990 resultados para Magnetic Fluid


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Several doped 6H hexagonal ruthenates, having the general formula Ba3MRu2O9, have been studied over a significant period of time to understand the unusual magnetism of ruthenium metal. However, among them, the M = Fe compound appears different since it is observed that unlike others, the 3d Fe ions and 4d Ru ions can easily exchange their crystallographic positions, and as a result many possible magnetic interactions become realizable. The present study involving several experimental methods on this compound establishes that the magnetic structure of Ba3FeRu2O9 is indeed very different from all other 6H ruthenates. Local structural study reveals that the possible Fe/Ru site disorder further extends to create local chemical inhomogeneity, affecting the high-temperature magnetism of this material. There is a gradual decrease of Fe-57 Mossbauer spectral intensity with decreasing temperature (below 100 K), which reveals that there is a large spread in the magnetic ordering temperatures, corresponding to many spatially inhomogeneous regions. However, finally at about 25 K, the whole compound is found to take up a global glasslike magnetic ordering.


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Use of dipolar and quadrupolar couplings for quantum information processing (QIP) by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is described. In these cases, instead of the individual spins being qubits, the 2(n) energy levels of the spin-system can be treated as an n-qubit system. It is demonstrated that QIP in such systems can be carried out using transition-selective pulses, in (CHCN)-C-3, (CH3CN)-C-13, Li-7 (I = 3/2) and Cs-133 (I = 7/2), oriented in liquid crystals yielding 2 and 3 qubit systems. Creation of pseudopure states, implementation of logic gates and arithmetic operations (half-adder and subtractor) have been carried out in these systems using transition-selective pulses.


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We report the tuning of oxygen content of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3-y and its effect on electrical transport and magnetic properties. A small reduction of oxygen content leads to a decrease in sample resistivity, which is more dramatic at low temperatures. No significant change is seen to occur in the magnetic properties for this case. Further reduction in the oxygen content increases the resistivity remarkably, as compared to the as-prepared sample. The amplitude of the ferromagnetic (FM) transition at 225 K decreases, and the antiferromagnetic (AFM) transition at 130 K disappears. For samples with y=0.17, insulator-metal transition and paramagnetic-ferromagnetic transition occur around 167 K. The results are explained in terms of the effect of oxygen vacancies on the coexistence of the metallic FM phase and the insulating charge ordered AFM phase.


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We report an extended x-ray absorption fine-structure investigation on the Mn K absorption edge in La1-xCaxMnO3 as a function of temperature and magnetic field. The results provide microscopic evidence that the modifications in the local structure around Mn atomic sites, as a function of temperature and applied magnetic field, are directly related to the magneto-transport properties of these materials.


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Powder-neutron diffraction study has been carried out at 300 and 10 K in La0.85Pb0.15Mn1-xTixO3 (0 less than or equal to x less than or equal to 0.15). The samples crystallize in the rhombohedral phase. The magnetic moment reduces nonlinearly with increase in Ti and correlates well with the reported behavior of T-C. The change in the moment and T-C could not be related to change in the one electron bandwidth, W. The reduction is attributed to the effect of dilution and thereby reducing the double exchange ferromagnetic interaction. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the electronic structure of ordered and disordered Sr2FeMoO6 using ab initio bandstructure methods. The effect of disorder was simulated within supercell calculations to realize several configurations with mis-site disorders. It is found that such disorder effects destroy the half-metallic ferromagnetic state of the ordered compound. It also leads to a substantial reduction of the magnetic moments at the Fe sites in the disordered configurations. Most interestingly, it is found for the disordered configurations that the magnetic coupling within the Fe sublattice as well as that within the Mo sublattice always remain ferromagnetic, while the two sublattices couple antiferromagnetically, in close analogy to the magnetic structure of the ordered compound, but,in contrast to recent suggestions.


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The stability of fluid flow past a membrane of infinitesimal thickness is analysed in the limit of zero Reynolds number using linear and weakly nonlinear analyses. The system consists of two Newtonian fluids of thickness R* and H R*, separated by an infinitesimally thick membrane, which is flat in the unperturbed state. The dynamics of the membrane is described by its normal displacement from the flat state, as well as a surface displacement field which provides the displacement of material points from their steady-state positions due to the tangential stress exerted by the fluid flow. The surface stress in the membrane (force per unit length) contains an elastic component proportional to the strain along the surface of the membrane, and a viscous component proportional to the strain rate. The linear analysis reveals that the fluctuations become unstable in the long-wave (alpha --> 0) limit when the non-dimensional strain rate in the fluid exceeds a critical value Lambda(t), and this critical value increases proportional to alpha(2) in this limit. Here, alpha is the dimensionless wavenumber of the perturbations scaled by the inverse of the fluid thickness R*(-1), and the dimensionless strain rate is given by Lambda(t) = ((gamma) over dot* R*eta*/Gamma*), where eta* is the fluid viscosity, Gamma* is the tension of the membrane and (gamma) over dot* is the strain rate in the fluid. The weakly nonlinear stability analysis shows that perturbations are supercritically stable in the alpha --> 0 limit.


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A method for the preparation of acicular hydrogoethite (alpha -FeOOH.xH(2)O, 0.1 < x < 0.22) particles of 0.3-1 mm length has been optimized by air oxidation of Fe( II) hydroxide gel precipitated from aqueous (NH4)(2)Fe(SO4)(2) solutions containing 0.005-0.02 atom% of cationic Pt, Pd or Rh additives as morphology controlling agents. Hydrogoethite particles are evolved from the amorphous ferrous hydroxide gel by heterogeneous nucleation and growth. Preferential adsorption of additives on certain crystallographic planes thereby retarding the growth in the perpendicular direction, allows the particles to acquire acicular shapes with high aspect ratios of 8-15. Synthetic hydrogoethite showed a mass loss of about 14% at similar to 280 degreesC, revealing the presence of strongly coordinated water of hydration in the interior of the goethite crystallites. As evident from IR spectra, excess H2O molecules (0.1- 0.22 per formula unit) are located in the strands of channels formed in between the double ribbons of FeO6 octahedra running parallel to the c- axis. Hydrogoethite particles constituted of multicrystallites are formed with Pt as additive, whereas single crystallite particles are obtained with Pd (or Rh). For both dehydroxylation as well as H-2 reduction, a lower reaction temperature (similar to 220 degreesC) was observed for the former (Pt treated) compared to the latter (Pd or Rh) (similar to 260 degreesC). Acicular magnetite (Fe3O4) was prepared either by reducing hydrogoethite (magnetite route) or dehydroxylating hydrogoethite to hematite and then reducing it to magnetite (hematite- magnetite route). According to TEM studies, preferential dehydroxylation of hydrogoethite along < 010 > leads to microporous hematite. Maghemite (gamma -Fe2O3 (-) (delta), 0 < < 0.25) was obtained by reoxidation of magnetite. The micropores are retained during the topotactic transformation to magnetite and finally to maghemite, whereas cylindrical mesopores are formed due to rearrangement of the oxygen sublattice from hexagonal to cubic close packing during the conversion of hydrogoethite to magnetite and then to maghemite. Accordingly, three different types of maghemite particles are realized: strongly oriented multicrystalline particles, single crystalline acicular particles with micropores or crystallites having mesopores. Higher values of saturation magnetization ((s) = 74 emu g(-1)) and coercivity (H-c = 320 Oe) are obtained for single crystalline mesoporous particles. In the other cases, the smaller size of particles and larger distribution of micropores decreases sigma (s) considerably ( < 60 emu g(-1)) due to relaxation effects of spins on the surface atoms as revealed by Mossbauer spectroscopy.


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Ordered double perovskite oxides of the general formula A2BB′O6 have been known for several decades to have interesting electronic and magnetic properties. However, a recent report of a spectacular negative magnetoresistance effect in a specific member of this family, namely Sr2FeMoO6, has brought this class of compounds under intense scrutiny. It is now believed that the origin of the magnetism in this class of compounds is based on a novel kinetically-driven mechanism. This new mechanism is also likely to be responsible for the unusually high temperature ferromagnetism in several other systems, such as dilute magnetic semiconductors, as well as in various half-metallic ferromagnetic systems, such as Heussler alloys.


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One of the fascinating fields of study in magnetism in recent years has been the study of quantum phenomena in nanosystems. While semiconductor structures have provided paradigms of nanosystems from the stand point of electronic phenomena the synthesis of high nuclearity transition metal complexes have provided examples of nano magnets. The range and diversity of the properties exhibited by these systems rivals its electronic counterparts. Qualitative understanding of these phenomena requires only a knowledge of basic physics, but quantitative study throws up many challenges that are similar to those encountered in the study of correlated electronic systems. In this article, a brief overview of the current trends in this area arc highlighted and some of the efforts of our group in developing a quantitative understanding of this field are outlined.


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A systematic study on the variation of Mössbauer hyperfine parameters with grain size in nanocrystalline zinc ferrite is lacking. In the present study, nanocrystalline ZnFe2O4 ferrites with different grain sizes were prepared by ball-milling technique and characterised by X-ray, EDAX, magnetisation and Mössbauer studies. The grain size decreases with increasing milling time and lattice parameter is found to be slightly higher than the bulk value. Magnetisation at room temperature (RT) and at 77 K could not be saturated with a magnetic field of 7 kOe and the observed magnetisation at these temperatures can be explained on the basis of deviation of cation distribution from normal spinel structure. The Mössbauer spectra were recorded at different temperatures between RT and 16 K. The values of quadrupole splitting at RT are higher for the milled samples indicating the disordering of ZnFe2O4 on milling. The strength of the magnetic hyperfine interactions increases with grain size reduction and this can be explained on the basis of the distribution of Fe3+ ions at both tetrahedral and octahedral sites.


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We present an extensive study on magnetic and transport properties of La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals grown by a float zone method to address the issue of phase separation versus spin-glass (SG) behavior. The dc magnetization study reveals a kink in field-cooled magnetization, and the peak in the zero-field-cooling curve shifts to lower temperature at modest dc fields, indicating the SG magnetic phase. The ac susceptibility study exhibits a considerable frequency-dependent peak shift (similar to 4 K) and a time-dependent memory effect below the freezing temperature. In addition, the characteristic time scale tau(0) estimated from the frequency-dependent ac susceptibility measurement is found to be similar to 10(-13) s, which matches well with typical values observed in canonical SG systems. The transport relaxation study evidently demonstrates the time-dependent glassy phenomena. In essence, all our experimental results corroborate the existence of SG behavior in La(0.85)Sr(0.15)CoO(3) single crystals.


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The flow of a stratified fluid in a channel with small and large deformations is investigated. The analogy of this flow with swirling flow in tubes with non-uniform cross-sections is studied. The flow near the wall is blocked when the Froude number takes certain critical values. The possibility of preventing the stagnation zones in the flow field is also discussed