992 resultados para More, Sir Thomas,-Santo,-1478-1535


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We used a network of 20 carbon dioxide- and octenol-supplemented light traps to sample adult mosquitoes throughout Russell Island in southern Moreton Bay, south-east Queensland. Between February and April 2001, an estimated 1365 564 adult female mosquitoes were collected. In contrast to an average catch of 9754 female mosquitoes per trap night on Russell Island, reference traps set on Macleay Island and on the mainland returned average catches of 3172 and 222, respectively. On Russell Island, Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), Coquillettidia linealis (Skuse), Culex annulirostris Skuse and Verrallina funerea (Theobald), known or suspected vectors of Ross River (RR) and/or Barmah Forest (BF) viruses, comprised 89.6% of the 25 taxa collected. When the spatial distributions of the above species were mapped and analysed using local spatial statistics, all were found to be present in highest numbers towards the southern end of the island during most of the 7 weeks. This indicated the presence of more suitable adult harbourage sites and/or suboptimal larval control efficacy. As immature stages and the breeding habitat of Cq. linealis are as yet undescribed, this species in particular presents a considerable impediment to proposed development scenarios. The method presented here of mapping the numbers of mosquitoes throughout a local government area allows specific areas that have high vector numbers to be defined.


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The minimum number of incomplete blocks required to cover, exactly lambda times, all t-element subsets from a set V of cardinality v (v > t) is denoted by y(lambda, t; v). The value of g(2, 2; v) is known for v = 3, 4,..., 11. It was previously known that 14 less than or equal to g(2, 2; 12) less than or equal to 16. We prove that g(2, 2; 12) greater than or equal to 15.


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A more efficient classifying cyclone (CC) for fine particle classification has been developed in recent years at the JKMRC. The novel CC, known as the JKCC, has modified profiles of the cyclone body, vortex finder, and spigot when compared to conventional hydrocyclones. The novel design increases the centrifugal force inside the cyclone and mitigates the short circuiting flow that exists in all current cyclones. It also decreases the probability of particle contamination in the place near the cyclone spigot. Consequently the cyclone efficiency is improved while the unit maintains a simple structure. An international patent has been granted for this novel cyclone design. In the first development stage-a feasibility study-a 100 mm JKCC was tested and compared with two 100 min commercial units. Very encouraging results were achieved, indicating good potential for the novel design. In the second development stage-a scale-up stage-the JKCC was scaled up to 200 mm in diameter, and its geometry was optimized through numerous tests. The performance of the JKCC was compared with a 150 nun commercial unit and exhibited sharper separation, finer separation size, and lower flow ratios. The JKCC is now being scaled up into a fill-size (480 mm) hydrocyclone in the third development stage-an industrial study. The 480 mm diameter unit will be tested in an Australian coal preparation plant, and directly compared with a commercial CC operating under the same conditions. Classifying cyclone performance for fine coal could be further improved if the unit is installed in an inclined position. The study using the 200 mm JKCC has revealed that sharpness of separation improved and the flow ratio to underflow was decreased by 43% as the cyclone inclination was varied from the vertical position (0degrees) to the horizontal position (90degrees). The separation size was not affected, although the feed rate was slightly decreased. To ensure self-emptying upon shutdown, it is recommended that the JKCC be installed at an inclination of 75-80degrees. At this angle the cyclone performance is very similar to that at a horizontal position. Similar findings have been derived from the testing of a conventional hydrocyclone. This may be of benefit to operations that require improved performance from their classifying cyclones in terms of sharpness of separation and flow ratio, while tolerating slightly reduced feed rate.


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Background: In the presence of dNTPs, intact HIV-1 virions are capable of reverse transcribing at least part of their genome, a process known as natural endogenous reverse transcription (NERT). PCR analysis of virion DNA produced by NERT revealed that the first strand transfer reaction (1stST) was inefficient in intact virions, with minus strand (-) strong stop DNA (ssDNA) copy numbers up to 200 times higher than post-1stST products measured using primers in U3 and U5. This was in marked contrast to the efficiency of 1stST observed in single-round cell infection assays, in which (-) ssDNA and U3-U5 copy numbers were indistinguishable. Objectives: To investigate the reasons for the discrepancy in first strand transfer efficiency between intact cell-free virus and the infection process. Study design: Alterations of both NERT reactions and the conditions of cell infection were used to test whether uncoating and/or entry play a role in the discrepancy in first strand transfer efficiency. Results and Conclusions: The difference in 1stST efficiency could not be attributed simply to viral uncoating, since addition of very low concentrations of detergent to NERT reactions removed the viral envelope without disrupting the reverse transcription complex, and these conditions resulted in no improvement in 1stST efficiency. Virus pseudotyped with surface glycoproteins from either vesicular stomatitis virus or amphotrophic murine leukaemia virus also showed low levels of 1stST in low detergent NERT assays and equivalent levels of (-) ssDNA and 1stST in single-round infections of cells, demonstrating that the gp120-mediated infection process did not select for virions capable of carrying out 1stST. These data indicate that a post-entry event or factor may be involved in efficient HIV-1 reverse transcription in vivo. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Patients with known or suspected coronary disease are often investigated to facilitate risk assessment. We sought to examine the cost-effectiveness of strategies based on exercise echocardiography and exercise electrocardiography. Methods and results We studied 7656 patients undergoing exercise testing; of whom half underwent exercise echocardiography. Risk was defined with the Duke treadmill score for those undergoing exercise electrocardiography alone, and by the extent of ischaemia by exercise echocardiography. Cox proportional hazards models, risk adjusted for pretest likelihood of coronary artery disease, were used to estimate time to cardiac death or myocardial infarction. Costs (including diagnostic and revascularisation procedures, hospitalisations, and events) were calculated, inflation-corrected to year 2000 using Medicare trust fund rates and discounted at a rate of 5%. A decision model was employed to assess the marginal cost effectiveness (cost/life year saved) of exercise echo compared with exercise electrocardiography. Exercise echocardiography identified more patients as low-risk (51% vs 24%, p<0.001), and fewer as intermediate- (27% vs 51%, p<0.001) and high-risk (22% vs 4%); survival was greater in low- and intermediate- risk and less in high-risk patients. Although initial procedural costs and revascularisation costs (in intermediate- high risk patients) were greater, exercise echocardiography was associated with a greater incremental life expectancy (0.2 years) and a lower use of additional diagnostic procedures when compared with exercise electrocardiography (especially in lower risk patients). Using decision analysis, exercise echocardiography (Euro 2615/life year saved) was more cost effective than exercise electrocardiography. Conclusion Exercise echocardiography may enhance cost-effectiveness for the detection and management of at risk patients with known or suspected coronary disease. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The European Society of Cardiology.


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The influence of complex plaque morphology on the extent of demand-induced ischemia in unselected patients is not well defined. We sought to investigate the functional significance of lesion morphology in patients who underwent coronary angiography and dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE).,Angiography and DSE were performed within a 6-month period (mean 1 +/- 1 month) in 196 patients. Angiographic assessments involved quantification of stenosis severity, assessment of the extent of jeopardized myocardium, and categorization of plaque morphology according to the Ambrose classification. DSE was interpreted by separate investigators with respect to wall motion score index (WMSI) and number of coronary territories involved. A general linear model was constructed to assess,the independent contribution of patient characteristics and angiographic and DSE results with respect to extent of ischemic myocardium. Complex lesion morphology was seen in 62 patients (32%). Patients with complex lesions were more likely to have had prior myocardial infarction (p < 0.001) and be current smokers (p = 0.03). During angiography, they exhibited a trend toward a greater number of diseased vessels, had a greater coronary jeopardy score (p < 0.001) and more frequent collateral flow (p = 0.03). During echocardiography, patients had a higher stress WMSI (p < 0.001) and were more likely to show ischemia in all 3 arterial territories (p < 0.01). On multivariate regression, the coronary artery jeopardy score and the presence of complex plaque morphology were independent predictors of the extent of ischemic myocardium (R 2 = 34%, p < 0.001). Thus, patients with complex plaque morphology are older, more likely to smoke, and more likely to have had prior myocardial. infarction. They exhibit more extensive disease with higher coronary jeopardy scores and a higher resting and peak stress WMSI. Despite these differences, complex plaque morphology remains an independent predictor of the extent of ischemia during stress. (C) 2003 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.


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Background Exercise testing has limited efficacy for identifying coronary artery disease (CAD) in the absence of anginal. symptoms. Exercise echocardiography is more accurate than standard exercise testing, but its efficacy in this situation has not been defined. We sought to identify whether the Duke treadmill. score or exercise echocardiography (ExE) could be used to identify risk in patients without anginal symptoms. Methods We studied 1859 patients without typical or atypical angina, heart failure, or a history or ECG evidence of infarction or CAD, who were referred for ExE, of whom 1832 (age 51 15 years, 944 men) were followed for up to 10 years. The presence and extent of ischaemia and scar were interpreted by expert reviewers at the time of the original study. Results Exercise provoked significant (>0.1 mV) ST segment depression in 215 patients (12%), and wall motion abnormalities in 137 (8%). Seventy-eight patients (4%) died before revascularization, only 17 from known cardiac causes. The independent predictors of death were age (RR 1.1, p


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Background Latent left ventricular (LV) dysfunction in patients with valvular or myocardial disease may be identified by loss of contractile reserve (CR) at exercise echocardiography. Contraction in the LV longitudinal axis may be more sensitive than radial contraction to minor disturbances of LV function. We sought to determine whether tissue Doppler measurement of longitudinal function could be used to identify CR. Methods Exercise echocardiography was performed in 86 patients (20 women, age 53 +/- 18 years), 72 with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic mitral regurgitation, and 14 normal controls. Pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging (DTI) was used to measure maximum annular systolic velocity at rest and stress. Inducible ischemia was excluded by analysis of wall motion by an experienced observer. CR was defined by greater than or equal to5% improvement of stress compared with rest ejection fraction (EF). Exercise capacity was assessed from expired gas analysis. Results CR was present in 34 patients with mitral regurgitation (47%); peak EF in patients with and without CR was 74% +/- 11% versus 54% +/- 15% (P


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O caso relata o processo de concess??o de licenciamento ambiental para a constru????o de Santo Ant??nio e Jirau, duas usinas hidrel??tricas no estado de Rond??nia. A proposta foi apresentada em um contexto no qual d??ficits energ??ticos colocavam o pa??s em estado de alerta, o que ampliou a press??o para projetos de aproveitamento hidrel??trico de grande porte. Era um dos projetos do Programa de Acelera????o do Crescimento (PAC), o que lhe confere car??ter priorit??rio. A concess??o de licen??a de viabilidade ambiental (licen??a pr??via) constitui pr??-requisito para ser iniciada a licita????o das obras das usinas. Iniciado em 2002, o processo de licenciamento estendeu-se at?? agosto de 2007, quando foi aprovado com medidas de controle da fauna, flora e subst??ncias t??xicas, e a prote????o das popula????es locais. O tema foi escolhido para estudo de caso por envolver m??ltiplos atores e interesses e enfocar um amplo e demorado processo de media????es e negocia????es multilaterais. O caso foi desenhado para ser aplicado em oficina de negocia????es, para alunos com conhecimentos pr??vios sobre teoria das negocia????es, permitindo articular aspectos te??ricos com a dimens??o pr??tica relatada pela experi??ncia. O caso tamb??m fornece elementos para an??lise da participa????o dos atores pol??ticos, conflitos, gera????o de alian??as e consensos e para discuss??es sobre tomada de decis??o


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Este estudo foi realizado em três marcenarias no sul do Estado do Espírito Santo, com o objetivo de analisar o layout e propor mudanças que otimizem o funcionamento harmônico entre o local de trabalho e o trabalhador, considerando-se fatores ergonômicos, fluxo de produção e produtividade. A coleta de dados foi feita analisando-se as condições do ambiente de trabalho (clima, ruído, iluminação) e aplicando uma entrevista para avaliar as condições gerais e de segurança no trabalho. O layout foi avaliado por medições, observação da sequência de trabalho nas máquinas e aplicação do software AutoCAD 2000. Os resultados indicaram que o Índice de Bulbo Úmido e o Termômetro de Globo estavam de acordo com a Norma Regulamentadora nº 15 (atividade moderada), sendo de 26,38 ºC, em média. Os níveis médios de ruído foram de 87,48 dB (A), acima do permitido para uma jornada de 8 h diárias (NR 15). A luminosidade média, encontrada em duas marcenarias, ficou acima da faixa de iluminação mínima recomendada para esse trabalho de maquinarias (NBR 5413/92). Todas as marcenarias tinham disposição desordenada do maquinário em razão da sequência lógica de trabalho, presença de pilastras e resíduos na área útil e de passagem, piso desnivelado, falta de rampas para acesso aos galpões, manutenção de máquinas e equipamentos de forma incorreta, falhas no telhado e ausência de bancadas para facilitar a adoção de uma melhor postura durante o manuseio das peças.


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A survey of Monomachidae species was carried out in anarea of Atlantic rain forest of the Biological Reserve of Duas Bocas, Espírito Santo State, Brazil between September, 1996 and August, 1997. Two species of Mollomachus Klug, 1841, M. fuscator Perty, 1833 and M. eurycephalus Schletterer, 1890 were collected from May to September. Both species are typical of winter time and showed the same parttern of seasonality.