830 resultados para Lactation


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Rheumatic diseases in women of childbearing years may necessitate drug treatment during a pregnancy, to control maternal disease activity and to ensure a successful pregnancy outcome. This survey is based on a consensus workshop of international experts discussing effects of anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive and biological drugs during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, effects of these drugs on male and female fertility and possible long-term effects on infants exposed to drugs antenatally are discussed where data were available. Recommendations for drug treatment during pregnancy and lactation are given.


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Antirheumatic drugs can have a negative effect on reproduction in both men and women. Possible negative effects are impairment of fertility, harmful effects on the fetus and adverse effects on the breastfed child. In women non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAID) and cyclophosphamide can impair fertility. In men infertility can result from the use of salazopyrine and cyclophosphamide. A desire for children should be taken into account before the start of disease modifying drugs (DMARD). Treatment with NSAID is possible at some stages of pregnancy as well as during lactation. A limited number of DMARD is compatible with pregnancy and is presented. Cytostatic drugs and leflunomide must be prophylactically withdrawn before a planned pregnancy. TNF alpha antagonists should be discontinued at the start of pregnancy. Safe birth control must be practised during therapy with drugs that are gonadotoxic or teratogenic. Treatment with immunosuppressive drugs during lactation is limited because of insufficient documentation of safety for the breastfed child.


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Data from 59 farms with complaints of udder health problems and insufficient quality of delivered milk that had been assessed by the Swiss Bovine Health Service (BHS) between 1999 and 2004 were retrospectively analysed. Data evaluated included farm characteristics such as farm size, herd size, average milk yield, milking system and housing system, deficits of the milking equipment and the milking practices, and bacteriological results of milk samples from all cows in lactation. The average size of the farms assessed by the BHS was larger than the size of the were evaluated, 42 showed obvious failures which the farm managers could have noticed. Only 5 of the 57 milkers carried out their work according to the generally valid guidelines of the National Mastitis Council. More than 2 basic mistakes were observed in the milking practices of 36 milkers. In 51 farms, mixed infections with several problem bacteria (those present in at least 20 % of the tested cows on a farm) were found. Staphylococcus aureus proved to be the most common problem germ. As the bacteria responsible for the herd problem (the sole problem bacteria detectable on a particular farm) Staphylococcus aureus was detected in 4 farms. The current study revealed that education in the area of milking techniques and milking practices of farmers should be improved in order to reduce the incidence of udder health problems on herd level. Staphylococcus aureus is the most important problem bacteria involved in herds with udder health problems in Switzerland. Staphylococcus aureus might be used in practice as the indicator germ for early recognition of management problems in dairy farms.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Conserved Wnt ligands are critical for signalling during development; however, various factors modulate their activity. Among these factors are the Secreted Frizzled-Related Proteins (SFRP). We previously isolated the SFRP-4 gene from an involuting rat mammary gland and later showed that transgenic mice inappropriately expressing SFRP-4 during lactation exhibited a high level of apoptosis with reduced survival of progeny. RESULTS: In order to address the questions related to the mechanism of Wnt signalling and its inhibition by SFRP-4 which we report here, we employed partially-purified Wnt-3a in a co-culture model system. Ectopic expression of SFRP-4 was accomplished by infection with a pBabepuro construct. The co-cultures comprised Line 31E mouse mammary secretory epithelial cells and Line 30F, undifferentiated, fibroblast-like mouse mammary cells. In vitro differentiation of such co-cultures can be demonstrated by induction of the beta-casein gene in response to lactogenic hormones.We show here that treatment of cells with partially-purified Wnt-3a initiates Dvl-3, Akt/PKB and GSK-3beta hyperphosphorylation and beta-catenin activation. Furthermore, while up-regulating the cyclin D1 and connexin-43 genes and elevating transepithelial resistance of Line 31E cell monolayers, Wnt-3a treatment abrogates differentiation of co-cultures in response to the lactogenic hormones prolactin, insulin and glucocorticoid. Cells which express SFRP-4, however, are largely unaffected by Wnt-3a stimulation. Since a physical association between Wnt-3a and SFRP-4 could be demonstrated with immunoprecipitation/Western blotting experiments, this interaction, presumably owing to the Frizzled homology region typical of all SFRPs, explains the refractory response to Wnt-3a which was observed. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that Wnt-3a treatment activates the Wnt signalling pathway and interferes with in vitro differentiation of mammary co-cultures to beta-casein production in response to lactogenic hormones. Similarly, in another measure of differentiation, following Wnt-3a treatment mammary epithelial cells could be shown to up-regulate the cyclin D1 and connexin-43 genes while phenotypically they show increased transepithelial resistance across the cell monolayer. All these behavioural changes can be blocked in mammary epithelial cells expressing SFRP-4. Thus, our data illustrate in an in vitro model a mechanism by which SFRP-4 can modulate a differentiation response to Wnt-3a.


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Eph receptor tyrosine kinases and their membrane-bound ephrin ligands play key roles during morphogenesis and adult tissue homeostasis. Receptor-ligand interactions result in forward and reverse signalling from the receptor and ligand respectively. To delineate the role(s) of forward and reverse signalling in mammary gland biology we have established transgenic mice exhibiting mammary epithelial-specific overexpression of either the native ephrin-B2 or a dominant negative ephrin-B2 mutant incapable of reverse signalling. During pregnancy and lactation overexpression of the native ephrin-B2 resulted in precocious differentiation, whereas overexpression of mutated ephrin-B2 caused delayed epithelial differentiation and in disturbed tissue architecture. Both transgenes affected also mammary vascularisation. Whereas ephrin-B2 induced superfluous but organised capillaries, mutant ephrin-B2 overexpression resulted in an irregular vasculature with blind-ending capillaries. Mammary tumours were not observed in either transgenic line, however, the crossing with NeuT transgenic animals revealed that mutated ephrin-B2 expression significantly accelerated tumour growth and imposed a metastatic phenotype.


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A 33-year-old woman presented with acute nonspecific knee pain, 6 months postpartum. MR imaging, computed tomography and radiography were performed and a proximal tibia plateau insufficiency fracture was detected. Bone densitometry demonstrated mild postpartum osteoporosis. To our knowledge these findings have not been described in this location and in this clinical setting. The etiology of the atraumatic fracture of the tibia is presumed to be due to a low bone mineral density. The bone loss was probably due to pregnancy, lactation and postpartum hormonal changes. There were no other inciting causes and the patient was normocalcemic. We discuss the presence of a postpartum stress fracture in a hitherto undescribed site in a patient who had lactated following an uncomplicated pregnancy and had no other identifiable cause for a stress fracture.


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Recent studies have indicated that parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) may have important actions in lactation, affecting the mammary gland, and also calcium metabolism in the newborn and the mother. However, there are as yet no longitudinal studies to support the notion of an endocrine role of this peptide during nursing. We studied a group of 12 nursing mothers, mean age 32 years, after they had been nursing for an average of 7 weeks (B) and also 4 months after stopping nursing (A). It was assumed that changes occurring between A and B correspond to the effect of lactation. Blood was assayed for prolactin (PRL), PTHrP (two-site immunoradiometric assay with sheep antibody against PTHrP(1-40), and goat antibody against PTHrP(60-72), detection limit 0.3 pmol/l), intact PTH (iPTH), ionized calcium (Ca2+), 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (25(OH)D3) and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH)2D3), alkaline phosphatase (alkP), as well as for creatinine (Cr), protein, phosphorus (P), and total calcium (Ca). Fasting 2-h urine samples were analyzed for Ca excretion (CaE) and renal phosphate threshold (TmP/GFR). PRL was significantly higher during lactation than after weaning (39 +/- 10 vs. 13 +/- 9 micrograms/l; p = 0.018) and so was PTHrP (2.8 +/- 0.35 vs. 0.52 +/- 0.04 pmol/l; p = 0.002), values during lactation being above the normal limit (1.3 pmol/l) in all 12 mothers. There was a significant correlation between PRL and PTHrP during lactation (r = 0.8, p = 0.002). Whole blood Ca2+ did not significantly change from A (1.20 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) to B (1.22 +/- 0.02, mmol/l), whereas total Ca corrected for protein (2.18 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) or uncorrected (2.18 +/- 0.02 mmol/l) significantly rose during lactation (2.31 +/- 0.02 mmol/l, p = 0.003 and 2.37 +/- 0.03 mmol/l, p = 0.002, respectively). Conversely, iPTH decreased during lactation (3.47 +/- 0.38 vs. 2.11 +/- 0.35 pmol/l, A vs. B, p = 0.02). Serum-levels of 25(OH)D3 and 1,25(OH)2D3 did not significantly change from A to B (23 +/- 2.3 vs. 24 +/- 1.9 ng/ml and 29.5 +/- 6.0 vs. 21.9 +/- 1.8 pg/ml, respectively). Both TmP/GFR and P were higher during lactation than after weaning (1.15 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.86 +/- 0.05 mmol/l GF, p = 0.003 and 1.25 +/- 0.03 vs. 0.96 +/- 0.05 mmol/l, p = 0.002, respectively) as was alkP (74.0 +/- 7.1 vs. 52.6 +/- 6.9 U/l, p = 0.003). CaE did not differ between A and B (0.015 +/- 0.003 vs. 0.017 +/- 0.003 mmol/l GF, A vs. B, NS). We conclude that lactation is accompanied by an increase in serum PRL. This is associated with a release of PTHrP into the maternal blood circulation. A rise in total plasma Ca ensues, probably in part by increased bone turnover as suggested by the elevation of alkP. PTH secretion falls, with a subsequent rise of TmP/GFR and plasma P despite high plasma levels of PTHrP.


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Seasonal lamb supply has been established as one of the major hindrances to the American sheep industry. The ability to consistently lamb ewes on an accelerated production system offers additional benefits of reduced maintenance costs, more uniform cash flow along with reduced labor and facility demands. Previous work at McNay with spring breeding indicated that light priming rams regardless of genetic base improved conception rates, however, MGA feeding postweaning gave inconsistent and sometimes depressed reproductive activity in ewes. This study was conducted to evaluate the use of MGA in late lactation and a single PG600 injection at weaning, either individually or in combination.


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Elevation of ketone bodies in dairy cows frequently occurs in early lactation, usually concomitantly with a lack of energy and glucose. The objective of this study was to induce an elevated plasma β-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) concentration over 48 h in mid-lactating dairy cows (i.e., during a period of positive energy balance and normal glucose plasma concentrations). Effects of BHBA infusion on feed intake, metabolism, and performance were investigated. Thirteen cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 infusion groups, including an intravenous infusion with Na-dl-β-OH-butyrate (1.7 mol/L) to achieve a plasma concentration of 1.5 to 2.0 mmol/L of BHBA (HyperB; n=5), or an infusion of 0.9% saline solution (control; n=8). Blood was sampled before and hourly during the 48 h of infusion. In the liver, mRNA transcripts related to gluconeogenesis (pyruvate carboxylase, glucose 6-phosphatase, mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase), phosphofructokinase, pyruvate dehydrogenase complex, and fatty acid synthesis (acetyl-coenzyme A carboxylase, fatty acid synthase) were measured by real-time PCR. Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and ubiquitin were used as housekeeping genes. Changes (difference between before and after 48-h infusion) during the infusion period were evaluated by ANOVA with treatment as fixed effect, and area under the curve of variables was calculated on the second day of experiment. The plasma BHBA concentration in HyperB cows was 1.74 ± 0.02 mmol/L (mean ± SE) compared with 0.59 ± 0.02 mmol/L for control cows. The change in feed intake, milk yield, and energy corrected milk did not differ between the 2 experimental groups. Infusion of BHBA reduced the plasma glucose concentration (3.47 ± 0.11 mmol/L) in HyperB compared with control cows (4.11 ± 0.08 mmol/L). Plasma glucagon concentration in HyperB was lower than the control group. All other variables measured in plasma were not affected by treatment. In the liver, changes in mRNA abundance for the selected genes were similar between 2 groups. Results demonstrate that intravenous infusion of BHBA decreased plasma glucose concentration in dairy cows, but this decrease could not be explained by alterations in insulin concentrations or key enzymes related to gluconeogenesis. Declined glucose concentration is likely functionally related to decreased plasma glucagon concentration.


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A dietary energy restriction to 49% of total energy requirements was conducted with Red Holstein cows for three weeks in mid-lactation. At the last day of the restriction phase, primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (pbMEC) of eight restriction (RF) and seven control-fed (CF) cows were extracted out of one litre of milk and cultured. In their third passage, an immune challenge with the most prevalent, heat-inactivated mastitis pathogens Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) was conducted. Lactoferrin (LF) was determined on gene expression and protein level. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to determine LF in milk samples taken twice weekly throughout the animal trial, beginning on day 20 pp (post-partum) until day 150 pp, in cell culture total protein and in cell culture supernatant. Milk LF increased throughout the lactation and decreased significantly during the induced energy deficiency in the RF group. At the beginning of realimentation, LF concentration increased immediately in the RF group and reached higher levels than before the induced deficit following the upward trend seen in the CF group. Cell culture data revealed higher levels (up to sevenfold up-regulation in gene expression) and significant higher LF protein concentration in the RF compared to the CF group cells. A further emphasized effect was found in E. coli compared to S. aureus exposed cells. The general elevated LF levels in the RF pbMEC group and the further increase owing to the immune challenge indicate an unexpected memory ability of milk-extracted mammary cells that were transposed into in vitro conditions and even displayed in the third passage of cultivation. The study confirms the suitability of the non-invasive milk-extracted pbMEC culture model to monitor the influence of feeding experiments on immunological situations in vivo.


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The onset of lactation in dairy cows represents a major metabolic challenge that involves large adaptations in glucose, fatty acid, and mineral metabolism to support lactation and to avoid metabolic dysfunction. The complex system of adaptation can differ considerably between cows, and may have a genetic base. In the present review, the variation in adaptive reactions in dairy cows is discussed. In these studies, the liver being a key metabolic regulator for understanding the variation in adaptive performance of the dairy cow was the main focus of research. Liver function was evaluated through gene expression measurements; to explain the associated phenotypic variability and to identify descriptors for metabolic robustness in dairy cows. Hence, the identified genes involved act as a connecting link between the genotype encoded on the DNA and the phenotypic expression of the target factors at a protein level. The integration of phenotypic data, including gene expression profiles, and genomic data will facilitate a better characterization of the complex interplay between these levels, and will improve the genetic understanding necessary to unravel a certain trait or multi-trait such as metabolic robustness in dairy cows.


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We investigated the consequences of early malnutrition on milk production by dams and on body weight and structural lung growth of young rats using two models of protein restriction. Dams of the early restriction group were fed an 8% casein diet starting at parturition. Those of the delayed restriction group received a 12% casein diet from lactation d 8-14 and thereafter the 8% diet. After weaning, early restriction and delayed restriction group rats were maintained on low protein until d 49, then refed the control diet (18% casein) up to d 126. Milk was analyzed on d 12. Animals were killed at d 21, 49, and 126 for lung fixation in situ. In this report, we show that protein restriction lowered milk yield to 38% of normal. Milk lipid per gram of dry weight tended to be increased, whereas lactose and protein were significantly decreased. Pups from protein-restricted dams grew less and had lower lung volumes, effects being more serious at d 49. However, specific lung volumes (in milliliters per 100 g body weight) were constantly increased. This means that lung was either less affected than body mass or overdistended due to less connective tissue. After refeeding, both groups showed a remarkable catch-up in growth with restoration of the normal allometric relationship between lung volume and body weight. Thus, even after an early onset of protein restriction to total body, the lung is still capable to substantially recover from growth retardation.


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Effects of protein deficiency during the whole period of postnatal development and intensive growth were studied in the rat lung parenchyma. Dams received a low protein diet as follows: early restriction, 8% casein diet from parturition, and delayed restriction, 12% then 8% casein diet from lactation d 8. After weaning (d 21), early restriction and delayed restriction group rats were maintained on the 8% casein diet until d 49, wherefore they were returned to normal food (18% casein) for 11 wk. Lungs were processed for light and electron microscopic morphometry on d 21, 49, and 126. The diffusion capacity of the lung for O2 (DLO2) was also determined from the morphologic parameters. Volume and surface densities of the parenchymal components of malnourished rats did not consistently differ from controls. Because of lower lung volumes, absolute values, including DLO2, were all significantly decreased. Further, although lung volume growth was less impaired than body growth and thus deviated from the normal allometric relationship, most morphometric parameters paralleled body weight changes. Visually, we detected minor morphologic alterations at d 21 and 49, not necessarily reflected by morphometric data. But, importantly, lung parenchyma appeared mature at weaning despite the growth retardation. Normal refeeding resulted in a striking regrowth of the lung parenchyma. Although early restriction rats did not fully catch up in lung volume, most parenchymal parameters and DLO2 were largely restored in both refed groups.


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Approximately 10 to 15% of breast cancer patients develop a primary cancer in the contralateral breast. This study examined differences between women with unilateral compared with bilateral primary breast cancer. It focused on hormonal factors and family history, and evaluated the prevalences of invasive lobular histology and the replication error phenotype in the tumors. ^ Cases (n = 82) were patients at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC) in Houston, Texas diagnosed with primary breast cancer in each breast between 1985 and 1994 inclusive. Controls (n = 82) were MDACC patients with primary cancer in a single breast diagnosed during the same interval, individually matched to cases. Data were obtained by in-person and/or telephone interview with the patient and/or proxy. Replication error phenotype was determined from archival tissue. ^ Diagnosis of breast, but not ovarian, cancer in a female first-degree relative (FFDR) was a strong risk factor for bilateral cancers. Cases had a significantly 3-fold higher excess of familial breast cancer than did controls (cases: O/E = 2.65, 95% CI = 1.85–3.69; controls: 0.86, 0.46–1.47; homogeneity: p = 0.00). Risk did not vary with menopausal status of the patient, but was greatest if a relative was diagnosed before age 45 (O/E = 38.9; 95% CI = 21.7–64.1). By implication, young first-degree relatives of patients with bilateral breast cancer are at very high risk of breast cancer themselves. Cases also had significantly fewer siblings than did controls. ^ Earlier menarche, and parity in the absence of lactation, were associated with bilateral cancers; age at menopause and parity with lactation were not. A history of alcohol consumption, particularly if heavy, carried a 3.4-fold risk (p = 0.03). The data suggested a slightly different pattern in risk factors according to menopausal status and interval between cancers. ^ Replication error phenotype was available for 59 probands. It was associated with bilateral cancers (particularly if diagnosed within one year of each other), increased age (p = 0.02) and negative nodal status. Invasive lobular histology was associated with bilateral disease but numbers were small. ^ These data suggest bilateral breast cancer arises in the context of a combination of familial and hormonal factors, and alcohol consumption. The relative importance of each factor may vary by age of the patient. ^


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Pregnancy diagnostics in equine reproduction are routinely performed using transrectal ultrasonography, although it is also possible to visualize the fetus by transabdominal ultrasound examinations from the 90th day of gestation onward. We hypothesized that ultrasound examinations may stress the mare and that the gestational stage status and lactation may influence the mare's stress reaction. To investigate the stress reaction, 25 thoroughbred mares of different age, pregnancy and lactational status underwent a transrectal examination. In pregnant mares, an additional transabdominal examination was performed. Salivary cortisol concentration, mean heart rate, and heart rate variability of mares were assessed to evaluate the reactions of hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and of the autonomic nervous system. Significant differences were observed between lactating and nonlactating mares; with a lower responsiveness to stress in lactating mares. The transrectal ultrasound examination in nonlactating mares induced a significant increase in salivary cortisol (P < 0.05), and in the heart rate variability parameter, ratio of low to high frequencies (P < 0.05). This reflects an activation of the HPA axis and a shift to more sympathetic dominance. In contrast, a transabdominally performed pregnancy check did not induce an activation of the HPA axis over basal level but increased the mean heart rate and low to high frequency ratio. The results of this study indicate that checks of advanced pregnancies can be easily performed by transabdominal ultrasonography. With regard to animal welfare, this technique should be preferred during midgestation in nonlactating mares.