979 resultados para Markov Chain Monte Carlo


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Massive young stellar objects (YSOs) are powerful infrared Hi line emitters. It has been suggested that these lines form in an outflow from a disc surrounding the YSO. Here, new two-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations are described which test this hypothesis. Infrared spectra are synthesized for a YSO disc wind model based on earlier hydrodynamical calculations. The model spectra are in qualitative agreement with the observed spectra from massive YSOs, and therefore provide support for a disc wind explanation for the Hi lines. However, there are some significant differences: the models tend to overpredict the Bra/Br? ratio of equivalent widths and produce line profiles which are slightly too broad and, in contrast to typical observations, are double-peaked. The interpretation of these differences within the context of the disc wind picture and suggestions for their resolution via modifications to the assumed disc and outflow structure are discussed. © 2005 RAS.


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In astrophysical systems, radiation-matter interactions are important in transferring energy and momentum between the radiation field and the surrounding material. This coupling often makes it necessary to consider the role of radiation when modelling the dynamics of astrophysical fluids. During the last few years, there have been rapid developments in the use of Monte Carlo methods for numerical radiative transfer simulations. Here, we present an approach to radiation hydrodynamics that is based on coupling Monte Carlo radiative transfer techniques with finite-volume hydrodynamical methods in an operator-split manner. In particular, we adopt an indivisible packet formalism to discretize the radiation field into an ensemble of Monte Carlo packets and employ volume-based estimators to reconstruct the radiation field characteristics. In this paper the numerical tools of this method are presented and their accuracy is verified in a series of test calculations. Finally, as a practical example, we use our approach to study the influence of the radiation-matter coupling on the homologous expansion phase and the bolometric light curve of Type Ia supernova explosions. © 2012 The Authors Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society © 2012 RAS.


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The range of potential applications for indoor and campus based personnel localisation has led researchers to create a wide spectrum of different algorithmic approaches and systems. However, the majority of the proposed systems overlook the unique radio environment presented by the human body leading to systematic errors and inaccuracies when deployed in this context. In this paper RSSI-based Monte Carlo Localisation was implemented using commercial 868 MHz off the shelf hardware and empirical data was gathered across a relatively large number of scenarios within a single indoor office environment. This data showed that the body shadowing effect caused by the human body introduced path skew into location estimates. It was also shown that, by using two body-worn nodes in concert, the effect of body shadowing can be mitigated by averaging the estimated position of the two nodes worn on either side of the body. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012.


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A numerical method is developed to simulate complex two-dimensional crack propagation in quasi-brittle materials considering random heterogeneous fracture properties. Potential cracks are represented by pre-inserted cohesive elements with tension and shear softening constitutive laws modelled by spatially varying Weibull random fields. Monte Carlo simulations of a concrete specimen under uni-axial tension were carried out with extensive investigation of the effects of important numerical algorithms and material properties on numerical efficiency and stability, crack propagation processes and load-carrying capacities. It was found that the homogeneous model led to incorrect crack patterns and load–displacement curves with strong mesh-dependence, whereas the heterogeneous model predicted realistic, complicated fracture processes and load-carrying capacity of little mesh-dependence. Increasing the variance of the tensile strength random fields with increased heterogeneity led to reduction in the mean peak load and increase in the standard deviation. The developed method provides a simple but effective tool for assessment of structural reliability and calculation of characteristic material strength for structural design.


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Research into localization has produced a wealth of algorithms and techniques to estimate the location of wireless network nodes, however the majority of these schemes do not explicitly account for non-line of sight conditions. Disregarding this common situation reduces their accuracy and their potential for exploitation in real world applications. This is a particular problem for personnel tracking where the user's body itself will inherently cause time-varying blocking according to their movements. Using empirical data, this paper demonstrates that, by accounting for non-line of sight conditions and using received signal strength based Monte Carlo localization, meter scale accuracy can be achieved for a wrist-worn personnel tracking tag in a 120 m indoor office environment. © 2012 IEEE.


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We present an implementation of quantum annealing (QA) via lattice Green's function Monte Carlo (GFMC), focusing on its application to the Ising spin glass in transverse field. In particular, we study whether or not such a method is more effective than the path-integral Monte Carlo- (PIMC) based QA, as well as classical simulated annealing (CA), previously tested on the same optimization problem. We identify the issue of importance sampling, i.e., the necessity of possessing reasonably good (variational) trial wave functions, as the key point of the algorithm. We performed GFMC-QA runs using such a Boltzmann-type trial wave function, finding results for the residual energies that are qualitatively similar to those of CA (but at a much larger computational cost), and definitely worse than PIMC-QA. We conclude that, at present, without a serious effort in constructing reliable importance sampling variational wave functions for a quantum glass, GFMC-QA is not a true competitor of PIMC-QA.


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Monte Carlo calculations of quantum yield in PtSi/p-Si infrared detectors are carried out taking into account the presence of a spatially distributed barrier potential. In the 1-4 mu m wavelength range it is found that the spatial inhomogeneity of the barrier has no significant effect on the overall device photoresponse. However, above lambda = 4.0 mu m and particularly as the cut-off wavelength (lambda approximate to 5.5 mu m) is approached, these calculations reveal a difference between the homogeneous and inhomogeneous barrier photoresponse which becomes increasingly significant and exceeds 50% at lambda = 5.3 mu m. It is, in fact, the inhomogeneous barrier which displays an increased photoyield, a feature that is confirmed by approximate analytical calculations assuming a symmetric Gaussian spatial distribution of the barrier. Furthermore, the importance of the silicide layer thickness in optimizing device efficiency is underlined as a trade-off between maximizing light absorption in the silicide layer and optimizing the internal yield. The results presented here address important features which determine the photoyield of PtSi/Si Schottky diodes at energies below the Si absorption edge and just above the Schottky barrier height in particular.


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Classification methods with embedded feature selection capability are very appealing for the analysis of complex processes since they allow the analysis of root causes even when the number of input variables is high. In this work, we investigate the performance of three techniques for classification within a Monte Carlo strategy with the aim of root cause analysis. We consider the naive bayes classifier and the logistic regression model with two different implementations for controlling model complexity, namely, a LASSO-like implementation with a L1 norm regularization and a fully Bayesian implementation of the logistic model, the so called relevance vector machine. Several challenges can arise when estimating such models mainly linked to the characteristics of the data: a large number of input variables, high correlation among subsets of variables, the situation where the number of variables is higher than the number of available data points and the case of unbalanced datasets. Using an ecological and a semiconductor manufacturing dataset, we show advantages and drawbacks of each method, highlighting the superior performance in term of classification accuracy for the relevance vector machine with respect to the other classifiers. Moreover, we show how the combination of the proposed techniques and the Monte Carlo approach can be used to get more robust insights into the problem under analysis when faced with challenging modelling conditions.


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Radiative pressure exerted by line interactions is a prominent driver of outflows in astrophysical systems, being at work in the outflows emerging from hot stars or from the accretion discs of cataclysmic variables, massive young stars and active galactic nuclei. In this work, a new radiation hydrodynamical approach to model line-driven hot-star winds is presented. By coupling a Monte Carlo radiative transfer scheme with a finite volume fluid dynamical method, line-driven mass outflows may be modelled self-consistently, benefiting from the advantages of Monte Carlo techniques in treating multiline effects, such as multiple scatterings, and in dealing with arbitrary multidimensional configurations. In this work, we introduce our approach in detail by highlighting the key numerical techniques and verifying their operation in a number of simplified applications, specifically in a series of self-consistent, one-dimensional, Sobolev-type, hot-star wind calculations. The utility and accuracy of our approach are demonstrated by comparing the obtained results with the predictions of various formulations of the so-called CAK theory and by confronting the calculations with modern sophisticated techniques of predicting the wind structure. Using these calculations, we also point out some useful diagnostic capabilities our approach provides. Finally, we discuss some of the current limitations of our method, some possible extensions and potential future applications.


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Uma descrição detalhada do processo de electroluminescência é um prérequisito na optimização de detectores gasosos para sistemas de imagiologia, astrofísica, física de altas energias e experiências de eventos raros. Neste trabalho, é apresentada e caracterizada uma nova e versátil plataforma de simulação da emissão de luz durante a deriva de electrões em gases nobres, desenvolvida usando os programas Magboltz e Garfield. Propriedades intrínsecas da electroluminescência em gases nobres são calculadas e apresentadas em função do campo eléctrico aplicado, nomeadamente eficiências, rendimento e flutuações estatísticas associadas. São obtidos resultados em grande concordância com dados experimentais e simulações Monte Carlo anteriores. A plataforma é usada para determinar as condições óptimas de funcionamento de detectores como o NEXT (Neutrino Experiment with a Xenon TPC) e outros baseados nas micro-estruturas GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) e MHSP (Micro- Hole & Strip Plate).


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The solid-fluid transition properties of the n - 6 Lennard-Jones system are studied by means of extensive free energy calculations. Different values of the parameter n which regulates the steepness of the short-range repulsive interaction are investigated. Furthermore, the free energies of the n < 12 systems are calculated using the n = 12 system as a reference. The method relies on a generalization of the multiple histogram method that combines independent canonical ensemble simulations performed with different Hamiltonians and computes the free energy difference between them. The phase behavior of the fullerene C60 solid is studied by performing NPT simulations using atomistic models which treat each carbon in the molecule as a separate interaction site with additional bond charges. In particular, the transition from an orientationally frozen phase at low temperatures to one where the molecules are freely rotating at higher temperatures is studied as a function of applied pressure. The adsorption of molecular hydrogen in the zeolite NaA is investigated by means of grand-canonical Monte Carlo, in a wide range of temperatures and imposed gas pressures, and results are compared with available experimental data. A potential model is used that comprises three main interactions: van der Waals, Coulomb and induced polarization by the permanent electric field in the zeolite.


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This paper proposes a new methodology to reduce the probability of occurring states that cause load curtailment, while minimizing the involved costs to achieve that reduction. The methodology is supported by a hybrid method based on Fuzzy Set and Monte Carlo Simulation to catch both randomness and fuzziness of component outage parameters of transmission power system. The novelty of this research work consists in proposing two fundamentals approaches: 1) a global steady approach which deals with building the model of a faulted transmission power system aiming at minimizing the unavailability corresponding to each faulted component in transmission power system. This, results in the minimal global cost investment for the faulted components in a system states sample of the transmission network; 2) a dynamic iterative approach that checks individually the investment’s effect on the transmission network. A case study using the Reliability Test System (RTS) 1996 IEEE 24 Buses is presented to illustrate in detail the application of the proposed methodology.