993 resultados para Media Selection
Le répertoire cellulaire Τ a pour but d'être tolérant aux antigènes du soi afin d'éviter l'induction de maladies autoimmunes. C'est pourquoi les lymphocytes Τ autoréactifs sont éliminés dans le thymus lors de leur développement par le processus de sélection négative. La plupart des recherches étudient les lymphocytes Τ de haute avidité. Ces lymphocytes Τ de haute avidité sont très sensibles et réagissent fortement à un antigène du soi. En conséquence, ces cellules induisent le développement de maladies autoimmunes lorsqu'elles ciblent des organes exprimant l'antigène du soi. Plusieurs études ont montré que les lymphocytes Τ qui réagissent faiblement aux antigènes spécifiques à un tissu, nommé lymphocytes Τ de faible avidité, peuvent contourner les mécanismes de tolérance centrale et périphérique. J'ai utilisé des souris Rip-mOva qui expriment l'Ovalbumine comme antigène du soi spécifique à un tissu. Dans ces souris transgéniques Rip-mOva, les lymphocytes Τ de faible avidité survivent à la sélection négative. Une fois stimulés à la périphérie, ces lymphocytes Τ CD8+ de faible avidité ont la capacité d'infiltrer les organes qui expriment l'antigène du soi chez les souris Rip-mOva et peuvent induire une destruction tissulaire. L'objectif principal de mon projet de thèse était de comprendre les caractéristiques phénotypiques et fonctionnelles de ces lymphocytes Τ dans un état d'équilibre et dans un contexte infectieux. Pour étudier ces cellules dans un modèle murin bien défini, nous avons généré des souris exprimant un récepteur de cellule Τ transgénique appelé OT-3. Ces souris transgéniques OT-3 ont des lymphocytes Τ CD8+ de faible avidité spécifiques à l'épitope SIINFEKL de l'antigène Ovalbumine. Nous avons démontré qu'un grand nombre de lymphocytes Τ CD8+ OT-3 ne sont pas éliminés lors de la sélection négative dans le thymus après avoir rencontré l'antigène du soi. Par conséquent, les lymphocytes Τ OT-3 de faible avidité sont présents dans une fenêtre de sélection comprise entre la sélection positive et négative. Cette limite se définie comme le seuil d'affinité et est impliquée dans l'échappement de certains lymphocytes Τ OT- 3 autoréactifs. A la périphérie, ces cellules sont capables d'induire une autoimmunité après stimulation au cours d'une infection, ce qui nous permet de les définir comme étant non tolérante et non dans un état anergique à la périphérie. Nous avons également étudié le seuil d'activation des lymphocytes Τ OT-3 à faible avidité à la périphérie et avons constaté que des ligands peptidiques plus faibles que l'épitope natif SIINFEKL sont capables de les activer au cours d'une infection ainsi que de les différencier en lymphocytes Τ effecteurs et mémoires. Les données illustrent une déficience lors de la sélection négative dans le thymus de lymphocytes Τ CD8+ autoréactifs de faible avidité contre un antigène du soi spécifique à tissu et montrent que ces cellules sont entièrement compétentes lors d'une infection. - The diverse Τ cell repertoire needs to be tolerant to self-antigen to avoid the induction of autoimmunity. This is why autoreactive developing Τ cells are deleted in the thymus. The deletion of self-reactive Τ cells occurs through the process of negative selection. Most studies investigated high avidity Τ cells. These high avidity Τ cells are very sensitive and strongly react to a self-antigen. As a consequence, these cells induce the development of autoimmunity when they target organs which express the self-antigen. High avidity autoreactive CD8+ Τ cells are deleted in the thymus. However, several studies have shown Τ cells that weakly respond to tissue-restricted antigen, referred to as low avidity Τ cells, can bypass central and peripheral tolerance mechanisms. I used Rip-mOva mice that expressed Ovalbumin as a neo self-antigen in a tissue-restricted fashion. In these transgenic Rip-mOva mice low avidity CD8+ Τ cells survive negative selection. Upon stimulation in the periphery, these low avidity CD8+ Τ cells have the ability to infiltrate organs that express the self-antigen in the Rip-mOva mice and can also induce the destruction of the tissue. The major aim of my PhD project was to understand the phenotypic and functionality characteristics of these Τ cells in a steady-state condition and in a context of an infection. To study these cells in a well-defined mouse model, we generated OT-3 Τ cell receptor transgenic mice that express low avidity CD8+ Τ cells that are specific for the SIINFEKL epitope of the Ovalbumin antigen. We have been able to demonstrate that a large number of OT-3 CD8+ Τ cells survive negative selection in the thymus after encountering the self-antigen. Thus, low avidity OT-3 Τ cells are present in a window of selection comprised between positive and negative selection. This boundary defined as the affinity threshold is involved in the escape of some autoreactive low avidity OT-3 Τ cells. Once they circulate in the periphery, they are able to induce autoimmunity after stimulation during an infection, allowing us to allocate these cells as being non-tolerant and not in an anergic state in the periphery. We have also looked at the threshold of activation of low avidity OT-3 CD8+ Τ cells in the periphery and found that peptide ligands that are weaker than the native SIINFEKL epitope are able to activate OT-3 Τ cells during an infection and to differentiate them into effector and memory Τ cells. The data illustrate the impairment of negatively selecting low avidity autoreactive CD8+ Τ cells against a tissue-restricted antigen in the thymus and shows that these cells are fully competent upon an infection.
Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli antaa Omnia ammattikoulun media-assistenttiopiskelijoille tietoa näyttöpäätetyöhön liittyvistä kuormitustekijöistä ja ergonomiasta. Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena on vastata kysymykseen " Mitä media-assistenttiopiskelijoiden tulisi tietää, jotta he osaisivat kuormittaa itseään sopivasti näyttöpäätetyössä?". Koostimme opinnäytetyömme kirjallisuudesta ja tutkimuksista saatujen tietojen pohjalta. Näistä muodostui opinnäytetyömme teoreettinen viitekehys sekä perustelut opinnäytetyömme tuotoksen sisällölle. Tutkimusten mukaan tuki- ja liikuntaelimistön kuormituksen tasaamiseen voi vaikuttaa vähentämällä haitallisesti kuormittavia työjaksoja, vaihtamalla työasentoja, säätämällä työvälineitä ja tauottamalla työntekoa. Opinnäytetyömme kirjallisessa osiossa perehdyimme näyttöpäätetyön ergonomiaan ja kuormittavuuteen media-assistenttiopiskelijoilla. Opinnäytetyömme tuotoksena oli "Kevennä kuormitusta näyttöpäätteen äärellä"- CD-Rom, jossa on 39 diaa. CD-Rom sisältää tietoa niska-hartiaseudun ja selän rakenteesta sekä toiminnasta, lihastyötavoista, niskaa ja selkää kuormittavista tekijöistä näyttöpäätteen äärellä työskennellessä, työpisteen säätelystä ja optimaalisesta istuma-asennosta, sekä vinkkejä kuormituksen keventämiseen mm. tauottamisen avulla. Testasimme CD-Rom:n sisältöä yhdellä Omnia ammattikoulun media-assistenttiopiskelijaryhmällä järjestämällä ergonomiaohjauksen. Palautteen pohjalta kehittelimme työn lopulliseen muotoonsa. Opinnäytetyömme tuotosta käytetään Omnia ammattikoulun media-assistenttiopiskelijoiden ergonomiaohjauksen välineenä. Työmme soveltuu myös muiden näyttöpäätteen äärellä työskentelevien henkilöiden ja ryhmien ergonomiaohjauksen välineeksi. "Kevennä kuormitusta näyttöpäätteen äärellä" - CD-Romia voivat hyödyntää fysioterapeutit, muut ergonomiaohjauksia antavat toimihenkilöt sekä Kunto-Stadia.
Thymic positive and negative selection of developing T lymphocytes confronts us with a paradox: How can a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/peptide interaction in the former process lead to transduction of signals allowing for cell survival and in the latter induce programmed cell death or a hyporesponsive state known as anergy? One of the hypotheses put forward states that the outcome of a TCR-MHC/peptide interaction depends on the cell type presenting the selecting ligand to the developing thymocyte. Here we describe the development and lack of self-tolerance of CD8(+) T lymphocytes in transgenic mice expressing MHC class I molecules in the thymus exclusively on cortical epithelial cells. Despite the absence of MHC class I expression on professional antigen-presenting cells, normal numbers of CD8(+) cells were observed in the periphery. Upon specific activation, transgenic CD8(+) T cells efficiently lysed syngeneic MHC class I(+) targets in vitro and in vivo, indicating that thymic cortical epithelium (in contrast to medullary epithelium and antigen-presenting cells of hematopoietic origin) is incapable of tolerance induction. Thus, compartmentalization of the antigen-presenting cells involved in thymic positive selection and tolerance induction can (at least in part) explain the positive/negative selection paradox.
Survey of School Library Media Centers in Iowa.
Survey of School Library Media Centers in Iowa.
Survey of School Library Media Centers in Iowa.
Survey of School Library Media Centers in Iowa.
Related to the raise of the awareness of the importance of the Earth heritage, geomorphosites receive increasing attention from the scientific community. Assessment methods, classification and conservation strategies have been developed to safeguard the geomorphological heritage for present and future generations. On the other hand, Earth heritage offers opportunities to develop educational and recreational programs as well as tourism projects. Various interpretive supports and local development projects have been engendered in the past few years to promote geoheritage.¦Be it for the assessment, conservation or promotion of geomorphosites, maps are valuable from many standpoints. They can provide fundamental data for detailed geomorphosite description, serve as visual communication tools helping to guide the selection process in defining protection priority or supporting Earth heritage promotion and interpretàtion.¦This study reviews the main achievements and the objectives yet to be accomplished in the field of geomorphosite mapping and proposes a general framework for the mapping of geomorphosites that takes into account the different aims and publics. The main focus is on mapping geomorphosites for non-specialists in the field of Earth heritage promotion (Geotourism). In this context, maps are often employed to show itineraries or points of interest. Like a scheme or a diagram, a map can also be used as a method for visualising geoscientific information. This function is particularly important since some processes, which contributed to the formation of a geomorphosite or a geomorphological landscape are no longer or not always clearly visible in the landscape. In this case, maps become interpretive media that serve popularisation purposes.¦Mapping for non-specialists holds the challenging task to ensure the information transfer between the cartographer and the user. We therefore focus on both the implementation of the map by the cartographer (which information? which visualisation?) and the interpretation of the map by the user (effectiveness of the knowledge transfer). The research is based on empirical studies carried out in the Maderan valley (Canton of Uri) and in classes of the Cantons of Uri and Tessin that aim to gain knowledge about the familiarity and interests of non- specialists for geoheritage as well as about their map reading skills. The final objective is to formulate methodological proposals for geomorphosite mapping for interpretive purpose.
Jurassic volcanic formations interlayered with (ammonite-bearing) sediments are common in the Caucasus area; this situation is of interest for the numerical calibration of the poorly documented Jurassic portion of the time scale. However, following petrographic study on thin sections no whole-rocks can be considered reliable geochronometers due to subsequent alteration; from about 20 samples, two were selected for plagioclase dating; one (V134) is probably early Kimmeridgian in age; the other (V136) is probably located in the Lower Bathonian stage according to diagnostic ammonites. Cathodoluminescence (CTL) study has shown that sample V136 was similar to usual volcanic feldspars (blue to green colour); however, the lack of CTL of the V134 plagioclase is a character common to diagenetic feldspars; consequently, in spite of a good optical preservation, this geo-chronometer cannot give an age representative of the time of emplacement of the lava flow. We have combined CTL observation with microprobe analysis in order to document the poorly known CTL behaviour of volcanic feldspars; cations Ti4+ and Fe2+ play a major role in the CTL colour of plagioclases and are able to document the growing history of these feldspars ; phenocrysts are initially rich in Fe2+ (core of the crystals, green in colour), then richer in Ti toward the exterior; microcrysts are even richer in Ti (blue to bright blue). We have also observed that natural CTL colour was modified resulting from acid ``cleaning'' of the separated feldspars : the initial blue or green colour tends to change to yellow or violet, respectively, after acid treatment probably due to oxydation of Fe2+ toward Fe3+. X-ray and microprobe analyses both indicated that plagioclases from sample V134 was near the sodic end member (albite) suggesting a diagenetic origin in this andesitic basalt; In contrast, sample V136 contains a calcic plagioclase of common composition for a doleritic basalt. The K-Ar conventional technique was applied as a preliminary tool for radiometric analysis. The Kimmeridgian Na-plagioclase sample gave a ``rejuvenated'' (85 Ma) apparent age which confirms a late genesis for the separated plagioclase phase; this interpretation is based on CTL observation, X-ray analysis, and microprobe analysis ; these techniques are able to distinguish samples which have been submitted to diagenetic alteration from those which have not. An age consistent with the stratigraphic location has been obtained from sample V136. This age of 161 +/- 3 (2-sigma) Ma, is the first one available from a sample palaeontologically located with reasonable precision within the mid Jurassic time.
This article describes a literature review of the influence of advertising and the media on Eating Disorders (ED). Research published in scientific journals in various fields of social sciences such as sychology, psychiatry and communication science has enabled us to conclude that the content displayed in the media, including advertising, are enhancers of disorders and contribute significantly to body issatisfaction in relation to the perceived idea of beauty, it also facilitates the development of weight loss strategies in women and gain of muscle mass in men.
This paper describes a bibliographic analysis of the vision of Marshal McLuhan and the vision adopted by diverse current authors regarding the use of new interactive learning technologies. The paper also analyzes the transformation that will have to take place in the formal surroundings of education in order to improve their social function. The main points of view and contributions made by diverse authors are discussed. It is important that all actors involved in the educational process take in consideration these contributions in order to be ready for future changes.
La evolución de peso en los períodos de lactación y transición de 583 lechones fue estudiada mediante un análisis estadístico, evaluando el efecto de la suplementación con ácidos grasos de cadena media (AGCM) en lechones con poco peso al nacimiento. 188 de los 375 lechones que nacieron con un peso al nacimiento (PN) &1250 g recibieron 3mL de AGCM cada 24 h durante los primeros 3 días de vida; su peso medio al destete (día 28) fue inferior respecto al grupo control (lechones no suplementados) (-114,17 g). No obstante, 106 de los 180 lechones nacidos con un PN &1000 g fueron suplementados, y su peso medio al destete y a finales de transición (día 63) fue superior respecto al grupo control (destete: +315,16 g; día 63: +775,47 g). Finalmente, los lechones suplementados con PN&800 g tuvieron los peores resultados: su diferencia de peso medio al destete fue de -177,58 g respecto al grupo control. Por lo tanto, en esta prueba fueron estudiados los lechones con un PN entre 800 y 999 g porque el grupo suplementado al destete tuvo una diferencia de peso medio considerable respecto al grupo control:+511,58 g. Asimismo, considerando una probabilidad de error inferior a 0,05, no hubieron diferencias significativas en las diferentes categorías de PN analizadas. De todas maneras, es importante destacar el alto grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999g (P=0,059). Por otra parte, el PN del grupo suplementado con PN&1000 g fue inferior que el del grupo no suplementado con PN&1000 g; esta diferencia de PN fue significativa (P=0,004) y como consecuencia el grado de significación en la suplementación con AGCM en lechones con PN entre 800 y 999 g fue inferior al esperado. Además, en esta prueba se incluyeron algunos resultados generales y también un análisis simple de supervivencia, aunque no era el objetivo principal