785 resultados para Monasterio de Santa María de las Dunas (Bélgica)


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Calcineurin (protein phosphatase 2B) (CN) comprises a family of serine/threonine phosphatases that play a pivotal role in signal transduction cascades in a variety of cells, including neutrophils. Angiotensin II (Ang II) increases both activity and de novo synthesis of CN in human neutrophils. This study focuses on the role that intracellular redox status plays in the induction of CN activity by Ang II. Both de novo synthesis of CN and activity increase promoted by Ang II were downregulated when cells were treated with l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, an inhibitor of synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione. We have also investigated the effect of pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate and phenazine methosulfate, which are antioxidant and oxidant compounds, respectively, and concluded that the intracellular redox status of neutrophils is highly critical for Ang II-induced increase of CN expression and activity. Results obtained in neutrophils from hypertensive patients were very similar to those obtained in these cells on treatment with Ang II. We have also addressed the possible functional implication of CN activation in the development of hypertension. Present findings indicate that downregulation of hemoxygenase-1 expression in neutrophils from hypertensive subjects is likely mediated by CN, which acts by hindering translocation to the nucleus of the transcription factor NRF2. These data support and extend our previous results and those from other authors on modulation of CN expression and activity levels by the intracellular redox status.


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Liver X receptors (LXRs) are ligand-activated transcription factors of the nuclear receptor superfamily. They play important roles in controlling cholesterol homeostasis and as regulators of inflammatory gene expression and innate immunity, by blunting the induction of classical pro-inflammatory genes. However, opposite data have also been reported on the consequences of LXR activation by oxysterols, resulting in the specific production of potent pro-inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species (ROS). The effect of the inflammatory state on the expression of LXRs has not been studied in human cells, and constitutes the main aim of the present work. Our data show that when human neutrophils are triggered with synthetic ligands, the synthesis of LXRα mRNA became activated together with transcription of the LXR target genes ABCA1, ABCG1 and SREBP1c. An inflammatory mediator, 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15dPGJ2), hindered T0901317-promoted induction of LXRα mRNA expression together with transcription of its target genes in both neutrophils and human macrophages. This down-regulatory effect was dependent on the release of reactive oxygen species elicited by 15dPGJ2, since it was enhanced by pro-oxidant treatment and reversed by antioxidants, and was also mediated by ERK1/2 activation. Present data also support that the 15dPGJ2-induced serine phosphorylation of the LXRα molecule is mediated by ERK1/2. These results allow to postulate that down-regulation of LXR cellular levels by pro-inflammatory stimuli might be involved in the development of different vascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis.


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Se publican las noticias que ha arrojado la excavación en 2004 de unos muros situados en la denominada playa de El Moncayo. Los hallazgos se sitúan a unos 3 kilómetros al Sur del casco urbano de Guardamar del Segura; a unos 135 m. en dirección Norte está la Torre del Descargador (torre almenara de los siglos IV/X y V/XI), a unos 3,5 kilómetros se localiza El Castillo de Guardamar (de los siglos VIII a.C. al XIX) y, un poco más al Norte, a unos 4 kilómetros, en las proximidades de la desembocadura del Segura, los oratorios o rábitas de las dunas de Guardamar. Se dan a conocer los restos arquitectónicos y cerámicos aparecidos en la excavación del 2004 que se interpretan como de restos del recinto de una rábita o mezquitilla (cuando se excave más se verá si está aislada o hay más edificios similares), se presentan unos apuntes al hilo de la orientación de la rábita de El Moncayo y un estudio de la moneda andalusí hallada en la excavación de El Moncayo (datables entre en 429/1037-8 y 433/1041-2).


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Liver X receptors (LXRs) are ligand-activated members of the nuclear receptor superfamily that regulate the expression of genes involved in lipid metabolism and inflammation, although their role in inflammation and immunity is less well known. It has been reported that oxysterols/LXRs may act as anti-inflammatory molecules, although opposite actions have also been reported. In this study, we investigated the effect of platelet-activating factor (PAF), a proinflammatory molecule, on LXRα signalling in human neutrophils. We found that PAF exerted an inhibitory effect on mRNA expression of TO901317-induced LXRα, ATP-binding cassette transporter A1, ATP-binding cassette transporter G1, and sterol response element binding protein 1c. This negative action was mediated by the PAF receptor, and was dependent on the release of reactive oxygen species elicited by PAF, as it was enhanced by pro-oxidant treatment and reversed by antioxidants. Current data also support the idea that PAF induces phosphorylation of the LXRα molecule in an extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2-mediated fashion. These results suggest that a possible mechanism by which PAF exerts its proinflammatory effect is through the downregulation of LXRα and its related genes, which supports the notion that LXRα ligands exert a modulatory role in the neutrophil-mediated inflammatory response.


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This article analyzes the relationship between two types of performances, one on the ground (of a tennis court) and the other on the floor (of the stock market). The empirical application looks into the tennis player, Rafael Nadal, and his endorsing firms. The findings show a positive reaction in the market value when the tennis player wins matches in the Grand Slams, the intriguing effect being the diminishing sensitivity pattern that such reaction shows and the absence of loss aversion.


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The innovation–performance relationship is well studied in the literature, but the effect of innovation-based public recognitions is underresearched. This article finds a positive effect, whose magnitude is contingent upon the firm’s growth, experience, and its service–manufacturer character.


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The purpose of this article is to analyze the effect of hotel innovations on firm value. Specifically, this study fills a research gap in the previous literature by examining this effect through market value and by distinguishing the potentially different impacts of distinct innovation types: product, process, organization and marketing. This research contributes to consolidating the empirical evidence of hotel innovation and performance by analyzing whether distinct types of innovation lead to different levels of results. The findings show that innovations are perceived to have a positive impact on the future sales of the company: in a four-day period (0,+3), there is an increase in stock exchange returns of 1.53%. In terms of innovation types, process and marketing innovations are found to have a higher positive effect on hotel market value than product and organization innovations; which is explained by potential cost differences among innovations.


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Purpose: Regulation of liver X receptors (LXRs) is essential for cholesterol homeostasis and inflammation. The present study was conducted to determine whether oleic acid (OA) could regulate mRNA expression of LXRα and LXRα-regulated genes and to assess the potential promotion of oxidative stress by OA in neutrophils. Methods: Human neutrophils were treated with OA at different doses and LXR target gene expression, oxidative stress production, lipid efflux and inflammation state were analyzed. Results: We describe that mRNA synthesis of both LXRα and ABCA1 (a reverse cholesterol transporter) was induced by OA in human neutrophils. This fatty acid enhanced the effects of LXR ligands on ABCA1 and LXR expression, but it decreased the mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1c (a transcription factor that regulates the synthesis of triglycerides). Although OA elicited a slight oxidative stress in the short term (15–30 min) in neutrophils, it is unlikely that this is relevant for the modulation of transcription in our experimental conditions, which involve longer incubation time (i.e., 6 h). Of physiological importance is our finding that OA depresses intracellular lipid levels and that markers of inflammation, such as ERK1/2 and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, were decreased by OA treatment. In addition, 200 μM OA reduced the migration of human neutrophils, another marker of the inflammatory state. However, OA did not affect lipid peroxidation induced by pro-oxidant agents. Conclusions: This work presents for the first time evidence that human neutrophils are highly sensitive to OA and provides novel data in support of a protective role of this monounsaturated acid against the activation of neutrophils during inflammation.


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Introducción: la presente investigación está orientada a ofrecer un análisis donde se establezcan los recursos lingüísticos utilizados por los participantes sobre el contenido y alcance de la prestación básica de información y orientación en los servicios sociales comunitarios, tal como la desarrollan los trabajadores sociales. Material y métodos: siguiendo una metodología cualitativa y la utilización del análisis del discurso en la propuesta de Wetherell y Potter (1996) con el empleo de la herramienta analítica de los repertorios interpretativos, se intentarán resaltar aquellos elementos definitorios, estrategias profesionales, valores, normas, prácticas organizacionales, elementos de la cultura institucional, entre otros, que dan forma a los escenarios donde desarrollan su labor los profesionales y que configuran el sistema de servicios sociales comunitarios. Resultados: las entrevistas realizadas a veinticinco trabajadores sociales de la provincia de Málaga muestran cuatro repertorios interpretativos que reflejan la construcción del sistema de servicios sociales por parte de los profesionales implicados: el olvido de lo comunitario, la eterna indefinición del sistema, el elefante encadenado y la escasez agudiza el ingenio. Discusión: se pone de manifiesto cómo se construye un modelo de intervención distante a lo establecido en las normas y códigos éticos a causa de los comportamientos organizacionales e institucionales, que los profesionales intentan minimizar mediante la puesta en práctica de habilidades personales.


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Mediante encuestas a estudiantes que se encuentran finalizando el Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) y profesores que dirigen de los seis grados de la facultad de Ciencias (Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Geología, Matemáticas, Óptica y Optometría, Química) de la Universidad de Alicante, se han identificado los puntos de menor fortaleza de los TFGs independientemente para cada grado. A continuación, hemos comparado los resultados entre grados para ver el nivel de similitud entre ellos y la singularidad de cada uno de ellos. A partir de ahí, hemos identificado los posibles factores que configuran cada TFG con el fin de intentar entender su singularidad en cada caso. Esta información es importante para ayudarnos a comprender cómo se podrían fortalecer posibles carencias en TFGs específicos. Con esta información y en base a la experiencia previa, proponemos medidas que permitan favorecer la implementación y desarrollo de los TFGs. Con estas propuestas se espera mejorar la eficiencia de los TFGs y conseguir un mayor nivel de satisfacción y el rendimiento en esta asignatura común en todos los grados.


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El Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) en los grados de la Facultad de Ciencias, constituye una asignatura con importantes competencias transversales que representa la fase final del plan de estudios, y supone la realización por parte del estudiante de un proyecto, memoria o estudio bajo la supervisión de un tutor o tutora. En este trabajo se realiza un estudio general de los TFGs y la utilización del UA-project, desde la visión del profesorado. Para poder optimizar el desarrollo de los TFGs, en este trabajo se realizó un análisis interno mediante un cuestionario. Para dar mayor amplitud y proyección a la propuesta se han enviado los cuestionarios a profesores de todos los grados de la Facultad de Ciencias: Biología, Ciencias del Mar, Química, Geología, Matemáticas y Óptica y Optometría. Estos cuestionarios reflejan la experiencia docente obtenida en los últimos años en la tutorización de los TFGs, para así poder obtener conclusiones e ideas de mejora para su posterior aplicación.


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Presentación del libro correspondiente al Foro Crítica VI, Lecciones de Arquitectura, impartidas en la Universidad de Alicante durante los años 2011, 2012 y 2013, por Emilio Tuñón, Juan Navarro Baldeweg, Josep María Montaner, Luis Martínez Santa-María y Tomàs Llorens. También se recogen los discursos de PFC de Andrés Martínez Medina y un epílogo de Vicente Castillo.


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This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Carta hidrográfica del Valle de México, levantada de órden del Ministerio de Fomento por los ingenieros Miguel Iglesias, Ramon Almaraz, Mariano Santa-María y José Antonio de la Peña, bajo la direccion del Ingeniero Geógrafo Francisco Diaz Covarrubias antiguos alumnos del Colegio Nacional de Minería 1862 ; Ramón Almaraz delineo. It was published by La Sociedad in 1863. Scale 1:80,000. Covers the Valley of Mexico region. Map in Spanish. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the 'World Mercator' projection. All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. This map shows features such as drainage, canals, aqueducts, cities, towns, and other human settlements, selected buildings, ranches and properties, built-up areas, roads, ground cover, and more. Relief shown by hachures. Depths shown by soundings. Includes 2 profiles: Plano de Comparacion -- Perfil de los acueductos with chart entitled "Tabla comparativa de alturas de los puntos principales del perfil." This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from the Harvard Map Collection and the Harvard University Library as part of the Open Collections Program at Harvard University project: Organizing Our World: Sponsored Exploration and Scientific Discovery in the Modern Age. Maps selected for the project correspond to various expeditions and represent a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.