878 resultados para Legumes as feed


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Inadequate quantity and quality of livestock feed is a persistent constraint to productivity for mixed crop-livestock farming in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. To assess on-farm niches of improved forages, demonstration trials and participatory on-farm research were conducted in four different sites. Forage legumes included Canavalia brasiliensis (CIAT 17009), Stylosanthes guianensis (CIAT 11995) and Desmodium uncinatum (cv. Silverleaf), while grasses were Guatemala grass (Tripsacum andersonii), Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) French Cameroon, and a local Napier line. Within the first six months, forage legumes adapted differently to the four sites with little differences among varieties, while forage grasses displayed higher variability in biomass production among varieties than among sites. Farmers’ ranking largely corresponded to herbage yield from the first cut, preferring Canavalia, Silverleaf desmodium and Napier French Cameroon. Choice of forages and integration into farming systems depended on land availability, soil erosion prevalence and livestock husbandry system. In erosion prone sites, 55–60% of farmers planted grasses on field edges and 16–30% as hedgerows for erosion control. 43% of farmers grew forages as intercrop with food crops such as maize and cassava, pointing to land scarcity. Only in the site with lower land pressure, 71% of farmers grew legumes as pure stand. When land tenure was not secured and livestock freely roaming, 75% of farmers preferred to grow annual forage legumes instead of perennial grasses. Future research should develop robust decision support for spatial and temporal integration of forage technologies into diverse smallholder cropping systems and agro-ecologies.


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Accurate assessment of standing pasture biomass in livestock production systems is a major factor for improving feed planning. Several tools are available to achieve this, including the GrassMaster II capacitance meter. This tool relies on an electrical signal, which is modified by the surrounding pasture. There is limited knowledge on how this capacitance meter performs in Mediterranean pastures. Therefore, we evaluated the GrassMaster II under Mediterranean conditions to determine (i) the effect of pasture moisture content (PMC) on the meter’s ability to estimate pasture green matter (GM) and dry matter (DM) yields, and (ii) the spatial variability and temporal stability of corrected meter readings (CMR) and DM in a bio-diverse pasture. Field tests were carried out with typical pastures of the southern region of Portugal (grasses, legumes, mixture and volunteer annual species) and at different phenological stages (and different PMC). There were significant positive linear relations between CMR and GM (r2 = 0.60, P < 0.01) and CMR and DM (r2 = 0.35, P < 0.05) for all locations (n = 347). Weak relationships were found for PMC (%) v. slope and coefficient of determination for both GM and DM. A significant linear relation existed for CMR v. GM and DM for PMC >80% (r2= 0.57, P < 0.01, RMSE = 2856.7 kg ha–1, CVRMSE=17.1% to GM; and r2= 0.51, P < 0.01,RMSE = 353.7 kg ha–1, CVRMSE = 14.3% to DM). Therefore, under the conditions of this current study there exists an optimum PMC (%) for estimating both GM and DM with the GrassMaster II. Repeated-measurements taken at the same location on different dates and conditions in a bio-diverse pasture showed similar and stable patterns between CMR and DM (r2= 0.67, P < 0.01, RMSE = 136.1 kg ha–1, CVRMSE = 6.5%). The results indicate that the GrassMaster II in-situ technique could play a crucial role in assessing pasture mass to improve feed planning under Mediterranean conditions.


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Arachis pintoi and A. repens are legumes with a high forage value that are used to feed ruminants in consortium systems. Not only do they increase the persistence and quality of pastures, they are also used for ornamental and green cover. The objective of this study was to analyze microsatellite markers in order to access the genetic diversity of 65 forage peanut germplasm accessions in the section Caulorrhizae of the genus Arachis in the Jequitinhonha, São Francisco and Paranã River valleys of Brazil. Fifty-seven accessions of A. pintoi and eight of A. repens were analyzed using 17 microsatellites, and the observed heterozygosity (HO), expected heterozygosity (HE), number of alleles per locus, discriminatory power, and polymorphism information content were all estimated. Ten loci (58.8%) were polymorphic, and 125 alleles were found in total. The HE ranged from 0.30 to 0.94, and HO values ranged from 0.03 to 0.88. By using Bayesian analysis, the accessions were genetically differentiated into three gene pools. Neither the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean nor a neighbor-joining analysis clustered samples into species, origin, or collection area. These results reveal a very weak genetic structure that does not form defined clusters, and that there is a high degree of similarity between the two species.


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The purpose of this research is to study the effect of combination levels of methionine-lancang (Atlanta sp.) in diet on egg quality of Tegal ducks. Eighty-one Tegal ducks early production period were used in this research. The treatments were arranged in a factorial (3x3). The first factor was level of synthetic methionine supplement (M) comprised of  m1: 0,00%, m2: 0,05%, and m3: 0,10%. The second factor was level of lancang (L), i.e. l1: 0,0%, l2; 2,0%, and l3: 4,0%. The variables observed were eggshell-thickness, haugh unit, and egg index. The result showed that the average eggshell-thickness was 0,335 ± 0,002 mm, range between 0,317 to 0,337 mm. The average of haugh unit was 92,054 ± 2,906 range between 85,767 to 99,095, and average of egg index was 76,58 ± 2,91, range between 73,79-81,37%. The interaction of methionine-lancang did not have significant effect on eggshell thickness, haugh unit, and egg index during the first two months egg production. Level of methionine significantly different (P<0,05) the haugh unit, but did not affect eggshell thickness and egg index. Level of  lancang has affect (P<0,05) eggshell thickness significant, but did not significant affect the haugh unit, and egg index. It can be concluded that increasing of synthetic methionine in the diet until 0,10% can improve haugh unit, and increase of lancang until 4,0% can improve eggshell thickness. (Animal Production 4(2): 77-82 (2002) Key words : Egg Quality, Tegal Duck, Intensive, Methionine, Lancang


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Abstract. The effect of three forms of complete feed blocks (CFB) for dairy cattle was evaluated. The form of various CFB were cube, cylinder and ball.  The CFB was prepared from napier grass specific tolerance acid soils and concentrate in 50:50 ratio.  The research used experimental method with randomized block design.   Sixteen dairy cattle were used in this experiment.  There were four treatments and four replications used in this experiment.  The treatments consisted of R0= control ration, R1= cube CFB, R2= cylinder CFB and R3= ball CFB.  The treatment feeds were fed twice a day, at 6.00 am and 15.00 pm.  The amount of morning ration 34 kg of fresh napier grass and 5 kg of concentrate for the control ration, and the same amount of ration was also given in the afternoon feeding, therefore, the daily total fresh forage was 68 kg and concentrate was 10 kg.  Before feeding the forage was chopped in 5 cm length.  The complete feed block for the dairy cows was 10 kg for the morning ration and 10 kg for the afternoon ration, therefore, the daily total complete feed block was 20 kg.  The drinking water was available adlibitum.  The preliminary period was conducted for 2 weeks and data collection were conducted for 5 day of the end of study. The variables measured were dry matter and organic matter intake, dry matter digestibility and milk production.  These results showed that the control ration significantly affected with  ration all CFB form on dry matter and organic matter intake but did not significantly affect the dry matter digestibility and milk production. Key words : dairy cttle, complete feed block Abstrak.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh tiga pakan komplit bentuk cetak yaitu bentuk kubus, silinder dan bola yang diberikan pada sapi perah.   Pakan komplit bentuk cetak dibuat dari hijauan rumput gajah yang spesifik toleran tanah masam yang telah digiling dan bahan konsentrat dengan perbandingan 50:50.  Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak kelompok.  Enam belas ekor sapi perah dikelompokkan menjadi 4 dengan 4 ulangan.  Empat perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu R0= ransum kontrol, R1= pakan komplit cetak bentuk kubus, R2= pakan komplit cetak bentuk silinder, dan R3= pakan komplit cetak bentuk bola. Pakan perlakuan diberikan dua kali sehari pagi pukul 06.00 dan sore 15.00.  Jumlah pakan  yang diberikan pada sapi perah kontrol pagi sebanyak 34 kg rumput gajah segar dan 5 kg konsentrat demikian juga pemberian yang sama pada sore hari sehingga jumlah hijauan segar yang diberikan kepada ternak 68 kg dan konsentrat 10 kg.  Rumput gajah yang diberikan sudah dipotong-potong terlebih dahulu dengan panjang 5 cm.  Jumlah pakan komplit cetak untuk sapi perah perlakuan yang diberikan pagi jumlahnya sama dengan pemberian sore masing-masing sebanyak 10 kg sehingga jumlah pakan komplit cetak yang diberikan 20 kg.  Air minum diberikan adlibitum.  Periode preliminary dilakukan selama 2 minggu dan koleksi data dilakukan selama 5 hari periode akhir percobaan.  Variabel yang diamati adalah konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik pakan, kecernaan bahan kering pakan dan produksi susu.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum kontrol beda nyata dengan semua bentuk pakan komplit cetak pada konsumsi bahan kering dan bahan organik, akan tetapi tidak berbeda nyata dengan  kecernaan bahan kering dan produksi susu. Kata kunci : sapi perah, pakan komplit bentuk cetak


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A study was conducted to determine the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on the reproductive performance of breeding goat. Twenty-three does and six bucks having a similar age (1.5-2.0 years old) were exposed in this experiment. An amount of 200 gram of concentrate consisting of yellow corn (30%), rice brand (50%) and commercial concentrate CP 235 (20%) has been given to each experimental animal. The experimental animals were divided into two groups. The group was fed (12 animals) with M1 (roughage + concentrate) and the other group was fed (11 animals) with M2 (roughage). Moreover, each group were divided into four treatment namely: T1 (PGF2α), T2 (PGF2α + PMSG), T3 (PGF2α + HCG) and T4 (PGF2α + PMSG + HCG). The same treatment was applied to the other group. The data such as litter size and birth weight were collected from each experimental goat. Those data were analyzed using a 2 x 4 factorial experiment with unequal repetition. A composition between to treatment group was done using Least Significant Design (LSD). The result of the study showed that the effect of ration and gonadotrophin hormone on litter size and birth weight didn’t show any significant difference (P>0.05). The average of litter size and birth weight from roughage + concentrate treated animal (goat) were 1.92 and 1.51 kilogram respectively. However, the average of litter size and birth weight from roughage treated group were 1.58 and 1.48 kilogram respectively. (Animal Production 5(1): 5-10 (2003) Key words : Gonadotrophin, PGF2α, PMSG, Hormone, Goat


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The purpose of this experiment was to investigate an adaptation time sheep to eat at a normal amount required by the local experiencing liveweight loss due to feed restriction, to investigate feed intake and feed digestibility and to investigate sheep growth following feed restriction. The experiment was conducted in The Experimental Farm of Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Unsoed. Twelve local sheep were randomly assigned to two different groups of treatment: namely, control (C) and restrictively Fed Animal (R). there were two periods through out the experiment, Period I (PI) and II (PII). During P I (6 week), Animals in group R were restrictively fed so that they lost live weight of approximately 15%. During P II Animals in group  R were than offered ad libitum. Whereas, animal in group C were fed ad libitum through out the experiment. The results of this experiment showed that animals in group R needed 17 days for adaptation to consume feed at a normal amount after they had experienced feed restriction for 6 weeks. Dry matter intake was not different between group C dan R. However, when it was expressed per metabolic live weight (g/Kg0,75), Dry matter intake for group R was significantly higher than that for group C (102.35 vs 91,79). Dry matter digestibility value for group R was higher than that for group C either during PI (62 vs 57%) or during PII (70 vs 61%). The rate of live weight gain was not different between C and R during period II. In conclusion, local sheep had capability of consuming more feed after resumption of full feeding for 17 days. (Animal Production 2(2): 47-52 (2000) Key words : local sheep, dry matter, organic matter, period, restriction, digestibility


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This experiment was study of the enzyme and  probiotic in drinking water mixture was affected on body weight, feed conversion and production index in broiler. This experiment was carried out using 144 broilers, started at one day old and finished at 42 days of age, divided into 4 type treatment of three different level of protein. Experimental method was based on randomized complete design with twelve treatments, if differently, followed by orthogonal  polynomial. Type 1 (unit ABC) was treated with mixture of drinking water and amylase, protease and probiotic at day 3rd through 5th, day 14th , day 21st, day 28th and 35th ;  type 2 (unit DEF) was treated at day 7th ,17th, 27th and 37th ; type 3 (unit GHI) was treated day 21th , day 28th and 35th ; type 4 (unit JKL) without treatment (control). The level of protein for group I of unit ADGJ was 19% of starter feed and 16% of finisher feed. The level of protein for group II  unit BEHK was 21 %of starter feed and 18% finisher feed. The variable used in body weight, feed conversion, production index at the 5th and 6th weeks of age. Result indicated that the body weight optimum was 1483.33 gram at the 5th weeks of age and 1868,89 gram, feed conversion 1, 826 and production index 279,31 at the 6th weeks of age. These findings were observed in the group of chicken given drinking, water amylase, protease and probiotic mixed with at day 3rd trough 5th , day 14th , day 21st , day 28th and day 35th ; The level of protein was 23% of starter feed and 21% of finisher feed. The mixture of enzyme and probiotic in drinking water was concluded to improve in body weight, feed conversion and production index of broiler. (Animal Production 3(1): 26-30 (2001)Key Words: Broiler, enzyme, probiotic,  body weight, feed conversion, production index.


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Penelitian dengan judul “Pengaruh Pembatasan  Pakan dan Exercise terhadap Pertumbuhan Domba Merino” dilakukan untuk mempelajari perubahan bobot badan dan komposisi tubuh selama periode pembatasan pakan dan kerja (exercise) yang kemudian diikuti oleh pemberian pakan secara adlibitum dan berhenti bekerja.penelitian ini terdiri dari dua periode.Pada periode pertama, 1,5 ekor Domba Merino kastrasi umur 4-5 bulan dibagi menjadi tiga perlakuan ,yaitu pembatasan pakan dan exercise selama 2,50 jam (perlakuan I), pembatasan pakan tanpa Exercise (perlakuan II), serta pemberian pakan secara ad libitum tanpa Exercise (perlakuan III), yang masing-masing perlakuan diulang lima kali. Pada periode kedua ,semua domba diberi pakan ad libitum tanpa exercise. Hasil penelitian menunjukankan bahwa pada akhir penelitian periode pertama ,domba dalam perlakuan satu I dan perlakuan II mengalami penurunan bobot badan sebesar 28 dan 27 persen dari bobot badan awal. Selama periode kedua, domba dalam perlakuan I dan perlakuan II tumbuh lebih cepat dari pada domba perlakuan III. Pada akhir periode pertama, domba dalam perlakuan I kehilangan lemak lebih banyak dari pada perlakuan II.Selama periode ke dua ,penimbunan protein pada perlakuan I dan II lebih cepat dibanding  perlakuan III. Domba pada perlakuan III mengalami penimbunan lemak lebih banyak dari pada perlakuan I dan II. Domba pada perlakuan I dan II selama periode ke dua mempunyai kemampuan makan lebih tinggi per kilogram bobot badan metabolis dibanding domba pada perlakuan III. (Animal Production 2(1): 18-24 (2000)Kata kunci: pembatasan pakan , komposisi tubuh , kemampuan makan, pertumbuhan.


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The purpose of this study was to know the effect of utilization of various kinds of binders in the making of complete diet that was made of several species of forages that was viewed from its physical properties (hardness and durability).  There were two formulations of complete feed and four kinds of binders a pelleting machine was used in this study.  Factorially, based on Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used with feed formulation (A) with two levels namely elephant grass and the leaves of leucaena (a1) and rice straw and peanut straw (a2) as the sources of forage as the first factor, and the kinds of binders (B) with 3 % levels of each binders.  Four levels of binders namely b0 (without binder), b1 (lignosulphonate), b2 (bentonite) and b3 (CMC) were as the second factor.  There were 3 replications in each treatment combination.  Based on the results of this study, it was conclude that the hardness of pellets of complete feed was affected by feed formulations based on different kinds of forage and pellets binders, but not for durability of the pellets.  The highest value of hardness was achieved by a1b1 formulation. (Animal Production 6(1): 43-48 (2004) Key Words: Hardness, Durability, Complete Feed Pellet


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An experiment was conducted the quality of rice straw by fermented with manure as feed for ruminant. Materials used in this experiment were rice straw , manure and molasses. Four treatments rice straw + 3% molasses, B= rice straw + 3% molasses +30% manure. Parameters observed were  organoleptic character , pH, crude protein, neutral detergent fiber ( NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). The result of this experiment suggested that rice straw treated with manure 20% and 30% increased is crude protein and descreased its NDF and ADF. (Animal Production 3(2): 62-66 (2001)Key word: Rice straw, manure, fermentation, ruminant.