978 resultados para Linear Optical characterization
We report the fabrication and characterization of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) with 870 nm resonance wavelength in a single-mode TOPAS microstructured polymer optical fiber (mPOF). The grating has been UV-written with the phasemask technique using a 325 nm HeCd laser. The static tensile strain sensitivity has been measured as 0.64 pm/µstrain, and the temperature sensitivity was -60 pm/°C. This is the first 870nm FBG and the first demonstration of a negative temperature response for the TOPAS FBG, for which earlier results have indicated a positive temperature response. The relatively low material loss of the fiber at this wavelength compared to that at longer wavelengths will considerably enhance the potential utility of the TOPAS FBG.
Firstly, we numerically model a practical 20 Gb/s undersea configuration employing the Return-to-Zero Differential Phase Shift Keying data format. The modelling is completed using the Split-Step Fourier Method to solve the Generalised Nonlinear Schrdinger Equation. We optimise the dispersion map and per-channel launch power of these channels and investigate how the choice of pre/post compensation can influence the performance. After obtaining these optimal configurations, we investigate the Bit Error Rate estimation of these systems and we see that estimation based on Gaussian electrical current systems is appropriate for systems of this type, indicating quasi-linear behaviour. The introduction of narrower pulses due to the deployment of quasi-linear transmission decreases the tolerance to chromatic dispersion and intra-channel nonlinearity. We used tools from Mathematical Statistics to study the behaviour of these channels in order to develop new methods to estimate Bit Error Rate. In the final section, we consider the estimation of Eye Closure Penalty, a popular measure of signal distortion. Using a numerical example and assuming the symmetry of eye closure, we see that we can simply estimate Eye Closure Penalty using Gaussian statistics. We also see that the statistics of the logical ones dominates the statistics of the logical ones dominates the statistics of signal distortion in the case of Return-to-Zero On-Off Keying configurations.
A series of waveguides was inscribed in a borosilicate glass (BK7) by an 11 MHz repetition rate femtosecond laser operating with pulse energies from 16 to 30 nJ and focused at various depths within the bulk material. The index modification was measured using a quantitative phase microscopy technique that revealed central index changes ranging from 5×10-3 to 10-2, leading to waveguides that exhibited propagation losses of 0.2 dB/cm at a wavelength of 633 nm and 0.6 dB/cm at a wavelength of 1550 nm with efficient mode matching, less than 0.2 dB, to standard optical fibers. Analysis of the experimental data shows that, for a given inscription energy, the index modification has a strong dependence on inscription scanning velocity. At higher energies, the index modification increases with increasing inscription scanning velocity with other fabrication parameters constant.
The development of new all-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation is a field of growing importance with a strong potential for numerous applications in diverse areas of modern science. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored, potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses and on the applications of advanced pulse shapes in all-optical signal processing. Amongst other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © Copyright 2012 Sonia Boscolo and Christophe Finot.
All-optical technologies for data processing and signal manipulation are expected to play a major role in future optical communications. Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibre have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully exploited potential in optical signal processing. Here, we overview our recent results and advances in developing novel photonic techniques and approaches to all-optical processing based on fibre nonlinearities. Amongst other topics, we will discuss phase-preserving optical 2R regeneration, the possibility of using parabolic/flat-top pulses for optical signal processing and regeneration, and nonlinear optical pulse shaping. A method for passive nonlinear pulse shaping based on pulse pre-chirping and propagation in a normally dispersive fibre will be presented. The approach provides a simple way of generating various temporal waveforms of fundamental and practical interest. Particular emphasis will be given to the formation and characterization of pulses with a triangular intensity profile. A new technique of doubling/copying optical pulses in both the frequency and time domains using triangular-shaped pulses will be also introduced.
Nonlinear phenomena occurring in optical fibres have many attractive features and great, but not yet fully explored potential in signal processing. Here, we review recent progress on the use of fibre nonlinearities for the generation and shaping of optical pulses, and on the applications of advanced pulse waveforms in all-optical signal processing. Among other topics, we will discuss ultrahigh repetition-rate pulse sources, the generation of parabolic-shaped pulses in active and passive fibres, the generation of pulses with triangular temporal profiles, and coherent supercontinuum sources. The signal processing applications will span optical regeneration, linear distortion compensation, optical decision at the receiver in optical communication systems, spectral and temporal signal doubling, and frequency conversion. © 2012 IEEE.
In this second talk on dissipative structures in fiber applications, we overview theoretical aspects of the generation, evolution and characterization of self-similar parabolic-shaped pulses in fiber amplifier media. In particular, we present a perturbation analysis that describes the structural changes induced by third-order fiber dispersion on the parabolic pulse solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with gain. Promising applications of parabolic pulses in optical signal post-processing and regeneration in communication systems are also discussed.
Recent developments in nonlinear optics reveal an interesting class of pulses with a parabolic intensity profile in the energy-containing core and a linear frequency chirp that can propagate in a fiber with normal group-velocity dispersion. Parabolic pulses propagate in a stable selfsimilar manner, holding certain relations (scaling) between pulse power, width, and chirp parameter. In the additional presence of linear amplification, they enjoy the remarkable property of representing a common asymptotic state (or attractor) for arbitrary initial conditions. Analytically, self-similar (SS) parabolic pulses can be found as asymptotic, approximate solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation (NLSE) with gain in the semi-classical (largeamplitude/small-dispersion) limit. By analogy with the well-known stable dynamics of solitary waves - solitons, these SS parabolic pulses have come to be known as similaritons. In practical fiber systems, inherent third-order dispersion (TOD) in the fiber always introduces a certain degree of asymmetry in the structure of the propagating pulse, eventually leading to pulse break-up. To date, there is no analytic theory of parabolic pulses under the action of TOD. Here, we develop aWKB perturbation analysis that describes the effect of weak TOD on the parabolic pulse solution of the NLSE in a fiber gain medium. The induced perturbation in phase and amplitude can be found to any order. The theoretical model predicts with sufficient accuracy the pulse structural changes induced by TOD, which are observed through direct numerical NLSE simulations.
Impairments characterization and performance evaluation of Raman amplified unrepeated DP-16QAM transmissions are conducted. Experimental results indicate that small gain in forward direction enhance the system signal-to-noise ratio for longer reach without introducing noticeable penalty.
An optical liquid-level sensor (LLS) based on a long-period fiber grating (LPG) interferometer is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. Two identical 3-dB LPGs are fabricated to form an in-fiber Mach-Zehnder interferometer, and the fiber portion between two LPGs is exposed to the liquid as the sensing element. The sensitivity and measurement range of the sensors employing different orders of cladding modes are investigated both theoretically and experimentally. The experimental results show good linearity and large measurement range. One of the significant advantages of such a sensing structure is that the measurement level is not limited to the length of the LPG itself. Also, the measurement range and sensitivity of the proposed LLS can be readily tailored for a particular applications.
The optimization of a wavelength tunable RZ transmitter, consisting of an electro-absorption modulator and a SG DBR tunable laser, is carried out using a linear spectrogram based characterization and leads to 1500 km transmission at 42.7 Gb/s independent of the operating wavelength. We demonstrate that, to ensure optimum and consistent transmission performance over a portion of the C-band, the RF drive and bias conditions of the EAM must be varied at each wavelength. The sign and magnitude of the pulse chirp (characterized using the linear spectrographic technique) is therefore tailored to suit the dispersion map of the transmission link. Results achieved show that by optimizing the drive and DC bias applied to the EAM, consistent transmission performance can be achieved over a wide wavelength range. Failure to optimize the EAM drive conditions at each wavelength can lead to serious degradation in system performance.
We review the recent progress of information theory in optical communications, and describe the current experimental results and associated advances in various individual technologies which increase the information capacity. We confirm the widely held belief that the reported capacities are approaching the fundamental limits imposed by signal-to-noise ratio and the distributed non-linearity of conventional optical fibres, resulting in the reduction in the growth rate of communication capacity. We also discuss the techniques which are promising to increase and/or approach the information capacity limit.
A theoretical model is developed to describe the propagation of ultra-short optical pulses in fiber transmission systems in the quasi-linear regime, with periodically inserted in-line lumped nonlinear optical devices. Stable autosoliton solutions are obtained for a particular application of the general theory.
We present results on characterization of lasers with ultra-long cavity lengths up to 84km, the longest cavity ever reported. We have analyzed the mode structure, shape and width of the generated spectra, intensity fluctuations depending on length and intra-cavity power. The RF spectra exhibit an ultra-dense cavity mode structure (mode spacing is 1.2kHz for 84km), in which the width of the mode beating is proportional to the intra-cavity power while the optical spectra broaden with power according to the square-root law acquiring a specific shape with exponential wings. A model based on wave turbulence formalism has been developed to describe the observed effects.
The present work addresses the control of the mPOF Bragg grating spectrum properties through acousto-optic modulation. For the first time, the interaction of a flexural acoustic wave, generated by longitudinal excitation of different frequencies, with the Bragg grating will be presented. Also it will be demonstrated the quasi linear relationship between PZT load and maximum reflected power/ 3dB bandwidth of the reflected spectrum.