998 resultados para Michael, Robert


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Gestión del conocimiento


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Chancellor from 1985 to 2000. He was the fifth Chancellor of Brock.


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Professor of English Language and Literatre, Michael Hornyansky, in 1989. Dr. Hornyansky was one of the original Brock faculty members.


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Professor of English Language and Literatre, Michael Hornyansky, in 1989. Dr. Hornyansky was one of the original Brock faculty members.


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Professor of Philosophy.


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Michael Hornyansky was head of the Department of English at Brock and was one of the first 7 faculty members.


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Davis Chamberlin and Ross McClintock hold a check from J. Robert Fluor II, a donation towards construction of the Hutton Sports Center, Chapman College, Orange, California. The Harold Hutton Sports Center completed in 1978, is named in honor of this former trustee.


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Materials related to military and naval operations of the 1812 era, research of the late Robert Malcomson, Canadian author and historian. Materials include photocopies of materials relating to the War of 1812, photographs and detailed research notes Malcomson made regarding his approach to research (mainly found in Series VIII). Materials were originally arranged in binders relating to an area of research or a certain publication. Articles were removed from the binders and placed in folders using original titles from the binders as series or sub-series titles. Articles within the binders were separated by tabs indicating what the article related to in the publication or topic of interest. In order to avoid repetition, the writing on the tab was used for folder titles, as each folder would be a part of the Series under which it was grouped. The tab names could be authors, events, accounts etc. of the War. Series and sub-series titles were derived from the original titles on the binders. Original intellectual order was retained, grouping similar subjects into Series and Sub-series. Dates recorded were the publication dates of the articles; however, if no publication date was present the date of retrieval was used if from an academic database (ex. JSTOR). The black and white photos from various repositories are reproductions of paintings, microfilm etc. on photographic paper. The colour photographs from various repositories are actual photographs. All books donated by Malcomson were integrated into the University’s Special Collections book collection. These volumes are noted at the end of the finding aid under separated materials.


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Michael H. [Henry] Hogue (1878-1963) was the son of Lemuel and Frances Hogue of Wainfleet Township, Welland County. In 1901 Michael Hogue was married to Margaret Case and they had five sons, William, Lemuel, Harry, Ross and Frank. In the 1911 Census of Canada he is residing in Welland and working as a blacksmith for Howard H. Lymburner. At Lymburner’s retirement, Hogue purchased the business and moved it from 15 Niagara Street, Welland to 12 Frazer Street, Welland. Mr. Hogue’s blacksmith activities included work with various industries in Welland including the expansion of blacksmithing work into the automobile industry. Mr. Hogue also worked for subcontractors Canadian Dredge & Dock and G.L. Campbell. These jobs included work related to the Welland Ship Canal in 1923. The business ceased operation in 1956.


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Survey map and description of Robert Brown's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a two page written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Grantham and Louth townships, bed of the 12 mile creek. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map, including notes about the deed to the land.


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Survey map and description of Robert Brown's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a two page written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Grantham and Louth townships, bed of the 12 mile creek. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map, including notes about the deed to the land.


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Survey map and description of Michael and Jacob Silverthorn's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; line between Burger and Silverthorn's land, reservoir, wood land, road leading to Quaker settlement, line between Jacob and Michael Silverthorn's land. The deeds for both lands are dated September 25, 1834. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.


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A photograph of Robert Bell (kneeling, front row, third left) with his airborne regiment in the Second World War. The date and location of the photo is unknown. This photograph was among those recovered from the attic of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, in the 1980s and kept in the possession of her son, Rick Bell. The Bell- Sloman family is descended from former Black slaves from the United States.


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The John O. McKellar was a ship that belonged to the Scott Misener fleet. The first ship named after McKellar was launched on Januaray 25, 1929, from Wallsend, England, and was bound for Sault St. Marie, Ontario. This ship became part of the Colonial Steamship Company in 1950, and in 1952 was renamed the J.G. Irwin when construction of a new John O. McKellar was completed. John Oscar McKellar was born on June 28, 1878 in Lobo Township, Middlesex County, west of London, Ont. He worked as a marine engineer, and became acquainted with Robert Scott Misener when the two were shipmates serving with the Algoma central fleet. In 1919, the two men joined forces to run a shipping company. Together, they purchased the wooden steamer "Simon Langell", and worked together on the ship for the next three years. Throughout his career with Misener's company, John McKellar served as Chief Engineer, then Marine Superintendent, and finally Secretary-Treasurer. He died on September 19, 1951.


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Translation of Clopton Charter Let those who are present and those in future know that I Robert de Clopton gave and granted to my son, William, one yardland which is part of the Clopton estate / manorial demesne with all its appurtenances in exchange for his homage and service , and that I have confirmed it with this charter . The yardland in question is that which he once held as heriot / heritable property . [I have given and granted it to him] to be held and kept by him and his heirs freely and undisputedly as a holding granted in return for services and as hereditable property from me and my heirs. For this he has to pay an annual rent of twelve silver pennies, in two installments per year: six on the Feast Day of St. Michael and six on the Feast Day of St. Mary in March , on the income that belongs to me and to my heirs, without neglecting income from elsewhere; together with all goods and privileges attached to the aformentioned land in the form of fields and pastures and everything which belongs to said yardland. And I, Robert, and all my heirs shall warrant all this aforementioned yardland together with all its appurtenances to said William and his heirs against all other claims in perpetuity . However, in order that this gift and grant of mine may remain firm and immovable, I have validated this charter with my seal in the presence of [the following] witnesses: the knights Sir William of Ludinton [and] Sir Robert of Valle. William of Edricheston, William of Waleford, Robert of Sidesam, Richard of Ludinton, Nicholas the scribe , and others.