1000 resultados para LSCNO thin films


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Previously, an inverted phase (the minority blocks comprising the continuum phase) was found in solution-cast block copolymer thin films. In this study, the effect of casting solvents on the formation of inverted phase has been studied. Two block copolymers, poly(styrene-b-butadiene) (SB) (M-w = 73 930 Da) and poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) (SBS) (M-w = 140 000 Da), with comparable block lengths and equal polystyrene (PS) weight fraction (similar to30 wt %) were used. The copolymer thin films were cast from different solvents, toluene, benzene, cyclohexane, and binary mixtures of benzene and cyclohexane. Toluene and benzene are good solvents for both PS and PB, but have a preferential affinity for PS, while cyclohexane is a good solvent for PB but a Theta solvent for PS (T-Theta = 34.5 degreesC). The differential solvent affinity for PS and PB was estimated in terms of a difference between the polymer-solvent interaction parameter, chi, for each block. Under an extremely slow solvent evaporation rate, the time-dependent phase behavior during such a solution-to-film process was examined by freeze-drying the samples at different stages, corresponding to different copolymer concentrations, rho.


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We have studied the surface morphology of symmetric poly(styrene)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) diblock copolymer thin films after solvent vapor treatment selective for poly(methyl methacrylate). Highly ordered nanoscale depressions or striped morphologies are obtained by varying the solvent annealing time. The resulting nanostructured films turn out to be sensitive to the surrounding medium, that is, their morphologies and surface properties can be reversibly switchable upon exposure to different block-selective solvents.


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Submonolayer thin films of a three-ring bent-core (that is, banana-shaped) compound, m-bis(4-n-octyloxystyryl)benzene (m-OSB), were prepared by the vacuum-deposition method, and their morphologies, structures, and phase behavior were investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The films have island shapes ranging from compact elliptic or circular patterns at low temperatures (below 40 degreesC) to branched patterns at high temperatures (above 60 degreesC). This shape evolution is contrary to the prediction based on the traditional diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) theory. AFM observations revealed that two different mechanisms governed the film growth, in which the compact islands were formed via a dewetting-like behavior, while the branched islands diffusion-mediated. It is suggested m-OSB forms a two-dimensional, liquid crystal at the low-temperature substrate that is responsible for the unusual formation of compact islands. All of the monolayer islands are unstable and apt to transform to slender bilayer crystals at room temperature. This phase transition results from the peculiar molecular shape and packing of the bent-core molecules and is interpreted as escaping from macroscopic net polarization by the formation of an antiferroelectric alignment.


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Polyester thin films containing europium-substituted heteropolytungstate were obtained on quartz plate by the sol-gel method. The films exhibited the characteristic emission bands of the europium ion. The red to orange intensity ratio (R:O) of Eu3+ in the films increased as compared to the corresponding heteropolytungstate solids. The fluorescence lifetime of europium is shorter in the thin film than in the heteropolytungstate solid. The results indicated that the formation of europium-substituted heteropolytungstate/polyester thin film has great effect on the luminescence of europium- substituted heteropolytungstate.


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Fabrication of ultrathin polymer composite films with low dielectric constants has been demonstrated. Octa( aminophenyl) silsesquioxane (OAPS) was synthesized and assembled with poly( acrylic acid) (PAA) and poly( styrene sulfonate) (PSS) via a layer-by-layer electrostatic self-assembly technique to yield nanoporous ultrathin films. The OAPS was soluble in water at pH 3 or lower, and suitable pH conditions for the OAPS/PAA and OAPS/PSS assemblies were determined. The multilayer formation process was studied by contact angle analysis, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, quartz crystal microgravimetry, UV-vis spectroscopy, and ellipsometry. The multilayer growth was found to be steady and uniform, and the analysis of the film surface revealed a rough topography due to OAPS aggregates. The incorporation of porous OAPS molecules into the thin films significantly lowered their dielectric constants. The OAPS/PAA multilayer thin film thus prepared exhibited a dielectric constant of 2.06 compared to 2.58 for pure PAA film. The OAPS/PAA multilayer film was heated to effect cross-linking between the OAPS and the PAA layers, and the transformation was verified by reflection-absorption Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.


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We report the morphology and phase behaviors of blend thin films containing two poly styrene-b-poly (methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) diblock copolymers with different blending compositions induced by a selective solvent for the PMMA block, which were studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The neat asymmetric PS-b-PMMA diblock copolymers employed in this study, respectively coded as a(1) and a(2), have similar molecular weights but different volume fractions of PS block (f(PS) = 0.273 and 0.722). Another symmetric PS-b-PMMA diblock copolymer, coded as s, which has a PS block length similar to that of a(1), was also used. For the asymmetric a(1)/a(2) blend thin films, circular multilayered structures were formed. For the asymmetric a(1)/symmetric s blend thin films, inverted phases with PMMA as the dispersed domains were observed, when the weight fraction of s was less than 50%. The origins of the morphology formation in the blend thin films via solvent treatment are discussed. Combined with the theoretical prediction by Birshtein et al. (Polymer 1992, 33, 2750), we interpret the formation of these special microstructures as due to the packing frustration induced by the difference in block lengths and the preferential interactions between the solvent and PMMA block.


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The effect of crystallization on the lamellar orientation of poly( styrene)-b-poly(L-lactide) (PS-PLLA) semicrystalline diblock copolymer in thin films has been investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). In the melt state, microphase separation leads to a symmetric wetting structure with PLLA blocks located at both polymer/substrate and polymer/air interfaces. The lamellar period is equal to the long period L in bulk determined by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). Symmetric wetting structure formed in the melt state provides a model structure to study the crystallization of PLLA monolayer tethered on glassy (T-c < T-g,T-PS) or rubber (T-c > T-g,T-PS) PS substrate. In both cases, it is found that the crystallization of PLLA results in a "sandwich" structure with amorphous PS layer located at both folding surfaces. For T-c <= T-g,T- PS, the crystallization induces a transition of the lamellar orientation from parallel to perpendicular to substrate in between and front of the crystals. In addition, the depletion of materials around the crystals leads to the formation of holes of 1/2 L, leaving the adsorbed monolayer exposure at the bottom of the holes.


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We have investigated the inverted phase formation and the transition from inverted to normal phase for a cylinder-forming polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) diblock copolymer in solution-cast films with thickness about 300 nm during the process of the solution concentrating by slow solvent evaporation. The cast solvent is 1, 1,2,2-tetrachloroethane (Tetra-CE), a good solvent for both blocks but having preferential affinity for the minority PMMA block. During such solution concentrating process, the phase behavior was examined by freeze-drying the samples at different evaporation time, corresponding to at different block copolymer concentrations, phi. As phi increases from similar to 0.1 % (nu/nu), the phase structure evolved from the disordered sphere phase (DS), consisting of random arranged spheres with the majority PS block as I core and the minority PMMA block as a corona, to ordered inverted phases including inverted spheres (IS), inverted cylinders (IC), and inverted hexagonally perforated lamellae (IHPL) with the minority PMMA block comprising the continuum phase, and then to the lamellar (LAM) phase with alternate layers of the two blocks, and finally to the normal cylinder (NC) phase with the majority PS block comprising the continuum phase. The solvent nature and the copolymer solution concentration are shown to be mainly responsible for the inverted phase formation and the phase transition process.


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We have systematically studied the thin film morphologies of symmetric poly(styrene)-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) (PS-b-PMMA) diblock copolymer after annealing to solvents with varying selectivity. Upon neutral solvent vapor annealing, terraced morphology is observed without any lateral structures on the surfaces. When using PS-selective solvent annealing, the film exhibits macroscopically flat with a disordered micellar structure. While PMMA-selective solvent annealing leads to the dewetting of the film with fractal-like holes, with highly ordered nanoscale depressions in the region of undewetted films. In addition, when decreasing the swelling degree of the film in the case of PMMA-selective solvent annealing, hills and valleys are observed with the coexistence of highly ordered nanoscale spheres and stripes on the surface, in contrast to the case of higher swelling degree. The differences are explained qualitatively on the basis of polymer-solvent interaction parameters of the different components.


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Crystallization and phase behavior in solution-cast thin films of crystalline syndiotactic 1,2-polybutadiene (s-1,2-PB) and isotactic polypropylene (i-PP) blends have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) techniques. Thin films of pure s-1,2-PB consist of parallel lamellae with the c-axis perpendicular to the film plane and the lateral scale in micrometer size, while those of i-PP are composed of cross-hatched and single-crystal-like lamellae. For the blends, TEM and AFM observations show that with addition of i-PP, the s-1,2-PB long lamellae become bended and i-PP itself tends to form dispersed convex regions oil a continuous s-1,2-PB phase even when i-PP is the predominant component, which indicates a strong phase separation between the two polymers during film formation. FESEM micrographs of both lower and upper surfaces of the films reveal that the s-1,2-PB lamellae pass through i-PPconvex regions from the bottom, i.e. the dispersed i-PP regions lie on the continuous s-1,2-PB phase. The structural development is attributed to an interplay of crystallization and phase separation of the blends in the film forming process.


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A novel method for the fabrication of gold nanoparticle multilayer films based on the covalent-bonding interaction between boronic acid and polyols, poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA), was developed. The multilayer buildup was monitored by UV-vis absorbance, spectroscopy, which showed a linear increase of the film absorbance with the number of adsorbed Au layers and indicated the stepwise and uniform assembling process. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) image showed that a compact gold multilayer thin film was successfully assembled. The residual boronic acid group on the surface of thin film Could incorporate glycosylated-protein horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and good catalytic activity for H2O2 could be observed.


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Ce3+ and/or Tb3+-doped (La,Gd)MgB5O10 nanocrystalline thin films were deposited on silica glass substrates by a sol-gel dip-coating process using triethyl borate B(OC2H5)(3) as the boron source. The results of XRD indicated that the films have fully crystallized after annealing at 800 degrees C. The films are transparent, uniform and crack free with a thickness of about 300 nm, consisting of particles with an average grain size of 50 nm. The luminescence and energy transfer properties of Ce3+ and Tb3+ have been studied in the films. It is confirmed that the excitation energy of Ce3+ transfers to the Gd3+, migrates over the Gd3+ sublattices, trapped by the Tb3+ and resulted in its characteristic green emission (D-5(4)-F-7(5) at 543 nm) in GdMgB5O10 nanocrystalline films as in the powder phosphors.


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In this Letter, crystal growth of a symmetric crystalline-amorphous diblock copolymer, poly(styrene-b-epsilon-caprolactone) (PS-b-PCL), in thin films was investigated by atomic force microscopy (AFM), Relief structures of holes and islands were formed during annealing the film at the molten state, and the in situ observation of subsequent crystal growth at room temperature indicated that the crystals were preferred to occur at the edge of holes or islands and grew into the interior area. It was concluded that the stretched PCL blocks at the edge of relief structures, caused by material transportation or deformation of the interface, could act as nucleation agents during polymer crystallization. The crystal growth rate of individual lamellae varied both from lamellae to lamellae and in time, but the area occupied by crystals increased constantly with time. At 22 degreesC, the growth rate was 1.2 x 10(-2) mum(2)/min with the scan size 2 x 2 mum(2).


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The surface morphology and crystallization behavior of a weakly segregated symmetric diblock copolymer, poly(styrene-b-6-caprolactone) (PS-b-PCL), in thin films were investigated by optical microscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). When the samples were annealed in the molten state, surface-induced ordering, that is, relief structures with uniform thickness or droplets in the adsorbed monolayer, were observed depending on the annealing temperature. The polar PCL block preferred to wet the surface of a silicon wafer, while the PS block wet the air interface. This asymmetric wetting behavior led to the adsorbed monolayer with a PCL block layer having a thickness of around 4.0 nm. The crystallization of PCL blocks could overwhelm the microphase-separated structure because of the weak segregation. In situ observation of crystal growth indicated that the nucleation process preferred to occur at the edge of the thick parts of the film, that is, the relief structures or droplets. The crystal growth rate was presented by the time dependence of the distance between the tip of crystal clusters and the edge. At 22 and 17 degreesC, the average crystal growth rates were 55 +/- 10 and 18 +/- 4 nm/min, respectively.


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Rare-earth ion (Eu3+, Tb3+, Ce3+)- doped LaPO4 nanocrystalline thin films and their patterning were fabricated by a Pechini sol-gel process combined with soft lithography on silicon and silica glass substrates. X-Ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microcopy (SEM), optical microscopy, absorption and photoluminescence (PL) spectra as well as lifetimes were used to characterize the resulting films. The results of XRD indicate that the films begin to crystallize at 700 degreesC and the crystallinity increases with increasing annealing temperature. The morphology of the thin film depends on the annealing temperature and the number of coating layers. The 1000 degreesC annealed single layer film is transparent to the naked eye, uniform and crack-free with a thickness of about 200 nm and an average grain size of 100 nm. Patterned thin films with different strip widths ( 5 - 50 mm) were obtained by micromolding in capillaries ( soft lithography). The doped rare earth ions show their characteristic emission in the nanocrystalline LaPO4 films, i.e., Eu3+ D-5(0)-F-7(J) (J = 1, 2, 3, 4), Tb3+ D-5(3,4) - F-7(J) ( J = 6, 5, 4, 3, 2) and Ce3+ 5d-4f transition emissions, respectively. Both the lifetimes and the PL intensities of Eu3+ and Tb3+ increase with increasing annealing temperature, and the optimum concentrations for them were determined to be 5 mol% and 16 mol% of La3+ in LaPO4 thin films, respectively. An energy transfer phenomenon from Ce3+ to Tb3+ has been observed in LaPO4 nanocrystalline thin films, and the energy transfer efficiency depends on the doping concentration of Tb3+ if the concentration of Ce3+ is fixed.