1000 resultados para Laboratorio de Física
The production and use of nitroaromatic explosives have resulted in their dissemination into the environment, where their presence in waterways and soil represents an ecological and health hazard. The hazardous characteristics of these compounds need to be carefully studied, so that the impact of their discharge on the environment can be better evaluated. This work presents the characterization of wastewater from Brazilian TNT industry using as analytical techniques mass spectroscopy, chromatography, toxicity assays and other physico-chemical analyses.
The study evaluated the efficiency of chemical (phosphorylation) and physical (extrusion) modifications of the starch of broken rice. Results demonstrated a reduction in the moisture content of extruded and phosphorylated broken rice and an increase in the ash content of phosphorylated broken rice. Both phosphorylation and extrusion increased cold water binding capacity, swelling power, and solubility. Extruded and phosphorylated pastes were stable under refrigeration, but only extruded paste was stable when submitted to freezing. Phosphorylated paste had the lowest viscosity and the highest stability during heating, while the extruded one gelatinized without heating, but had higher losses during heating.
Una de las prácticas de laboratorio de Tecnología Farmacéutica requiere la elaboración de comprimidos en la asignatura de Farmacia Galénica II siguiendo el mismo flujo de fabricación al empleado en la industria farmacéutica (pesada, tamización, mezclado, amasado, granulación, secado, mezclado y compresión). Estos comprimidos se analizan en la asignatura de Farmacia Galénica III (entre 6 y 12 meses más tarde) por los mismos alumnos según las directrices de la Real Farmacopea Española.En el trabajo se exponen gráficamente los resultados hallados y se comentan los principales puntos de mejora ya que el producto elaborado no es conforme en la mayoría de los casos (sólo alrededor del 50% de los productos elaborados por los alumnos podrían ser conformes, aún siendo un proceso validado). Realmente, la experiencia de los operadores es el punto más crítico que influye en los resultados de estos lotes de comprimidos, sobre todo en el laboratorio analítico. Esta hipótesis ha sido confirmada en lotes analizados por el personal cualificado del departamento de control de calidad del Servei de Desenvolupament del Medicament de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona, ya que en todos los casos los resultados obtenidos fueron más exactos, repetitivos y cercanos a los teóricos.
One of the methodological resources that teachers use in a generalised way in Physical Education classes is the game. Inthis article we define the concept of game and analyse the characteristics of their internal structure. On the other hand welook at the concepts of physical condition and conditional skills and describe the objectives of its work in Primary Education.Finally, we relate these concepts and propose two practical examples of modifying the internal structure of the game so asto produce variations in the implied conditional skills
From the areas of motor learning and the teaching of Physical Education we promote coherent methodological orientationswith the present curricular guide that are focused in such a way so that the student is able to act independently. In thissense we may consider the problem situations as a good example for methodological proposals. So as to determine its useand adequateness for Physical Education it is conveniente to analyse the characteristics of the motor tasks that areproposed as well as the features of the teaching intervention in such a way as to ease the adquisition and development ofthe motor competence of the students
In front of a moment of change in the education, with the entry into force of the LOE (Ley Orgánica de Educación, 2006), the aim of thisarticle is to face the challenge of trying to answer to the need to make concrete learning agreements with the new curriculum based on competences.The present article arises from the interest of being able to offer an approach that facilitates the exposition to show the didactic units from the areaof physical education in relation with the pedagogic principles of the LOE. Departing from this commitment, let’s sense beforehand an offer of thecontributions of the Physical Education to the Basic Competence to learn to learn which entails to develop some capacities in fuction of knowing todo skills
There are different concepts in electrochemistry that must be supported by a laboratory practice to better understand their importance in industrial applications. This work reports the procedure for manufacturing an electrodialyzer in series of two or more compartments with easy manipulation. Likewise, it reports the results obtained by using this system in the nitrate elimination from synthetic NaNO3 solutions at different concentrations. Among other results obtained in the electrodialysis of these solutions, the one that stands out is the demonstration of the linear relationship between the limiting current, obtained from the polarization curves, and nitrate concentration. Additionally, implementation of the separation treatment shows that the time of elimination of practically all ionic species depends on their concentration in solution and ranges between 50 and 80 min.
A thermodynamic formalism based on the Gibbs Dividing Surface (GDS) for the description of a solid-fluid interface is presented, so that the adsorption layer is understand as a phase and the adsorption process as the transference of components between a 3-dimensional phase and a 2-dimensional one. Using a state equation derived from the Henry's Law, we shall show how the Langmuir isotherm is deduced from de Gibbs isotherm. The GDS is useful also for understanding the release of heat by a system as the adsorption occurs.
The Problem Based Learning (PBL) can be used as a strategy for methodological change in conventional learning environments. In this paper, the integration of laboratory work in PBL grounded activities during an introductory organic chemistry course is described. The most decisive issues of their implementation are discussed. The results show how this methodology favours the laboratory work contextualization in subject-matter and promotes the Science-Technology-Society-Environment relationships. Besides, it contributes to competence development like planning and organization skills, information search and selection, cooperative work, etc., the same way as the tutorial action improvement.