896 resultados para Literary genre


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Parodie auf das Scheitern der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung nach der Ablehnung der Kaiserkrone durch Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (3. April 1849) und der Abberufung der österreichischen Abgeordneten (5. April 1849). Mit Ausnahme der zusätzlichen Illustratorenangabe sowie des Zeilensatzes mit der Frankfurter Ausgabe (Die Frankfurter Schule, oder die Auflösung in der Paulskirche) identisch


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Parodie auf das Scheitern der Frankfurter Nationalversammlung nach der Ablehnung der Kaiserkrone durch Friedrich Wilhelm IV. (3. April 1849) und der Abberufung der österreichischen Abgeordneten (5. April 1848). Mit Ausnahme der fehlenden Illustratorenangabe sowie des Zeilensatzes mit der Berliner Ausgabe (Die Frankfurter Schule, oder: Die unartigen Kinder) identisch


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Literature, literary interpretation and criticism have always had an interestingly paradoxical relationship with fundamentalism: fundamentalisms are generally built on texts, which can be sacred and exclusive, and on a claim to exclusive authority for interpretation. Therefore they tend to see the cornucopian profusion of texts and interpretations so typical of Western concepts of Literature as a threat; a circumstance which has been widely exploited by writers and critics to engage with fundamentalism on its home turf. The volume addresses the cultural given that the term ‘fundamentalism’ has acquired such wide-spread currency, at least in the West. In their various approaches, the contributions examine what fundamentalism has come to signify for those who use the term so extensively and so indiscriminately; and they try to establish what this implies for reaching more productive and positive positions in negotiating fundamentalisms. In doing so, the contributors offer investigations of literary approaches to fundamentalism across a wide range of important contemporary discourses and from a number of cultural perspectives. Readers will expand their understanding of the significance of fundamentalism, and of the value of literature as a highly specialized medium for explorations in this field.


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Si les frontières constituent un thème majeur dans nombre d’œuvres littéraires, encore faut-il se demander d’une part comment les définir (ce qui nécessite d’en dresser une typologie), d’autre part comment elles sont figurées littérairement. Cet article théorique est un préambule à un travail herméneutique qui pourra porter sur des œuvres très diverses où sont figurées des frontières.


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Interdisciplinary citation patterns and other indicators of the flow and sharing of academic knowledge suggest that economists and anthropologists do not talk to each other. Previous studies of this puzzling trend have typically attributed the problem to methodological differences between the two disciplines. Although there are significant differences between economics and anthropology in behavioral assumptions and modes of inquiry, similar differences exist between them and other disciplines (some with much heavier volumes of cross-citations with economics or anthropology), suggesting that the source of the problem lies elsewhere. This paper considers the problem at a deeper level by examining systematic differences in the preferences, capabilities, and literary cultures of economists and anthropologists. Adopting a rhetorical perspective, I consider not the firms, households, or tribes as the principal objective of analysis in the two disciplines, but the conversations between these units. These conversations (through non-verbal as well as verbal media) can be grouped into two genres, based on the type of problem they aim to solve. Those in the first genre aim to solve the problem of interest--how to align the incentives of the parties involved. Those in the second genre deal with the problem of knowledge--how to align localized, and dispersed information. Economists are interested and capable of dealing with primarily, if not exclusively, the first genre, and anthropologists focus on the second. This difference has far reaching consequences for how economists and anthropologists conduct their own scholarly conversations with their own colleagues, why they are having difficulty talking to each other across disciplinary boundaries, and what can be done to change the patterns of communication.


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Se amplía en este estudio el corpus de memorias de infancia y adolescencia descripto por Raúl Castagnino en su artículo “Evocaciones de infancia y adolescencia en la literatura argentina" de 1982. Los libros que se agregan y analizan son: Descubrimiento del mundo (1987) de Alicia Jurado, Cuando el tiempo era otro; una historia de infancia en la pampa gringa (1999) de Gladys Onega y El país de la ilusión (2005) de María Duprat. En este análisis se aportan nuevos puntos de vista en orden a destacar la reconstrucción epocal que implica cada evocación, las distintas tonalidades presentes en cada texto, la pervivencia del niño en el adulto, de qué manera y para qué fines se observan los memorialistas a sí mismos, de qué índole es la actividad introspectiva, cómo los intereses del adulto seleccionan o recortan los recuerdos, entre otros aspectos. Las tres obras, todas con valor estético, configuran literariamente la etapa fundante de la vida y son interesantes frisos de época, desde los años 20 a los 40 del siglo XX. Son también textos que ponen a prueba las teorizaciones sobre el género, con los aportes de sus propios matices.