966 resultados para LITTER


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da topografia e da precipitação pluviométrica na composição arbórea e na produção de liteira em uma floresta ombrófila densa na Floresta Nacional de Caxiuanã. Foram demarcadas três parcelas de 1.000 m2 em cada nível topográfico, caracterizado como baixio, intermediário e platô, bem como identificados os indivíduos arbóreos e coletadas amostras da liteira. Nos três níveis, foram registradas 124 espécies em 33 famílias, sendo estas Sapotaceae, Lecythidaceae e Chrysobalanaceae, que apresentaram o maior índice de valor de importância. Lecythis idatimon Aubl., Rinorea guianensis Aubl. e Eschweilera coriacea (DC.) S.A. Mori. A sazonalidade interferiu expressivamente na produção da liteira, revelando a maior produção no final da estação chuvosa e no início da estação seca. O estímulo ambiental para a queda das folhas é, principalmente, devido à diminuição da umidade relativa do ar, justificada pela necessidade das plantas em aumentar a eficiência fotossintética. A diferença na estrutura da população revela estratégias distintas para a produção de flores e, consequentemente, na dispersão de frutos e sementes.


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As novas técnicas propostas para a agricultura na Amazônia incluem sistema de rotação de capoeira enriquecido com árvores leguminosas e transformando a queima da biomassa em cobertura morta sobre o solo. A decomposição e a liberação de nutrientes da cobertura morta foram estudadas usando sacos de liteira com malha fina que continham cinco tratamentos com diferentes espécies de leguminosas em comparação a um tratamento-controle com vegetação natural. As amostras para cada tratamento foram analisadas para conteúdos de C total, N, P, K, Ca, Mg, lignina, celulose e polifenóis solúveis em diferentes tempos de amostragem durante um ano. A razão constante de decomposição variou com a espécie e com o tempo. A perda de massa nos sacos de decomposição foi de 30,1 % para Acacia angustissima, de 32,7 % para Sclerolobium paniculatum, de 33,9 % para Inga edulis e para a vegetação secundária, de 45,2 % para Acacia mangium e de 63,6 % para Clitoria racemosa. Foi observada imobilização de N e P em todos os tratamentos, sendo a mineralização do N negativamente correlacionada com o fenol, razão C/N, razão (lignina + fenol)/N, razão fenol/P e o conteúdo de N nos sacos de liteira. Depois de 362 dias de incubação no campo, 3,3 % de K, 32,2 % de Ca e 22,4 % de Mg permaneceram no material em decomposição. Os resultados evidenciaram que a baixa qualidade mineral e a alta quantidade de carbono orgânico e aplicado como cobertura morta podem limitar a quantidade de energia disponível para os microrganismos resultando em uma competição por nutrientes com as plantas agrícolas.


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This study analyzed spatial location patterns of Cercocarpus ledifolius Nutt. (curlleaf mountain mahogany) plants, classified as current-year seedling, established seedling, juvenile, and immature individuals, at a central Nevada study site. Most current-year seedlings were located in mahogany stands in which large, mature individuals had the greatest abundance. These stands had greater litter cover and a thicker layer of litter than areas with few current- year seedlings. Most established young Cercocarpus were located in adjacent Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana (mountain big sagebrush) communities, or in infrequent canopy gaps between relatively few large, mature Cercocarpus. We discuss potential roles of plant litter, root growth characteristics, nurse plants, and herbivory in the establishment and renewal of Cercocarpus communities.


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Swine production has increasingly become a lowmargin business. As costs of production have increased, producers are continuing to increase efficiency in both market pig production and gilt development. Restricting energy during gilt development reduces feeding costs and can enhance some productivity measures, but can also negatively impact other areas of production. Thus, the net economic returns from a restricted energy gilt development program are unclear. This study utilized gilt development and market pig production data for two genetic lines of hogs, LWxLR (a cross between industry Large White and Landrace) and L45X (a Nebraska line selected 23 generations for increased litter size) from Johnson and Miller and Johnson et al., to estimate the returns to finishing market hogs using conventional and restricted energy gilt development programs.


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Many bird species are attracted to landfills which take domestic or putrescible waste. These sites provide a reliable, rich source of food which can attract large concentrations of birds. The birds may cause conflicts with human interest with respect to noise, birds carrying litter off site, possible transmission of pathogens in bird droppings and the potential for birdstrikes. In the UK there is an 8 mile safeguarding radius around an airfield, within which any planning applications must pass scrutiny from regulatory bodies to show they will not attract birds into the area and increase the birdstrike risk. Peckfield Landfill site near Leeds, West Yorkshire was chosen for a trial of a netting system designed to exclude birds from domestic waste landfills. The site was assessed for bird numbers before the trial, during the netting trial and after the net had been removed. A ScanCord net was installed for 6 weeks, during which time all household waste was tipped inside the net. Gull numbers decreased on the site from a mean of 1074 per hourly count to 29 per hourly count after two days. The gull numbers increased again after the net had been removed. Bird concentrations in the surroundings were also monitored to assess the effect of the net. Bird numbers in the immediate vicinity of the landfill site were higher than those further away. When the net was installed, the bird concentrations adjacent to the landfill site decreased. Corvids were not affected by the net as they fed on covered waste which was available outside the net throughout the trial. This shows that bird problems on a landfill site are complex, requiring a comprehensive policy of bird control. A supporting bird scaring system and clear operating policy for sites near to airports would be required.


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Nulliparous female Syrian hamsters were used to investigate the effect of two different breeding systems on the fertility of the female Syrian hamster. We hypothesized that females submitted to a harem system (HS) would deliver smaller and more female-biased litters than in a monogamic system. Ten female and 10 adult male hamsters housed individually (G1) were kept in a monogamic temporary breeding system, while 10 females and five males (G2) were submitted to HS with two females and a male permanently housed together since female weaning. Females from G1 and G2 delivered, respectively, 47 and 50 litters, and produced 364 (G1) and 383 (G2) weaned pups without any difference in litter size, mean weight of weaned pups and body condition of dams. Interparturition intervals were shorter and the percentage of male pups per litter was higher in the HS possibly as a result of different endocrine conditions provided by different breeding systems. Besides providing evidence that housing conditions can influence the sex of hamster offspring, our findings suggest a mechanism for the non-random distribution of male and female pups in hamster litters.


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A new myrmicine ant, Tropidomyrmex elianae gen. n. & sp. n., is described from southeastern and central Brazil, based on workers, ergatoid gynes, males and larvae. Tropidomyrmex workers are relatively small, monomorphic, characterized mainly by the feebly pigmented and extremely thin integument; subfalcate mandibles bearing a single apical tooth; palpal formula 1,2; clypeus relatively broad and convex; reduced compound eyes; propodeum unarmed and with a strongly medially depressed declivous face; double and bilobed well developed subpostpetiolar processes; and peculiarities in the sting apparatus. A colony fragment of T. elianae containing workers, ergatoid gynes, males, and brood was found inside a ground termite nest (Anoplotermes pacificus Apicotermitinae) in a montane rocky scrubland in the state of Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil. Tropidomyrmex elianae is known also from two workers collected in leaf litter samples processed with a Winkler extractor, from the state of Tocantins, central-north Brazil. Despite the differences from the accepted solenopsidine genera, Tropidomyrmex is tentatively assigned to this tribe. Within the solenopsidine ants, the genus is apparently related to Tranopelta. Tropidomyrmex is marked by extreme reductions, perhaps reflecting adaptations to particular habits and habitats.


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The Neotropical ant genus Lachnomyrmex Wheeler, 1910 is revised for the first time. A revised generic description is provided for workers and gynes; males remain unknown. Morphological patterns combined with geographical data led to the recognition of 16 species, of which 10 are here described as new: L. amazonicus sp. n., L. fernandezi sp. n., L. grandis Fernandez & Baena, L. haskinsi Smith, L. lattkei sp. n., L. longinodus Fernandez & Baena, L. longinoi sp. n., L. mackayi sp. n., L. nordestinus sp. n., L. pilosus Weber, L. laticeps sp. n., L. platynodus sp. n., L. plaumanni Borgmeier, L. regularis sp. n., L. scrobiculatus Wheeler, and L. victori sp. n. The gynes of L. grandis, L. haskinsi, and L. pilosus are described for the first time. Illustrated identification keys for workers, distribution maps, and high resolution illustrations are supplied for all species. Some Lachnomyrmex species are relatively common in the leaf-litter of submontane wet forests in Central and South America; others remain known by very few individuals. The relatively small and apparently monogynic Lachnomyrmex colonies inhabit small nests in the ground, among rotten leaves and inside fallen logs. Workers generally forage alone on the ground or within the leaf litter, but have been recorded also on tree trunks, and apparently do not recruit nestmates.


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The recent increase in leaf litter ants sampling effort in Neotropical wet forests has revealed new and interesting records of the highly specialized myrmicine ant genus Stegomyrmex Emery, previously considered as extremely rare. We present a modified diagnosis for the genus and describe Stegomyrmex bensoni n. sp. and S. olindae n. sp., based on, respectively, workers, males, and gyne (central-north Brazil) and on a single worker (northern Brazil). Stegomyrmex vizottoi Diniz (southeastern Brazil) is redescribed and compared with S. olindae n. sp.; these species present significant differences in size, sculpturation, and sting apparatus morphology. The males of S. vizottoi are described for the first time. A key for workers and queens and a distribution map for the five know Stegomyrmex species are provided.


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A new species of Pseudoboa, P. martinsi, is described from the Amazon basin of Brazil, with records from the states of Para, Amazonas, Roraima and Rondonia. The new species is distinguished from the other five species of the genus by a combination of scalation and coloration characters. Individuals of the new species were found in both primary and disturbed forested areas. The species seems to be predominantly nocturnal and secretive because specimens were found foraging in the litter during night.


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Regeneration microsites are characterized by diverse combinations of attributes which assure the best conditions for seed germination and seedling establishment. By understanding these attributes, we can contribute to determining better management methodologies for reestablishing ecological process in sites under restoration. Thus, we sought to characterize and differentiate the micro-site conditions of restoration plantings to indentify likely physical-chemical limitations for the establishment of native tree species in the forest understory. This study was carried out in reforestation plantings with different ages (10, 22 and 55 years). The physical-chemical characterization of the micro-site of regeneration of the study areas was carried out by evaluating the soil compression level, porosity, humidity, organic matter and nutrients content and granulometry, as well as litter dry mass and canopy cover. An increase on the canopy cover and soil porosity, humidity, clay and organic matter content were observed in the oldest restored areas, as well as a decrease in soil compression. Thus, these findings demonstrated that the evaluated microsite properties are in process of restoration. Therefore, microsite conditions for seedling establishment become even more similar to reference ecosystems as restoration planting evolve.


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Microplastics are omnipresent in the oceans and generally have negative impacts on the biota. However, flotsam may increase the availability of hard substrates, which are considered a limiting resource for some oceanic species, e.g. as oviposition sites for the ocean insect Halobates. This study describes the use of plastic pellets as an oviposition site for Halobates micans and discusses possible effects on its abundance and dispersion. Inspection of egg masses on stranded particles on beaches revealed that a mean of 24% (from 0% to 62%) of the pellets bore eggs (mean of 5 and max. of 48 eggs per pellet). Most eggs (63%) contained embryos, while 37% were empty egg shells. This shows that even small plastic particles are used as oviposition site by H. micans, and that marine litter may have a positive effect over the abundance and dispersion of this species. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Litterfall and litter decomposition are vital processes in tropical forests because they regulate nutrient cycling. Nutrient cycling can be altered by forest fragmentation. The Atlantic Forest is one of the most threatened biomes in the world due to human occupation over the last 500 years. This scenario has resulted in fragments of different size, age and regeneration phase. To investigate differences in litterfall and leaf decomposition between forest successional phases, we compared six forest fragments at three different successional phases and an area of mature forest on the Atlantic Plateau of Sao Paulo, Brazil. We sampled litter monthly from November 2008 to October 2009. We used litterbags to calculate leaf decomposition rate of an exotic species, Tipuana tipu (Fabaceae), over the same period litter sampling was performed. Litterfall was higher in the earliest successional area. This pattern may be related to the structural properties of the forest fragments, especially the higher abundance of pioneer species, which have higher productivity and are typical of early successional areas. However, we have not found significant differences in the decomposition rates between the studied areas, which may be caused by rapid stabilization of the decomposition environment (combined effect of microclimatic conditions and the decomposers activities). This result indicates that the leaf decomposition process have already been restored to levels observed in mature forests after a few decades of regeneration, although litterfall has not been entirely restored. This study emphasizes the importance of secondary forests for restoration of ecosystem processes on a regional scale.


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Cypermethrin dust was evaluated as a tool for the integrated management of lesser mealwonns (also called the darkling beetle), Alphitobius diaperinus (Panzer). This experiment examined the efficacy of the cypermethrin against adult and late instar lesser mealwonns under laboratory conditions. Two bioassay methods were evaluated, using either a petri plate or a covered plastic container simulating poultry house conditions. In the simulated conditions, two different samples were used and cypermethrin was either dusted onto the surface of the container or was directly dusted onto the bottom. The LC50 for adults was 636.6 ppm, however, 929.7 ppm of cypermethrin dust was needed to achieve a 50% mortality rate in late instar larvae 24 h after the administration of the insecticide. A similar trend was observed in the simulated poultry houses when the adult mortality was > 90% while effectiveness in late in. star larvae was decreased, i.e., between 50 and 85%. Significant differences in the toxicity profiles were observed in larvae mortality when cypermethrin it was dusted directly onto the litter surface, compared to the bottom of the container. We have verified that cypermethrin dust is available for use in poultry houses however, toxicity profiles of lesser mealworm may depend on the beetle's stage of development and method of application