1000 resultados para Light-curing units


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Higher plants use several classes of blue light receptors to modulate a wide variety of physiological responses. Among them, both the phototropins and members of the Zeitlupe (ZTL) family use light oxygen voltage (LOV) photosensory domains. In Arabidopsis, these families comprise phot1, phot2 and ZTL, LOV Kelch Protein 2 (LKP2), and Flavin-binding Kelch F-box1 (FKF1). It has now been convincingly shown that blue-light-induced autophosphorylation of the phot1 kinase domain is an essential step in signal transduction. Recent experiments also shed light on the partially distinct photosensory specificities of phot1 and phot2. Phototropin signaling branches rapidly following photoreceptor activation to mediate distinct responses such as chloroplast movements or phototropism. Light activation of the LOV domain in ZTL family members modulates their capacity to interact with GIGANTEA (GI) and their ubiquitin E3 ligase activity. A complex between GI and FKF1 is required to trigger the degradation of a repressor of CO (CONSTANS) expression and thus modulates flowering time. In contrast, light-regulated complex formation between ZTL and GI appears to limit the capacity of ZTL to degrade its targets, which are part of the circadian oscillator.


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Conventional concrete is typically cured using external methods. External curing prevents drying of the surface, allows the mixture to stay warm and moist, and results in continued cement hydration (Taylor 2014). Internal curing is a relatively recent technique that has been developed to prolong cement hydration by providing internal water reservoirs in a concrete mixture that do not adversely affect the concrete mixture’s fresh or hardened physical properties. Internal curing grew out of the need for more durable structural concretes that were resistant to shrinkage cracking. Joint spacing for concrete overlays can be increased if slab warping is reduced or eliminated. One of the most promising potential benefits from using internal curing for concrete overlays, then, is the reduced number of joints due to increased joint spacing (Wei and Hansen 2008).


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In contrast to vastly studied hypocotyl growth, little is known about diel regulation of leaf growth and its coordination with movements such as changes in leaf elevation angle (hyponasty). We developed a 3D live-leaf growth analysis system enabling simultaneous monitoring of growth and movements. Leaf growth is maximal several hours after dawn, requires light, and is regulated by daylength, suggesting coupling between growth and metabolism. We identify both blade and petiole positioning as important components of leaf movements in Arabidopsis thaliana and reveal a temporal delay between growth and movements. In hypocotyls, the combination of circadian expression of PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR4 (PIF4) and PIF5 and their light-regulated protein stability drives rhythmic hypocotyl elongation with peak growth at dawn. We find that PIF4 and PIF5 are not essential to sustain rhythmic leaf growth but influence their amplitude. Furthermore, EARLY FLOWERING3, a member of the evening complex (EC), is required to maintain the correct phase between growth and movement. Our study shows that the mechanisms underlying rhythmic hypocotyl and leaf growth differ. Moreover, we reveal the temporal relationship between leaf elongation and movements and demonstrate the importance of the EC for the coordination of these phenotypic traits.


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When colonizing a new habitat, populations must adapt their sexual behaviour to new ecological constraints. Because caves display drastically different conditions from surface habitats and cave animals are deprived from visual information, hypogean populations are expected to have modified their mate preference and signalling behaviour after cave colonization. Here, we experimentally examined the female preference and the sexual behaviour of brook newts Calotriton asper from different cave and river populations, either in light or in darkness. Our results suggest that females prefer large individuals in both hypogean and epigean populations, but that this preference is only expressed in the light conditions of their native habitat. Hence, some mate choice criteria would be maintained across genetically divergent populations and throughout dissimilar habitats. However, this sexual behaviour is likely to be expressed via a different sensory pathway in the different habitats, suggesting that a sensory shift has occurred in cave populations, enabling animals to communicate through a non-visual channel.


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Testing the efficiency of Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) curing compounds is currently done following Test Method Iowa 901-D, May 2002. Concrete test specimens are prepared from mortar materials and are wet cured 5 hours before the curing compound is applied. All brands of curing compound submitted to the Iowa Department of Transportation are laboratory tested for comparative performance under the same test conditions. These conditions are different than field PCC paving conditions. Phase I tests followed Test Method Iowa 901-D, but modified the application amounts of the curing compound. Test results showed that the application of two coats of one-half thickness each increased efficiency compared to one full thickness coat. Phase II tests also used the modified application amounts, used a concrete mix (instead of a mortar mix) and applied curing compound a few minutes after molding. Measurements of losses, during spraying of the curing compound, were noted and were found to be significant. Test results showed that application amounts, testing techniques, concrete specimen mix design and spray losses do influence the curing compound efficiency. The significance of the spray losses indicates that the conventional test method being used (Iowa 901 D) should be revised.


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Anti-idiotype antibody therapy of B-cell lymphomas, despite numerous promising experimental and clinical studies, has so far met with limited success. Tailor-made monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies have been injected into a large series of lymphoma patients, with a few impressive complete tumour remissions but a large majority of negative responses. The results presented here suggest that, by coupling to antilymphoma idiotype antibodies a few molecules of the tetanus toxin universal epitope peptide P2 (830-843), one could markedly increase the efficiency of this therapy. We show that after 2-hr incubation with conjugates consisting of the tetanus toxin peptide P2 coupled by an S-S bridge to monoclonal antibodies directed to the lambda light chain of human immunoglobulin, human B-lymphoma cells can be specifically lysed by a CD4 T-lymphocyte clone specific for the P2 peptide. Antibody without peptide did not induce B-cell killing by the CD4 T-lymphocyte clone. The free cysteine-peptide was also able to induce lysis of the B-lymphoma target by the T-lymphocyte clone, but at a molar concentration 500 to 1000 times higher than that of the coupled peptide. Proliferation assays confirmed that the antibody-peptide conjugate was antigenically active at a much lower concentration than the free peptide. They also showed that antibody-peptide conjugates required an intact processing function of the B cell for peptide presentation, which could be selectively inhibited by leupeptin and chloroquine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Cold In-Place Recycling (CIR) has been used widely in rehabilitating the rural highways because it improves a long-term pavement performance. A CIR layer is normally covered by a hot mix asphalt (HMA) overlay in order to protect it from water ingress and traffic abrasion and obtain the required pavement structure and texture. Curing is the term currently used for the period of time that a CIR layer should remain exposed to drying conditions before an HMA overlay is placed. The industry standard for curing time is 10 days to 14 days or a maximum moisture content of 1.5 percent, which appear to be very conservative. When the exposed CIR layer is required to carry traffic for many weeks before the wearing surface is placed, it increases the risk of a premature failure in both CIR layer and overlay. This study was performed to explore technically sound ways to identify minimum in-place CIR properties necessary to permit placement of the HMA overlay. To represent the curing process of CIR pavement in the field construction, three different laboratory curing procedures were examined: 1) uncovered, 2) semi-covered and 3) covered specimens. The indirect tensile strength of specimens in all three curing conditions did not increase during an early stage of curing but increased during a later stage of curing usually when the moisture content falls below 1.5%. Dynamic modulus and flow number increased as curing time increased and moisture contents decreased. For the same curing time, CIR-foam specimens exhibited the higher tensile strength and less moisture content than CIR-emulsion. The laboratory test results concluded that the method of curing temperature and length of the curing period significantly affect the properties of the CIR mixtures. The moisture loss index was developed to predict the moisture condition in the field and, in the future, this index be calibrated with the measurements of temperature and moisture of a CIR layer in the field.


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Blue light mediates the phosphorylation of a membrane protein in seedlings from several plant species. When crude microsomal membrane proteins from dark-grown pea (Pisum sativum L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.), Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana L.), or tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) stem segments, or from maize (Zea mays L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), oat (Avena sativa L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), or sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) coleoptiles are illuminated and incubated in vitro with [gamma-(32)P]ATP, a protein of apparent molecular mass from 114 to 130 kD is rapidly phosphorylated. Hence, this system is probably ubiquitous in higher plants. Solubilized maize membranes exposed to blue light and added to unirradiated solubilized maize membranes show a higher level of phosphorylation of the light-affected protein than irradiated membrane proteins alone, suggesting that an unirradiated substrate is phosphorylated by a light-activated kinase. This finding is further demonstrated with membrane proteins from two different species, where the phosphorylated proteins are of different sizes and, hence, unambiguously distinguishable on gel electrophoresis. When solubilized membrane proteins from one species are irradiated and added to unirradiated membrane proteins from another species, the unirradiated protein becomes phosphorylated. These experiments indicate that the irradiated fraction can store the light signal for subsequent phosphorylation in the dark. They also support the hypothesis that light activates a specific kinase and that the systems share a close functional homology among different higher plants.


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The previous research performed laboratory experiments to measure the impacts of the curing on the indirect tensile strength of both CIR-foam and CIR-emulsion mixtures. However, a fundamental question was raised during the previous research regarding a relationship between the field moisture content and the laboratory moisture content. Therefore, during this research, both temperature and moisture conditions were measured in the field by embedding the sensors at a midpoint and a bottom of the CIR layer. The main objectives of the research are to: (1) measure the moisture levels throughout a CIR layer and (2) develop a moisture loss index to determine the optimum curing time of CIR layer before HMA overlay. To develop a set of moisture loss indices, the moisture contents and temperatures of CIR-foam and CIR-emulsion layers were monitored for five months. Based on the limited field experiment, the following conclusions are derived: 1. The moisture content of the CIR layer can be monitored accurately using the capacitance type moisture sensor. 2. The moisture loss index for CIR layers is a viable tool in determining the optimum timing for an overlay without measuring actual moisture contents. 3. The modulus back-calculated based on the deflection measured by FWD seemed to be in a good agreement with the stiffness measured by geo-gauge. 4. The geo-gauge should be considered for measuring the stiffness of CIR layer that can be used to determine the timing of an overlay. 5. The stiffness of CIR-foam layer increased as a curing time increased and it seemed to be more influenced by a temperature than moisture content. The developed sets of moisture loss indices based on the field measurements will help pavement engineers determine an optimum timing of an overlay without continually measuring moisture conditions in the field using a nuclear gauge.


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In the previous study, moisture loss indices were developed based on the field measurements from one CIR-foam and one CIR-emulsion construction sites. To calibrate these moisture loss indices, additional CIR construction sites were monitored using embedded moisture and temperature sensors. In addition, to determine the optimum timing of an HMA overlay on the CIR layer, the potential of using the stiffness of CIR layer measured by geo-gauge instead of the moisture measurement by a nuclear gauge was explored. Based on the monitoring the moisture and stiffness from seven CIR project sites, the following conclusions are derived: 1. In some cases, the in-situ stiffness remained constant and, in other cases, despite some rainfalls, stiffness of the CIR layers steadily increased during the curing time. 2. The stiffness measured by geo-gauge was affected by a significant amount of rainfall. 3. The moisture indices developed for CIR sites can be used for predicting moisture level in a typical CIR project. The initial moisture content and temperature were the most significant factors in predicting the future moisture content in the CIR layer. 4. The stiffness of a CIR layer is an extremely useful tool for contractors to use for timing their HMA overlay. To determine the optimal timing of an HMA overlay, it is recommended that the moisture loss index should be used in conjunction with the stiffness of the CIR layer.


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BACKGROUND: 5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(m-hydroxyphenyl)chlorin (mTHPC)-mediated photodynamic therapy (PDT) has shown insufficient tumor selectivity for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. Tumor selectivity of mTHPC-PDT may be enhanced in the presence of the TAT-RasGAP(317-326) peptide which has the potential to specifically sensitize tumor cells to cytostatic agents. MATERIALS AND METHODS: H-meso-1 and human fibroblast cell cultures, respectively, were exposed to two different mTHPC doses followed by light delivery with and without TAT-RasGAP(317-326) administration. mTHPC was added to the cultures at a concentration of 0.04microg/ml and 0.10microg/ml, respectively, 24h before laser light illumination at 652nm (3J/cm(2), 40mW/cm(2)). TAT-RasGAP(317-326) was added to the cultures immediately after light delivery at a concentration of 20microM. The apoptosis rate was determined by scoring the cells displaying pycnotic nuclei. Cell viability was measured by using a 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. RESULTS: Light delivery associated with 0.04microg/ml mTHPC resulted in a significantly higher apoptosis rate in the presence of TAT-RasGAP(317-326) than without in H-meso-1 cells (p<0.05) but not in fibroblasts. In contrast, 1.0microg/ml mTHPC and light resulted in a significantly higher apoptosis rate in both H-meso-1 cells and fibroblasts as compared to controls (p<0.05) but the addition of TAT-RasGAP(317-326) did not lead to a further significant increase of the apoptosis rate of both H-meso-1 cells and fibroblasts as compared to mTHPC and light delivery alone. CONCLUSION: TAT-RasGAP(317-326) selectively enhanced the effect of mTHPC and light delivery on H-meso-1 cells but not on fibroblasts. However, this effect was mTHPC dose-dependent and occurred only at a low sensitizer dose.


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Protease-sensitive macromolecular prodrugs have attracted interest for bio-responsive drug delivery to sites with up-regulated proteolytic activities such as inflammatory or cancerous lesions. Here we report the development of a novel polymeric photosensitizer prodrug (T-PS) to target thrombin, a protease up-regulated in synovial tissues of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, for minimally invasive photodynamic synovectomy. In T-PS, multiple photosensitizer units are tethered to a polymeric backbone via short, thrombin-cleavable peptide linkers. Photoactivity of the prodrug is efficiently impaired due to energy transfer between neighbouring photosensitizer units. T-PS activation by exogenous and endogenous thrombin induced an increase in fluorescence emission by a factor of 16 after in vitro digestion and a selective fluorescence enhancement in arthritic lesions in vivo, in a collagen-induced arthritis mouse model. In vitro studies on primary human synoviocytes showed a phototoxic effect only after enzymatic digestion of the prodrug and light irradiation, thus demonstrating the functionality of T-PS induced PDT. The developed photosensitizer prodrugs combine the passive targeting capacity of macromolecular drug delivery systems with site-selective photosensitizer release and activation. They illuminate lesions with pathologically enhanced proteolytic activity and induce cell death, subsequent to irradiation.