956 resultados para M2 macrophages


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Gene transfer systems targeting various receptors have been developed to introduce functional genes into cells in culture and into intact animals. A synthetic molecular conjugate, consisting of mannosylated polylysine that exploits endocytosis via the macrophage mannose receptor, was constructed and complexed to expression plasmids containing either the Photinus pyralis luciferase or Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase (lacZ) reporter genes. The DNA complexes were used to transfect murine macrophages isolated from peritoneal exudates in vitro. Luciferase and beta-galactosidase activity was found in transfected cells in culture, whereas complexes consisting of an irrelevant plasmid bound to mannosylated polylysine or the expression plasmid bound to galactosylated polylysine resulted in no detectable transgene expression. Gene transfer was inhibited by the addition of excess mannosylated bovine serum albumin to the culture medium before transfection. Reporter genes were also transferred into macrophages residing in the spleen and liver of adult animals using this system. Luciferase activity was maximal at 4 days after transfection and decreased to lower levels by 16 days. Transgene expression conformed to the distribution of cells that had nonspecific esterase, a cytochemical marker for macrophages. Thus, this system can be used to introduce functional genes into macrophages and may be an approach to the treatment of storage diseases that affect the reticuloendothelial system.


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Pathogenic yersiniae secrete a set of antihost proteins, called Yops, by a type III secretion mechanism. Upon infection of cultured epithelial cells, extracellular Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia enterocolitica translocate cytotoxin YopE across the host cell plasma membrane. Several lines of evidence suggest that tyrosine phosphatase YopH follows the same pathway. We analyzed internalization of YopE and YopH into murine PU5-1.8 macrophages by using recombinant Y. enterocolitica producing truncated YopE and YopH proteins fused to a calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclase. The YopE-cyclase and YopH-cyclase hybrids were readily secreted by Y. enterocolitica. The N-terminal domain required for secretion was not longer than 15 residues of YopE and 17 residues of YopH. Internalization into eukaryotic cells, revealed by cAMP production, only required the N-terminal 50 amino acid residues of YopE and the N-terminal 71 amino acid residues of YopH. YopE and YopH are thus modular proteins composed of a secretion domain, a translocation domain, and an effector domain. Translocation of YopE and YopH across host cell's membranes was also dependent on the secretion of YopB and YopD by the same bacterium. The cyclase fusion approach could be readily extended to study the fate of other proteins secreted by invasive bacterial pathogens.


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The 170-kDa subunit of the galactose-adherence lectin (Gal-lectin) of Entamoeba histolytica mediates adherence to human colonic mucins and intestinal epithelium as a prerequisite to amebic invasion. The Gal-lectin is an immunodominant molecule and a protective antigen in the gerbil model of amebiasis. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) produced by activated macrophages enhances nitric oxide-dependent cytotoxicity in host defense against E. histolytica. The purpose of this study was to identify the Gal-lectin epitopes which stimulate TNF-alpha production by macrophages. Murine bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMMs) exposed to Gal-lectin (100-500 ng/ml) stimulated stable expression of TNF-alpha mRNA (8-fold increase) and TNF-alpha production similar to that of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated cells (100 ng/ml). Polyclonal anti-lectin serum specifically inhibited TNF-alpha mRNA induction in response to the Gal-lectin but not to lipopolysaccharide. Anti-lectin monoclonal antibodies 8C12, H85 and 1G7, which recognize nonoverlapping epitopes of the cysteine-rich region of the 170-kDa heavy subunit, inhibited both amebic adherence to mammalian cells and Gal-lectin-stimulated TNF-alpha mRNA expression by BMMs,but monoclonal antibody 7F4 did neither. As these inhibitory antibodies map to amino acids 596-1082 of the 170-kDa Gal-lectin, our results have identified the functional region that mediates amebic adherence and TNF-alpha mRNA induction in BMMMs; thus, this region of the Gal-lectin is a subunit vaccine candidate.


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Multinucleated giant cells and osteoclasts arise through the fusion of mononuclear phagocyte precursors. To elucidate the mechanism by which cells of monocytic lineage fuse and differentiate into giant cells and osteoclasts, we hypothesized that, as with other cell fusion events, specific surface molecules mediate the adhesion/fusion process. It has been observed that macrophages can be induced to fuse with one another in response to specific stimuli or when placed in a specific microenvironment. The formation of giant cells is primarily associated with chronic inflammatory reactions and tumors, while osteoclasts differentiate on bone which they resorb. The fact that, under normal conditions, macrophages and monocytes fail to fuse in regions and tissues where they are present in large numbers suggests the regulated and transient expression of potential fusion molecules. To identify such a fusion-associated molecule, we established a macrophage fusion assay and generated monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that alter the fusion of macrophages in vitro. We selected four mAbs that each had the ability to block the fusion but not the aggregation of macrophages in vitro. All four antibodies recognize surface proteins of 150 kDa. The expression of the antigens recognized by all four mAbs is restricted to macrophages that have been induced to fuse in vitro and in vivo and is inducible, transient, and regulated, as neither nonfusing macrophages nor macrophages fused in vitro express these antigens. These results support the hypothesis that macrophage fusion is mediated by specific fusion/adhesion molecules and also provide a means to study the molecular mechanisms of macrophage fusion.


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Infectious human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) was produced by the intracellular coexpression of five plasmid-borne cDNAs. One cDNA encoded a complete positive-sense version of the RSV genome (corresponding to the replicative intermediate RNA or antigenome), and each of the other four encoded a separate RSV protein, namely, the major nucleocapsid N protein, the nucleocapsid P phosphoprotein, the major polymerase L protein, or the protein from the 5' proximal open reading frame of the M2 mRNA [M2(ORF1)]. RSV was not produced if any of the five plasmids was omitted. The requirement for the M2(ORF1) protein is consistent with its recent identification as a transcription elongation factor and confirms its importance for RSV gene expression. It should thus be possible to introduce defined changes into infectious RSV. This should be useful for basic studies of RSV molecular biology and pathogenesis; in addition, there are immediate applications to the development of live attenuated vaccine strains bearing predetermined defined attenuating mutations.


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The Fas/APO-1 cytotoxic pathway plays an important role in the regulation of peripheral immunity. Recent evidence indicates that this regulatory function operates through deletion of activated T and B lymphocytes by CD4+ T cells expressing the Fas ligand. Because macrophages play a key role in peripheral immunity, we asked whether Fas was involved in T-cell-macrophage interactions. Two-color flow cytometry revealed that Fas receptor (FasR) was expressed on resting murine peritoneal macrophages. FasR expression was upregulated after activation of macrophages with cytokines or lipopolysaccharide, although only tumor necrosis factor-alpha rendered macrophages sensitive to anti-FasR antibody-mediated death. To determine the consequence of antigen presentation by macrophages to CD4+ T cells, macrophages were pulsed with antigen and then incubated with either Th1 or Th2 cell lines or clones. Th1, but not Th2, T cells induced lysis of 60-80% of normal macrophages, whereas macrophages obtained from mice with mutations in the FasR were totally resistant to Th1-mediated cytotoxicity. Macrophage cytotoxicity depended upon specific antigen recognition by T cells and was major histocompatibility complex restricted. These findings indicate that, in addition to deletion of activated lymphocytes, Fas plays an important role in deletion of activated macrophages after antigen presentation to Th1 CD4+ T cells. Failure to delete macrophages that constitutively present self-antigens may contribute to the expression of autoimmunity in mice deficient in FasR (lpr) or Fas ligand (gld).


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We investigated the relationship between the fusion selectivity of the envelope glycoprotein (env) and the tropism of different human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) isolates for CD4+ human T-cell lines vs. primary macrophages. Recombinant vaccinia viruses were prepared encoding the envs from several well-characterized HIV-1 isolates with distinct cytotropisms. Cells expressing the recombinant envs were mixed with various CD4+ partner cell types; cell fusion was monitored by a quantitative reporter gene assay and by syncytia formation. With CD4+ continuous cell lines as partners (T-cell lines, HeLa cells expressing recombinant CD4), efficient fusion occurred with the envs from T-cell line-tropic isolates (IIIB, LAV, SF2, and RF) but not with the envs from macrophage-tropic isolates (JR-FL, SF162, ADA, and Ba-L). The opposite selectivity pattern was observed with primary macrophages as cell partners; stronger fusion occurred with the envs from the macrophage-tropic than from the T-cell line-tropic isolates. All the envs showed fusion activity with peripheral blood mononuclear cells as partners, consistent with the ability of this cell population to support replication of all the corresponding HIV-1 isolates. These fusion selectivities were maintained irrespective of the cell type used to express env, thereby excluding a role for differential host cell modification. We conclude that the intrinsic fusion selectivity of env plays a major role in the tropism of a HIV-1 isolate for infection of CD4+ T-cell lines vs. primary macrophages, presumably by determining the selectivity of virus entry and cell fusion.


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Cellular levels of free arachidonic acid (AA) are controlled by a deacylation/reacylation cycle whereby the fatty acid is liberated by phospholipases and reincorporated by acyltransferases. We have found that the esterification of AA into membrane phospholipids is a Ca(2+)-independent process and that it is blocked up to 60-70% by a bromoenollactone (BEL) that is a selective inhibitor of a newly discovered Ca(2+)-independent phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in macrophages. The observed inhibition correlates with a decreased steady-state level of lysophospholipids as well as with the inhibition of the Ca(2+)-independent PLA2 activity in these cells. This inhibition is specific for the Ca(2+)-independent PLA2 in that neither group IV PLA2, group II PLA2, arachidonoyl-CoA synthetase, lysophospholipid:arachidonoyl-CoA acyltransferase, nor CoA-independent transacylase is affected by treatment with BEL. Moreover, two BEL analogs that are not inhibitors of the Ca(2+)-independent PLA2--namely a bromomethyl ketone and methyl-BEL--do not inhibit AA incorporation into phospholipids. Esterification of palmitic acid is only slightly affected by BEL, indicating that de novo synthetic pathways are not inhibited by BEL. Collectively, the data suggest that the Ca(2+)-independent PLA2 in P388D1 macrophages plays a major role in regulating the incorporation of AA into membrane phospholipids by providing the lysophospholipid acceptor employed in the acylation reaction.


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Serum IgE concentrations and the expression of the low-affinity receptor for IgE (Fc epsilon RII/CD23) are increased in cutaneous leishmaniasis or after immune challenge with Leishmania antigens. In vitro, the ligation of CD23 by IgE-anti-IgE immune complexes (IgE-IC) or by anti-CD23 monoclonal antibody (mAb) induces nitric oxide (NO) synthase and the generation of various cytokines by human monocytes/macrophages. The present study shows that IgE-IC, via CD23 binding, induce intracellular killing of Leishmania major in human monocyte-derived macrophages through the induction of the L-arginine:NO pathway. This was demonstrated by increased generation of nitrite (NO2-), the stable oxidation product of NO, and by the ability of NG-monomethyl-L-arginine to block both NO generation and parasite killing. A similar NO-dependent effect was observed with interferon gamma-treated cells. Tumor necrosis factor alpha is involved in this process, since both the induction of NO synthase and the killing of parasites caused by anti-CD23 mAb were inhibited by an anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha mAb. Treatment of noninfected CD23+ macrophages with IgE-IC provided protection against subsequent in vitro infection of these cells by Leishmania major promastigotes. Thus, IgE-IC promote killing of L. major by inducing NO synthase in human macrophages.


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A photoactivatable derivative of neurotoxin II from Naja naja oxiana containing a 125I-labeled p-azidosalicylamidoethyl-1,3'-dithiopropyl label at Lys-25 forms a photo-induced cross-link with the delta subunit of the membrane-bound Torpedo californica nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The cross-linked radioactive receptor peptide was isolated by reverse-phase HPLC after tryptic digestion of the labeled delta subunit. The sequence of this peptide, delta-(260-277), and the position of the label at Ala-268 were established by matrix-assisted laser-desorption-ionization mass spectrometry based on the molecular mass and on post-source decay fragment analysis. With the known dimensions of the AChR molecule, of the photolabel, and of alpha-neurotoxin, finding the cross-link at delta Ala-268 (located in the upper part of the channel-forming transmembrane helix M2) means that the center of the alpha-neurotoxin binding site is situated at least approximately 40 A from the extracellular surface of the AChR, proximal to the channel axis.


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We screened a panel of monoclonal antibodies against selected macrophage cell surface molecules for their ability to inhibit enterotoxin binding to major histocompatibility complex class II-negative C2D (H-2b) macrophages. Two monoclonal antibodies, HB36 and TIB126, that are specific for the alpha 2 domain of major histocompatibility complex class I, blocked staphylococcal enterotoxins A and B (SEA and SEB, respectively) binding to C2D macrophages in a specific and concentration-dependent manner. Inhibitory activities were haplotype-specific in that SEA and SEB binding to H-2k or H-2d macrophages was not inhibited by either monoclonal antibody. HB36, but not TIB126, inhibited enterotoxin-induced secretion of cytokines by H-2b macrophages. Lastly, passive protection of D-galactosamine-sensitized C2D mice by injection with HB36 antibody prevented SEB-induced death. Therefore, SEA and SEB binding to the alpha 2 domain of the H-2Db molecule induces biological activity and has physiological consequences.


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Transcription of the macrophage scavenger receptor A gene is markedly upregulated during monocyte to macrophage differentiation. In these studies, we demonstrate that 291 bp of the proximal scavenger receptor promoter, in concert with a 400-bp upstream enhancer element, is sufficient to direct macrophage-specific expression of a human growth hormone reporter in transgenic mice. These regulatory elements, which contain binding sites for PU.1, AP-1, and cooperating ets-domain transcription factors, are also sufficient to mediate regulation of transgene expression during the in vitro differentiation of bone marrow progenitor cells in response to macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Mutation of the PU.1 binding site within the scavenger receptor promoter severely impairs transgene expression, consistent with a crucial role of PU.1 in regulating the expression of the scavenger receptor gene. The ability of the scavenger receptor promoter and enhancer to target gene expression to macrophages in vivo, including foam cells of atherosclerotic lesions, suggests that these regulatory elements will be of general utility in the study of macrophage differentiation and function by permitting specific modifications of macrophage gene expression.


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The incidence of tuberculosis is increasing on a global scale, in part due to its strong association with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Attachment of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to its host cell, the alveolar macrophage (AM), is an important early step in the pathogenesis of infection. Bronchoalveolar lavage of HIV-infected individuals demonstrated the presence of a factor which significantly enhances the attachment of tubercle bacilli to AMs 3-fold relative to a normal control population. This factor is surfactant protein A (SP-A). SP-A levels are increased in the lungs of HIV-infected individuals. SP-A levels and attachment of M. tuberculosis to AMs inversely correlate with peripheral blood CD4 lymphocyte counts. Elevated concentrations of SP-A during the progression of HIV infection may represent an important nonimmune risk factor for acquiring tuberculosis, even before significant depletion of CD4 lymphocytes in the peripheral blood occurs.


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We observed that when monocyte/macrophage precursors derived from murine bone marrow were treated with macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF), there was a dose-dependent increase in both the number of adherent cells and the degree to which the cells were highly spread. Attachment was supported by fibronectin, but not by vitronectin or laminin, suggesting that the integrins alpha 4 beta 1 and/or alpha 5 beta 1 might mediate this event. Binding to fibronectin was blocked partially by antibodies to either integrin, and inhibition was almost complete when the antibodies were used in combination. By a combination of surface labeling with 125I and metabolic labeling with [35S]methionine and [35S]cysteine, we demonstrated that M-CSF treatment led to increased synthesis and surface expression of the two beta 1 integrins. Since attachment to fibronectin and/or stromal cells plays an important role in the maturation of other hematopoietic lineages, we propose that the action of M-CSF in the differentiation of immature monocytes/macrophages includes stimulated expression of the integrins alpha 4 beta 1 and alpha 5 beta 1, leading to interactions with components of the marrow microenvironment necessary for cell maturation.


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Human macrophages are believed to damage host tissues in chronic inflammatory disease states, but these cells have been reported to express only modest degradative activity in vitro. However, while examining the ability of human monocytes to degrade the extracellular matrix component elastin, we identified culture conditions under which the cells matured into a macrophage population that displayed a degradative phenotype hundreds of times more destructive than that previously ascribed to any other cell population. The monocyte-derived macrophages synthesized elastinolytic matrix metalloproteinases (i.e., gelatinase B and matrilysin) as well as cysteine proteinases (i.e., cathepsins B, L, and S), but only the cathepsins were detected in the extracellular milieu as fully processed, mature enzymes by either vital fluorescence or active-site labeling. Consistent with these observations, macrophage-mediated elastinolytic activity was not affected by matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors but could be almost completely abrogated by inhibiting cathepsins L and S. These data demonstrate that human macrophages mobilize cysteine proteinases to arm themselves with a powerful effector mechanism that can participate in the pathophysiologic remodeling of the extracellular matrix.