928 resultados para Morris Canal and Banking Company.


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Nano-structured silicon anodes are attractive alternatives to graphitic carbons in rechargeable Li-ion batteries, owing to their extremely high capacities. Despite their advantages, numerous issues remain to be addressed, the most basic being to understand the complex kinetics and thermodynamics that control the reactions and structural rearrangements. Elucidating this necessitates real-time in situ metrologies, which are highly challenging, if the whole electrode structure is studied at an atomistic level for multiple cycles under realistic cycling conditions. Here we report that Si nanowires grown on a conducting carbon-fibre support provide a robust model battery system that can be studied by (7)Li in situ NMR spectroscopy. The method allows the (de)alloying reactions of the amorphous silicides to be followed in the 2nd cycle and beyond. In combination with density-functional theory calculations, the results provide insight into the amorphous and amorphous-to-crystalline lithium-silicide transformations, particularly those at low voltages, which are highly relevant to practical cycling strategies.


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Optical switching functionality is demonstrated in PCB integrated multimode passive polymer waveguides using a localised liquid-crystal cladding structure. Waveguide switching contrast of 15 dB is achieved with only 0.5 dB of on-state excess loss. © 2009 OSA.


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This paper addresses a new way for handling distributed design know as the Macro concept. It is based round the assumption that future design teams will become more distributed in nature as industry exploits the Internet and other integrated communication and data exchange systems. The paper notes that this concept is part of an attack on the problems associated with the total process of Distribute Multi-Disciplinary design and Optimisation. The concepts rely on the creation of distributed self-building and self-organising teams made up from members who are globally distributed. The paper describes both the approach adopted and its implementation in a prototype software system operating over the Internet. In essence the work presented is describing a novel method for implementing a distributed design process which is far from complete but which is producing challenging ideas. © 2000 by Cranfield University.


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Liquid-crystalline polymers are materials of considerable scientific interest and technological value. An important subset of these materials exhibit rubber-like elasticity, combining the optical properties of liquid crystals with the mechanical properties of rubber. Moreover, they exhibit behaviour not seen in either type of material independently, and many of their properties depend crucially on the particular mesophase employed. Such stretchable liquid-crystalline polymers have previously been demonstrated in the nematic, chiral-nematic, and smectic mesophases. Here, we report the fabrication of a stretchable gel of blue phase I, which forms a self-assembled, three-dimensional photonic crystal that remains electro-optically switchable under a moderate applied voltage, and whose optical properties can be manipulated by an applied strain. We also find that, unlike its undistorted counterpart, a mechanically deformed blue phase exhibits a Pockels electro-optic effect, which sets out new theoretical challenges and possibilities for low-voltage electro-optic devices.


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Alexander, N.; Rhodes, M.; and Myers, H. (2007). International market selection: measuring actions instead of intentions. Journal of Services Marketing. 21(6), pp.424-434 RAE2008


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This paper is part of a major project about the Northern Cape Land Reform and Advocacy (NCLRA) programme being implemented by FARM-Africa* in South Africa. The NCLRA programme had initiated a financial mechanism to help poor communities to get access to finance and training in order to enable them to make better use of their newly-acquired land. One prominent aspect of the programme is the implementation of Livestock Banks, or the use of animals as financial products. The paper provides an analytical framework with which to evaluate the effectiveness of Livestock Banks in the poor communities of the Northern Cape in South Africa. It focuses on the design, implementation and future of Livestock Banks. The paper argues that Livestock Banks need to be reformed and enhanced if they are to continue to play a key role in the goal of creating financial and economic value in Africa, particularly when the primary objective is simultaneously to help reduce poverty. [Note]*FARM-Africa (Food & Agricultural Research Management) is a registered UK charity organisation and a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales no. 01926828.


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This research arises due to the current restructuring process in which is immersed the Spanish banking sector. The above mentioned process is carried out to try to reduce the doubts on the viability of the bank companies to average and long term and to be able to return again the confidence in the sector. Though the economic and financial crisis has concerned the whole banking sector, the subsector of the Spanish savings banks is the one that has experienced a major number of integrations (articulated by means of mergers, absorptions and across Institutional Protection Schemes -IPSs-), and the one that has met submitted to the bancarization process. Considering what has been said, the present paper analyses Spanish saving banks to try to discern whether thanks to that process the objectives pursued by the bank rearrangement have been fulfilled. To do this, the evolution of some important financial variables will be studied over a long period of time (1999-2012). The results suggest that not all the savings banks have seen improved their ratios of efficiency, solvency, financial gap and social work, which indicates that there is still much to be done in order to rectify the problems affecting the studied sector.


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This paper investigates if benchmark African equity indices exhibit the stylized facts reported for financial time-series returns. The returns distributions of the Africa All-Share, Large, Medium and Small Company Indices were found to be leptokurtotic, had fat-tails, over time experienced volatility clustering and exhibited long memory in volatility. Both the All-Share and Large Company Indices were found to exhibit leverage effects. In contrast, positive shocks had a greater impact on future volatility for the Small Company Index which implies a reverse leverage effect. This finding could reflect a bull/bubble market for small capitalisation stocks in Africa.


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The document draws largely on the results of research carried out by Hugh McNally and Dominic Morris of McNally Morris Architects and Keith McAllister of Queen’s University Belfast between 2012 and 2013. The objective of the study was to obtain a greater understanding of the impact that architecture and the built environment can have on people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The investigation into the subject centred on parents of young children with ASD in the belief that they are most likely to have an intimate knowledge of the issues that affect their children and are relatively well positioned to communicate those issues.

The study comprised a number of components.

- Focus Group Discussions with parents of children with ASD
- A Postal Questionnaire completed by parents of children with ASD
- A Comprehensive Desktop study of contemporary research into the relationship between ASD and aspects of the built environment.

Social stories are then used to help illustrate the world of a child with ASD to the reader and identify a series of potential difficulties for the pupil with ASD in a primary school setting. Design considerations and mitigating measures are then proposed for each difficulty.

The intention is that the document will raise awareness of some of the issues affecting primary school children with ASD and generate discourse among those whose task it is to provide an appropriate learning environment for all children. This includes teachers, health professionals, architects, parents, carers, school boards, government bodies and those with ASD themselves.

While this document uses the primary school as a lens through which to view some of the issues associated with ASD, it is the authors’ contention that the school can be seen as a “microcosm” for the wider world and that lessons taken from the learning environment can be applied elsewhere. The authors therefore hope that the document will help raise awareness of the myriad of issues for those with ASD that are embedded in the vast landscape of urban configurations and building types making up the spatial framework of our society.


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A presente investigação pretende examinar se existe uma convergência entre as diferentes percepções dos actores organizacionais, no que respeita à criação e uso/partilha de conhecimento durante o processo de inovação e mudança organizacional. Iremos igualmente tentar compreender se o conhecimento individual – técnico e organizacional – tem impacto na inovação organizacional e no processo de mudança e, consequentemente, no rumo da organização. Iremos conceptualizar o conhecimento individual como conhecimento tácito e assumir que poderá impulsionar a inovação organizacional e, consequentemente, o desenvolvimento da organização. Contudo, iremos assumir que a partilha do conhecimento explícito não poderá ser separada do processo de compreensão, sendo necessário o conhecimento tácito individual para completar a partilha. O conhecimento explícito e o conhecimento tácito serão ambos estudados como dois elementos inseparáveis porque consideramos que o conhecimento explícito necessita de uma compreensão tácita da linguagem que estrutura o conhecimento explícito. Neste contexto, este estudo apresenta as conclusões acerca dos métodos e formas de interacção e partilha de conhecimento entre os actores organizacionais no que toca à inovação organizacional e aos processos de mudança. A informação será recolhida por via de entrevistas e a técnica Group Recall usando a metodologia de investigação-acção. Este estudo contribui, de várias formas, para o desenvolvimento de um quadro teórico e empírico sobre o conhecimento e a partilha de conhecimento tácito em contextos de inovação organizacional e de processos de mudança. Em primeiro lugar, identifica e analisa as diferentes percepções dos actores organizacionais sobre a partilha e o uso do conhecimento individual durante os processos de inovação organizacional. Em segundo lugar, apresenta o impacto do uso do conhecimento individual partilhado e/ou criado durante os projectos de inovação organizacional nos processoe e práticas da organização. Em terceiro lugar, propõe um conjunto de perfis de conhecimento que podem potenciar a criação e partilha de conhecimento entre os actores organizacionais. Em quarto lugar, sugere um modelo facilitador da partilha de conhecimento que pode servir de referência para investigadores e para profissionais das organizações em processos de inovação organizacional e de mudança. Finalmente, este estudo propõe algumas direcções para futuras investigações e sugere algumas questões de estudo que emergiram desta investigação e que poderão ser exploradas.


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A formação em enfermagem tem acompanhado a evolução sociocultural e científico-tecnológica procurando dar resposta às exigências dos utentes e, sobretudo, à complexidade e à imprevisibilidade dos contextos de prestação de cuidados. Segundo os novos paradigmas de formação, pretende-se que os alunos desenvolvam competências que lhes permitam “agir em situação”. Neste estudo procurámos compreender de que forma os alunos desenvolvem as suas competências em contextos de ensino clínico e quais os factores que, à luz da perspectiva bioecológica de desenvolvimento humano (Bronfenbrenner e Morris, 1998) e do seu modelo PPCT (Pessoa, Processo, Contexto e Tempo), se constituem como facilitadores ou inibidores desse desenvolvimento. Optámos por uma metodologia predominantemente qualitativa, através de um estudo de caso, referente ao 2º Curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem da Escola Superior de Saúde da Universidade de Aveiro (2002-2003 a 2005- 2006). Para além da análise documental para contextualização do ensino clínico no currículo do curso, foram recolhidas narrativas dos alunos e supervisores relativas às suas vivências em ensino clínico durante todo o percurso formativo. Os resultados da análise de conteúdo das narrativas, de natureza qualitativa, foram triangulados com as classificações dos alunos nas grelhas de avaliação de competências e respectivos relatórios e procuraram responder à primeira questão de investigação que visava analisar o desenvolvimento de competências e as perspectivas dos actores envolvidos nesse processo. A resposta à segunda questão, que incidia sobre os factores de desenvolvimento à luz do modelo PPCT, foi baseada essencialmente na análise das narrativas. Os resultados obtidos permitem-nos concluir que o desenvolvimento de competências ocorre de forma integradora, combinando sinergeticamente diferentes dimensões (cognitiva, atitudinal, comunicacional e técnica) ao longo dos ensinos clínicos, num processo dinâmico, dialéctico e progressivo. E ainda que, à luz do modelo PPCT, sobressaem determinados factores influenciadores do desenvolvimento de competências. Assim, relativamente à Pessoa, emergem as características pessoais, os papéis desempenhados, a interpessoalidade, o contacto com a morte e com situações de sofrimento, sendo também significativa a emergência de uma componente afectivo-emocional. Quanto ao Processo, (que assume especial relevância), destacam-se as actividades e os processos proximais, as estratégias supervisivas, as dificuldades sentidas pelos supervisores, de entre as quais sobressai a falta de preparação para a tarefa. A análise dos Contextos revela que, no microsistema, o destaque vai para as especificidades de cada contexto e a atmosfera envolvente enquanto que, no mesosistema, a participação multicontextual e o conhecimento intercontextual se manifestam como relevantes. No exosistema, salienta-se a importância do relacionamento interinstitucional e dos modelos de parceria e, ao nível macrosistémico, emergem de forma subtil, indícios da influência das políticas de gestão hospitalar e da formação assim como da matriz conceptual de enfermagem. No que se refere ao Tempo, a importância da continuidade dos processos proximais (microtempo) e a periodicidade dos ensinos clínicos (mesotempo) mereceram referências significativas.


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This speech by Mr. Memminger offers resolutions on the issue of rechartering the bank of the state of South Carolina. The issues presented are the Bank of the State is founded on an erroneous policy, unwise for a state to engage in banking, not practical to recharter the Bank of the State and a special committee of each house should be appointed to advise how to carry out these resolutions at the next session.


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013


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A growing literature considers the impact of uncertainty using SVAR models that include proxies for uncertainty shocks as endogenous variables. In this paper we consider the impact of measurement error in these proxies on the estimated impulse responses. We show via a Monte-Carlo experiment that measurement error can result in attenuation bias in impulse responses. In contrast, the proxy SVAR that uses the uncertainty shock proxy as an instrument does not su¤er from this bias. Applying this latter method to the Bloom (2009) data-set results in impulse responses to uncertainty shocks that are larger in magnitude and more persistent than those obtained from a recursive SVAR.