965 resultados para Lutzomyia (Helcocyrtomyia) herreri sp. nov.
Anthrenoides alineae sp. nov., A. birgitae sp. nov., A. elioi sp. nov., A. francisci sp. nov., A. gibbosus sp. nov., A. kelliae sp. nov., A. paulensis sp. nov., A. sidiae sp. nov. e A. sulinus sp. nov., assim como as fêmeas de A. magaliae Urban, 2005 e de A. reticulatus Urban, 2005 são descritas e ilustradas. São acrescentados novos dados sobre a distribuição geográfica de Anthrenoides e, também uma chave para a identificação das espécies do Rio Grande do Sul.
Chimarra (Curgia) paucispina sp. nov., of the aurivittata group Flint, 1998 is described and illustrated from specimens collected in Amazonas State. The key to species of Chimarra (Curgia) Walker, 1860 presented by Flint was modified to include the new species. Chimarra (Chimarrita) chela Blahnik, 1997 and Chimarra (Curgia) jugescens Flint, 1998 are for first time reported for the Amazonas State. This is the first record of C. chela in Brazil.
Cladomorphus trimariensis sp. nov. é descrita de Três Marias, Minas Gerais. A nova espécie difere de C. phyllinus Gray, 1835 principalmente pelo opérculo e placa micropilar do ovo, ausência de espinhos nas pernas médias e posteriores e pelas projeções distais nos tergos IV e V, que são menos desenvolvidas.
Dicrepidius brasilianus sp. nov., from Pará and Mato Grosso is described and illustrated. This is the second species of this genus recorded from Brazil. D. ramicornis (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805) is widely distributed from south of United States to south of Brazil. From Brazil, it was recorded from Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina states, but now other records are included. A comparison between the two Brazilian species and a discussion, including intraspecific variations, are presented.
São descritas novas espécies de Cyrtinus LeConte, 1852: C. hispidus sp. nov. do Equador (Pichincha); C. bifasciatus sp. nov. do Panamá (Colón) e da Costa Rica, C. umbus sp. nov. (Guanacaste) e C. melzeri sp. nov. (Cartago). Acrescentam-se ocorrência e figura de C. penicillatus (Bates, 1885).
A new species of Plebeia, the second largest genus of stingless bees in the Neotropical region, is described from eastern Brazil. Plebeia grapiuna sp. nov., known only from the lowland forests of southern Bahia, is most similar to P. lucii Moure, a species recently described from Minas Gerais. The lack of yellow marks and the smoother integument of the frons and mesoscutum in P. grapiuna sp. nov. distinguish them. Main features of the nesting habits of the new species are described and illustrated.
Fannia é encontrada em todas as regiões biogeográficas, exceto nos pólos. A presente contribuição refere-se à s 22 espécies encontradas na região Sul do Brasil incluindo três novas espécies: Fannia opsia sp. nov. de Ponta Grossa (Paraná), Fannia pulvinilenis sp. nov. de Pelotas (Rio Grande do Sul) e Fannia xanthothrichia sp. nov. de São José dos Pinhais (Paraná). Fannia carvalhoi Couri, 2005 é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil. É descrita pela primeira vez a fêmea de Fannia admirabilis Albuquerque, 1958. Além disto, são apresentadas chaves de identificação para macho e fêmea para as espécies da região. Ilustrações dos principais caracteres diagnósticos e das terminálias masculina e feminina são incluÃdas.
Species of the oxyurum group (sensu Lauck) consist of five extant Neotropical small species, whose lengths range 15.0 to 20.0 mm. The anterior interocular width about 1.5 times the width of an eye and ventral diverticulum of phallus flattened, circular, and large are, in combination, diagnostic. The small species of the oxyurum group were included in the Lauck´s key to the identification of the species groups, without dealing with the species included in it because many of them are very similar in appearance. Therefore here we redescribe and key the Belostoma species of the oxyurum group. Belostoma oxyurum (Dufour) is newly recorded from Brazil (Paraná and Rio Grande do Sul). Holotype and lectotype are designated for B. oxyurum and B. sanctulum Montandon, respectively. The aspect of the prosternal keel, the ratio between the width of the ventral diverticulum of phallus and its length in ventral view, and the aspect of dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum have proven useful for better species delimitation. Based on specimens from Pará State (N. Brazil), Belostoma carajaensis Ribeiro & Estévez, sp. nov. is described and illustrated. This new species differs from B. sanctulum in having anteoculus shorter than interoculus and the dorsal arms of ventral diverticulum divergent and large. A male specimen of B. noualhieri Montandon was collected in São Paulo State and based mainly on features of male genitalia, this species is here also included under oxyurum group.
São descritas e ilustradas as seguintes espécies: A calderensis sp. nov., A. cordobensis sp. nov., A. gibberosus sp. nov., A. neffi sp. nov., A. punctatus sp. nov., A. saltensis sp. nov., A. sanpedroi sp. nov., A. tucumanus sp. nov. e A. villaguayensis sp. nov. É apresentada uma chave para a sua identificação.
A new species of Entomobryidae of the genus Seira Lubbock, S. paraibensis sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The type locality of the species is the municipality of Areia, state of ParaÃba, Brazil. The species was found inhabiting the Atlantic forest litter and top soil environment. S. paraibensis sp. nov. resembles S. pseudoannulata in many morphological features. This is the sixth species of the genus found and described in Paraiba so far. A key with the 11 species of Seira registered so far in ParaÃba is provided. Also a list with all species of the genus from Brazil is presented.
São descritos e figurados os novos táxons da Colômbia e Equador: Tropidocoleus gen. nov., espécie-tipo, T. bicarinatus sp. nov., Parabaryssinus gen. nov., espécie-tipo, P. lineaticollis (Gounelle, 1910), comb. nov.; do Equador: Odontozineus gen. nov., espécie-tipo, O. penicillatus sp. nov.; da BolÃvia: Tropidozineus albidus sp. nov. e Nyssodrysternum cingillum sp. nov.; do Brasil (Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro): Tropidozineus martinsi sp. nov.
Solepyris Azevedo is a rarely collected Neotropical genus. It is differentiated from other Sclerodermini genera by having the fore wing venation with a single large closed cell and currently is monotypic containing S. unicus Azevedo. A second species, Solepyris montuosus, sp. nov., from Brazil is described and illustrated. This new species is diagnosed by having radial vein of the fore wing long. An amended diagnosis of Solepyris unicus Azevedo is included. A key for the two species of Solepyris is provided.
Two new species of Marilia Müller (Odontoceridae), M. aiuruoca sp. nov. and M. huamantincoae sp. nov., are described and figured from Itatiaia massif, Mantiqueira mountain range, southeastern Brazil. The female of M. major Müller, 1880 is described and the species is recorded for the first time from Rio de Janeiro state.
Three new species of Nealcidion Monné are described: N. antennatum Monné & Monné sp. nov. from Panamá and N. albolineatum Monné & Monné sp. nov. and N. elegans Monné & Monné sp. nov., from Venezuela. Alcidion deletum Bates, 1880 is considered a synonym of Nealcidion strigilis (Erichson, 1847) comb. nov. The four species are illustrated.
A new species of Amblyseius Berlese, A. vitis sp. nov. is described from Dois Lajeados, State of Rio Grande do Sul. The specimens were collected on Stachys arvensis L. (Lamiaceae) and Plantago tomentosa Lam. (Plantaginaceae).