968 resultados para Media control


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Neste artigo procuramos averiguar a relevância que as marcas e identidades têm nas plataformas participativas no contexto da saúde, em particular na oncologia. Apesar de estas plataformas disponibilizarem aos cidadãos e instituições as mesmas ferramentas, a sua capacidade de mobilização não é a mesma. As instituições parecem ter maior facilidade, mas nem sempre tal acontece. Discutir o conceito de marca e de identidade contribuirá para responder a esta questão, bem como compreender porque é que as diferenças entre os cidadãos e as instituições se podem atenuar nos novos media. Baseamos a nossa análise na observação de páginas do Facebook, de instituições oncológicas e de grupos de apoio de cidadãos; num conjunto de entrevistas a doentes e familiares oncológicos; e em diferentes estudos na saúde. No fim, procura-se esclarecer a importância do estudo das marcas e da identidade, como possível directriz de novas soluções nos media participativos, que contribuam para atenuar o problema individual do cidadão que se relaciona com o cancro.


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O presente estudo tem como objectivo averiguar a validade do uso das plataformas participativas online em acções de cidadania que contribuam na luta contra o cancro. Estas plataformas são frequentemente associadas ao entretenimento; nesse sentido, pretende-se não só testar a supracitada aplicação a outros domínios como o da saúde, mas de igual forma contribuir para uma percepção expandida do potencial destas junto do seu universo de utilizadores. A investigação baseia-se na construção de uma rede solidária online que contribua para a aproximação de cidadãos que estão directa ou indirectamente envolvidos na problemática da oncologia, disponibilizando ao indivíduo meios que o ajudem a contrariar sentimentos de impotência e fatalidade e a ausência de capacidade de mobilização e de cidadania. No âmbito deste percurso de investigação, foi desenvolvida e implementada a plataforma OncologiaPediatrica.org, que teve como primeira missão confirmar a hipótese de o Design Multimédia poder contribuir para a informação, apoio e partilha de testemunhos entre familiares, amigos e doentes na luta contra o cancro pediátrico. Esta plataforma baseia-se num sistema centralizado, ou seja, a organização, política e gestão dos conteúdos informativos do site respeitam uma estrutura hierárquica piramidal. Os resultados do site OncologiaPediatrica.org e os desenvolvimentos tecnológicos conducentes ao florescimento das redes sociais e Web 2.0, entretanto ocorridos, exigiram um reequacionamento da abordagem anteriormente adoptada, por forma a tornar o projecto mais eficaz perante as realidades entretanto surgidas. Neste sentido, foi desenvolvido um protótipo, disponível em TalkingAboutCancer.org, mais descentralizado e aberto à participação da comunidade. O actual estudo conta com o apoio do Instituto Português de Oncologia do Porto. Presentemente averigua-se, junto dos doentes e profissionais de saúde deste hospital, de que forma os media participativos podem ajudar os cidadãos na luta contra o cancro. Os primeiros resultados da investigação são apresentados no presente artigo.


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Present paper aims at surveying the relevance that brands and identities may have in participatory platforms in the context of oncology. Despite the fact that these platforms provide the same tools to citizens and institutions alike, their capacity for mobilization is distinct. In general, institutions seem to be more successful, although this is not always the case. Discussing the concept of brand and identity, as well as understanding how the differences between citizens and institutions may blur within the context of new media, may contribute to answering the above question. We anchor our analysis on the study of social network Facebook, oncological institutions and citizen support groups, and various health studies. The ultimate goal will be the clarification of the importance of brands and identity as a contributive factor towards new solutions in participatory media


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A nomeação de Guimarães como Capital Europeia da Cultura (CEC) em 2012 veio colocar na ordem do dia a necessidade de medir os efeitos que a concretização deste megaevento irá provocar na cidade e no município. A conveniente ponderação dos benefícios e dos custos e um alargado envolvimento da comunidade tendem a permitir encontrar formas de reduzir os impactos negativos e aumentar os impactos positivos. A presente comunicação analisa o envolvimento da população e das associações locais no planeamento e organização da Capital Europeia da Cultura 2012, aproximados pela via da cobertura feita pela imprensa local e nacional à preparação do megaevento. A análise de conteúdo das notícias publicadas abrangeu o período que medeia entre Janeiro e Dezembro de 2011 e respeitou a dois semanários locais e um diário nacional. Com base na análise efetuada, pode concluir-se que foi fraco o envolvimento da população e dos agentes culturais na organização da CEC 2012 e que existiu uma forte reação negativa ao modelo de planeamento do megaevento conduzido pela estrutura organizadora oficial, o que veio pôr em causa a desejável adesão dos vimaranenses ao mesmo e, por essa via, o respetivo sucesso, sobretudo numa perspetiva de efeitos a médio e longo prazo.


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Damping off is a nursery disease of great economic importance in papaya and seed treatment may be an effective measure to control. The aim of this work was to evaluate the quality of papaya seeds treated with fungicides and stored under two environmental and packaging conditions. Additionally, the efficiency of fungicide treatments in the control of damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani was evaluated. Papaya seeds were treated with the fungicides Captan, Tolylfluanid and the mixture Tolylfluanid + Captan (all commercial wettable powder formulations). Seeds of the control group were not treated. The seeds were stored for nine months in two conditions: packed in aluminum coated paper and kept at 7 ± 1ºC and in permeable kraft paper and kept in non-controlled environment. At the beginning of the storage and every three months the seed quality (germination and vigor tests), emergence rate index, height, dry mass and damping of plants in pre and post-emergence (in contaminated substrate and mycelia-free substrate) were analyzed. Both storage conditions as well as the fungicide treatments preserved the germination and seed vigor. In the infested substrate, seedling emergence was favored by fungicides, but in post-emergence, fungicides alone did not control the damping off caused by R. solani. Symptoms of damping off were not observed in the clean substrate. The results showed that the fungicide treatments may be used to pretreat papaya seed for long-term storage and commercialization.


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This paper presents a study carried out in order to evaluate the students' perception in the development and use of remote Control and Automation education kits developed by two Universities. Three projects, based on real world environments, were implemented, being local and remotely operated. Students implemented the kits using the theoretical and practical knowledge, being the teachers a catalyst in the learning process. When kits were operational, end-user students got acquainted to the kits in the course curricula units. It is the author's believe that successful results were achieved not only in the learning progress on the Automation and Control fields (hard skills) but also on the development of the students soft skills, leading to encouraging and rewarding goals, motivating their future decisions and promoting synergies in their work. The design of learning experimental kits by students, under teacher supervision, for future use in course curricula by enduser students is an advantageous and rewarding experience.


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The nomination of Guimarães to host the 2012 European Capital of Culture (ECC) has put on the agenda of the city the need of measuring the effects that the implementation of this mega event could have in it and in the municipality a whole. The balance of the benefits and costs and an extended community involvement tend to reduce negative impacts and enhance positive ones. This chapter analyzes the involvement of population and local associations in the planning and organization of the 2012 Guimarães European Capital of Culture, using the coverage made during 2011 by local and national press of the mega event. A content analysis of the news published covering the period between January and December 2011 and using three newspapers was conducted. From those, two were local and weekly newspapers and one was a national daily one. Looking to data results, it can be concluded that it was poor the community involvement and, also, the one of the cultural associations in the organizations of the 2012 ECC. A strong negative reaction to the model choose to plan the mega event conducted by official organizers was found, which has cast doubts on the desirable participation of the residents and, consequently, on the success of the mega event, especially in a perspective of a medium and long term effects.


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All essential nutrients can affect the incidence and severity of plant diseases. Although silicon (Si) is not considered as an essential nutrient for plants, it stands out for its potential to decrease disease intensity in many crops. The mechanism of Si action in plant resistance is still unclear. Si deposition in plant cell walls raised the hypothesis of a possible physical barrier to pathogen penetration. However, the increased activity of phenolic compounds, polyphenol oxidases and peroxidases in plants treated with Si demonstrates the involvement of this element in the induction of plant defense responses. The studies examined in this review address the role of Si in disease control and the possible mechanisms involved in the mode of Si action in disease resistance in plants.


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ABSTRACT Pathogenic fungi cause skin darkening and peach quality depreciation in post harvest. Therefore, alternative techniques to chemical treatment are necessary in order to reduce risks to human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the application of Trichoderma harzianum in association with different fungicides applied before harvest to 'Eldorado' peaches for brown rot control and other quality parameters during storage. The treatments consisted of five preharvest fungicide applications (control, captan, iprodione, iminoctadine and tebuconazole) associated with postharvest application of T. harzianum, after cold storage (with and without application), in three evaluation times (zero, two and four days at 20 °C), resulting in a 5x2x3 factorial design. The application of T. harzianum only brought benefits to the control of brown rot when combined with the fungicide captan, at zero day shelf life. After two days, there was a greater skin darkening in peaches treated with T. harzianum compared with peaches without the treatment, except for peaches treated with the fungicide iprodione and T. harzianum The application of T. harzianum during postharvest showed no benefits for the control of brown rot, however, the association with fungicides reduced the incidence of Rhizopus stolonifer during the shelf life.


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The increasing involvement of individuals in social media over the past decade has enabled firms to pursue new avenues in communication and sponsoring activities. Besides general research on either social media or sponsoring, questions regarding the consequences of a joint activity (sponsoring activities in social media) remain unexplored. Hence, the present study analyses whether the perceived image of the brand and the celebrity endorser credibility of a top sports team influence the perceived brand value of the sponsoring firm in a social media setting. Moreover, these effects are compared between existing customers and non-customers of the sponsoring firm. Interestingly, perceived celebrity endorser credibility plays no role in forming brand value perceptions in the case of the existing customers. Implications for marketing theory and practice are derived.


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La ira se ha relacionado con atribuciones externas en distintos modelos atribucionales, sin embargo, desde los planteamientos de la teoría del “locus de control” (Rotter, 1966) la respuesta emocional de ira no ha sido objeto de estudio con la frecuencia que sería deseable (aunque sí la conducta agresiva). El presente trabajo explora las relaciones del locus de control externo con la emoción de ira, así como con la expresión y control de la misma. Para ello se utilizó una muestra de 177 estudiantes universitarios (27 hombres y 150 mujeres) a los que se evaluó mediante los instrumentos siguientes: Escala de Rotter (Rotter, 1966, versión española de Pérez García, 1984); el Inventario de Expresión de Ira Estado/Rasgo -STAXI-de Spielberger (1988, 1991), versión española de Spielberger, Miguel-Tobal, Cano-Vindel y Casado, 1992); y el Inventario de Control, Defensa y Expresión de Emociones -CDE-(Cano Vindel y Miguel Tobal, 1996). Se realizó un análisis correlacional entre las distintas escalas de los instrumentos y diferencias de medias para dos grupos extremos (altos y bajos) en locus de control (equiparados en la variable sexo). Nuestros resultados muestran una relación positiva y significativa entre el locus de control externo y la respuesta emocional de ira, así como una tendencia a expresar externamente la ira y a controlarla menos en sujetos con atribuciones de causalidad externas. Conocer los procesos atribucionales asociados a la ira y a su afrontamiento permitirá una intervención más eficaz sobre la misma.


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Este artículo analiza las particularidades del "moderno" esquema de regulación de los servicios públicos de infraestructura, que se extendió a partir de los procesos de privatización del último cuarto del siglo XX. Diferenciándose de la arquitectura institucional vigente durante el período de prestación estatal (regulación "endógena"), los entes reguladores emergen como el elemento neurálgico de este nuevo esquema. Sin embargo, como se desprende de la experiencia argentina, estos organismos han sido dotados de ambiguas atribuciones regulatorias e inapropiados diseños institucionales, quedando trunca su capacidad real de regulación. A raíz de la difusa delimitación de misiones y funciones e - incluso - frente a las imprecisiones teóricas en la materia, este artículo precisa el alcance de la intervención de los distintos actores del sistema de prestación y regulación: empresas prestadoras, entes reguladores, poderes del Estado (Ejecutivo y Legislativo) y usuarios y consumidores. En este sentido, trabaja sobre los diseños institucionales más apropiados para que los entes desarrollen efectivas capacidades de regulación. El análisis se ejemplifica a partir de la experiencia privatizadora argentina - nacional y subnacional - en los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento y distribución de electricidad.