897 resultados para Mandibular fractures
O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar cefalometricamente, o padrão esquelético vertical da face em indivíduos com oclusão normal natural e nas diferentes maloclusões e sua correlação com a sínfise mandibular, além de avaliar a presença de dimorfismo sexual. A amostra foi composta de 200 telerradiografias cefalométricas, divididas quanto ao tipo de oclusão, em cinco grupos: grupo A, com pacientes portadores de oclusão normal natural e grupos B, C, D e E, com pacientes portadores de maloclusões, sendo cada grupo, dividido igualmente quanto ao sexo e apresentando idade média entre 13 e 16 anos. A amostra foi classificada em 3 padrões morfológicos verticais da face, de acordo com o índice da altura facial (FHR), proposto por SIRIWAT & JARABAK ou Quociente de Jarabak, em: Hiperdivergente, Neutro e Hipodivergente. Foi utilizada a variável GoMe.VT, da análise de VIGORITO, para avaliar a inclinação da sínfise e sua correlação com os padrões verticais faciais. Após a coleta de dados e da avaliação dos testes estatísticos; qui-quadrado, teste t de Student e da correlação de Pearson, concluiu-se que, o padrão Hipodivergente em todos os pacientes estudados foi o mais frequente, com 70%, sendo que a maior frequência deste padrão foi encontrado na maloclusão Classe II, divisão 2, com 87.5%, existindo outras prevalências de alguns padrões em diferentes classes de oclusões. Foi encontrada uma correlação positiva entre a inclinação da sínfise mandibular e o quociente de Jarabak apenas para a maloclusão Classe I e maloclusão Classe III. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os sexos e a classificação da morfologia quando comparados os cinco grupos, porém, quando os grupos foram analisados separadamente, foram encontradas diferenças significantes entre os sexos.
Pediatric musculoskeletal trauma accounts for most childhood injuries. The anatomy and physiology of the pediatric skeleton is unique as is its response to trauma. The pediatric skeleton has periods of rapid growth; therefore the effect of trauma to the musculoskeletal system may have significant long-term complications.
Objectives To evaluate the change in masticatory efficiency and quality of life of patients treated with mandibular Kennedy class I removable partial dentures (RPDs) and maxillary complete dentures at the Department of Dentistry of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Materials and methods A total of 33 Kennedy class I patients were rehabilitated with maxillary complete dentures, and mandibular RPDs were selected for this non-randomized prospective intervention study. The patients had a mean age of 59.1 years. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated by colorimetric assay using fuchsin capsules. The measurements were conducted at baseline and 2 and 6 months after prosthesis insertion. Quality of life was evaluated using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) at baseline and 6 months after denture insertion. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov normality test was applied. Masticatory efficiency was evaluated by repeated measures ANOVA. Oral health-related quality of life was compared using the paired t test. Results There was no statistically significant difference in masticatory efficiency after denture insertion (p = 0.101). Significant differences were found (p = 0.010) for oral health-related quality of life. A significant improvement in psychological discomfort (p < 0.01) and psychological disability (p < 0.01) was observed. Mean difference value (95 % confidence interval) was 6.8 (3.8 to 9.7) points, reflecting a low impact of oral health on quality of life, considering the 0–56 range of variation of the OHIP-14 and a Cohen’s d of 1.13. Conclusion According to the results of the present study, rehabilitation with Kennedy class I RPDs and complete dentures did not influence masticatory efficiency but improved oral health-related quality of life. Clinical relevance The association between the patient’s quality of life and the masticatory efficiency is important for treatment predictability.
Visto que indicadores de prognóstico são uma ferramenta importante para a seleção de pacientes a serem tratados com prótese total, este estudo investigou a influência da forma e da resiliência do rebordo alveolar mandibular sobre a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais. Noventa e três pacientes desdentados portadores de próteses totais superior e inferior compuseram a amostra. Os dados foram coletados quanto a forma e resiliência do rebordo mandibular. As próteses foram avaliadas para a retenção e estabilidade utilizando-se uma ferramenta objetiva e reproduzível. As associações entre as características clínicas do rebordo alveolar mandibular e retenção e estabilidade das próteses foram analisados por meio dos testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher (α = 0.05). Observou-se associação significativa entre a forma do rebordo e a estabilidade da prótese (p <0,05), enquanto que a resiliência foi associada significativamente com a retenção (p <0,001). Baseando-se nos resultados, a resiliência e forma do rebordo mandibular influenciaram, respectivamente, a retenção e estabilidade de próteses totais convencionais.
Introduction: Pelvic rami fractures in the elderly are associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Despite our rapidly aging population there is a paucity of literature dealing with fractures of the pelvic rami in this age group. The purpose of this study is report mortality rates following these injuries in the Eastern region of Newfoundland. Additionally, we aim to describe and quantify the important resultant morbidity in this vulnerable elderly population . Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed of all the pelvic fractures in individuals over the age of 60 between 2000 and 2005 in the Eastern Health region of Newfoundland and Labrador. From these patients, only those with the radiographic parameters consistent with low energy pattern pelvic ring injuries were included. Excluded from the study were those with concurrent fractures of the femur. Survival data, comorbidities, injury characteristics, hospital stay, ambulatory status, and place of residence were recorded from the chart. A surrogate control group was formulated from Statistics Canada survival data for use as a survival comparison group. Results: There were 80 fractures of the pelvis identified in patients over 60 years old from 2000-2005. Of these, 43 met our inclusion/exclusion criteria and were used in our analysis. The one and five year mortalities of these patients were 16.3% (95% CI; 7.80% to 30.3%) and 58.1% (95% CI; 43.3% to 71.6%), respectively. These were both significantly different from the point estimates from our constructed age and gender matched control group from the Statistics Canada data of 6.58% (one year mortality) and 31.3% (five year mortality). Morbidity was quantified by change in ambulatory status (independent, walker/cane assisted, wheelchair) and change in residential independence (independent, assisted living, nursing home). Post fracture, 36% of patients permanently required increased ambulatory aids and 21% of patients required a permanent increase in everyday level of care. Conclusion: This study suggests that there may be significantly increased mortality and morbidity following low energy pattern pelvic rami fractures in an elderly population compared to age and gender matched controls. In contrast to previous studies describing these injuries, there is greater homogeneity in this population with respect to age and mechanism of injury. This study generates several important hypotheses for future research and in particular highlights the need for larger prospective studies to identify factors predicting the highest risk for poor outcomes in this population.
CHAPTER II - The Chrysocyon brachyurus is the biggest South American canid which has a high frequency of dental injuries, both in wild and captivity. Thus, veterinary procedures are necessary to preserve the feeding capacity of hundreds of captive specimens worldwide. The aim of this study was to study the mandibular morphometry of maned wolf with emphasis on the establishment of anatomic references to the anesthetic blockage of the inferior alveolar and mental nerves. Therefore, 15 measurements in 22 hemimandibles of C. brachyurus adults were taken. For extra-oral technique of blockage of the inferior alveolar nerve at the level of the mandibular foramen, it is stated that the needle should be advanced, close to the medial surface of the mandibular ramus, by 11.4 mm perpendiculary from the palpable concavity. Alternatively, the needle can be introduced for 30.4 mm from the angular process at 20-25 degrees angle with the ventral margin. For blocking only the mentual nerve, it is recommended the introduction of needle for 10 mm, close to the lateral aspect of the mandibular body, at the level of the lower first premolar. The mandibular foramen showed similars position, size and symmetry in the maned wolfs specimens examined. The comparison of the data with those available for other carnivores reflects the necessity for determining these anatomical references specifically for each species.
Background: For tibial fractures, the decision to fix a concomitant fibular fracture is undertaken on a case-by-case basis. To aid in this clinical decision-making process, we investigated whether loss of integrity of the fibula significantly destabilises midshaft tibial fractures, whether fixation of the fibula restores stability to the tibia, and whether removal of the fibula and interosseous membrane for expediency in biomechanical testing significantly influences tibial interfragmentary mechanics. Methods: Tibia/fibula pairs were harvested from six cadaveric donors with the interosseous membrane intact. A tibial osteotomy fracture was fixed by reamed intramedullary (IM) nailing. Axial, torsion, bending, and shear tests were completed for four models of fibular involvement: intact fibula, osteotomy fracture, fibular plating, and resected fibula and interosseous membrane. Findings: Overall construct stiffness decreased slightly with fibular osteotomy compared to intact bone, but this change was not statistically significant. Under low loads, the influence of the fibula on construct stability was only statistically significant in torsion (large effect size). Fibular plating stiffened the construct slightly, but this change was not statistically significant compared to the fibular osteotomy case. Complete resection of the fibula and interosseous membrane significantly decreased construct torsional stiffness only (large effect size). Interpretation: These results suggest that fixation of the fibula may not contribute significantly to the stability of diaphyseal tibial fractures and should not be undertaken unless otherwise clinically indicated. For testing purposes, load-sharing through the interosseous membrane contributes significantly to overall construct mechanics, especially in torsion, and we recommend preservation of these structures when possible.
Using original data on 1,5000 mandibles, but mainly previously published data, I present a overview of the distribution characteristics of mandibular torus and a hypothesis concerning its cause. Pedigree studies have established that genetic factors influence torus development. Extrinsic factors are strongly implicated by other evidence: prevalence among Arctic peoples, effect of dietary change, age regression, preponderance in males and on the right side, effect of cranial deformation, concurrence with palatine torus and maxillary alveolar exostoses, and clinical evidence. I propose that the primary factor is masticatory stress. According to a mechanism suggested by orthodontic research, the horizontal component of bite force tips the lower canine, premolars and first molar so that their root apices exert pressure on the periodontal membrane, causing formation of new bone on the lingual cortical plate of the alveolar process. Thus formed, the hyperostosis is vulnerable to trauma and its periosteal covering becomes bruised causing additional deposition of bone. Genes influence torus indirectly through their effect on occlusion. A patern of increased expressivity with incidence suggests that a quasicontinuous model may provide a better fit to pedigree data than single locus models previously tested.
This study was performed to characterize evidence of potential unconformity-type U mineralizing fluids in drill core fractures from the Stewardson Lake prospect, in the Athabasca Basin, located in Northern Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada. Fractures were visually classified into eight varieties. This classification scheme was improved with the use of mineralogical characterization through SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope) and XRD analyses of the fracture fills and resulted in the identification of various oxides, hydroxides, sulfides, and clays or clay-sized minerals. Fractures were tallied to a total of ten categories with some commonalities in color. The oxidative, reductive or mixed nature of the fluids interacting with each fracture was determined based on its fill mineralogy. The measured Pb isotopic signature of samples was used to distinguish fractures affected solely by fluids emanating from a U mineralization source, from those affected by mixed fluids. Anomalies in U and U-pathfinder elements detected in fractures assisted with attributing them to the secondary dispersion halo of potential mineralization. Three types of fracture functions (chimney, composite and drain) were defined based on their interpreted flow vector and history. A secondary dispersion halo boundary with a zone of dominance of infiltrating fluids was suggested for two boreholes. The control of fill mineralogy on fracture color was investigated and the indicative and non-indicative colors and minerals, with respect to a secondary dispersion halo, were formally described. The fracture colors and fills indicative of proximity to the basement host of the potential mineralization were also identified. In addition, three zones of interest were delineated in the boreholes with respect to their geochemical dynamics and their relationship to the potential mineralization: a shallow barren overburden zone, a dispersion and alteration zone at intermediate depth, and a second deeper zone of dispersion and alteration.
Introdução: com o crescente aumento da expectativa de vida, o conhecimento das alterações anatómicas e fisiológicas que ocorrem no aparelho estomatognático durante o envelhecimento é de suma importância para a correta avaliação do paciente idoso. Objetivos: descrição e abordagem das principais estruturas anatómicas do indivíduo, adulto e idoso. Estabelece-se uma anatomia comparativa e evolutiva durante o processo de envelhecimento. Pretende-se contribuir para o conhecimento e reflexão sobre o tema em questão e demonstrar a aplicabilidade deste conhecimento em contexto clínico. Métodos: realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica, nas bases de dados Pubmed, b-on SciElo e Elsevier, no período entre 2006-2016. Resultados: Maxila - ocorre reabsorção óssea, alteração no contorno do arco da maxila, retrusão maxilar, rotação da maxila no sentido horário, diminuição gradual e constante do ângulo maxilar e redução vertical da altura maxilar. Mandíbula - aumento do ângulo da mandíbula, diminuição da densidade e volume ósseo. Articulação gonfose e Articulação Temporo-Mandibular - pode ocorrer tanto anquilose, como perda das estruturas de suporte. Observa-se degeneração e/ou perfuração do disco radicular e alteração do formato do côndilo. Dentes - cáries radiculares, fraturas dentárias e desgaste dentário. Ocorrem modificações histológicas no esmalte, dentina e polpa dentária. Periodonto: reabsorção do osso alveolar, gengiva atrófica com tendência a migração apical, deposição apical das camadas incrementais e desgaste de cemento exposto, ligamento periodontal fino, irregular e diminuição do espaço periodontal. Conclusões: as alterações anatómicas decorrentes do envelhecimento fisiológico são múltiplas. O Médico Dentista diante de um paciente idoso, deverá conhecer e distinguir entre uma alteração decorrente do envelhecimento fisiológico e uma alteração patológica, para o correto diagnóstico clínico e uma excelente decisão terapêutica. O Médico Dentista deverá contribuir para o envelhecimento saudável e para tal deve ser conhecedor em pleno da temática do presente trabalho.
International audience
Propósito: Comunicar un caso inusual de crecimiento tumoral agresivo en relación con el uso de distracción mandibular. La situación clínica presentada sugiere que los factores bioquímicos liberados durante la distracción ósea pueden interferir el desarrollo de los tumores malignos activos, provocando una rápida progresión. Material y métodos: Presentamos el caso de una paciente con antecedentes de carcinoma basocelular esclerosante recurrente en el área labiomentoniana izquierda. A pesar de los múltiples intentos de extirpar completamente el tumor y el estrecho seguimiento realizado, 18 años después de realizar el diagnóstico inicial las biopsias tomadas mostraron infiltración tumoral de la mandíbula. Con el fin de minimizar la cantidad de hueso y partes blandas necesarias para la reconstrucción, se decidió realizar una distracción mandibular bilateral antes de realizar la resección mandibular, aprovechando así el crecimiento muy lento que tenía el tumor. Al cabo de 5 semanas de iniciar la distracción se objetivó una gran masa tumoral de nueva aparición al nivel del suelo de la boca anterior, que posteriormente se confirmó que tenía el mismo diagnóstico histopatológico que el tumor inicial. Resultados: Debido a la inesperada ocurrencia de la complicación presentada tuvimos que abandonar la distracción, y decidimos realizar una resección de espesor total del tercio facial inferior y la reconstrucción del defecto con un injerto libre vascularizado de peroné y un colgajo miocutáneo pectoral. Conclusión: La distracción osteogénica puede complicar el curso de un proceso neoplásico local y su uso debe ser valorado como posible contraindicación en pacientes con procesos tumorales activos.
La impactación de terceros molares en la región condilar es muy inusual. Este artículo describe el caso de cordal incluido en región subcondilar en una mujer que refirió dolor inespecífico hemifacial y varios episodios de tumefacción. Se describe el manejo quirúrgico de estas inclusiones y se realiza una revisión bibliográfica.
Aim: To determine the prevalence and classification of bifid mandibular canals using cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods: The sample comprised 300 CBCT scans obtained from the Radiology and Imaging Department database at São Leopoldo Mandic Dental School, Campinas, SP, Brazil. All images were performed on Classic I-Cat® CBCT scanner, with standardized voxel at 0.25 mm and 13 cm FOV (field of view). From an axial slice (0.25 mm) a guiding plane was drawn along the alveolar ridge in order to obtain a cross-section. Results: Among 300 patients, 188 (62.7%) were female and 112 (37.3%) were male, aged between 13 to 87 years. Changes in the mandibular canal were observed in 90 patients, 30.0% of the sample, 51 women (56.7%) and 39 men (43.3%). Regarding affected sides, 32.2% were on the right and 24.5% on the left, with 43.3% bilateral cases. Conclusions: According to the results obtained in this study, a prevalence of 30% of bifid mandibular canals was found, with the most prevalent types classified as B (mesial direction) and bilateral.
Aim: To investigate the healing process following use of collagen sponges in the dental socket after extraction. Wound complications during the study were also evaluated. Methods: 32 cats were included in this study. IV administration of the combination of diazepam (0.22 mg/kg) and ketamine (10 mg/kg) was used to induce general anesthesia. Surgical extraction of both 3rd mandibular premolars was performed. The open dental sockets were divided in two groups. In Group A, the open dental socket on the left side was closed using 4-0 Monocryl in simple interrupted pattern. In Group B, the right dental socket was filled with lyophilized hydrolyzed collagen and the buccal and lingual flaps were sutured using 4-0 Monocryl and simple interrupted pattern. Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg) was used to manage the post-extraction pain in all cats. Ampicilline 20 mg/kg was used as prophylaxis. The wounds were observed during the study to evaluate any signs of inflammation or dehiscence. Radiographs were taken to compare healing of the socket 3 weeks after the procedure. A 1 mm biopsy punch sample was taken from sockets in all cats for comparison of the healing in both groups. Results: Hemorrhage occurred only in the sockets of Group A. Remission of radiolucent area occurred in both groups. Mean score of inflammation was lower and mean scores of fibrotic reaction and fibroplasia were higher in Group B (p<0.05). Conclusions: Use of hemosponge in alveolar socket may accelerate fibroplasia and formation of the connective tissue and reduce inflammation after tooth extraction. Therefore, post-extraction use of the hemostatic agent in the dental socket is recommended.