finland. The study connects art informed inquiry to a hermeneutic research rationale where the research reasoning is generated through a rhizomatic alliance between empiric data and theories. The reasoning is constructed as an interpretation pattern that expands throughout the study. The study arguments that the rhizome as an aesthetic formation can be appropriate to refer to when articulating arts based meaning making and when creating arts based educational strategies, dialogues, aesthetic learning and multimodal literacy in education. The study investigates an aesthetic approach to research in education, which means that the art practice surveyed is interpreted through articulation appropriate to poetic aspects of art, education and research.


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Pesquisa descritiva de abordagem qualitativa. O objetivo do estudo é identificar o cuidado com o paciente cirúrgico dispensado pelo residente de anestesiologia e o compartilhamento deste cuidado com a equipe cirúrgica, bem como as percepções desse residente sobre o autocuidado. A análise dos discursos dos nove residentes entrevistados resultou na construção de seis categorias: (a) escolha da especialidade: proximidade com o intensivista, imediatismo das ações e analgesia; (b) cuidados com o paciente cirúrgico: apresentação de ações de rotina e da técnica anestésica empregada; (c) compartilhamento do cuidado com os outros profissionais: o residente compreende sua importância, mas compartilha pouco; (d) preceptoria médica: existe uma ambivalência de sentimentos − satisfação pela proximidade com o docente, pela orientação e resolução de problemas, e insatisfação pelo pouco tempo dedicado às atividades acadêmicas e despreparo docente; (e) autocuidado: os residentes negligenciam o autocuidado, devido principalmente à extensa carga horária. As repercussões desta postura são relatadas como nervosismo, impaciência, diminuição da criatividade e do humor, e propensão a erros.